Moslem Forces Retake Ramadi From ISIL Secular Kamikazes! GOP Likely To Lose Elections!

Good for the Iraqis, bad for ISIS, bad for those Americans who hate America so much they decry this good victory.
Republicans will do anything to stop Obama from looking good.
This is true however what is really surprising is how much Obama goes out of his way to help them do it.

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died, an entire town destroyed" -- Barack Obama commenting on tornado that killed 12
The now reported Donald Trump ad campaigns are likely to open with his own famous comment, "With blood coming out of her wherever." He may try to suggest that he was really only bragging about one or another of his own bouts with some venereal disease--and meant to call attention to himself(?)! And so we open, here: With the matter that Trump's wife is known to have accused him of rape. Bill Clinton has only been accused of extramarital affairs: More or less Holy Father level stuff, going back into other history. One difference between Clinton and the Popes is that he confesses to them in really public places(?)!

The Republicans, to a candidate: Are noted to have slandered all of Islam, claiming ISIL to be a Moslem faction, just like Sunni or Shia. The more accurate matter is that ISIL is famously a Bush-Cheney Creation. The Military Generals are of Sunni heritage, former generals in the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq.

What has everyone forgotten to mention about the Baath Party? It was Socialist, if staffed by Sunni! Socialist is Secular. Even recently, ISIL is inventing new doctrine not entirely consistent with usual Moslem precepts. The Caliphate is Secular, making up its own rules as it goes along.

So the significant part of what the Obama Administration diplomacy has created--Through Secretary Clinton, and now Secretary Kerry--is that a semblance of cooperation has been achieved by Sunni and Shia factions--combined, and with great diplomacy--against Secular ISIL. Secular ISIL is not Radical or Fundamentalist Islam.

Blowhards Cruz, Rubio, Trump, Christie, and any of the dropouts aside: ISIL does not represent a Moslem tradition. The Sunni and Shia represent the Moslem traditions, even despite the Baath regime atrocities. Those are Socialist. Socialists are a faith, and do atrocities. The Moses Atrocity, (Deuteronomy 23:10-20), was even noted in the New Testament, if not so-stated or cited. That is a computing problem, described in Matthew 25:14-30, complete with a foreclosure crisis-like outocome!

So the Republicans have been wrong all summer about "Radical Islam." The Republicans tried Bill Clinton in an impeachment trial, and nothing came of that. The public was as unimpressed with the Clinton sexual charade as was the Congress, and the various magazines and movies(?)!

Trump is going to need something real--like videos of him and his wife. . .on Youtube!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Bear in forest even knows that Chicago baseball, is not about sex. . .unless it doesn't(?)!)
So the Republicans have pinned their election chances on hatreds of blacks Hispanics, women, the disabled, the refugees: And importantly, hatreds of the great Obama Administration allies, the 1.5 bil. Moslems of the planet. Now Those allies have taken back Ramadi, in Iraq!

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

The Republicans already have an albatross(?), Donald Trump, dragging them down. The referenced hated universally look with disdain on a Trump national election campaign. That dims Republican chances for Congressional and Senate election wins already. The top seat would be likely already lost, even in December 2016--not to mention December, 2017. Then there are the state and local election losses.

The Republicans likely won't even let the Moslems celebrate their victory, over the ISIL Secular Kamikazes, from even rooftops, in New Jersey(?)! Where are they likely to go--if not straight into the voting booths, to vote straight Democratic Party?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Trump knows it! The rule the Republicans are not following is, "Location, Location, Location!" That can actually win(?)!)
What is the connection of Republicans to fighting in Ramadi?

None... not to mention that weirdo doesn't even know how to spell Muslim.
Bought off Pubs and hater dupes continue to be wrong about everything. Amazing disaster/disgrace. How do they keep going? Misinformation and hate. Funny if it weren't such a catastrophe.
Bought off Pubs and hater dupes continue to be wrong about everything. Amazing disaster/disgrace. How do they keep going? Misinformation and hate. Funny if it weren't such a catastrophe.

300 ISIS VS 1OOOO Iraqis.

over Ramadi.

I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy over these guys you supposedly trained.
What is the connection of Republicans to fighting in Ramadi?

Republicans will do anything to stop Obama from looking good.

The liberation of Ramadi makes Obama look good.

Hence, Republicans don't know whether to be happy or sad over the liberation of Ramadi. How can Republicans scare their base about ISIS if ISIS keeps losing?

I suggest all Republicans check with their masters to get the official PartyLine. You wouldn't want to be out of step with the rest of the herd.
What does Obama have to do with Ramadi? He sends airplanes to bomb supposed ISIS fighters. We don't have any boots on the ground to confirm either their presence or their deaths.That's why we need boots on the ground. To mop up. That's what makes Obama look like the babbling fool he is. He isn't using proven military tactics. He's playing soldier.

