Mosque shooting in New Zealand

I already told you the Vegas loon was too far away to use handguns

And the VA Tech shooter was pretty fucking deadly with just a couple of handguns wasn't he?
The guy who did the CA night club killings did it with one handgun

So don't be so naive as to think people won't be able to kill a lot of people without a rifle or a 30 round mag
why do you think most of the infantry in the military have rifles NOT pistols ?
Because they want to engage from longer distances
maybe because the rifles also hold more rounds....??
plain and simple---the rifle can fire more rounds faster---yes or no?

then tell us why they don't carry handguns more
Why don't all cops carry rifles?
why do you think most of the infantry in the military have rifles NOT pistols ?
Because they want to engage from longer distances
maybe because the rifles also hold more rounds....??
plain and simple---the rifle can fire more rounds faster---yes or no?

then tell us why they don't carry handguns more
Why don't all cops carry rifles?

Ever looked in the trunk of a cop car? Most cops do.
Because they want to engage from longer distances
maybe because the rifles also hold more rounds....??
plain and simple---the rifle can fire more rounds faster---yes or no?

then tell us why they don't carry handguns more
Why don't all cops carry rifles?

Ever looked in the trunk of a cop car? Most cops do.

They do not carry them with them at all times
A rifle in the trunk is not the same thing
maybe because the rifles also hold more rounds....??
plain and simple---the rifle can fire more rounds faster---yes or no?

then tell us why they don't carry handguns more
Why don't all cops carry rifles?

Ever looked in the trunk of a cop car? Most cops do.

They do not carry them with them at all times
A rifle in the trunk is not the same thing

True. I did not get that you meant carry on their person at all times. Typically, the police engage at much closer distances, which is why rifles are not as necessary for them.
i think we should muster the militia until our security problems go away.

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials."
— George Mason, in Debates in Virginia Convention on Ratification of the Constitution, Elliot, Vol. 3, June 16, 1788
BS Filter, post: 22022626
No such thing as "Islamophobia". It's a made up term by Islamists and their pawns in the left to silence criticism of their backward murderous attacks and hate

The people gunned down in NZ committed no such thing as murderous attacks and hate. So you are lying about the victims to justify a coward and comrade of years massacreing so many innocent men women and children.

Now in Trumpian fashion you declare Islamophobia to be a made up word. You can’t Trump away all words that define you, you hate filled racist and religious bigot and worthless human being,
People die in car crashes, or accidents. I think of 9/11, Remember what Islam has done to us? The horrors of the twin towers..the twin towers, THAT is what Islam has done to us. What GOOD have these people done that has offset any of that?

Hey, dummy, "Islam" didn't do that to us.

A group of radicals who were trained, armed and sponsored by our own CIA did that.

Radical Islamic Jihadi existed long before the CIA was ever thought of. Its crazy that so many libs never heard of the Jihadi attack on Tours, France,or the fact they invaded Spain for almost 8 centuries, or sieged Vienna,or slaughtered Kiwis in Gallipoli or a thousand other acts of evil. Do you know where the word "assassin" came from? Its derived from "hashish", because the radical Jihadi who went out and killed people got loaded on hashish first.
That Jihad's Eve of Destruction

On September 11, outside Vienna in 1683, the Turkish general was motivated only by greed. For months, he could have easily taken Vienna instead of waiting for it to surrender. From there, the capital of the Holy Roman Empire, he had a good chance to conquer the rest of Europe, especially since the Chickenhawk Christian Emperor had run away from a fight with all his troops.

But the rules governing conquest then were that if Vienna surrendered, he would get all the loot. If he had attacked and taken it that way instead, he would have had to share the loot with his troops. This fits in perfectly with bin Laden's motivation to do things differently on his September 11.
BS Filter, post: 22022626
No such thing as "Islamophobia". It's a made up term by Islamists and their pawns in the left to silence criticism of their backward murderous attacks and hate

The people gunned down in NZ committed no such thing as murderous attacks and hate. So you are lying about the victims to justify a coward and comrade of years massacreing so many innocent men women and children.

Now in Trumpian fashion you declare Islamophobia to be a made up word. You can’t Trump away all words that define you, you hate filled racist and religious bigot and worthless human being,
Then how is it that at the second mosque the shooter was fired upon..?
Vastator, post: 2202447
Then how is it that at the second mosque the shooter was fired upon..?

Are you stupid? You just said “the shooter was fired upon” Muslims are committing terrorism and an act of hate in your head if they defend themselves against an active “shooter” trying to kill them.
Vastator, post: 2202447
Then how is it that at the second mosque the shooter was fired upon..?

Are you stupid? You just said “the shooter was fired upon” Muslims are committing terrorism and an act of hate in your head if they defend themselves against an active “shooter” trying to kill them.
Your kinda missing the point. Those mosques in particular had a reputation locally for harboring radicals. Numerous locals commented on the recent shooting by saying they expected something like this from these mosques. But thought it would be the other way around. Turns out there were in fact weapons in this mosque. Not saying they were committing terror in the act of defending themselves, but as refugees; where and how did they get weapons. And what were they planning to do with them?
Vastator, post: 22025079
Those mosques in particular had a reputation locally for harboring radicals.

