Moscow Suffers MASSIVE Losses in Vuhledar -- Over 30 Vehicles Confirmed Lost I regular updates

Isn't it an open secret. that latest since Feb. 2022 - special forces of NATO members e.g. British SAS, SEALS, other US spec.ops, that had been operating within Ukraine in the previous years, are also involved in front-line activities - not just back home or in Ukraine on some training grounds. Independent of CIA and like wise operators from other NATO countries.
It would be far off to expect - that any Ukraine war-supporting nation would ignore a chance to "gain practical experience" in the field. or that Ukraine's armed forces (especially their spec. forces), are simply trained via theoretic and simulated application methods, in some school class.

Until today - the German public in general is poorly to zero informed about German special forces being in Afghanistan from day one of the initial US lead operation.
British SAS, SEALS, other US spec.ops, that had been operating within Ukraine in the previous years, are also involved in front-line activities - not just back home or in Ukraine on some training grounds. Independent of CIA and like wise operators from other NATO countries.
It would be far off to expect - that any Ukraine war-supporting nation would ignore a chance to "gain practical experience" in the field. or that Ukraine's armed forces (especially their spec. forces), are simply trained via theoretic and simulated application methods, in some school class.

Until today - the German public in general is poorly to zero informed about German special forces being
Big words for a country that doesn´t have a single tank left. How we know this is new, anyway?
At least Ukraine lost its tanks due to war fare, not rust and mold.
Feel free to Photoshop some rust and mold onto a pic of the new Russian T-14 if it makes you feel better.

John, how effective are our drones in this battle ? any info on this subject ?

Drones have truly transformed modern warfare.
Each type of drone is made with a specific purpose and use...there isn't a LOT of multiple purposes...but there is some.

The weather that stops satellites doesn't stop fact it actually helps as drones can fly just at the bottom of clouds while zooming in on the enemy positions and activity.

While no one truly owns the skies over Ukraine it has made the use of tanks almost obsolete....not necessarily the use of APCs or armored howitzers on tracks....but tanks themselves are becoming nothing but targets.

And as we have watched....drones dropping grenades have been really good at demoralizing entrenched troops in trenches.
The Russians have been successfully using Iranian kamikaze drones to some extent....however they aren't much different than slow missiles. Large enough to cause radar systems to pick them up and get destroyed unless they fly low enough to be picked off by gunfire.

Ours aren't much different...

Smaller drones are almost impossible to detect....some are capable of lasing targets and night time flights with FLIR tech.

And the use of drones creates dilemmas. (Always a good thing) the enemy usually does NOT know whether guerrilla fighters are behind the front lines giving information and destroying supplies or if it was they themselves giving away their position by trafficking to and from munitions/supplies/equipment storage setups.

Any kid good at video games or simulators can use these as well....and the cost is low enough to have hundreds for the price of a tank. Also the use of munitions can be managed by officers who can give orders to techs in Real time and see what the operators see. A tech operator can get shot down multiple times and fly again...meaning that once trained an operator can only get better and better. No losses or injuries.
Drones have truly transformed modern warfare.
Each type of drone is made with a specific purpose and use...there isn't a LOT of multiple purposes...but there is some.

The weather that stops satellites doesn't stop fact it actually helps as drones can fly just at the bottom of clouds while zooming in on the enemy positions and activity.

While no one truly owns the skies over Ukraine it has made the use of tanks almost obsolete....not necessarily the use of APCs or armored howitzers on tracks....but tanks themselves are becoming nothing but targets.

And as we have watched....drones dropping grenades have been really good at demoralizing entrenched troops in trenches.
The Russians have been successfully using Iranian kamikaze drones to some extent....however they aren't much different than slow missiles. Large enough to cause radar systems to pick them up and get destroyed unless they fly low enough to be picked off by gunfire.

Ours aren't much different...

Smaller drones are almost impossible to detect....some are capable of lasing targets and night time flights with FLIR tech.

And the use of drones creates dilemmas. (Always a good thing) the enemy usually does NOT know whether guerrilla fighters are behind the front lines giving information and destroying supplies or if it was they themselves giving away their position by trafficking to and from munitions/supplies/equipment storage setups.

