Mosque shooting in New Zealand

Consider that in the arrest of Nameless, no police fired a shot.

The US gives the impression of thinking a trigger happy culture is normal.
gun are only used in self defense and urgent need and guns are normal Gents , Zang and CNM !! Without Guns there would be no civilization as the people with the biggest muscles and most vile intent would be the Rulers , kings and queens , knights , Prezidents and rulers of the roost Zang and CNM .
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as is said about Sam Colt , ---------------- God created Human Kind but Sam Colt with his invention of the Revolving Handgun made ALL of Human Kind EQUAL Zang and CNM .
Having other people pay the price is always the best bargain in maintaining personal easy access to handguns and assault style rifles...

14) In states with more guns, more police officers are also killed on duty

Given that states with more guns tend to have more homicides, it isn’t too surprising that, as a study in the American Journal of Public Health found, states with more guns also have more cops die in the line of duty.
America’s unique gun violence problem, explained in 17 maps and charts
So are those legally acquired firearms or illegally acquired firearms?

Most crimes involving firearms are committed by people who get their guns illegally what makes you think banning a gun will stop that?
Too, school kids are thankful for the chance to be more efficiently massacred as the price to maintain easy access to handguns and assault style rifles.
Dulce et decorum est pro telum ignis mori.
You know most of the school kids would have been safe if a person with a gun couldn't just walk into a school
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Too, school kids are thankful for the chance to be more efficiently massacred as the price to maintain easy access to handguns and assault style rifles.
Dulce et decorum est pro telum ignis mori.
Nec refert, quam multa tempora repetere ineptias sine mente tua, quia manet sine mente ineptias.
gun are only used in self defense and urgent need and guns are normal Gents , Zang and CNM !!

Guns are what? Normal Gents?

Without Guns there would be no civilization

The hunters and gatheres who made Göbekli Tepe (= the builders of the first temples, who were initiating all civilisations of the world) had no guns.

as the people with the biggest muscles and most vile intent would be the Rulers , kings and queens , knights , Prezidents and rulers of the roost Zang and CNM .

No problem. Take a gun, Gent, and try to become president of the USA by shooting down Donald Trump. Lots of people will applaude and you will have to go to a civilized prison. And president of the USA will become another loser. Perhaps a more evil loser. That's the risk. Not a very high risk.
'gobeki tepi' people were too immature to be able to build guns but they did have WEAPONS , knives , clubs and the good old ROCK plus they had hands and feet and muscles . Plus i think they had 'bows and arrows' didn't they Zang .
as is said about Sam Colt , ---------------- God created Human Kind but Sam Colt with his invention of the Revolving Handgun made ALL of Human Kind EQUAL Zang and CNM .

I'm tired about your blasphemies. You seem desperately like ot be punished from god personally. It's by the way a real tragedy when a man, who has a gun, thinks he is as mighty as a man who is a shaolin for example. Only "One man one vote" makes people politically equal and not guns are doing so.

I will not answer now any longer to your not existing problems, which you like to solve with free beer - ah sorry: "weapons for free". Your misrespect of god I am not able to accept.

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plus the builders of 'GT' are dead and long gone and what did they leave fer posterity . Nothing but some standing ' T' Shaped monuments , some bones and fossilized 'poop' or 'coprolites' Zang .
as is said about Sam Colt , ---------------- God created Human Kind but Sam Colt with his invention of the Revolving Handgun made ALL of Human Kind EQUAL Zang and CNM .

I'm tired about your blasphemies. You seem desperately like ot be punished from god personally. It's by the way a real tragedy when a man, who has a gun, thinks he is as mighty as a man who is a shaolin for example. Only "One man one vote" makes people politically equal and not guns are doing so.

I will not answer now not any longer to your not existing problems, which you like to solve with free beer - ah sorry: "weapons for free".
--------------------------- tell that to 'hitler' , pol pot , idi amin , mao , lenin and 'stalin' and the 'nazi's' that some of them were defeated by people with GUNS Zang .
and you are a follower of the 'chink' martial arts of 'shaolin' eh Zang . ------------------- --- --- see example of how best to take care of martial arts swords man Zang .
'gobeki tepi' people were too immature to be able to build guns but they did have WEAPONS , knives , clubs and the good old ROCK plus they had hands and feet and muscles . Plus i think they had 'bows and arrows' didn't they Zang .

All this instruments are not stupid. Guns are stupid.

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