Since you have chosen to go down the blame the victim path, I’m sure you will be able to quickly provide your source linking these mosques to harboring radicals.

A Muslim practicing his religion growing a beard can be considered radical by many an Islamaphobe.

I’m looking for a government or law enforcement source. You should be too.
Vastator, post: 22025079
Those mosques in particular had a reputation locally for harboring radicals.

Since you have chosen to go down the blame the victim path, I’m sure you will be able to quickly provide your source linking these mosques to harboring radicals.

A Muslim practicing his religion growing a beard can be considered radical by many an Islamaphobe.

I’m looking for a government or law enforcement source. You should be too.
I’ll take the local commentary that was posted prior to the video being pulled down. You look for whatever you like. As far as those locals suspicions of these invaders... turns out there were weapons in at least one of the mosques... Sounds like the local intuition wasn’t far off the mark.
People die in car crashes, or accidents. I think of 9/11, Remember what Islam has done to us? The horrors of the twin towers..the twin towers, THAT is what Islam has done to us. What GOOD have these people done that has offset any of that?

Hey, dummy, "Islam" didn't do that to us.

A group of radicals who were trained, armed and sponsored by our own CIA did that.

Radical Islamic Jihadi existed long before the CIA was ever thought of. Its crazy that so many libs never heard of the Jihadi attack on Tours, France,or the fact they invaded Spain for almost 8 centuries, or sieged Vienna,or slaughtered Kiwis in Gallipoli or a thousand other acts of evil. Do you know where the word "assassin" came from? Its derived from "hashish", because the radical Jihadi who went out and killed people got loaded on hashish first.
That Jihad's Eve of Destruction

On September 11, outside Vienna in 1683, the Turkish general

Who? Sultan Mehmed IV had sent his grand vizier Kara Mustafa Pascha.

was motivated only by greed.

¿greed? In 1664 the emperor and the grand vizier (Leopold I and Ahmed Köprülü) had made a peace contract for 20 years. A prolongation failed or was not done on whatever reason.

For months, he could have easily taken Vienna

or not

instead of waiting for it to surrender. From there, the capital of the Holy Roman Empire,

Capital of the Holy Roman empire of German [=united] nation was Regensburg from 1663-1806, where was the "immerwährende Reichstag" (=Everlasting imperial diet). The very old city Regensburg was in the middle of the holy empire. For your orientation - here a card of the holy empire after the peace of Westfalen in 1648: Zweite Wiener Türkenbelagerung – Wikipedia

he had a good chance to conquer the rest of Europe, especially since the Chickenhawk Christian Emperor had run away from a fight with all his troops.

Together with the emperor left 80,000 inhabitants Vienna and moved to Passau. This was necessary.

But the rules governing conquest then were that if Vienna surrendered, he would get all the loot. If he had attacked and taken it that way instead, he would have had to share the loot with his troops. This fits in perfectly with bin Laden's motivation to do things differently on his September 11.

The terror of the godless Islamists - and now also the terror of the godless Anti-Muslimists - like this damned asshole, who terrorized all inhabitants of New Zealand by murdering innocent Muslims, when they celebrated their divine service - had not any root in the conflict between the holy empire and the Osman empire. The conflicts which leaded to this forms of terror today were born in the English empire and are also a result of the wrong politics of the USA in and since world war 1. And it has a lot to do with the Wahabis too. And not to forget the crazy western world, which produces for example films and software - including weapons nearly for free and for the training of mass-murderers, while they are horrified the same time about fairy tales of the brothers Grimm and other nice things - like unicorns for example.

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Vastator, post: 22025310,
I’ll take the local commentary that was posted prior to the video being pulled down. You look for whatever you like. As far as those locals suspicions of these invaders... turns out there were weapons in at least one of the mosques... Sounds like the local intuition wasn’t far off the mark.

The only report I could find is that one worshipper was at the second Mosque who told police he ran home to get his gun.

That’s it. So you are a liar and an Islamophobe repeating rumors that blame the victims to incite hatred against Muslims.
Vastator, post: 22025310,
I’ll take the local commentary that was posted prior to the video being pulled down. You look for whatever you like. As far as those locals suspicions of these invaders... turns out there were weapons in at least one of the mosques... Sounds like the local intuition wasn’t far off the mark.

The only report I could find is that one worshipper was at the second Mosque who told police he ran home to get his gun.

That’s it. So you are a liar and an Islamophobe repeating rumors that blame the victims to incite hatred against Muslims.
Tell yourself whatever you must in order to sleep at night. Even if that means convincing your self of the implausible tale that this sand devil left the scene of a mass shooting, went home, got a gun, came back, and stopped the shooter. All this... Before police could get there. Cool story bro...
irrelevant to the point that rifles kill more and faster
You are unaware of the fact more people are killed in mass shootings with handguns than rifles?
How can that be?
....again---you have not read or do not understand the posts--point is the AR 15 fires EXACTLY like the M16s
You avoided the point -- I am not surprised. Concession accepted.
And no, the AR15 does not fire EXACTLY like the M16 as the AR15 only has 2 positions on its selector, while the M16 has three.

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