Most amazing fact about Republican Party politics these days

We all know the Republicans have been lying for years. And you would think, with so much practice, they'd taking lying to a whole other level. But what is so amazing about this, they've actually gone the other way.

As one can see in the Romney/Ryan campaign...
what distinguishes this crowd is a lazy mendacity in which there’s not even an attempt to make their falsehoods plausible
They say the most ridiculous shit, without any attempt to prove them true.

Here's one example:
The truth is, Obama has signed three trade agreements -- with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

Here's another one:
Paul Ryan lie:
what we are watching on our TV screens is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy, which is making the world more — more chaotic and us less safe.
But he never says exactly what that "unraveling" is and his Fox minions just nod their heads in approvel.

Romney is practicing the ancient republican tradition of telling a lie often enough in the hope it’s perceived as true.

yea your right....i wonder who started that.... the Democrats or the Republicans...and please dont tell me Democrats dont do the same thing.....well actually you might ....
We all know the Republicans have been lying for years. And you would think, with so much practice, they'd taking lying to a whole other level. But what is so amazing about this, they've actually gone the other way.

As one can see in the Romney/Ryan campaign...
what distinguishes this crowd is a lazy mendacity in which there’s not even an attempt to make their falsehoods plausible
They say the most ridiculous shit, without any attempt to prove them true.

Here's one example:
The truth is, Obama has signed three trade agreements -- with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

Here's another one:
Paul Ryan lie:
what we are watching on our TV screens is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy, which is making the world more — more chaotic and us less safe.
But he never says exactly what that "unraveling" is and his Fox minions just nod their heads in approvel.

Romney is practicing the ancient republican tradition of telling a lie often enough in the hope it’s perceived as true.

Similar to Biden saying he didn't vote for the wars....
The difference between you and I is that while I supported those two wars, hindsight is very clear that they were a mistake. I can admit that, but you can't. Those wars were unfunded and they killed thousands of our men and women. But you're such a fucking moron that you apparently can't comprehend that. Neg me as much as you want. Neg reps from the biggest idiots in this forum are just so crushing to me, lol.

My opinion of the wars isn't at issue here. You made two idiotic accusations for which I negged you. end of story.

The claim that wars were "unfunded is pure liberal idiocy. Who determines which government spending is funded or "unfunded?" Where is this account kept? As far as I'm concerned every Democrat social spending boondoggle is "unfunded." especially Medicare and Social Security.
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The Republican's can lie so unashamedly because they believer their followers are dolts who are so scared of Obama that they won't care.

And, they're right. After 4 years of an unrelenting stream of lies told about Obama, lies designed to frighten people of him, lies which have flooded the internet and our in-boxes without let up, the GOP's supporters are frightened out of their wits and will go along with anything just to get rid of that scary black guy in the White House.

here we go again....hey Old Timing Man.....can someone be against Obama maybe because they dont like what he is doing without assholes like you saying its only because he is black?.....

You racist.

There, did I get that right, OldFart?
The Republican's can lie so unashamedly because they believer their followers are dolts who are so scared of Obama that they won't care.

And, they're right. After 4 years of an unrelenting stream of lies told about Obama, lies designed to frighten people of him, lies which have flooded the internet and our in-boxes without let up, the GOP's supporters are frightened out of their wits and will go along with anything just to get rid of that scary black guy in the White House.
Point of order: Saying something liberals disagree with is not lying.

But, that's what you've been programmed with.

It's not lying to flood our inboxes with things like this? Obama is a Muslim. He's coming to get your guns. He didn't salute the flag. He wears a Muslim ring. He had a homosexual encounter. He didn't graduate from college. He was a foreign student. He wasn't born here. He's a commie/socialist/fascist. There have been so many lies told about the man during the past 4 years that nobody can even remember them all.

But, they achieved the objective: They caused the simple-minded, the already prejudiced and those who have no passion for truth to fear the man himself, not his policies. They set up the GOP's supporters to vote for anyone they ran out.

