Mosque shooting in New Zealand

Do you never read what you write on your own or whyelse do you use an empty phraseology? Or is it your normal strategy to throw with empty shit, when you are not able to argue? What you are doing is totally senseless. You are "a Grenell" = "a provocative lout". Is this the new politics of the USA to say a maximum of bullshit to every problem, which has indirectly to do with the USA and the US-american god "weapon" too?
Let us know when you have an actual interest in a meaningful discussion.
You remember me to the Nazis who call Jews "Zio-Nazis".
You have no idea what you;re talking about.
Weapons" and "freedom" are a contradiction.
Weapons are essential for freedom.
Besides that the very serios weapon problem of the USA....
For every gun used to commit murder yesterday, 16,000,000 were not.
You cannot be right.
"Weapons" and "freedom" are not compatible with each other
Weapons are essential for freedom.
The monopoly of the use of force is exclusively only on the side of the democratic elected officials and their people,
When the state has a monopoly on force, the people are no longer free.
Private war weapons are evil
Unsupportable hyperbolic nonsense.
I think it was a good decision from the government of New Zealand to forbid all automatic weapons for private use.
NZ banned automatic weapons decades ago.
Remember what had happened in schools worldwide - or what had happened in a country music festival in Las Vegas, where someone had murdered 58 people.
This what happens when people do not have weapons available to defend their freedom.

I read what you wroie. To try to think about what you declare without reasons is for me not possible. For me you express only an ideology or marketing strategy. "Buy weapons to defend you against weapons". Only weapon manufactueres earn money in this case. I think it is a good idea to let pay the weapon manufacturers for every massacre. One problem is the "socialism of weapons" what means: the profits are always private profits but the costs are public costs.
Do you never read what you write on your own or whyelse do you use an empty phraseology? Or is it your normal strategy to throw with empty shit, when you are not able to argue? What you are doing is totally senseless. You are "a Grenell" = "a provocative lout". Is this the new politics of the USA to say a maximum of bullshit to every problem, which has indirectly to do with the USA and the US-american god "weapon" too?
Let us know when you have an actual interest in a meaningful discussion.
You remember me to the Nazis who call Jews "Zio-Nazis".
You have no idea what you;re talking about.
Weapons" and "freedom" are a contradiction.
Weapons are essential for freedom.
Besides that the very serios weapon problem of the USA....
For every gun used to commit murder yesterday, 16,000,000 were not.
You cannot be right.
"Weapons" and "freedom" are not compatible with each other
Weapons are essential for freedom.
The monopoly of the use of force is exclusively only on the side of the democratic elected officials and their people,
When the state has a monopoly on force, the people are no longer free.
Private war weapons are evil
Unsupportable hyperbolic nonsense.
I think it was a good decision from the government of New Zealand to forbid all automatic weapons for private use.
NZ banned automatic weapons decades ago.
Remember what had happened in schools worldwide - or what had happened in a country music festival in Las Vegas, where someone had murdered 58 people.
This what happens when people do not have weapons available to defend their freedom.
I read what you wroie. To try to think about what you declare without reasons is for me not possible.
Funny -- that's all you did.

Here in America, our constitution recognizes the occasional need of the people to use deadly force in defense of their rights.
What YOU do doesn't matter to us.
Do you never read what you write on your own or whyelse do you use an empty phraseology? Or is it your normal strategy to throw with empty shit, when you are not able to argue? What you are doing is totally senseless. You are "a Grenell" = "a provocative lout". Is this the new politics of the USA to say a maximum of bullshit to every problem, which has indirectly to do with the USA and the US-american god "weapon" too?
Let us know when you have an actual interest in a meaningful discussion.
You remember me to the Nazis who call Jews "Zio-Nazis".
You have no idea what you;re talking about.
Weapons" and "freedom" are a contradiction.
Weapons are essential for freedom.
Besides that the very serios weapon problem of the USA....
For every gun used to commit murder yesterday, 16,000,000 were not.
You cannot be right.
"Weapons" and "freedom" are not compatible with each other
Weapons are essential for freedom.
The monopoly of the use of force is exclusively only on the side of the democratic elected officials and their people,
When the state has a monopoly on force, the people are no longer free.
Private war weapons are evil
Unsupportable hyperbolic nonsense.
I think it was a good decision from the government of New Zealand to forbid all automatic weapons for private use.
NZ banned automatic weapons decades ago.
Remember what had happened in schools worldwide - or what had happened in a country music festival in Las Vegas, where someone had murdered 58 people.
This what happens when people do not have weapons available to defend their freedom.
I read what you wroie. To try to think about what you declare without reasons is for me not possible.
Funny -- that's all you did.

