Mosque shooting in New Zealand

Just the fact: Your opinion doesbn't matter.
Okay. You are trumping.
Why do you think your opinion matters?
It's enough now...
You cannot explain why your opinion matters?

Take the booger out of your nose, when you speak with grown ups.

Really unbelievable with which kind of totally stupid political propagandistic strategies US-Americans try to justify the violence with guns, which happens day by day within the own country - directly in front of the eyes of everyone. "Never to be able to feel save - nowhere - in no age of life" is normally a characteristicum of tyrannies and not a character of democracies. Ask yourselve "When started the last 1600 shootings which are a problem of the USA today?" - and you will find out it started not with the constitution of the USA - it started in the 1970ies with growing weapon trades. Now it's a self-made mass murder problem of the current USA, which has absolutelly nothing to do with your founding fathers. When they lived existed muzzle-loaders. And the problem of the USA with all forms of violence is solvable. Today, now, it needs your first steps. So start to solve all this problems and don't try to make everything much more worse.

You are lacking in actual knowledge.....

Australia banned and confiscated their gun crime rate is going up.

America increased our gun ownership, and also more Americans now own and carry guns for self defense....and our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down 72%....

Guns do not drive the gun murder rate....criminals choosing to murder people drives the gun murder rate.

We had 117 people killed by mass public shooters in 2017..... 38,000 were killed in automobile accidents...

Each year, according to our Centers for Disease Control, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapists, robbers and killers.....the Department of Justice puts the number at 1.5 million....

Since you don't understand these facts, why do you think we should take your opinion seriously?

Why did our gun murder rate, our gun crime rate and our violent crime rate go down so much as more Americans owned and carried does that fit your theory?

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
You still don't get it. You never will. The fucking government cannot protect you from anything
Jesus. So I guess that blues player logic means you want to dismantle your defence forces since they can't protect you from anything, therefore they're surplus to requirements.

And I guess you don't want to ban murder because murder still happens. Rightards, not the sharpest knives in the drawer. If they had no gun lobby talking points they'd have no points at all.
You still don't get it. You never will. The fucking government cannot protect you from anything
Jesus. So I guess that blues player logic means you want to dismantle your defence forces since they can't protect you from anything, therefore they're surplus to requirements.

And I guess you don't want to ban murder because murder still happens. Rightards, not the sharpest knives in the drawer. If they had no gun lobby talking points they'd have no points at all.

Morons like you always try to use the stupid argument that we say people ignore murder laws so to have a laugh, you say we should end murder laws.....and you are an idiot. All the law states is that murder is prohibited, and it gives the penalty if you commit the crime of murder.

Morons like you don't want to do that for guns......for example, using a gun to commit murder is against the law, and if you do use a gun to commit murder there is a defined penalty...years in prison.

What you morons want is to say that someone who did not use a gun to commit murder should be punished for not using the gun to commit being forced to give up their guns before they use it to commit murder.....

What we point out, you that we already have the law that says if you commit murder with a gun, you go to jail....we like that law, that is how it is supposed to work, you break the law you get morons want to punish people who don't break the law, and then, when a criminal actually does break the law and commit an actual crime with the gun, you asswipes let them out of jail in less than 3 years.......and then say that law abiding gun owners can't have guns...

You are the moron...
you morons want to punish people who don't break the law,
No, no one wants to punish people who don't illegally possess a military style semi automatic.
You're spouting another specious gun lobby talking point.
Morons like you always try to use the stupid argument that we say people ignore murder laws so to have a laugh, you say we should end murder laws.....and you are an idiot. All the law states is that murder is prohibited, and it gives the penalty if you commit the crime of murder.
And all the law states is that A category licence holders may not possess military style semi automatics and gives the penalty if they commit that crime of possession.
Morons like you always try to use the stupid argument that we say people ignore murder laws so to have a laugh, you say we should end murder laws.....and you are an idiot. All the law states is that murder is prohibited, and it gives the penalty if you commit the crime of murder.
And all the law states is that A category licence holders may not possess military style semi automatics and gives the penalty if they commit that crime of possession.

Semi-automatics are not military style weapons, you doofus. A military weapon needs to have a select fire switch....which semi-automatic rifles do not have......and since there are 10s of thousands in the hands of law abiding Kiwis, and only one was used illegally, you are punishing the people who did not use their semi-automatic rifles illegally.....that is fucking stupid.
No... but you want to make "military style semi-automatics" illegal to prevent people from breaking the law.
Laws cannot prevent people from breaking other laws.
That's why no hindrance is placed on your possession of belt fed machine guns, right?
No... but you want to make "military style semi-automatics" illegal to prevent people from breaking the law.
Laws cannot prevent people from breaking other laws.
That's why no hindrance is placed on your possession of belt fed machine guns, right?

