Most Americans Believe Feds Incited Capitol Riot.

Hmmm….maybe videos posted by those in the trenches have Americans opening their eyes…huh?

Who set them up? As he really doesn't say much except you can get the feeling that he would rather be someplace else. But this is the job he signed up for.
Yes, it is part of the right's war on facts and the truth.

Wow, you're a 'special' kind of stupid.

Biden, his DOJ, and his FBI are exposed to the world as having censored and silenced anyone opposing their false narratives / lies with actual FACTS...

The MSM has been exposed forting their asses of ISO Democrats / liberals literally for DECADES...

The NY Times was awarded Pulitzers for writing FICTION for years ISO Hillary's, Obama's, & his administration's scandals, failed coup attempts, and crimes...

Birx publicly declared she, Fauci, & the Biden administration have been lying for years about COVID's origin and about useless / harmful lockdown, mask, and vaccine mandates...
- Science now proves what scientists - who Democrats silenced and called 'Conspiracy Theorists' - were right all along...

The US Int report declaring the pande.ic came from the Wuhan lab proves what the vast Majority of Americans have known all along despite the Democrats' continuous lying, targeting of Conservatives, attempts to silence and control the populace...

Biden and his partisanly weaponized govt agencies have engaged in failed cpups and cover-ups to protect criminal treasonous Democrats and the compromised criminal Biden crime syndicate....and ALL OF IT IS BEING EXPOSED / PROVEN TRUE...

...and ignorant, corrupt / criminal / treasonous Dem apologists still make ungodly disproven and debunked LIES lime yours above.

When despicable, intentionally lying trolls like you make such f*ing stupid claims like this in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, I find your credibility to be irrepairable, unable to be salvaged, exposong there is nothing you would not do / say for the Left / Democrats .... and I just ignore anything else you say.

Have a nice day / life.

Use ALL your words. Here's your list, in case you've forgotten them.

















You want to make sure you get all those SJW brownie points.

Surely not…Mac1958 swears up and down that he has no lean….lol
I think the problem is that some of the rioters got lost. This may have been the first time visiting the city. So they probably asked some policeman where the capitol building was. Policeman being helpful pointed out that its that big white building. Still this cause further confusion as they had just left the white building.

Still I wander who is the FED. If the federal reserve incited the riots then yeah they probably had employees telling the crowd that your at the wrong white building.

You would thing the government would color code their buildings to avoid confusion as Trump supporters appear to be easily excitable.
Defund the Federal Law Enforcement/Security apparatus. Defund them!
Being cheated is not losing.

but looooooooooooooosing is losing.

60+ court cases thrown out due to ....


every 'investigation' turned up nothing.

FOX is gonna pay bigley for their lies re: dominion....

neener neener ha ha

Tired excuses that mean shit because of the obvious corruption in our government. Next.
Not when you are cheated. Try again troll.

why would you believe a mango hued con man who has been proven to be a fraud that has ripped off his 'university' students .... has ripped off his own 'charity' AND pardoned a human sausage casing after he ripped off the very people who voted for him?


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