Mosque shooting in New Zealand

Vastator, post: 22026994
Even if that means convincing your self of the implausible tale that this sand devil left the scene of a mass shooting, went home, got a gun, came back, and stopped the shooter. All this... Before police could get there. Cool story bro...

I didnt present that story as a credibly reported fact. I presented it as the only story about a worshipper shooting at the attacker as you brought up. There were no reports about weapons being found at the second mosque as you were spreading. So you lied. That’s the point.
There are no false accusations. It’s all from the horses ass Islamophobe promoter himself:

Trumpo’s islamophobia reflects on all Americans as you say. And worse is the fact that so many Americans are in denial and defend such a disgraceful politician/scam artist.

I have a question about the phrase "Islamophobia" If it is "islamophobia" which impels a savage such as this shooter in New Zealand to commit such an atrocity, what is the "phobia" which motivates Muslims to commit violence against non Muslims?
There are no false accusations. It’s all from the horses ass Islamophobe promoter himself:

Trumpo’s islamophobia reflects on all Americans as you say. And worse is the fact that so many Americans are in denial and defend such a disgraceful politician/scam artist.

I have a question about the phrase "Islamophobia" If it is "islamophobia" which impels a savage such as this shooter in New Zealand to commit such an atrocity, what is the "phobia" which motivates Muslims to commit violence against non Muslims?

That would be Freedomphobia. President Bush in the wake of 9/11 explained motivation for the extreme terrorist act. Guys like Osama Ladin hate our freedoms, they hate our liberties and it makes them sick to their stomachs and drives them into a homicidal frenzy. Makes them lash out.
Bezukhov, post: 22027930
I have a question about the phrase "Islamophobia" If it is "islamophobia" which impels a savage such as this shooter in New Zealand to commit such an atrocity, what is the "phobia" which motivates Muslims to commit violence against non Muslims?

Extremism. Jihad.

Islamophobia is the fear of Muslims by non Muslims which is an exaggerated fear generated by associating all Muslims including peaceful and law abiding Muslims with the acts of violence and terror committed by a small percentage of extremists against non-Muslims in the name of Islam.

It’s why Bush 43 held firm to the notion that Islam is a peaceful religion. Trumpo is an Islamophobe because he won’t go there . He emphasizes the violent extremism that is linked to Islan.

Your question is off base since Islamophobia is not what ‘motivated’ the Christchurch terrorist to shoot up the Mosques there. His motivation was white supremacy. He is a white extremist.

So what you are asking for - the answer would be violent black nationalists. If you fear all black people because of the evil ones - then you have developed a phobia. Same with Islam.
It’s why Bush 43 held firm to the notion that Islam is a peaceful religion. Trumpo is an Islamophobe because he won’t go there . He emphasizes the violent extremism that is linked to Islan.

But President Trump has pointed out on repeated occasions that Islam is a "fabulous religion" in his opinion. Further, Trump gets along splendidly with the Moe Salman and other Islamic leaders in Saudi Arabia as well as noted Islamic Leaders in this country such as Iron Mike Tyson and the Iron Sheikh.
It’s why Bush 43 held firm to the notion that Islam is a peaceful religion. Trumpo is an Islamophobe because he won’t go there . He emphasizes the violent extremism that is linked to Islan.

But President Trump has pointed out on repeated occasions that Islam is a "fabulous religion" in his opinion. Further, Trump gets along splendidly with the Moe Salman and other Islamic leaders in Saudi Arabia as well as noted Islamic Leaders in this country such as Iron Mike Tyson and the Iron Sheikh.

If he thinks it’s fantastic why does he say the world had a Muslim problem?
Polishprince, post: 22030687
But President Trump has pointed out on repeated occasions that Islam is a "fabulous religion" in his opinion.

I found one quote where he said he had a fabulous time with Muslims.

So I don’t know what you are talking about.

But Trumpo is in record on video describing people coming out of Mosques with death in their eyes.

Why are you defending an Islamophobe? Defending him poorly, but defending him poorly.
Polishprince, post: 22030687
But President Trump has pointed out on repeated occasions that Islam is a "fabulous religion" in his opinion.

I found one quote where he said he had a fabulous time with Muslims.

So I don’t know what you are talking about.

But Trumpo is in record on video describing people coming out of Mosques with death in their eyes.

Why are you defending an Islamophobe? Defending him poorly, but defending him poorly.

Some people coming out of the mosques do talk about the "white devils" - certainly not all of them, but some of them yes.

But reasonable Muslim like Mike Tyson and the Saudi Royal Family, have no problem with Trump.
Polishprince, post: 22031927
But reasonable Muslim like Mike Tyson and the Saudi Royal Family, have no problem with Trump.

So the vast majority of Muslims that do not support Trumpo are irrational as you see it.

Do you realize what you are saying.

Does that mean they have death in their eyes as Trumpo describes them coming out of their Mosques?

Think about it. Do you think Trumpo has stood outside a Mosque looking into the eyes of worshippers to see the death in their eyes.

You don’t find this ‘death in the eyes’ line offensive, right? And you will forever support him. That tells me why such vile hate speech by a US President is so dear and useful to the man who can actually see death in peoples’s eyes. He’s got you hook, line and sinker.

I love your example of a ‘reasonable’ Muslim and bestie friend of Trumpo. Convicted rapist Mike Tyson. He converted to Islam in Prison.