Here in America, our constitution recognizes the occasional need of the people to use deadly force in defense of their rights.

I don't discuss about the US-Amerian constitution. For me the US-American constitution is only a kind of mousehole for weapon fetishist.

What YOU do doesn't matter to us.

Sure. Nothing matters to the planet USA. Oh by the way: You could come to Germany with one of your space shuttles to save your "ambassador" Grenell, before someone scalps here this totally incompetent man with the unbelievable bad behavior.

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ah haw , so you are annoyed by Grennel eh . Looks like another case of The TRUMP doing some good work when he appointed Grennell eh Zang ??
ah haw , so you are annoyed by Grennel eh .

Verärgert? As far as I can see "ambassador" Grenell works together with Nazis all over Europe. So yes - I am "annoyed".

Looks like another case of The TRUMP doing some good work when he appointed Grennell eh Zang ??

Trump? Good Work? Where do you live within the USA? In Antidreamland in Hopelesstown at the "sad joke avenue"?

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ah haw , so you are annoyed by Grennel eh .

Verärgert? As far as I can see "ambassador" Grenell works together with Nazis all over Europe. So yes - I am "annoyed".

Looks like another case of The TRUMP doing some good work when he appointed Grennell eh Zang ??

Trump? Good Work? Where do you live within the USA? In Antidreamland in Hopelesstown at the "sad joke avenue"?

--------------------------- yep , Grennel sounds like a good guy though i suspected that with TRUMP putting him to work . I imagine that Grennel approves of the Eastern Euros like Victor Orban and other sensible Fence and WALL Builders Zang .
I don't discuss about the US-Amerian constitution. For me the US-American constitution is only a kind of mousehole for weapon fetishist.
Feel free to never come here - you absence will not be noticed, and your opinion means nothing.
I agree. I hope god will respect your words and I never will have to go to the USA only for some minutes in my life.
You won't survive. Best not to try.

You are proud that a totally normal human being is not able to survive in the USA? Do you not feel a little crazy? What says the US-American tourism industry to such arguments to visit the USA - or do you directly look for a job on one of their stakes?
I don't discuss about the US-Amerian constitution. For me the US-American constitution is only a kind of mousehole for weapon fetishist.
Feel free to never come here - you absence will not be noticed, and your opinion means nothing.
I agree. I hope god will respect your words and I never will have to go to the USA only for some minutes in my life.
You won't survive. Best not to try.
You are proud that a totally normal human being is not able to survive in the USA?
Your irrational fear of guns will cause you to stoke out, or somesuch.
ah haw , so you are annoyed by Grennel eh .

Verärgert? As far as I can see "ambassador" Grenell works together with Nazis all over Europe. So yes - I am "annoyed".

Looks like another case of The TRUMP doing some good work when he appointed Grennell eh Zang ??

Trump? Good Work? Where do you live within the USA? In Antidreamland in Hopelesstown at the "sad joke avenue"?

--------------------------- yep , Grennel sounds like a good guy though i suspected that with TRUMP putting him to work . I imagine that Grennel approves of the Eastern Euros like Victor Orban and other sensible Fence and WALL Builders Zang .

The political party "Fidesz" of Victor Orban was meanwhile excluded from the European Christian Conservatives. That's a very serios warning. Everyone loves Hungaria - but the politics of Hungaria becomes more and more a catastrophe. But what for heavens sake has an ambassador in Germany of all people of the USA to do with the politics of Hungaria? Send him as an ambassador to Hungaria, if you think he is an expert for Hungaria.

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I don't discuss about the US-Amerian constitution. For me the US-American constitution is only a kind of mousehole for weapon fetishist.
Feel free to never come here - you absence will not be noticed, and your opinion means nothing.
I agree. I hope god will respect your words and I never will have to go to the USA only for some minutes in my life.
You won't survive. Best not to try.
You are proud that a totally normal human being is not able to survive in the USA?
Your irrational fear of guns will cause you to stoke out, or somesuch.

What about to let be such idiocies? You are not able to manipulate me with such a stupid political propaganda. Read my arguments. Think about or let it be. Your choice.
Feel free to never come here - you absence will not be noticed, and your opinion means nothing.
I agree. I hope god will respect your words and I never will have to go to the USA only for some minutes in my life.
You won't survive. Best not to try.
You are proud that a totally normal human being is not able to survive in the USA?
Your irrational fear of guns will cause you to stoke out, or somesuch.
What about to let be such idiocies? You are not able to manipulate me with such a stupid political propaganda. Read my arguments. Think about or let it be. Your choice.
Your irrational fear of firearms clearly runs abnormally deep - so much so that you are likely to keel over from a heart attack before you leave your port of entry at the mere thought of being out in the open with all those guns around.

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