Mosque Killer: I'm A Socialist 'Eco-Fascist'

You read where Pelosi said going after impeaching Trump isn't worth it?? Only if Mueller has great info on Trumps misdeeds?
Pelosi doesn't run her party. The far leftists do like the ones that caused Charlie Schumer to run away from the border wall deal in return for DACA policy concessions he was all set to make.
Or the ones who frightened Botox Nan into watering down censure of Ilhan Omar until it was meaningless.

If the crazies all want impeachment that's what they will get.
Condemned ? by saying there are just a few like him while we all know they and other hate groups are growing since trumps presidency ? Think there's no coincidence?
Do you want me to agree with your anti Trump hysteria? Sorry to disappoint you...but not really.

The mass migration of millions flooding into the West from the Middle East has done far more to alarm and outrage white nationalists and non globalists than anything Donald Trump could ever hope to do.

Would you like Trump to cry for you? Nothing he could say or do would please you clowns anyway. You are determined to hate him so enjoy yourself.and during his second term in office think about where your crowd went wrong.
And if that calamity were to happen you think about how much further he takes America down Try for a little honesty Lord knows I tried
And if that calamity were to happen you think about how much further he takes America down Try for a little honesty Lord knows I tried
I like where America is as we clean up after King Obama, not that Trump couldn't do a better job or leave the juvenile name calling alone.
I was not a Trump supporter in 2015 but I've been pleasantly surprised. Our nation has gone down in your estimation
and maybe in some foreigner's views that don't matter anyway. For many others they like what he has done.

Without the obstructionist policies of the left he could do much better and that's what they, and you, are afraid of.
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White nationalists proclaim white supremacist or white separatist beliefs, often focusing on the alleged inferiority of non-whites:

White nationalism - Wikipedia

"White nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race[1] and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity.[2][3][4]

"Its proponents identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation.[5] White nationalists say they seek to ensure the survival of the white race, and the cultures of traditionally white ethnic groups.

"They hold that white people should maintain their majority in majority-white countries, maintain their political and economic dominance, and that their cultures should be foremost.[4]

"Many white nationalists believe that miscegenation, multiculturalism, immigration of nonwhites and low birth rates among whites are threatening the white race,[6] and some believe these things are being promoted as part of an attempted white genocide.[6"

Same question: sound like anyone you know?
Wiki horseshit.
Wiki horseshit.

White Nationalist

"Adherents of white nationalist groups believe that white identity should be the organizing principle of the countries that make up Western civilization.

"White nationalists advocate for policies to reverse changing demographics and the loss of an absolute, white majority.

"Ending non-white immigration, both legal and illegal, is an urgent priority — frequently elevated over other racist projects, such as ending multiculturalism and miscegenation — for white nationalists seeking to preserve white, racial hegemony.

"White nationalists seek to return to an America that predates the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

"Both landmark pieces of legislation are cited as the harbingers of white dispossession and so-called 'white genocide' — the idea that whites in the United States are being systematically replaced and destroyed."

MAGA...was that before the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?
Condemned ? by saying there are just a few like him while we all know they and other hate groups are growing since trumps presidency ? Think there's no coincidence?
Do you want me to agree with your anti Trump hysteria? Sorry to disappoint you...but not really.

The mass migration of millions flooding into the West from the Middle East has done far more to alarm and outrage white nationalists and non globalists than anything Donald Trump could ever hope to do.

Would you like Trump to cry for you? Nothing he could say or do would please you clowns anyway. You are determined to hate him so enjoy yourself.and during his second term in office think about where your crowd went wrong.
And if that calamity were to happen you think about how much further he takes America down Try for a little honesty Lord knows I tried
How is Trump "taking America down?"
Wiki horseshit.
Wiki horseshit.

White Nationalist

"Adherents of white nationalist groups believe that white identity should be the organizing principle of the countries that make up Western civilization.

"White nationalists advocate for policies to reverse changing demographics and the loss of an absolute, white majority.

"Ending non-white immigration, both legal and illegal, is an urgent priority — frequently elevated over other racist projects, such as ending multiculturalism and miscegenation — for white nationalists seeking to preserve white, racial hegemony.

"White nationalists seek to return to an America that predates the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

"Both landmark pieces of legislation are cited as the harbingers of white dispossession and so-called 'white genocide' — the idea that whites in the United States are being systematically replaced and destroyed."

MAGA...was that before the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
And if that calamity were to happen you think about how much further he takes America down Try for a little honesty Lord knows I tried
I like where America is as we clean up after King Obama, not that Trump couldn't do a better job or leave the juvenile name calling alone.
I was not a Trump supporter in 2015 but I've been pleasantly surprised. Our nation has gone down in your estimation
and maybe in some foreigner's views that don't matter anyway. For many they like what he has done.

Without the obstructionist policies of the left he could do much better and that's what they, and you, are afraid of.
Who could be more obstructionist than the republican party during Obamas 8 years ? Now you cry obstruction??How republican of you
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.

This is all the left has to them any more.