Trumpo wanted to keep the $$$$ he made off of Tyson’s fight coming in, so he proposed that convicted rapist Tyson be allowed to keep fighting and to give the money to rape victims. That didnt fly.

Here it is in Tyson’s own reasonable words:

“We’re really good friends,” Tyson says of Trump. “We go back to ’86, ’87. Most of my successful and best fights were at Trump’s hotels. He didn’t manage me, though. He was just helping me with my court case.”“We’re the same guy,” he continues. “A thrust for power, a drive for power. Whatever field we’re in, we need power in that field. That’s just who we are.”Then, Tyson starts to lose me a bit. “Balls of energy. We’re not even who we think we are. We’re fire. We’re made of this crap—water, motion, dirt, diamonds, emeralds. We’re made out of that stuff, can you believe it?”

Given their history, it should come as little surprise that Tyson is endorsing Trump for president.“

Mike Tyson: Why I’m a Muslim for Donald Trump

Keep defending Trumpo. I can’t wait for your next episode.
@everyone here

I guess no one should forget Anders Behring Breivick in this context too. He had murdered Swedish teenagers on the holy-day Island Utoya - but he said he did it because he liked to prevent an invasion of Muslims in Europe. Same motivation had this Australaian extremist. Anders Berhing Breivick saw in this children collaborateurs. And murdered them - what he enjoyed, I guess, because of his narcism.

This means first of all: No one is save. Not Muslims, not Christians, not Atheists - no one.

And from the US-Americans who suppport "free weapons for everyone" I like to know whether they are ready to pay the price for this politics on their own - personally - together with the producers of this extremely dangerous products, which need normally a very very good qualification of the users of this product. I guess, if the real costs of all terror-attacks, shootings, mass-murder, murder and self-murder would be a part of the price calculation for weapons, then the price of this goods (better to say "of this bads") would be exorbitant high. And day by day grows this virtual account. People who have joy and fun with weapons - including killer software for absurde training situations - cost us all not only a lot of money, they cost also many lost lifes.

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The Western media class has reached a new low. The blame game they’ve been playing in the aftermath of the racist mass murder in New Zealand has been ghoulish and deeply disturbing. The bodies of the 50 murdered Muslims were barely cold before various observers, activists and leftists were naming and shaming those people who they think ‘laid the ground’ for this atrocity. And it apparently includes everyone from alt-right agitators to any mainstream newspaper columnist who has raised so much as a peep of criticism about radical Islam. What we have here is one of the most cynical exploitations of mass murder in recent years: the callous and censorious use of a barbaric assault to settle political and in some cases personal scores. Using the recently dead to underscore your own petty political agenda is the behaviour of the amoral and authoritarian.

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New Zealand’s ghoulish opportunists
Our nations are under attack it’s why we have the second amendment

The absurde situation of the current USA in context "marketing of weapons" started to begin in the 1970ies. Your nation was founded much earlier. Looks not like you are able to give the responsibility for this absurde problem to the midwives of the USA. Real freedom is not the freedom of weapons.

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Our nations are under attack it’s why we have the second amendment

The absurde situation of the current USA in context "marketing of weapons" started to begin in the 1970ies. Your nation was founded much earlier. Looks not like you are able to give the responsibility for this absurde problem to the midwives of the USA.

I don't understand your posts.
Our nations are under attack it’s why we have the second amendment

The absurde situation of the current USA in context "marketing of weapons" started to begin in the 1970ies. Your nation was founded much earlier. Looks not like you are able to give the responsibility for this absurde problem to the midwives of the USA.

I don't understand your posts.

Sure not. My experience is US-Americans never understand what others say - nor like they to understand or try to understand, what's outside of the own horizon. And a world without weapons is for sure outside of the horizon of US-Americans, so you are not able to see how absurde is the US-American weapon fetishism for members of a not US-American speaking culture.

The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord' house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

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Our nations are under attack it’s why we have the second amendment

The absurde situation of the current USA in context "marketing of weapons" started to begin in the 1970ies. Your nation was founded much earlier. Looks not like you are able to give the responsibility for this absurde problem to the midwives of the USA.

I don't understand your posts.

Sure not. My experience is US-Americans never understand what others say - nor like they to understand or try to understand, what's outside of the own horizon. And a world without weapons is for sure outside of the horizon of US-Americans, so you are not able to see how absurde is the US-American weapon fetishism for members of a not US-American speaking culture.

Ah but, I'm not an American.

So you see, you got that wrong.

Our nations are under attack it’s why we have the second amendment

The absurde situation of the current USA in context "marketing of weapons" started to begin in the 1970ies. Your nation was founded much earlier. Looks not like you are able to give the responsibility for this absurde problem to the midwives of the USA.

I don't understand your posts.
------------------------------------------ i think that good old Zang is an Anti Gunner Mindful !!
another fureigner minding Americas business . We in America are very happy to have the RIGHT to be Armed with various Weapons . Where abouts are you from Zang ??
The absurde situation of the current USA in context "marketing of weapons" started to begin in the 1970ies. Your nation was founded much earlier.
Yes.. and weapons have been an integral part of our history, culture, and identity from well before then to today.
Real freedom is not the freedom of weapons.
If you are unable to legally and effectively act in your own defense, you are not free.
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Saw this…liked it.

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