Mortimer starts a weight loss programme now

I was never 660 pounds, my highest was 160kg that is 353 pounds. Interesting how you do not understand what i said. I dont know what i wrote wrong.

Simple. You wrote “I dont want to be 300kg, I gain”. I misread it as 30kg Again.” Lol.

How tall are you?
Please support me and motivate me.

I packed 7kg since December 2022, that is alot for 8 months and it is noticeable and visible. I dont want to be 300kg, I gain and gain weight and now it has to stop.

I will

  • Eat less
  • Eat more healthy (instead of the chocolate an apple for example)
  • Do a little physical excersise, like climbing stairs, punching the speedball, lifting dummbells

I did that a few years ago and lost 30kg, im still 10-15kg less then i used to be in 2016

Until end of the year I want to lose 10kg. I think after one or two weeks i already will feel better and have lost 1-2kg

sounds good. Yeah do cardio with very light dumbells... so you can do a lot of Reps. and then eat a lot of vegetables with fiber..drink lots of fresh crushed ginger tea, that will help to lower blood sugar... and I think helps with appetite.
Just start out by walking, and try not to stroke out by doing too much too soon. Shock diets aren't good for you. Just go with smaller portions, snack on veggies, and gradually increase how far you walk at a stretch. I eat a lot of rabbit food, but you get used to it and so does your body, and don't go with zero fat diets, your body needs some fat in it, go with fish and walnuts.
While some are saying cardio could kill you thats just not true.
As long as you take it light you'll be fine.
No. At his weight it is true. Until he gets cleared by a doctor, he should be very cautious.

Once he gets cleared by a doctor, then he can start a reasonable cardio program.
No. At his weight it is true. Until he gets cleared by a doctor, he should be very cautious.

Once he gets cleared by a doctor, then he can start a reasonable cardio program.

well true, he needs to know that he has no sort of heart condition... but moving is still better than being totally sedentary... thats bad.
Please support me and motivate me.

I packed 7kg since December 2022, that is alot for 8 months and it is noticeable and visible. I dont want to be 300kg, I gain and gain weight and now it has to stop.

I will

  • Eat less
  • Eat more healthy (instead of the chocolate an apple for example)
  • Do a little physical excersise, like climbing stairs, punching the speedball, lifting dummbells

I did that a few years ago and lost 30kg, im still 10-15kg less then i used to be in 2016

Until end of the year I want to lose 10kg. I think after one or two weeks i already will feel better and have lost 1-2kg

Try to make it last longer than fifteen minutes.
Your bmi is:


That is the highest classification. Morbid obesity. Or class 3 obesity.

This is why I urge you to do first things first. Consult with a highly qualified professional.

Small good news: you are asking the right questions in the OP. But I’m not a doctor. Most of us here aren’t (if any). So, you are asking the right question of the wrong people.

No joke. See a doctor.
Good luck, Mortie. Stick to it. The first few weeks should be a rapid weight loss of 10 to 15 pounds which is usually water weight then the FAT pounds start dropping off more slowly. Don't let that discourage you. Is Weight Watchers still around? One can lose a lot of weight on that—also Keto. Anybody I see who has lost 70 to 100 pounds was on the Keto diet.

Mortie, how tall are you? I am 5'7" and weigh 132 pounds. Weigh yourself every morning after getting out of bed, emptying your bladder, and then weighing. Do it that way each day and write down the amount. You want to do it first thing before drinking or eating anything. That means you have a valid comparable. Make sure the scale is in the same place each day. And as the above member mentioned, seeing a Dr. first would be very wise. You may have underlying medical issues that would help in selecting the correct diet plan for you.

Weigh every day and don't get discouraged if you are up one or two pounds the next day as they usually drop off. I have been doing this everyday weighing thing for many years and have never had to diet. If I am up a pound or two, I simply count calories AND carbs the next day and I am back to where I started. It takes discipline but soon becomes just a morning routine like brushing your teeth ( presumably ) lol.

Start walking a short distance at first, longer walks each day or week.

Good luck, once more.
Good luck, Mortie. Stick to it. The first few weeks should be a rapid weight loss of 10 to 15 pounds which is usually water weight then the FAT pounds start dropping off more slowly. Don't let that discourage you. Is Weight Watchers still around? One can lose a lot of weight on that—also Keto. Anybody I see who has lost 70 to 100 pounds was on the Keto diet.

Mortie, how tall are you? I am 5'7" and weigh 132 pounds. Weigh yourself every morning after getting out of bed, emptying your bladder, and then weighing. Do it that way each day and write down the amount. You want to do it first thing before drinking or eating anything. That means you have a valid comparable. Make sure the scale is in the same place each day. And as the above member mentioned, seeing a Dr. first would be very wise. You may have underlying medical issues that would help in selecting the correct diet plan for you.

Weigh every day and don't get discouraged if you are up one or two pounds the next day as they usually drop off. I have been doing this everyday weighing thing for many years and have never had to diet. If I am up a pound or two, I simply count calories AND carbs the next day and I am back to where I started. It takes discipline but soon becomes just a morning routine like brushing your teeth ( presumably ) lol.

Start walking a short distance at first, longer walks each day or week.

Good luck, once more.
Im 1.74m

1,74 m
5,70866 feet
Apples and carrots (eaten together) just before sleepy time can make you drop weight fast.

Get a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips. If you get a strong craving for chocolate eat 4 of 5 of cures the craving (even though they don't taste very good).

Get plain cereals (grape nuts or shredded wheat) and instead of milk...pour your favorite fruit juice on them (apple juice, grape juice, etc).

Skip all types of makes you retain fat.


Cinnamon applesauce & grape nuts (apple crisp) ..

A banana stirred in with rice pudding & a crunched up graham cracker (banana cream pie).

Chocolate pudding topped with rice pudding and a graham cracker (french silk pie).

Pudding is mostly milk.
Dudley's got the ticket Mort. Go for it. Cut out the fats and the sugar. When I changed my diet, I felt better after two weeks. Chicken wraps with lettuce, tomatoe and maybe mushrooms or avocado with garlic salt to enhance the flavor, breakfast and lunch. A sensible supper. Plenty of citrus fruit and fruit juice particularly grapefruit juice and nuts as snacks. Up your water intake. Clean out your system. Start the day with 8 glass of water with two tablespoons Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar with the 'Mother'. They recommend 2 or three times a day, but once in the morning does it. You will drop weight, lower your cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, while you walk yourself to the new you.
I found one of the most important things is to NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP when you break down and eat something bad for you.

Just tell yourself it was it's time to get back on my diet.

Kicking yourself is the quickest way to fail!
Good advice on this thread. Mortimer it took me three years to get from 243 to 210 so that may give you an idea of how long it will take so don't get frustrated just keep to your plan. Your caretaker may be of help as a motivation.
Physical, Mental, and Spiritual well being are the three things to good health. May the Holy spirit of God guide you.
And that mug of beer you're holding in your avatar...gotta stop that for a while.

Just tell yourself...I've had beer before...and I will have it again...just not now!

maybe instead of a beer.. just a shot of scotch in some water. thats what the professional drinkers do ;)
less calories.
Programme not Pogrom.

My bad, I must have misread the title. A pogrom is a violent riot incited with the aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group, particularly Jews.

Good luck with your weight loss program.
He meant to say pogrom. :iyfyus.jpg:

Heavy bag will get you in shape, punch and kick it for like 20 minutes straight.

Not no speed bag. :nono:

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