This election is not about policies and plans. It's about Obama, just as it was in 2010, and it's a campaign built upon deliberate lies which are easily refuted, but lies which generate fear in the minds and hearts of the GOP supporters.

You people are being conned. You're being swindled out of your vote but you're so frightened of Obama that you can't see it. They're not lying to me or to undecided voters. They're lying to YOU and have been all along.

Were it me, I would pause to consider just WHY my party is lying to me before I cast my vote.
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The Republican's can lie so unashamedly because they believer their followers are dolts who are so scared of Obama that they won't care.

And, they're right. After 4 years of an unrelenting stream of lies told about Obama, lies designed to frighten people of him, lies which have flooded the internet and our in-boxes without let up, the GOP's supporters are frightened out of their wits and will go along with anything just to get rid of that scary black guy in the White House.

here we go again....hey Old Timing Man.....can someone be against Obama maybe because they dont like what he is doing without assholes like you saying its only because he is black?.....

Sure you can. But, how many are? I personally know dozens of RWNJ's, and count among them friends and family members, and when they're not in a public place where they can be overheard, the most common reference to the President of the United States I hear from them is...."that ****** in the White House."

I kid you not.
The Republican's can lie so unashamedly because they believer their followers are dolts who are so scared of Obama that they won't care.

And, they're right. After 4 years of an unrelenting stream of lies told about Obama, lies designed to frighten people of him, lies which have flooded the internet and our in-boxes without let up, the GOP's supporters are frightened out of their wits and will go along with anything just to get rid of that scary black guy in the White House.
Point of order: Saying something liberals disagree with is not lying.

But, that's what you've been programmed with.

It's not lying to flood our inboxes with things like this? Obama is a Muslim. He's coming to get your guns. He didn't salute the flag. He wears a Muslim ring. He had a homosexual encounter. He didn't graduate from college. He was a foreign student. He wasn't born here. He's a commie/socialist/fascist. There have been so many lies told about the man during the past 4 years that nobody can even remember them all.

But, they achieved the objective: They caused the simple-minded, the already prejudiced and those who have no passion for truth to fear the man himself, not his policies. They set up the GOP's supporters to vote for anyone they ran out.

This election is not about policies and plans. It's about Obama, just as it was in 2010, and it's a campaign built upon deliberate lies which are easily refuted, but lies which generate fear in the minds and hearts of the GOP supporters.

You people are being conned. You're being swindled out of your vote but you're so frightened of Obama that you can't see it. They're not lying to me or to undecided voters. They're lying to YOU and have been all along.

Were it me, I would pause to consider just WHY my party is lying to me before I cast my vote.
Mindlessly repeating leftist horseshit is not proof that I've been's proof that YOU'VE been conned.

You can't defend Obama's policies, so all you have left is attacking those who don't support them.

And it's looking like America is getting tired of being told they're racist liars.
The Republican's can lie so unashamedly because they believer their followers are dolts who are so scared of Obama that they won't care.

And, they're right. After 4 years of an unrelenting stream of lies told about Obama, lies designed to frighten people of him, lies which have flooded the internet and our in-boxes without let up, the GOP's supporters are frightened out of their wits and will go along with anything just to get rid of that scary black guy in the White House.

here we go again....hey Old Timing Man.....can someone be against Obama maybe because they dont like what he is doing without assholes like you saying its only because he is black?.....

Sure you can. But, how many are? I personally know dozens of RWNJ's, and count among them friends and family members, and when they're not in a public place where they can be overheard, the most common reference to the President of the United States I hear from them is...."that ****** in the White House."

I kid you not.
Odd -- I hear it from my in-laws.

They're Democrats.
The democrats lieing is starting to kill our people on the ground. Democrats don't value the truth, so who the hell are they to judge the republicans?

