Moscow Warns Israel

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Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
According to Debkafile a Russian official has recently mentioned the unmentionable for the very first time, namely that ousting Assad could bring the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qa'ida to power in Damascus.

The Russian alternative was offered on June 7 when Putin suggested putting Russian peacekeepers in the Golan in spire of the Israeli-Syrian ceasefire of 1974 which barred veto-wielding UNSC members from serving in that capacity.

What's the option according to the Russians?

"...“Assad could be replaced by radical Islamists in comparison with whom Assad would seem an angel from heaven...'”

Should such a scenario come to pass, how much more money will American, Russian, and Israeli arms merchants "earn" from the resulting mass murders. maimings, and displacements?

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
According to Debkafile a Russian official has recently mentioned the unmentionable for the very first time, namely that ousting Assad could bring the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qa'ida to power in Damascus.

The Russian alternative was offered on June 7 when Putin suggested putting Russian peacekeepers in the Golan in spire of the Israeli-Syrian ceasefire of 1974 which barred veto-wielding UNSC members from serving in that capacity.

What's the option according to the Russians?

"...“Assad could be replaced by radical Islamists in comparison with whom Assad would seem an angel from heaven...'”

Should such a scenario come to pass, how much more money will American, Russian, and Israeli arms merchants "earn" from the resulting mass murders. maimings, and displacements?

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
Islamists could take power instead of Assad? Well duh, that's what everybody has been saying since this whole thing started. How about keeping up?
Why is Obama supporting the Islamic Brotherhood ?
He doesn't sympathize with Islamists, even though his middle name is Hussein and as a child he watched his father praying five times a day going "Allah Akbar", and he changed his name back to Barack Hussein Obama when he became an adult after being Barry Soltero all his life, and he goes out of his way to pronounce Muslim words such as Pakistan and Taliban correctly. Not to mention the results of the Arab Spring which he orchestrated have been all Islamist takeovers so far.

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According to Debkafile a Russian official has recently mentioned the unmentionable for the very first time, namely that ousting Assad could bring the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qa'ida to power in Damascus.

The Russian alternative was offered on June 7 when Putin suggested putting Russian peacekeepers in the Golan in spire of the Israeli-Syrian ceasefire of 1974 which barred veto-wielding UNSC members from serving in that capacity.

What's the option according to the Russians?

"...“Assad could be replaced by radical Islamists in comparison with whom Assad would seem an angel from heaven...'”

Should such a scenario come to pass, how much more money will American, Russian, and Israeli arms merchants "earn" from the resulting mass murders. maimings, and displacements?

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
Islamists could take power instead of Assad? Well duh, that's what everybody has been saying since this whole thing started. How about keeping up?
Russia to the rescue:

"Moscow is not ready to give up on getting Russian troops posted on the divided Golan as part of the UN force policing the Israeli-Syrian separation sector, even after rejections by the UN and Israel.

"Monday, June 10, the Russian lawmaker Aleksey Pushkov, an influential foreign relations policy adviser to the Kremlin, said: 'The issue has not been yet solved, it is being considered. We must take some real action because we cannot exclude that the Syrian-Israeli topic would be involved in large-scale military action.'

"Shortly before he spoke, the military announced in Moscow that the Russian Airborne Troops had formed a separate brigade especially designed to serve as peacekeepers 'under the aegis of the United Nations or as part of the force set up by the Russian-led CSTO (Russian-Asian) security bloc for combating
terrorism. Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan contribute special units.'"

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
As much as we dislike the Russian dictators, this time they made a good point.
Israelis already know that. That's why they haven't intervened, and are only doing limited operations.
According to Debkafile a Russian official has recently mentioned the unmentionable for the very first time, namely that ousting Assad could bring the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qa'ida to power in Damascus.

The Russian alternative was offered on June 7 when Putin suggested putting Russian peacekeepers in the Golan in spire of the Israeli-Syrian ceasefire of 1974 which barred veto-wielding UNSC members from serving in that capacity.

What's the option according to the Russians?

"...“Assad could be replaced by radical Islamists in comparison with whom Assad would seem an angel from heaven...'”

Should such a scenario come to pass, how much more money will American, Russian, and Israeli arms merchants "earn" from the resulting mass murders. maimings, and displacements?

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
Islamists could take power instead of Assad? Well duh, that's what everybody has been saying since this whole thing started. How about keeping up?
Russia to the rescue:

"Moscow is not ready to give up on getting Russian troops posted on the divided Golan as part of the UN force policing the Israeli-Syrian separation sector, even after rejections by the UN and Israel.

