Mosque shooting in New Zealand

It's a very clear sentence.
To you, as you translate it in your head.
And the USA alwa[y]s had a wall to Mexico.
This is false, and almost certainly irrelevant to whatever else you're trying to say here.
Compare on your own how many weapon...
No. If you want to make a point, you do your own homework.
It's a little idiotic what you try to do. Let it be.
Says he who refuses to make his point in an intelligible manner.
It's a very clear sentence.
To you, as you translate it in your head.
And the USA alwa[y]s had a wall to Mexico.
This is false, and almost certainly irrelevant to whatever else you're trying to say here.
Compare on your own how many weapon...
No. If you want to make a point, you do your own homework.
It's a little idiotic what you try to do. Let it be.
Says he who refuses to make his point in an intelligible manner.
It's idiotic what you do and you know it. Let it be.
It's a very clear sentence.
To you, as you translate it in your head.
And the USA alwa[y]s had a wall to Mexico.
This is false, and almost certainly irrelevant to whatever else you're trying to say here.
Compare on your own how many weapon...
No. If you want to make a point, you do your own homework.
It's a little idiotic what you try to do. Let it be.
Says he who refuses to make his point in an intelligible manner.
It's idiotic what you do and you know it. Let it be.
If you aren't willing to support your own point, and refuse to make said point in a manner that can be understood by whoever reads it, the failure to communicate lies solely with you.
Let us know when you have an actual interest in a meaningful discussion.
The absurde situation of the current USA in context "marketing of weapons" started to begin in the 1970ies. Your nation was founded much earlier. Looks not like you are able to give the responsibility for this absurde problem to the midwives of the USA.

I don't understand your posts.
------------------------------------------ i think that good old Zang is an Anti Gunner Mindful !!

No - I don't have any problem to kill you - with or without gun - if it is necessary to do so. But I prefer to arrest weapon fetishists - like every other psychopath and/or sociopath - in a forensic psychiatric hospital. And specially in the USA everyone is able to buy weapons for private use, which are violating Military Weapons Control Acts. Some people say the whole USA is nothing else than a titanic psychiatric hospital. A titanic psychiatric hospital which defines underlying sentiments of many people in many cultures.

FYI not everyone is able to buy firearms

We have a list of people who are prohibited under federal law from possessing firearms

You don't expect a serios answer now, isn't it?
From you?

It's a very clear sentence.
To you, as you translate it in your head.
And the USA alwa[y]s had a wall to Mexico.
This is false, and almost certainly irrelevant to whatever else you're trying to say here.
Compare on your own how many weapon...
No. If you want to make a point, you do your own homework.
It's a little idiotic what you try to do. Let it be.
Says he who refuses to make his point in an intelligible manner.
It's idiotic what you do and you know it. Let it be.
If you aren't willing to support your own point, and refuse to make said point in a manner that can be understood by whoever reads it, the failure to communicate lies solely with you.
Let us know when you have an actual interest in a meaningful discussion.

Do you never read what you write on your own or whyelse do you use an empty phraseology? Or is it your normal strategy to throw with empty shit, when you are not able to argue? What you are doing is totally senseless. You are "a Grenell" = "a provocative lout". Is this the new politics of the USA to say a maximum of bullshit to every problem, which has indirectly to do with the USA and the US-american god "weapon" too?
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I don't understand your posts.
------------------------------------------ i think that good old Zang is an Anti Gunner Mindful !!

No - I don't have any problem to kill you - with or without gun - if it is necessary to do so. But I prefer to arrest weapon fetishists - like every other psychopath and/or sociopath - in a forensic psychiatric hospital. And specially in the USA everyone is able to buy weapons for private use, which are violating Military Weapons Control Acts. Some people say the whole USA is nothing else than a titanic psychiatric hospital. A titanic psychiatric hospital which defines underlying sentiments of many people in many cultures.

FYI not everyone is able to buy firearms

We have a list of people who are prohibited under federal law from possessing firearms

You don't expect a serios answer now, isn't it?
From you?



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Do you never read what you write on your own or whyelse do you use an empty phraseology? Or is it your normal strategy to throw with empty shit, when you are not able to argue? What you are doing is totally senseless. You are "a Grenell" = "a provocative lout". Is this the new politics of the USA to say a maximum of bullshit to every problem, which has indirectly to do with the USA and the US-american god "weapon" too?
Let us know when you have an actual interest in a meaningful discussion.
It's a very clear sentence.
To you, as you translate it in your head.
And the USA alwa[y]s had a wall to Mexico.
This is false, and almost certainly irrelevant to whatever else you're trying to say here.
Compare on your own how many weapon...
No. If you want to make a point, you do your own homework.
It's a little idiotic what you try to do. Let it be.
Says he who refuses to make his point in an intelligible manner.