You are a sheeple....sad and pathetic being you
No... but you want to make "military style semi-automatics" illegal to prevent people from breaking the law.
Laws cannot prevent people from breaking other laws.
They are now effectively illegal, no 'want' about it. We want to reduce the number of efficient mass killing weapons in circulation. And we have.
No... but you want to make "military style semi-automatics" illegal to prevent people from breaking the law.
Laws cannot prevent people from breaking other laws.
They are now effectively illegal, no 'want' about it. We want to reduce the number of efficient mass killing weapons in circulation. And we have.

It's about time for New Zealand's patriots to arise and to let their voices heard!

NO MORE SOCIALISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO MORE SELLING LAND TO Fascists left-wing criminals from the US .....GLOBALISTS FASCISTS FLEEING THE US and going to get bunkers and land to hide in New Zealand!

New Zealand is full of Patriots! they will fight against you!

Jacinda Ardern you are a socialist criminal !!

you can run but you can not hide .... you scum!
No... but you want to make "military style semi-automatics" illegal to prevent people from breaking the law.
Laws cannot prevent people from breaking other laws.
They are now effectively illegal, no 'want' about it. We want to reduce the number of efficient mass killing weapons in circulation. And we have.

The New Zealand mosque "shootings" were a false flag/psy-op and a badly pulled off one at that. CGI technology was a major player. Anyone in New Zealand that questions the official narrative is being targeted. Youtube videos showing what a sham this was are being deleted. I am not even slightly surprised that an admitted puppy kicking moron like you was "sucked in" are just that fucking stupid AND clueless.
NO MORE SELLING LAND TO Fascists left-wing criminals from the US .....GLOBALISTS FASCISTS FLEEING THE US and going to get bunkers and land to hide in New Zealand!
That fits no definition of socialism I know, especially as it was done by a merchant banker.
... Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

First of all: How many weapons had the citizens of the USA in 1955 or 1960? I guess much less than 200 millions, what's anyway much to much if it are in lots of cases semi-automatic and automatic weapons. What was the crime rate in the 50ies or 60ies?

Second: I read 78% of all US-Americans have no weapons at all. 19% own 50% of all weapons. 3% own the other 50%. One problem in Germany with the rise of the Nazis (a margnal group) was it for example that the USA and the other allies had minimized the number of soldiers and policemen in Germany - so private armies from the left and right political spectrum started to grow and destroyed in street fights between Commies and Nazis the democracy of Weimar. A well known name of one of this private armies is today "the SS" - a private army of the political party NSDAP.

Third: You had in the last years lots of shootings, better to say "slaughterings". I do not have the impression that private weapon owner had any possibility to minmize this problem or to stop the persons, which were running an intentional form of amok with weapons. It needs well trained policemen in such cases - and special forces too. Besides: Meanwhile your children grow up in fear because they know a school shooting is able to happen always everywhere in the USA. What makes this with the psychology of your people? A snail shell pschoopgy? A wall nation? Is thsi the reason why you nation did not hear the cry for help "no weapons" of your children?

Fourth: I doubt about this numbers in generell and I asked myselve on the other side what this really could mean. In Germany we have since the year 1900 nearly the same very low level of homicides. Your statistic has big movements. And I saw a German source where the suicides with weapons in the USA are continously growing since the year 2000. Perhaps your people do suicide before they try to rob a bank? The reason could be a growing in the ethical structures ("better to die only on my own, instead to kill others too"). But this is also able to be an expression of a frustration, which starts to early ("better to kill myselve, because I anyway do not have any chance"). Perhaps your people are in a kind of mass-depression? This coud explain why the people "need" Trump. He distracts them with his empty self-deluding theatre from their own psychological pain.

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You still don't get it. You never will. The fucking government cannot protect you from anything
Jesus. So I guess that blues player logic means you want to dismantle your defence forces since they can't protect you from anything, therefore they're surplus to requirements.

And I guess you don't want to ban murder because murder still happens. Rightards, not the sharpest knives in the drawer. If they had no gun lobby talking points they'd have no points at all.

You do know that the US armed forces are barred from being deployed in country don't you?
You're so fucking dense you don't realize the police are a state and local government entity.

And here's a little fact for you.

The laws against murder don't stop murderers from murdering they only make sure that a murderer gets punished after the fact.

Your limited intelligence is demonstrated by your need to label me as right wing. Tell me what right wing hack is pro choice, thinks gay marriage is perfectly fine and is for the legalization of drugs ?
No... but you want to make "military style semi-automatics" illegal to prevent people from breaking the law.
Laws cannot prevent people from breaking other laws.
That's why no hindrance is placed on your possession of belt fed machine guns, right?
The law does not prevent people form committing crimes with machineguns, because it cannot prevent people from committing crimes with machineguns.

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