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Mossad's Fingerprints On Paris Attacks

Have you noticed how Sunni quickly shuts his pie-hole and disappears as soon as someone reminds him that he used to be a big ISIS cheerleader and supporter on this site, not too long ago? His famous chant was "go team Sunni!"
Notice how the Juden here like Roudy never address the OP and only focus on attacking the poster.

I guess they can't defend the POS state of Israel and the terrorist Mossad goons. ...... :cool:
Have you noticed how Sunni quickly shuts his pie-hole and disappears as soon as someone reminds him that he used to be a big ISIS cheerleader and supporter on this site, not too long ago? His famous chant was "go team Sunni!"
Notice how the Juden here like Roudy never address the OP and only focus on attacking the poster.

I guess they can't defend the POS state of Israel and the terrorist Mossad goons. ...... :cool:

Just pointing out the facts man, that you used to be an ISIS cheerleader.
Just pointing out the facts man, that you used to be an ISIS cheerleader.
Incorrect juden boy....... :cool:
No? You never said "go team Sunni" in reference to ISIS killing Shiites, bombing Shiite mosques, and murdering hundreds in Shiite open markets? Or how about "it's their land, they can do as they please" in reference to ISIS invading cities, slaughtering non Muslims and imposing barbaric Shariah law? Are you denying or maybe you don't remember. Maybe all that head banging on all fours on the rug five times a day, has caused irreversible damage in your brain, Sunni. Everyone remembers your posts. Are you now running away from your own record?
Like I always say......anytime there is social disruption, chaos, terrorism, or war.....just scratch the surface a little and you'll find zionist Jews funding and organizing the false flag event. ...... :cool:

Where did he get that Eastern Orthodox Christian outfit? I'd like one....I need to get a fake beard like that also...
No? You never said "go team Sunni" in reference to ISIS killing Shiites, bombing Shiite mosques, and murdering hundreds in Shiite open markets? Or how about "it's their land, they can do as they please" in reference to ISIS invading cities, slaughtering non Muslims and imposing barbaric Shariah law? Are you denying or maybe you don't remember. Maybe all that head banging on all fours on the rug five times a day, has caused irreversible damage in your brain, Sunni. Everyone remembers your posts. Are you now running away from your own record?
As a patriotic american citizen I only said "go team sunni" in reference to the sunni freedom fighters backed by the US government. ..... :cool:
No? You never said "go team Sunni" in reference to ISIS killing Shiites, bombing Shiite mosques, and murdering hundreds in Shiite open markets? Or how about "it's their land, they can do as they please" in reference to ISIS invading cities, slaughtering non Muslims and imposing barbaric Shariah law? Are you denying or maybe you don't remember. Maybe all that head banging on all fours on the rug five times a day, has caused irreversible damage in your brain, Sunni. Everyone remembers your posts. Are you now running away from your own record?
As a patriotic american citizen I only said "go team sunni" in reference to the sunni freedom fighters backed by the US government. ..... :cool:

Now now Sunni, your previous more recent answer was "I supported ISIS until I realized they are a Mossad operation". Your words are all archived in the data base of this site, you idiot. Now you're pretending to be against ISIS, and trying to blame the Jews as usual. Ha ha. Nobody's falling for it, Abdul.
Now now Sunni, your previous more recent answer was "I supported ISIS until I realized they are a Mossad operation". Your words are all archived in the data base of this site, you idiot. Now you're pretending to be against ISIS, and trying to blame the Jews as usual. Ha ha. Nobody's falling for it, Abdul.
Quit lying Shlomo ..... :cuckoo:

I never said that I supported ISIS you freakin nitwit. ...... :lol: :lol:
Now now Sunni, your previous more recent answer was "I supported ISIS until I realized they are a Mossad operation". Your words are all archived in the data base of this site, you idiot. Now you're pretending to be against ISIS, and trying to blame the Jews as usual. Ha ha. Nobody's falling for it, Abdul.
Quit lying Shlomo ..... :cuckoo:

I never said that I supported ISIS you freakin nitwit. ...... :lol: :lol:
No? Or maybe you're a just fifth column enemy within Islamist freak? I was hoping you'd say that so I can shove your own words down your filthy mouth. Nobody ever taught you to stop digging when in a hole? Ha ha ha:

Islamic State seizes more territory in Syria | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Sunni insurgents, Kurds battle over north Iraq town | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The Caliphate - resurrected | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Syrian Army defends Tabqa airport, smashes hundreds of IS terrorists | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Sunni Man has been caught openly cheering for his fellow Sunni Muslim ISIS terrorist savages. Here is the fifth column enemy within animal even admitting to it:

Raped Tortured Forced To Watch Beheadings Then Beaten When They Tried To Kill Themselves Yazidi US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

How long ago was it that you were braying like a donkey cheering for your beloved ISIS with "go team Sunni" slogans?

Sunni Man the Sunni Muslim ISIS terrorist lover replies:
I stopped when it was revealed that ISIS was an Israeli Mossad false flag operation. ..... :cool:
Hey Sunni, let me know if you had enough, I will be happy to oblige. There's more where that came from, you lying ISIS supporting IslamoNazi freak.
MisterBeale...I used to liked you

how wrong I was

oh well
You needn't make the analysis of facts on the ground personal.

I'm sorry if my reporting the truth disagrees with your cognitive biases.