Someone presents facts coupled with Reason to a leftist, and they toss back Approved Talking Points like an NPC program in a computer game response.

Once you rebut their thin Talking Points, they usually respond with some label that is supposed to rebut what you have said.

If you point out crime statistics, they respond with something on the order of 'That is racist.' Which does not refute the facts presented one bit but justifies them ignoring your facts.

The phrase 'White Nationalist' is the new 'Thats racist.' They assign White Nationalism to any system of thought that is pro-America, and never bother to engage the facts presented.

We have a crisis on the border that i s causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans every year? Well we cant argue for fixing it because that is an attempt to 'keep America white' and that is White Nationalism. So I guess we are supposed to let all these American deaths continue so that we can be ideologically pure or something.

How do you rationally discuss an issue with a group of people who take their conclusions first, then swallow any old BS from their ideological leaders no matter how irrational or insane it might be?

You cant, so you have to deal with it as harassment, which is all it really is They are trying to verbally punish you for disagreeing with them by grouping you with Hitler. Literally, if you support Trump you would have voted for Hitler.

Thats all they got any more.
And if that calamity were to happen you think about how much further he takes America down Try for a little honesty Lord knows I tried
I like where America is as we clean up after King Obama, not that Trump couldn't do a better job or leave the juvenile name calling alone.
I was not a Trump supporter in 2015 but I've been pleasantly surprised. Our nation has gone down in your estimation
and maybe in some foreigner's views that don't matter anyway. For many they like what he has done.

Without the obstructionist policies of the left he could do much better and that's what they, and you, are afraid of.
Who could be more obstructionist than the republican party during Obamas 8 years ? Now you cry obstruction??How republican of you
Republicans funded everything Obama wanted them to fund.
Who could be more obstructionist than the republican party during Obamas 8 years ? Now you cry obstruction??How republican of you
It is each party's goal to oppose the policies of the other party when they find them to be counter productive and destructive.
Yes, republicans opposed Obama on matters of policy that were objectively harmful.

What democrats are doing now is opposing and obstructing Trump policies that they themselves advocated at one time. For instance when Trump offered Charles Schumer the DACA policy Obama and the left had long wanted in exchange for funding of the border wall, something else the left wanted or was willing to support at one time,

Schumer turned it down even though it left these Dreamers high and dry without support for this long sought after deal just so they could stick a finger in Trump's eye and deny him a relatively paltry sum of money. And he denied something good for the nation as a whole
(border security) just to deny Trump! That's fucking petty!

That's obstruction! That's denying something good for the country that the left has wanted just so they could obstruct Trump. I hope you've learned something. I know you have even if you can't admit it.
Who could be more obstructionist than the republican party during Obamas 8 years ? Now you cry obstruction??How republican of you
It is each party's goal to oppose the policies of the other party when they find them to be counter productive and destructive.
Yes, republicans opposed Obama on matters of policy that were objectively harmful.

What democrats are doing now is opposing and obstructing Trump policies that they themselves advocated at one time. For instance when Trump offered Charles Schumer the DACA policy Obama and the left had long wanted in exchange for funding of the border wall, something else the left wanted or was willing to support at one time,

Schumer turned it down even though it left these Dreamers high and dry without support for this long sought after deal just so they could stick a finger in Trump's eye and deny him a relatively paltry sum of money. And he denied something good for the nation as a whole
(border security) just to deny Trump! That's fucking petty!

That's obstruction! That's denying something good for the country that the left has wanted just so they could obstruct Trump. I hope you've learned something. I know you have even if you can't admit it.
Are you saying trump didn't turn down a better deal when threatened by coulter and limpaw A deal he had agreed too?
Palestinians fly swastika kite with petrol bomb across Gaza border into Israel


It’s not like Jihadists have not painted swastikas on things before.

Islam is not a race. There are many blue eyes caucasians who have adopted the religion of Satan.

So the New Zealand Attacker looks now even more Like a Jihadist!

Again, what is a “White Supremacist” doing in Pakistan, North Korea, Iran & Turkey?
White Nationalist

"Adherents of white nationalist groups believe that white identity should be the organizing principle of the countries that make up Western civilization.

"White nationalists advocate for policies to reverse changing demographics and the loss of an absolute, white majority.

"Ending non-white immigration, both legal and illegal, is an urgent priority — frequently elevated over other racist projects, such as ending multiculturalism and miscegenation — for white nationalists seeking to preserve white, racial hegemony.

"White nationalists seek to return to an America that predates the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

"Both landmark pieces of legislation are cited as the harbingers of white dispossession and so-called 'white genocide' — the idea that whites in the United States are being systematically replaced and destroyed."

MAGA...was that before the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
you and trump defend white nationalists....It gives me a bad feeling about you too
You defend Jihadi mass murderers. That gives me a bad feeling about you.

As I said numerous times previously "white nationalism" is a bullshit term designed to smear decent patriotic Americans who happen to be white.
As I said numerous times previously "white nationalism" is a bullshit term designed to smear decent patriotic Americans who happen to be white.