Obama sent American military to advise and train those Iraqi fighters.

If Obama had not done that isis would still control Ramadi.

That's on top of all the bombing that's being done ordered by Obama.

He has proved that he's a leader and can get things done.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that a democrat is cleaning up the mess that the bush boy left behind.

I enjoy knowing that it bothers you and other crazy conservatives like you.
What is the connection of Republicans to fighting in Ramadi?

Republicans will do anything to stop Obama from looking good.

The liberation of Ramadi makes Obama look good.

Hence, Republicans don't know whether to be happy or sad over the liberation of Ramadi. How can Republicans scare their base about ISIS if ISIS keeps losing?

I suggest all Republicans check with their masters to get the official PartyLine. You wouldn't want to be out of step with the rest of the herd.
What does Obama have to do with Ramadi? He sends airplanes to bomb supposed ISIS fighters. We don't have any boots on the ground to confirm either their presence or their deaths.That's why we need boots on the ground. To mop up. That's what makes Obama look like the babbling fool he is. He isn't using proven military tactics. He's playing soldier.

Obama sent American military to advise and train those Iraqi fighters.

If Obama had not done that isis would still control Ramadi.

That's on top of all the bombing that's being done ordered by Obama.

He has proved that he's a leader and can get things done.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that a democrat is cleaning up the mess that the bush boy left behind.

I enjoy knowing that it bothers you and other crazy conservatives like you.

Eleven months for 10,000 to defeat 300? Sad....just sad
What is the connection of Republicans to fighting in Ramadi?

Republicans will do anything to stop Obama from looking good.

The liberation of Ramadi makes Obama look good.

Hence, Republicans don't know whether to be happy or sad over the liberation of Ramadi. How can Republicans scare their base about ISIS if ISIS keeps losing?

I suggest all Republicans check with their masters to get the official PartyLine. You wouldn't want to be out of step with the rest of the herd.
What does Obama have to do with Ramadi? He sends airplanes to bomb supposed ISIS fighters. We don't have any boots on the ground to confirm either their presence or their deaths.That's why we need boots on the ground. To mop up. That's what makes Obama look like the babbling fool he is. He isn't using proven military tactics. He's playing soldier.

Obama sent American military to advise and train those Iraqi fighters.

If Obama had not done that isis would still control Ramadi.

That's on top of all the bombing that's being done ordered by Obama.

He has proved that he's a leader and can get things done.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that a democrat is cleaning up the mess that the bush boy left behind.

I enjoy knowing that it bothers you and other crazy conservatives like you.

Bah ! How can you accomplish anything without troops dying !!
What is the connection of Republicans to fighting in Ramadi?

Republicans will do anything to stop Obama from looking good.

The liberation of Ramadi makes Obama look good.

Hence, Republicans don't know whether to be happy or sad over the liberation of Ramadi. How can Republicans scare their base about ISIS if ISIS keeps losing?

I suggest all Republicans check with their masters to get the official PartyLine. You wouldn't want to be out of step with the rest of the herd.
What does Obama have to do with Ramadi? He sends airplanes to bomb supposed ISIS fighters. We don't have any boots on the ground to confirm either their presence or their deaths.That's why we need boots on the ground. To mop up. That's what makes Obama look like the babbling fool he is. He isn't using proven military tactics. He's playing soldier.

Obama sent American military to advise and train those Iraqi fighters.

If Obama had not done that isis would still control Ramadi.

That's on top of all the bombing that's being done ordered by Obama.

He has proved that he's a leader and can get things done.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that a democrat is cleaning up the mess that the bush boy left behind.

I enjoy knowing that it bothers you and other crazy conservatives like you.

Eleven months for 10,000 to defeat 300? Sad....just sad

You're going to have to provide honest and credible proof of your claim.

However, what does it matter?

Obama gets results. Ramadi is free from isis and more areas held by isis will fall.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that Obama is a real leader who gets things done.

It's so interesting to see you showing your support for isis. I'm sure you're rooting for isis to attack America.

Go join your terrorist buddies with isis. I'm sure you will be welcomed with open arms.
So the Republicans have pinned their election chances on hatreds of blacks Hispanics, women, the disabled, the refugees: And importantly, hatreds of the great Obama Administration allies, the 1.5 bil. Moslems of the planet. Now Those allies have taken back Ramadi, in Iraq!

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

The Republicans already have an albatross(?), Donald Trump, dragging them down. The referenced hated universally look with disdain on a Trump national election campaign. That dims Republican chances for Congressional and Senate election wins already. The top seat would be likely already lost, even in December 2016--not to mention December, 2017. Then there are the state and local election losses.