Any kid good at video games or simulators can use these as well....and the cost is low enough to have hundreds for the price of a tank. Also the use of munitions can be managed by officers who can give orders to techs in Real time and see what the operators see. A tech operator can get shot down multiple times and fly again...meaning that once trained an operator can only get better and better. No losses or injuries.
great post, let me think over.

ps Interesting development

Drones have truly transformed modern warfare.
Each type of drone is made with a specific purpose and use...there isn't a LOT of multiple purposes...but there is some.

The weather that stops satellites doesn't stop fact it actually helps as drones can fly just at the bottom of clouds while zooming in on the enemy positions and activity. ......
What clearly differentiates the deployment and effectiveness of NATO/Ukraine drones to those used by Russia is the clear technological superiority of the West in regards to available intelligence data, gathered via satellites, ground and airborne surveillance systems - those being either linked directly to operating drones or setting them onto the right path (the vicinity and identification of objects of interest are in majority already known to the UAF) before drones are placed into action. Human intelligence gathering is certainly used by both sides - whereby Ukraine has also a clear advantage in that regard.
The Russian side is rather "blind" in that specific field of recon and Intel gathering. Which also explains their huge losses and obvious inability to recognize/identify and therefore exploit weak-spots on the front-line.
As such as it is very well known since WW2 - Russia's military or it's success in operations depends/rests on available manpower.
What clearly differentiates the deployment and effectiveness of NATO/Ukraine drones to those used by Russia is the clear technological superiority of the West in regards to available intelligence data, gathered via satellites, ground and airborne surveillance systems - those being either linked directly to operating drones or setting them onto the right path (the vicinity and identification of objects of interest are in majority already known to the UAF) before drones are placed into action. Human intelligence gathering is certainly used by both sides - whereby Ukraine has also a clear advantage in that regard.
The Russian side is rather "blind" in that specific field of recon and Intel gathering. Which also explains their huge losses and obvious inability to recognize/identify and therefore exploit weak-spots on the front-line.
As such as it is very well known since WW2 - Russia's military or it's success in operations depends/rests on available manpower.
I tend to disagree on Russia being blind as far as intelligence.

They have satellites and reconnaissance drones and listening posts that intercept communications. They also have websites that offer rewards to Ukraine citizens who give them information on Ukranians troop movements and locations.

But where drones have had a strength is in how Russia conducts warfare....when they send a Batalion they send everything....all ammo and equipment. They don't resupply. Which creates huge stockpiles of munitions. The Ukranians have exploited this with Nothing more than a few grenades from toys.

Where this is definitely exploitable Russia has destroyed several power plants....and everything is running off of generators and power supplies. So it's time for the new power supplies that are fuel based hydrogen ion electrical generators....very quiet and no exhaust....also a bit colder than regular generators....not completely cold but not as high of heat that an engine would cause.

(Everyone wants to field test their newest toys on an active battle field)

Ukraine needs to hold out for 6 more months....if they can do that....the sanctions will do the rest. Putin will then be hard pressed to keep himself in power. If he loses his seat the ones who could replace him are worse than he is. No good options there.

The only way this ends is if Russia can claim a win of some sort...obviously with Ukraine in their rearview mirror. Because if Russia wins all of Ukraine....Poland is next...maybe Finland or Slovakia...there's no stopping until they take over Europe.
Almost a full year on, the hordesmen prove again and again they still can't do mechanized warfare.

This assault team of armored vehicles was destroyed by a combination of mines and artillery....
And mostly because these Russian troops are not sufficiently trained...they made every blunder possible. There were those who literally abandoned their posts on foot until the handful of seasoned soldiers tried to do the same. (Which got most everyone killed)

Poor training, poor leadership for putting poorly trained troops on a mission they had no competency in...and now they have lost a LOT of equipment because of it.

This is why you don't put FNGs in situations like this.
I tend to disagree on Russia being blind as far as intelligence.

They have satellites and reconnaissance drones and listening posts that intercept communications. They also have websites that offer rewards to Ukraine citizens who give them information on Ukranians troop movements and locations.

But where drones have had a strength is in how Russia conducts warfare....when they send a Batalion they send everything....all ammo and equipment. They don't resupply. Which creates huge stockpiles of munitions. The Ukranians have exploited this with Nothing more than a few grenades from toys.