Republican lies killed over 7000 Americans and sent another 30 thousand plus back home crippled.

When you resort to lying about your fellow citizens and using the dead of this nation, you have reached the bottom of the dung heap.
The Republican's can lie so unashamedly because they believer their followers are dolts who are so scared of Obama that they won't care.

And, they're right. After 4 years of an unrelenting stream of lies told about Obama, lies designed to frighten people of him, lies which have flooded the internet and our in-boxes without let up, the GOP's supporters are frightened out of their wits and will go along with anything just to get rid of that scary black guy in the White House.

here we go again....hey Old Timing Man.....can someone be against Obama maybe because they dont like what he is doing without assholes like you saying its only because he is black?.....

Sure you can. But, how many are? I personally know dozens of RWNJ's, and count among them friends and family members, and when they're not in a public place where they can be overheard, the most common reference to the President of the United States I hear from them is...."that ****** in the White House."

I kid you not.

You don't 'kid', you out and out lie.

Fuck off, racist.
Mindlessly repeating leftist horseshit is not proof that I've been's proof that YOU'VE been conned.

What leftist horses hit am I mindlessly repeating? You think those lies about Obama have been told by leftist's?
It amuses me how quick to anger some of these conservatives are. When you present reality to them, they lose their shit.
Mindlessly repeating leftist horseshit is not proof that I've been's proof that YOU'VE been conned.

What leftist horses hit am I mindlessly repeating? You think those lies about Obama have been told by leftist's?
What's the lie is that those opinions are held by the majority of conservatives.

They're not.

So now you can stop pretending they are.

What is so difficult for you to comprehend that most conservatives simply don't like his plans and policies?

Rhetorical question. It's because you can't cogently support and defend those plans and policies. You like them because they make you feel good. That's all.
It amuses me how quick to anger some of these conservatives are. When you present reality to them, they lose their shit.
Your "reality" bears little resemblance to the real one.

And stop projecting your hyperemotionalism on others.
Mindlessly repeating leftist horseshit is not proof that I've been's proof that YOU'VE been conned.

What leftist horses hit am I mindlessly repeating? You think those lies about Obama have been told by leftist's?
What's the lie is that those opinions are held by the majority of conservatives.

They're not.

So now you can stop pretending they are.

What is so difficult for you to comprehend that most conservatives simply don't like his plans and policies?

Rhetorical question. It's because you can't cogently support and defend those plans and policies. You like them because they make you feel good. That's all.

Of course they're not held by a majority of "conservatives." That's why few on the right can even articulate Obama's policies beyond the sound bites they heard on FOX or at News Max or World Nut Daily or from Glenn Beck.

Heck, you can see that right here on these boards!
You don't 'kid', you out and out lie.

Fuck off, racist.

I don't care if you believe it or not. It's so. And I suspect that if you were totally've heard it too.

I have never heard any conservative use that word. Ever. I've heard a few idiot left wingers accuse others of it though. You are one of those. The voices in your head are not 'conservatives'... you know that, right, Old Man?
What leftist horses hit am I mindlessly repeating? You think those lies about Obama have been told by leftist's?
What's the lie is that those opinions are held by the majority of conservatives.

They're not.

So now you can stop pretending they are.

What is so difficult for you to comprehend that most conservatives simply don't like his plans and policies?

Rhetorical question. It's because you can't cogently support and defend those plans and policies. You like them because they make you feel good. That's all.

Of course they're not held by a majority of "conservatives." That's why few on the right can even articulate Obama's policies beyond the sound bites they heard on FOX or at News Max or World Nut Daily or from Glenn Beck.

Heck, you can see that right here on these boards!
You know, if you're trying to prove you don't let your bigotry against and stereotypes of conservatives do your thinking for you --

-- you're doing a crappy job.
For the record, I'm voting for the son of this guy:


That's George Romney, marching for civil rights. Just like my family did back in the day. I'm honored to vote for that man's son.

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