The Republicans likely won't even let the Moslems celebrate their victory, over the ISIL Secular Kamikazes, from even rooftops, in New Jersey(?)! Where are they likely to go--if not straight into the voting booths, to vote straight Democratic Party?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Trump knows it! The rule the Republicans are not following is, "Location, Location, Location!" That can actually win(?)!)
Repubs hate Muslims. Its all here on the board for anyone to see
What is the connection of Republicans to fighting in Ramadi?

Republicans will do anything to stop Obama from looking good.

The liberation of Ramadi makes Obama look good.

Hence, Republicans don't know whether to be happy or sad over the liberation of Ramadi. How can Republicans scare their base about ISIS if ISIS keeps losing?

I suggest all Republicans check with their masters to get the official PartyLine. You wouldn't want to be out of step with the rest of the herd.
What does Obama have to do with Ramadi? He sends airplanes to bomb supposed ISIS fighters. We don't have any boots on the ground to confirm either their presence or their deaths.That's why we need boots on the ground. To mop up. That's what makes Obama look like the babbling fool he is. He isn't using proven military tactics. He's playing soldier.

Obama sent American military to advise and train those Iraqi fighters.

If Obama had not done that isis would still control Ramadi.

That's on top of all the bombing that's being done ordered by Obama.

He has proved that he's a leader and can get things done.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that a democrat is cleaning up the mess that the bush boy left behind.

I enjoy knowing that it bothers you and other crazy conservatives like you.

Eleven months for 10,000 to defeat 300? Sad....just sad

You're going to have to provide honest and credible proof of your claim.

However, what does it matter?

Obama gets results. Ramadi is free from isis and more areas held by isis will fall.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that Obama is a real leader who gets things done.

It's so interesting to see you showing your support for isis. I'm sure you're rooting for isis to attack America.

Go join your terrorist buddies with isis. I'm sure you will be welcomed with open arms.

It's common knowledge, get your head out of Obungle's ass and get informed
What is the connection of Republicans to fighting in Ramadi?

Republicans will do anything to stop Obama from looking good.

The liberation of Ramadi makes Obama look good.

Hence, Republicans don't know whether to be happy or sad over the liberation of Ramadi. How can Republicans scare their base about ISIS if ISIS keeps losing?

I suggest all Republicans check with their masters to get the official PartyLine. You wouldn't want to be out of step with the rest of the herd.
What does Obama have to do with Ramadi? He sends airplanes to bomb supposed ISIS fighters. We don't have any boots on the ground to confirm either their presence or their deaths.That's why we need boots on the ground. To mop up. That's what makes Obama look like the babbling fool he is. He isn't using proven military tactics. He's playing soldier.

Obama sent American military to advise and train those Iraqi fighters.

If Obama had not done that isis would still control Ramadi.

That's on top of all the bombing that's being done ordered by Obama.

He has proved that he's a leader and can get things done.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that a democrat is cleaning up the mess that the bush boy left behind.

I enjoy knowing that it bothers you and other crazy conservatives like you.

Bah ! How can you accomplish anything without troops dying !!
Typical Repub response :D
What is the connection of Republicans to fighting in Ramadi?

Republicans will do anything to stop Obama from looking good.

The liberation of Ramadi makes Obama look good.

Hence, Republicans don't know whether to be happy or sad over the liberation of Ramadi. How can Republicans scare their base about ISIS if ISIS keeps losing?

I suggest all Republicans check with their masters to get the official PartyLine. You wouldn't want to be out of step with the rest of the herd.
What does Obama have to do with Ramadi? He sends airplanes to bomb supposed ISIS fighters. We don't have any boots on the ground to confirm either their presence or their deaths.That's why we need boots on the ground. To mop up. That's what makes Obama look like the babbling fool he is. He isn't using proven military tactics. He's playing soldier.

Obama sent American military to advise and train those Iraqi fighters.

If Obama had not done that isis would still control Ramadi.

That's on top of all the bombing that's being done ordered by Obama.

He has proved that he's a leader and can get things done.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that a democrat is cleaning up the mess that the bush boy left behind.

I enjoy knowing that it bothers you and other crazy conservatives like you.

Eleven months for 10,000 to defeat 300? Sad....just sad

You're going to have to provide honest and credible proof of your claim.

However, what does it matter?

Obama gets results. Ramadi is free from isis and more areas held by isis will fall.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that Obama is a real leader who gets things done.

It's so interesting to see you showing your support for isis. I'm sure you're rooting for isis to attack America.

Go join your terrorist buddies with isis. I'm sure you will be welcomed with open arms.
I think shes trying to knock Tipsycatlover off of the "most vitriolic rw hack" pedestal.

As to the OP, did it w/o US kids dying. Quelle surprise Repubs!!!
Republicans will do anything to stop Obama from looking good.