"Monday, June 10, the Russian lawmaker Aleksey Pushkov, an influential foreign relations policy adviser to the Kremlin, said: 'The issue has not been yet solved, it is being considered. We must take some real action because we cannot exclude that the Syrian-Israeli topic would be involved in large-scale military action.'

"Shortly before he spoke, the military announced in Moscow that the Russian Airborne Troops had formed a separate brigade especially designed to serve as peacekeepers 'under the aegis of the United Nations or as part of the force set up by the Russian-led CSTO (Russian-Asian) security bloc for combating
terrorism. Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan contribute special units.'"

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
Won't happen.
Why is Obama supporting the Islamic Brotherhood ?
He doesn't sympathize with Islamists, even though his middle name is Hussein and as a child he watched his father praying five times a day going "Allah Akbar", and he changed his name back to Barack Hussein Obama when he became an adult after being Barry Soltero all his life, and he goes out of his way to pronounce Muslim words such as Pakistan and Taliban correctly. Not to mention the results of the Arab Spring which he orchestrated have been all Islamist takeovers so far.

The Arab Spring was theorized by eight Jewish Neo-Con leaders in the PNAC leadership....Sure the Islamist may rule But as you can see in Egypt and Tunisia, they can't feed the machinery of Economics to work for the masses...

The PNAC boys were correct in foreseeing that once Democracy takes Root, the modernization of the Economy and Political Structure will change, and stable governments follow and real peace can exist.

Obama subscribes to this philosophy and so do I.
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Islamists could take power instead of Assad? Well duh, that's what everybody has been saying since this whole thing started. How about keeping up?
Russia to the rescue:

"Moscow is not ready to give up on getting Russian troops posted on the divided Golan as part of the UN force policing the Israeli-Syrian separation sector, even after rejections by the UN and Israel.

"Monday, June 10, the Russian lawmaker Aleksey Pushkov, an influential foreign relations policy adviser to the Kremlin, said: 'The issue has not been yet solved, it is being considered. We must take some real action because we cannot exclude that the Syrian-Israeli topic would be involved in large-scale military action.'

"Shortly before he spoke, the military announced in Moscow that the Russian Airborne Troops had formed a separate brigade especially designed to serve as peacekeepers 'under the aegis of the United Nations or as part of the force set up by the Russian-led CSTO (Russian-Asian) security bloc for combating
terrorism. Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan contribute special units.'"

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
Won't happen.
True dat. Any Peacekeeping force from any member of the UN Security Council is forbidden by the Israeli-Syrian Peace Treaty of 1974. Superman ain't a Red Bear.
Why is he arming al quaeda ?
Wesley Clark's revelation in March of 2003 that there was a five-year plan calling for regime change in seven Arab countries, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Somalia, and Sudan is easier to accomplish if elements of the US government continually arm Islamic fundamentalists like al-Qa'ida. I don't believe the arms supplied are manufactured in the US or even paid for by the US taxpayer (yet), but that doesn't change the threat to Iran and Russia, and, possibly, China. (at least from their perspective)
Why is Obama supporting the Islamic Brotherhood ?
He doesn't sympathize with Islamists, even though his middle name is Hussein and as a child he watched his father praying five times a day going "Allah Akbar", and he changed his name back to Barack Hussein Obama when he became an adult after being Barry Soltero all his life, and he goes out of his way to pronounce Muslim words such as Pakistan and Taliban correctly. Not to mention the results of the Arab Spring which he orchestrated have been all Islamist takeovers so far.

The Arab Spring was theorized by eight Jewish Neo-Con leaders in the PNAC leadership....Sure the Islamist may rule But as you can see in Egypt and Tunisia, they can't feed the machinery of Economics to work for the masses...

The PNAC boys were correct in foreseeing that once Democracy takes Root, the modernization of the Economy and Political Structure will change, and stable governments follow and real peace can exist.

Obama subscribes to this philosophy and so do I.
Ah I see, the Joooos are to blame for the Arab spring and its total failure! It's always the Joooos. :cuckoo:
Why is he arming al quaeda ?
Wesley Clark's revelation in March of 2003 that there was a five-year plan calling for regime change in seven Arab countries, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Somalia, and Sudan is easier to accomplish if elements of the US government continually arm Islamic fundamentalists like al-Qa'ida. I don't believe the arms supplied are manufactured in the US or even paid for by the US taxpayer (yet), but that doesn't change the threat to Iran and Russia, and, possibly, China. (at least from their perspective)
Yes, the Western powers draw new lines for the Middle East every 50 years or so. Hopefully as a result of these upheavals the Palestinians will be shoved up the kazoo of some new country or regime in Syria or maybe even Jordan, and we will be done with it once and for all. We can only pray.
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Russia to the rescue:

"Moscow is not ready to give up on getting Russian troops posted on the divided Golan as part of the UN force policing the Israeli-Syrian separation sector, even after rejections by the UN and Israel.

