Mortimer starts a weight loss programme now

I'm not saying he should go out and try and run a marathon.
I always liked riding a bike for cardio,you push it hard for a short stretch and then take a casual ride rinse and repeat.
Eventually you find that those pushed times get longer and longer.
When he gets himself under proper medical care and (prior) attention, he can begin some cardio. Until then, he might be risking fatality.

I’m no doctor. But that doesn’t mean I can’t offer words of caution. At some point, if he makes progress, maybe a doctor will say, “sure. You’re ready. Do some cardio.” All I’m saying is, see a doctor first and get a solid physical examination.

You know a bad time to find that your excess weight has made you a heart attack risk? In the middle of a run. asked for motivation and YOU MOTIVATED ME!

I have almost 20 pounds I'd like to drop and if I set my mind to it now...I'm sure I can drop them before the snow files.

I'm in this with ya Mortimer! Let's do it! :beer:
Why I don't ever have to "count calories" and always feel full and satisfied


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Please support me and motivate me.

I packed 7kg since December 2022, that is alot for 8 months and it is noticeable and visible. I dont want to be 300kg, I gain and gain weight and now it has to stop.

I will

  • Eat less
  • Eat more healthy (instead of the chocolate an apple for example)
  • Do a little physical excersise, like climbing stairs, punching the speedball, lifting dummbells

I did that a few years ago and lost 30kg, im still 10-15kg less then i used to be in 2016

Until end of the year I want to lose 10kg. I think after one or two weeks i already will feel better and have lost 1-2kg

Ya gotta follow through Mort

We cheered ya on every time ya said you were gonna ....

Are you gonna crap out again ?'re gonna crap out again

Please support me and motivate me.
1. I join other members (and guests) in wishing you the best of luck.

a. Being slender gives one a fresh outlook on life and causes people to have a positive view of you.

2. Please walk (preferably outdoors) for at least 30 minutes daily, especially where there are lots of trees and beautiful flowers.

3. Severely limit your sugar (stop soda, for example. Maybe make it a treat once a week).
Welp, I dropped 2 pounds Mortimer. I know it ain't much but it's only been 4 days.

I'm pretty sure it's the apple & carrots just before sleepy time...they make ya lose weight while ya :bigbed:
3 pounds gone!

Ya know what the cool thing is? With that tiny little bit of incentive...I no longer crave a pizza when I see a pizza commercial on TV.

It's just...gone.

Nothing tastes as good as being in shape!
I imagine 3 pounds of frozen hamburger stuck to my ass.

No wonder my pants are getting so loose :D

Even my haircut wench mentioned I needed to get smaller pants...I told her an apple and carrots before you go to bed...she said she'd try it.
It gets easier
Every day it gets a little easier
But you gotta do it every day
That’s the hard part
luiza, I like your politics Why won't you just be nice and give the guy a break?
What you see here is hard banter . Mortuary and I occasionally PM and I try to convince him he is not a fat bum even though I do not enjoy telling blatant lies . He thinks I am something rare and special so he is not devoid of intelligence .
We need to see a new picture of Mort to see if he sticks to his diet and exercise plan.
Translated into lbs for American readers:

Please support me and motivate me.
I packed 15 lbs since December 2022, that is alot for 8 months and it is noticeable and visible. I dont want to be 661 lbs, I gain and gain weight and now it has to stop.

I will

  • Eat less
  • Eat more healthy (instead of the chocolate an apple for example)
  • Do a little physical excersise, like climbing stairs, punching the speedball, lifting dummbells

I did that a few years ago and lost 66 lbs, im still 22-33 lbs less then i used to be in 2016

Until end of the year I want to lose 22 lbs. I think after one or two weeks i already will feel better and have lost 2-4 lbs.
Please support me and motivate me.

I packed 7kg since December 2022, that is alot for 8 months and it is noticeable and visible. I dont want to be 300kg, I gain and gain weight and now it has to stop.

I will

  • Eat less
  • Eat more healthy (instead of the chocolate an apple for example)
  • Do a little physical excersise, like climbing stairs, punching the speedball, lifting dummbells

I did that a few years ago and lost 30kg, im still 10-15kg less then i used to be in 2016

Until end of the year I want to lose 10kg. I think after one or two weeks i already will feel better and have lost 1-2kg

If you eat less often, you will not lose much, if any weight. You will likely even gain it. That's because your body will think it is starving and then when you do eat, it will hold onto whatever you give it and.. This has been confirmed to me to be true in my own experience. That's not to say it is unhealthy to fast. It is very healthy to fast once in awhile. But as a wt loss regime... no.
Update... It's been just over a week since I started my thread. I was 142kg and this morning I was 138.9kg, but I haven't really lost any weight yet, it varies from day to day, sometimes I have less, if I just haven't eaten for a day, but if I eat more the next day I have more again. But I had fewer kg today than I did a week ago. I hope I can build on it, now 137kg again in a week etc. I'll write again when I'm under 135kg.
Update... It's been just over a week since I started my thread. I was 142kg and this morning I was 138.9kg, but I haven't really lost any weight yet, it varies from day to day, sometimes I have less, if I just haven't eaten for a day, but if I eat more the next day I have more again. But I had fewer kg today than I did a week ago. I hope I can build on it, now 137kg again in a week etc. I'll write again when I'm under 135kg.

Good job as it's just a little bit at a time that'll actually make a difference. Baby steps :)

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