Where this is definitely exploitable Russia has destroyed several power plants....and everything is running off of generators and power supplies. So it's time for the new power supplies that are fuel based hydrogen ion electrical generators....very quiet and no exhaust....also a bit colder than regular generators....not completely cold but not as high of heat that an engine would cause.

(Everyone wants to field test their newest toys on an active battle field)

Ukraine needs to hold out for 6 more months....if they can do that....the sanctions will do the rest. Putin will then be hard pressed to keep himself in power. If he loses his seat the ones who could replace him are worse than he is. No good options there.

The only way this ends is if Russia can claim a win of some sort...obviously with Ukraine in their rearview mirror. Because if Russia wins all of Ukraine....Poland is next...maybe Finland or Slovakia...there's no stopping until they take over Europe.
Yes Russia certainly has satellites and recon drones - however in far fewer numbers and far less capable then those we have in the West. It is obvious that Russian wheel/track-based field electronic and other data collecting capabilities are near to zero.

The concept of BTG's is to operate independently of being resupplied for a period of 2-4 days. (for so called break-through operations and rapid territory gains). IMO Russia has lost approx. 50% of it's initial deployed BTG's. There are since July/August, no recognizable BTG related actions on the Russian side. But simply ill trained, ill equipped and ill motivated infantry grunts sitting out trench and urban warfare. Actual infantry assaults are in vast majority conducted predominantly by Wagner-troops, left overs of the Russian elite forces, and specialized (urban warfare experienced) forces of the Donbas/Luhansk Militia. - the Russian composition of troops might very well change for a certain period starting off from February/March.
That there are huge ammo stores - (mostly dispersed after the initial HIMARS deployment) - and broken up into smaller units/depots is simply a necessity in regards to keeping the still massive Russian artillery assortment running.

Russia has no real proven success at all in regards to having taken out or decimated e.g. Ukraine's artillery capability, weapon system collection points or e.g. ammo depots- because they are clearly 'blind" in regards to this issue - As you surely are aware, one doesn't need satellite input or state of the art recon data to target a power-plant or other large infrastructure objects - a simple map (even ten years old) is good enough to fire missiles that are nowhere close to the precision and guidance systems of Western missiles.

Six month? .... what makes you say that? all that promised stuff (e.g. tanks) and in the comming month further granted/extended additional equipment (e.g. aircraft) isn't going to be available in respective numbers before autumn/winter this year - whilst in the same time Russia is also upping it's efforts.
Taking the Russian military mindset and their technical capabilities into account, this war will last as long as Putin finds a way to recruit cannon-fodder - as such for many years to come. Putin is simply betting on a collapse of Western support - e.g. change of governments, and/or a collapse of Ukraine's internal political stability in given time, to achieve a gain in this ridiculous war.

Even if Russia should occupy half or all of Ukraine - they will never attack a NATO member - (That is why Putin opted to attack Ukraine on Feb. 2022 in the first place - knowing very well that once Ukraine is a NATO member he couldn't do anything about that). Further more the Ukraine war has clearly demonstrated to them and everyone else, that Russia is no match at all to NATO in a direct confrontation. they never had been - not even during the cold-war and especially not from 1970 onwards.

Also I am convinced that if Ukraine should fail militarily to secure at least 50% of it's territory - NATO will opt for a direct involvement. The present US administration has invested far too much already into this ridiculous war, trying to destroy Russia's economy and present political structure - then to just simply back away and subsequently loosing/endangering it's necessary support by it's "allies", towards their ultimate goal "China".
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This assault team of armored vehicles was destroyed by a combination of mines and artillery....
And mostly because these Russian troops are not sufficiently trained...they made every blunder possible. There were those who literally abandoned their posts on foot until the handful of seasoned soldiers tried to do the same. (Which got most everyone killed)

Poor training, poor leadership for putting poorly trained troops on a mission they had no competency in...and now they have lost a LOT of equipment because of it.

This is why you don't put FNGs in situations like this.
IF YOU HAVE watched the S. Markov´s video (close adviser to putin) which I posted many times here, he has summarized it very well - " we fight like soviets / "romanov" ´s armies , BUT WE DONT HAVE soviets / "romanov" ´s NUMBERS. + he is very pessimistic about future of Moscow empire in general . which is great :thup:


very small numbers on all videos


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