"Monday, June 10, the Russian lawmaker Aleksey Pushkov, an influential foreign relations policy adviser to the Kremlin, said: 'The issue has not been yet solved, it is being considered. We must take some real action because we cannot exclude that the Syrian-Israeli topic would be involved in large-scale military action.'

"Shortly before he spoke, the military announced in Moscow that the Russian Airborne Troops had formed a separate brigade especially designed to serve as peacekeepers 'under the aegis of the United Nations or as part of the force set up by the Russian-led CSTO (Russian-Asian) security bloc for combating
terrorism. Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan contribute special units.'"

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
Won't happen.
True dat. Any Peacekeeping force from any member of the UN Security Council is forbidden by the Israeli-Syrian Peace Treaty of 1974. Superman ain't a Red Bear.
Why don't you strap on that old black belt and flip Vlad (Judo) Putin on this subject:

"The Russian president knew perfectly well that Israel and most likely the UN would bar his offer of Russian troops for the Golan force on legal grounds: The 1974 ceasefire accord precludes the five, veto-wielding UN Secretary Council permanent members from serving with the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). He put the offer forward nonetheless for two reasons:

"1. As a reminder to the US and Chinese Presidents Obama and Xi Jinping, holding their first face to face in California, that neither of them controlled the state of play over embattled Syria and that Russia held the whip hand by virtue of its leadership of the Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi-Hizballah alliance.

"2. As the groundwork for his next moves for deploying Russian troops on the Syrian Golan. Next time, he won’t ask the US, the UN or Israel for permission. He will go straight to his ally, Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus, and advise him of the importance of deploying Russian soldiers to the Golan – on the same footing as the US military deployment in Jordan. Placing the unit just outside the Golan separation zone would save Moscow having to turn to the UN or Israel first."

Putin acts to override Israeli, UN objections to Russian troops on the Golan
He doesn't sympathize with Islamists, even though his middle name is Hussein and as a child he watched his father praying five times a day going "Allah Akbar", and he changed his name back to Barack Hussein Obama when he became an adult after being Barry Soltero all his life, and he goes out of his way to pronounce Muslim words such as Pakistan and Taliban correctly. Not to mention the results of the Arab Spring which he orchestrated have been all Islamist takeovers so far.

The Arab Spring was theorized by eight Jewish Neo-Con leaders in the PNAC leadership....Sure the Islamist may rule But as you can see in Egypt and Tunisia, they can't feed the machinery of Economics to work for the masses...

The PNAC boys were correct in foreseeing that once Democracy takes Root, the modernization of the Economy and Political Structure will change, and stable governments follow and real peace can exist.

Obama subscribes to this philosophy and so do I.
Ah I see, the Joooos are to blame for the Arab spring and its total failure! It's always the Joooos. :cuckoo:
Do you deny that the PNAC theorized this strategy for Israel's benefit? Who cares as long as Democracy will eventually bring stability to the region? But it is a double edged sword, and a peace with the Palestinians with Arab League, trying to save their own skins will do much to stabilize the region.
The Arab Spring was theorized by eight Jewish Neo-Con leaders in the PNAC leadership....Sure the Islamist may rule But as you can see in Egypt and Tunisia, they can't feed the machinery of Economics to work for the masses...

The PNAC boys were correct in foreseeing that once Democracy takes Root, the modernization of the Economy and Political Structure will change, and stable governments follow and real peace can exist.

Obama subscribes to this philosophy and so do I.
Ah I see, the Joooos are to blame for the Arab spring and its total failure! It's always the Joooos. :cuckoo:
Do you deny that the PNAC theorized this strategy for Israel's benefit? Who cares as long as Democracy will eventually bring stability to the region? But it is a double edged sword, and a peace with the Palestinians with Arab League, trying to save their own skins will do much to stabilize the region.
Yes I deny. Why would Israel want to destabilize Egypt's Mubarek, replace him with a Muslim Brotherhood govt., and endanger their peace treaty?

As usual you are full of organic compost :cuckoo:
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