Do you never read what you write on your own or whyelse do you use an empty phraseology? Or is it your normal strategy to throw with empty shit, when you are not able to argue? What you are doing is totally senseless. You are "a Grenell" = "a provocative lout". Is this the new politics of the USA to say a maximum of bullshit to every problem, which has indirectly to do with the USA and the US-american god "weapon" too?
Let us know when you have an actual interest in a meaningful discussion.

You remember me to the Nazis who call Jews "Zio-Nazis". What you say is only political propaganda without any contact to anything what I really said (you destroyed only the context of my words) nor with any contact to the reality all around. "Weapons" and "freedom" are a contradiction. Besides that the very serios weapon problem of the USA was not made from the midwives of the USA it makes absolutelly no sense to say "because a midwive of the USA had a wart on the nose, this is now the embodiment of beauty". "Weapons" and "freedom" are not compatible with each other - a bullet has to be stopped a long time before it is able to kill not only the freedom of opinion of another person. The monopoly of the use of force is exclusively only on the side of the democratic elected officials and their people, who are under strict control of laws which serve the justice. Private war weapons are evil.

I think it was a good decision from the government of New Zealand to forbid all automatic weapons for private use. Remember what had happened in schools worldwide - or what had happened in a country music festival in Las Vegas, where someone had murdered 58 people. Sport events, malls, restaurants, pubs, pedestrian zones, markets and so on and so on ... the more weapons and the more psychological and psychiatric problems and the more people lose the christian values (or the equivalent values in other religions) and their trust in god - the higher is the risk for all and everyone. A free society where everyone is able to do what he likes to do is a society without weapons - protected from professionals, who know exactly what to do with weapons and what not to do.

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I think it was a good decision from the government of New Zealand to forbid all automatic weapons for private use.
All military style semi automatic weapons that will accept a detachable magazine are now forbidden to an A category licence holder. Military style semi automatic weapons will be available to an E category licence holder. Civilian style semi automatic weapons are still available to an A category licence holder. I approve.
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I think it was a good decision from the government of New Zealand to forbid all automatic weapons for private use.
All military style semi automatic weapons that will accept a detachable magazine are now forbidden to an A category licence holder.

A is a license for sport shooters, I guess.

Military style semi automatic weapons will be available to an E category licence holder.

I guess this are hunters. Why needs a hunter a semi-automatic weapon? Why military style?

Civilian style semi automatic weapons are still available to an A category licence holder. I approve.

Here in Germany we have very strict rules where the weapons have to be, where the magazines have to be, how to transport the weapons and magazines and bullets and so on. And everyone agrees with this very strict rules, specially the professional shooters. As far as I remember only one sport shooter had a bad use of his weapon here in Germany - what's very less, because we have lots and lots of sport shooting clubs. But the wrong handling with the equipment caused sometimes problems, specially when children or young adults stole weapons. Still I remember the school shooting in Winnenden 10 years ago and the totally wrong behavior of the father of the shooter, who was the gun owner. A desaster. If you are from New Zealand on our own then let me say that I was full of tears, when I heard and saw what had happened. A nightmare. And let me say I love your national anthem - it's wonderful - it's the best I've ever heard from a foreign nation.

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No Thoughts and Prayers for New Zealand

They are banning assault rifles
Do you never read what you write on your own or whyelse do you use an empty phraseology? Or is it your normal strategy to throw with empty shit, when you are not able to argue? What you are doing is totally senseless. You are "a Grenell" = "a provocative lout". Is this the new politics of the USA to say a maximum of bullshit to every problem, which has indirectly to do with the USA and the US-american god "weapon" too?
Let us know when you have an actual interest in a meaningful discussion.
You remember me to the Nazis who call Jews "Zio-Nazis".
You have no idea what you;re talking about.
Weapons" and "freedom" are a contradiction.
Weapons are essential for freedom.
Besides that the very serios weapon problem of the USA....
For every gun used to commit murder yesterday, 16,000,000 were not.
You cannot be right.
"Weapons" and "freedom" are not compatible with each other
Weapons are essential for freedom.
The monopoly of the use of force is exclusively only on the side of the democratic elected officials and their people,
When the state has a monopoly on force, the people are no longer free.
Private war weapons are evil
Unsupportable hyperbolic nonsense.
I think it was a good decision from the government of New Zealand to forbid all automatic weapons for private use.
NZ banned automatic weapons decades ago.
Remember what had happened in schools worldwide - or what had happened in a country music festival in Las Vegas, where someone had murdered 58 people.
This what happens when people do not have weapons available to defend their freedom.

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