Moscow : "If Muscovy helps North Korea, the centers on the west coast of the United States could be under NUCLEAR attack sometime later"

Putin sure is desperate for friends.
yes, unfortunately :

As we enter the last months of 2024 we can see the successes and the mistakes made by this administration.
To say the least this administration has made our foreign policies a shambles. To disregard the world situation is a folly.
His dumb ass voters don't care, the world situation won't cost him a single vote. This demented fool is still running neck in neck with Trump because, you know, orange man bad and he might take away a woman's 'right' to kill their baby.
Saying that the west coast would be subject to attack isn't exactly going to bring people to your side. Too many Americans would be fine with that kind of urban renewal.
Saying that the west coast would be subject to attack isn't exactly going to bring people to your side. Too many Americans would be fine with that kind of urban renewal.

Wonder how they will react to a TV....

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