Israeli Colonel Caught with IS Pants Down
Israeli Colonel Caught with IS Pants Down | New Eastern Outlook
Precisely this creation of a “Salafist Principality in eastern Syria,” today’s territory of ISIL or IS, was the agenda of Petraeus, General Allen and others in Washington to destroy Assad. It’s what put the Obama Administration at loggerhead with Russia, China and Iran over the bizarre US demand Assad must first go before ISIS can be destroyed. Now the game is in the open for the world to see Washington’s duplicity in backing what the Russian’s accurately call “moderate terrorists” against a duly-elected Assad. That Israel is also in the midst of this rats’ nest of opposition terrorist forces in Syria was confirmed in a recent UN report.

What the report did not mention was why Israeli IDF military would have such a passionate interest in Syria, especially Syria’s Golan Heights.

Why Israel wants Assad Out

In December, 2014 the Jerusalem Post in Israel reported the findings of a largely ignored, and politically explosive report detailing UN sightings of Israeli military together with ISIS terrorist combatants. The UN peacekeeping force, UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), stationed since 1974 along the Golan Heights border between Syria and Israel, revealed that Israel had been working closely with Syrian opposition terrorists, including Al Qaeda’s Al Nusra Front and IS in the Golan Heights, and “kept close contact over the past 18 months.” The report was submitted to the UN Security Council. Mainstream media in the US and West buried the explosive findings.

The UN documents showed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were maintaining regular contact with members of the so-called Islamic State since May of 2013. The IDF stated that this was only for medical care for civilians, but the deception was broken when the UNDOF observers identified direct contact between IDF forces and ISIS soldiers, including giving medical care to ISIS fighters. Observations even included the transfer of two crates from the IDF to ISIS forces, the contents of which have not been confirmed. Further the UN report identified what the Syrians label a “crossing point of forces between Israel and ISIS,” a point of concern UNDOF brought before the UN Security Council.


Interestingly enough, on October 8, Yuval Bartov, chief geologist from Genie Energy’s Israeli subsidiary, Afek Oil & Gas, told Israel’s Channel 2 TV that his company had found a major oil reservoir on the Golan Heights: “We’ve found an oil stratum 350 meters thick in the southern Golan Heights. On average worldwide, strata are 20 to 30 meters thick, and this is 10 times as large as that, so we are talking about significant quantities.” As I noted in an earlier article, the International Advisory Board of Genie Energy includes such notorious names as Dick Cheney, former CIA head and infamous neo-con James Woolsey, Jacob Lord Rothschild and others.

Of course no reasonable person in their right mind would suggest there might be a link between Israeli military dealings with the ISIS and other anti-Assad terrorists in Syria, especially in the Golan Heights, and the oil find of Genie Energy in the same place, and with Netanyahu’s latest Golan Heights “rethink” appeal to Obama. That would smell too much like “conspiracy theory” and all reasonable people know conspiracies don’t exist, only coincidences. Or? In fact, to paraphrase the immortal words of Brad Pitt in the role of West Virginia First Lieutenant Aldo Raine in the final scene of Tarantino’s brilliant film, Inglorious Basterds, it seems that ‘Ol Netanyahu and his pecker-suckin pals in the IDF and Mossad just got caught with their hands in a very dirty cookie jar in Syria.


and yet
>>but no ranking Israeli agent had been arrested.<<

Iraqi shiite claims. The picture was a very young man, hardly a flag officer with years of experience. Where is he? Why was he not charged?

The image is actually one of seven soldier that were held in gaza

Yet another slice and dice hash piece.

You are in denial. If the mainstream of Israel is helping the Islamic State, be sure Mossad is too.

The new documents show that Israel has been doing more than simply treating wounded Syrian civilians in hospitals.
New UN report reveals collaboration between Israel and Syrian rebels

UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) troops move through Israel’s Golan Heights before crossing into Syria, August 31.. (photo credit:REUTERS/BAZ RATNER)
Israel’s health ministry says around 1,000 Syrians have received treatment in Golan hospitals, but maintains that only civilians are treated. The UNDOF report, on the other hand, says they have seen Israelis treating civilians as well as insurgents, including members of al-Qaida and Islamic State.

It's exactly this type of behavior on the part of Left Wing Israelis that drives me crazy...that treat EVERYBODY regardless of what scum they are.
Yep, they make terrorists healthy again and send them out to murder more people.
Hey Sunni, let me know if you had enough, I will be happy to oblige. There's more where that came from, you lying ISIS supporting IslamoNazi freak.
You proved nothing juden boy......except that your people are always making up stuff ...... like the Holohoax myth for example. ..... :lol: :lol:
Hey Sunni, let me know if you had enough, I will be happy to oblige. There's more where that came from, you lying ISIS supporting IslamoNazi freak.
You proved nothing juden boy......except that your people are always making up stuff ...... like the Holohoax myth for example. ..... :lol: :lol:

Here we go, another Muslim "victory". I provided at least 7 posts where the idiot is cheering for ISIS, and Sunni comes out and says "you proved nothing". Ha ha ha! OMG. We have to thank Sunni for enlightening us with typical Islamist mindset.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.
Hey Sunni, let me know if you had enough, I will be happy to oblige. There's more where that came from, you lying ISIS supporting IslamoNazi freak.
You proved nothing juden boy......except that your people are always making up stuff ...... like the Holohoax myth for example. ..... :lol: :lol:

a "myth" well documented by the Nazis..........Oh, sorry that much evidence makes is fact

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