"Military explosives arranged in the shape of a swastika in a screenshot from the Twitter account of @Jacobite_Edward, an active-duty Marine under investigation for racist views. A Military Times poll from last fall found that more than one in five service members have seen evidence of white supremacy or racist ideology in the ranks, despite work from service leaders to root out the problem.'

White nationalism remains a problem for the military, poll suggests

"WASHINGTON — After a year of military officials publicly emphasizing the dangers of white nationalism in the ranks, a poll of Military Times readers found little change in the prevalence of those racist views among troops.

"The issue of extremists in the ranks gained national attention again recently after the arrest of Coast Guard Lt. Christopher Hasson, a former active-duty Marine and Army guardsman who was plotting a mass murder of political and media figures. Investigators have found evidence that he was a long-time white nationalist who held violently racist views even before his first enlistment in the military.
slam is not a race. There are many blue eyes caucasians who have adopted the religion of Satan.

So the New Zealand Attacker looks now even more Like a Jihadist!

Again, what is a “White Supremacist” doing in Pakistan, North Korea, Iran & Turkey?
I have no way of knowing why a "White Supremacist" visited those countries anymore than you or I know why the avowed neo-Nazi Brenton Harrison Tarrant flashed what appeared to be a white-power hand signal when he made his first court appearance on Saturday.

Unlike millions of non racist whites who travel extensively among Muslim populations, Tarrant became enraged at Muslim migrants while visiting France:

"In the manifesto, he described how it was on a trip to western Europe in 2017 that he first 'dramatically changed' his views on immigration — an experience that appears to have led to his radicalization.

"On that trip, he traveled through France, Portugal, and elsewhere, he wrote, and was horrified by a truck attack in Stockholm around that time that left a young girl dead.

"His fury grew, he wrote, as he observed the 2017 French elections. In the document he published, he lashed out against immigration to France in particular, claiming there were so many immigrants 'the french people were often in a minority themselves.'"

Why do you suppose so many white people find it easy to blame the victims of their counties' vi$cou$, raci$t war$ acro$$ the Middle East and Africa?
Are you saying trump didn't turn down a better deal when threatened by coulter and limpaw A deal he had agreed too?
Schumer rescinds offer of $25 billion for border wall
I'm saying, and this citation confirms, that Schumer walked away from a deal that had been struck because "party activists" told him not to cave in to Trump.

And by "party activists" the citation is not referring to Limbaugh or Coulter. That's obstructionist bullshit but the crazed activists have Chuck and Nancy by the balls (especially Nancy).
Why do you suppose so many white people find it easy to blame the victims of their counties' vi$cou$, raci$t war$ acro$$ the Middle East and Africa?
Maybe because things aren't as black and white (pun fully intended) as you make them out to be.
But propagandists and polemicists speak in broad generalized terms the better to achieve their desired goals with.
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How is Trump "taking America down?"
I think lefty means his version of America, the one offered by Barry Obama and his "fundamental change".
Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills - POLITICO

May 8, 2014 - Obama says Republicans have been obstructionist since even ... who used to work on construction but now has been laid off — they need us.
May 8, 2014 - Obama says Republicans have been obstructionist since even ... who used to work on construction but now has been laid off — they need us.
Wow! Great supporting citation, broham! Do you have one from a fox explaining how the chickens like being attacked and eaten?

Obama's mid term campaign speech for a bunch of Hollywood democrat party whores where he pulls a figure out of his ass to demonstrate how evil republicans are is less than meaningless. It is insulting.
Hey you Dumb Ass Tard....

You want to put your money where your

mouth is at on which network tells the most lies?

We all know you are full of SHIT...….

they all lie you dumb fuck, that is what you are too stupid to grasp.

The all lie, spin, twist and control the stories that make their shows.


Even you know you are Full of Shit….

Your media lies...….....

I knew you wouldn’t put your money where your mouth was at…..

You Tards mouths are constantly writing checks your ass can’t cash..

You are all fools plain to see………….

Ok, I tell you what....let's do this.

Provide me your list of verified lies from each of the major news agencies over the last 5 years and let's see which is longer.

I will be waiting...

Lets bet first Chicken Shit...………...

I will be waiting for your wiggle out.......

Ok, let's bet our existence on this forum. you willing??

You got it Chicken Shit.....

Lets go lie for at a time.....

Show me one from our side that compares to

what your lying media did to Nick Sandmann .
they all lie you dumb fuck, that is what you are too stupid to grasp.

The all lie, spin, twist and control the stories that make their shows.


Even you know you are Full of Shit….

Your media lies...….....

I knew you wouldn’t put your money where your mouth was at…..

You Tards mouths are constantly writing checks your ass can’t cash..

You are all fools plain to see………….

Ok, I tell you what....let's do this.

Provide me your list of verified lies from each of the major news agencies over the last 5 years and let's see which is longer.

I will be waiting...

Lets bet first Chicken Shit...………...

I will be waiting for your wiggle out.......

Ok, let's bet our existence on this forum. you willing??
Golf man is now a 1-5 favorite in Vegas Deno is 10-1 and dropping

You want to bet $20.00 on the side Chicken Shit......

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