The liberation of Ramadi makes Obama look good.

Hence, Republicans don't know whether to be happy or sad over the liberation of Ramadi. How can Republicans scare their base about ISIS if ISIS keeps losing?

I suggest all Republicans check with their masters to get the official PartyLine. You wouldn't want to be out of step with the rest of the herd.
What does Obama have to do with Ramadi? He sends airplanes to bomb supposed ISIS fighters. We don't have any boots on the ground to confirm either their presence or their deaths.That's why we need boots on the ground. To mop up. That's what makes Obama look like the babbling fool he is. He isn't using proven military tactics. He's playing soldier.

Obama sent American military to advise and train those Iraqi fighters.

If Obama had not done that isis would still control Ramadi.

That's on top of all the bombing that's being done ordered by Obama.

He has proved that he's a leader and can get things done.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that a democrat is cleaning up the mess that the bush boy left behind.

I enjoy knowing that it bothers you and other crazy conservatives like you.

Eleven months for 10,000 to defeat 300? Sad....just sad

You're going to have to provide honest and credible proof of your claim.

However, what does it matter?

Obama gets results. Ramadi is free from isis and more areas held by isis will fall.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that Obama is a real leader who gets things done.

It's so interesting to see you showing your support for isis. I'm sure you're rooting for isis to attack America.

Go join your terrorist buddies with isis. I'm sure you will be welcomed with open arms.
I think shes trying to knock Tipsycatlover off of the "most vitriolic rw hack" pedestal.

As to the OP, did it w/o US kids dying. Quelle surprise Repubs!!!

Nobody gives a chit what you think, go play in the Flame's so you.
One problem of the anti-ISIL campaign is a complete lack of census regarding troop levels. Last summer, the US estimate of ISIL troops in Ramadi may have been 2000 or so. Generally, the estimates have found to be low in both Syria and in Iraq. Then add the IED's that the attacking forces have to ferret out. The defenders who are ISIL even kill off residents, as human shields and whatnot.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sexual abuse, according to Trump, means oral sex, but only for the female. Maybe Yellow Hair need more training in something besides hair-pulling, even, from WWE--Mrs. McMahon, trainer-in-chief(?)!)
What does Obama have to do with Ramadi? He sends airplanes to bomb supposed ISIS fighters. We don't have any boots on the ground to confirm either their presence or their deaths.That's why we need boots on the ground. To mop up. That's what makes Obama look like the babbling fool he is. He isn't using proven military tactics. He's playing soldier.

Obama sent American military to advise and train those Iraqi fighters.

If Obama had not done that isis would still control Ramadi.

That's on top of all the bombing that's being done ordered by Obama.

He has proved that he's a leader and can get things done.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that a democrat is cleaning up the mess that the bush boy left behind.

I enjoy knowing that it bothers you and other crazy conservatives like you.

Eleven months for 10,000 to defeat 300? Sad....just sad

You're going to have to provide honest and credible proof of your claim.

However, what does it matter?

Obama gets results. Ramadi is free from isis and more areas held by isis will fall.

You're just a partisan hack who can't admit that Obama is a real leader who gets things done.

It's so interesting to see you showing your support for isis. I'm sure you're rooting for isis to attack America.

Go join your terrorist buddies with isis. I'm sure you will be welcomed with open arms.
I think shes trying to knock Tipsycatlover off of the "most vitriolic rw hack" pedestal.

As to the OP, did it w/o US kids dying. Quelle surprise Repubs!!!

Nobody gives a chit what you think, go play in the Flame's so you.
says the rw potty mouth. :rolleyes-41:

As to the OP, Repubs have to be baffled in that it was done by the people that live there. What a novel idea.
So the Republicans have pinned their election chances on hatreds of blacks Hispanics, women, the disabled, the refugees: And importantly, hatreds of the great Obama Administration allies, the 1.5 bil. Moslems of the planet. Now Those allies have taken back Ramadi, in Iraq!

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

The Republicans already have an albatross(?), Donald Trump, dragging them down. The referenced hated universally look with disdain on a Trump national election campaign. That dims Republican chances for Congressional and Senate election wins already. The top seat would be likely already lost, even in December 2016--not to mention December, 2017. Then there are the state and local election losses.

The Republicans likely won't even let the Moslems celebrate their victory, over the ISIL Secular Kamikazes, from even rooftops, in New Jersey(?)! Where are they likely to go--if not straight into the voting booths, to vote straight Democratic Party?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Trump knows it! The rule the Republicans are not following is, "Location, Location, Location!" That can actually win(?)!)
Repubs hate Muslims. Its all here on the board for anyone to see
I don't hate Muslims. I pity their gross ignorance. What I hate is Islam. Islam is a cancerous disease.

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