Most Americans like Socialism

Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child

Go look out your window.

See that long straight thing where you drive your car?

Or, let's say you find a fire burning in the middle of your living room floor.

Who you gonna call?

Knee jerk dummy.

My dad was 26 years in the military. Though he leans right of center he admits he lived in a socialist system (the US military) for a quarter century and loved it.

The US military does not have to make a profit, and as a result it is extremely inefficient and bureaucratic. It's an oppressive, initiative-killing, money-losing proposition, and you would never, never, never want your economy to be modeled after it.

And the medical care is third-rate. I still remember the awe I felt the first time I visited a "doc in the box" civilian medical facility after I retired. A HUGE difference. My wife was laughing the whole time at the expression on my face.

I, too, lived under the military system, for 20+ years, voluntarily.

Key word: voluntarily. Sometimes I bang my head on the wall wondering why the ever loving fuck I did.
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Anybody that "likes socialism" is obviously one of these stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber told us would believe the lies of Obama.
We have close friends in much more socialist countries and they wonder why Americans put up with being screwed over by the govt - in the name of anti-socialism.

Its dumb and its self-defeating.

Yeah, especially in those Workers Paradises like Cuba and North Korea, huh scumbag?

And please. Don't bore me with Europe.

It's a fucking mess. 25% Youth Unemployment in France, 60% taxes in Scandi Land, $8 a gallon gasoline, $100 for a pair of Jeans, $350 per sq foot to buy an apartment (1,000 sq ft apt will cost $350,000)

We do so much better than any other Country on Earth, it isn't even funny.

You're an ungrateful scumbag.

What else is new? You're a dimocrap

We could do so much better. The point made was spot on, anti-socialism handicaps pragmatic solutions to chronic problems. The best contemporary example is Health Care in America.

It's becoming increasingly clear that the greater danger to our nation is not the threat of Socialism, it is the reality that our democratic republic has evolved into governance by an oligarchy, those who control the nations wealth, and those who do their bidding.

We have become a Plutocracy and the road back is in the hands of an educated voter and universal suffrage.

Seems as if those who posted in messages 3 & 4 have cut and run. The OP is correct, the debate has been framed anew by Sen. Sanders, and the hate and fear rhetoric has lost its luster and adherents.
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Would this be the same type of quasi socialism that has created economic chaos for the countries of Europe that adopted it?

Depends on the country. Germany is 'quasi socialist'. And they're doing reasonably well.
Well, they like socialist ideas, but have been made to think that socialism is evil by connecting it with USSR and nazi socialists.

Democratic Socialism is different and Bernie Sander's success points to this. Link below. Will he win? Probably not since the corporate controlled media only allows coverage for a corporate democrat or a corporate republican. Notice lately how much boner and mcconnel are in love with obama since he's pushing a TPP agenda that favors the ruling class?

According To Polls Most Americans Are Socialists Like Bernie Sanders

Well then, the Khmer Rouge democrats should absolutely nominate Sanders rather than the crook Hillary! :thup:

He's a shoe in!
Well, they like socialist ideas, but have been made to think that socialism is evil by connecting it with USSR and nazi socialists.

Democratic Socialism is different and Bernie Sander's success points to this. Link below. Will he win? Probably not since the corporate controlled media only allows coverage for a corporate democrat or a corporate republican. Notice lately how much boner and mcconnel are in love with obama since he's pushing a TPP agenda that favors the ruling class?

According To Polls Most Americans Are Socialists Like Bernie Sanders

Well then, the Khmer Rouge democrats should absolutely nominate Sanders rather than the crook Hillary! :thup:

He's a shoe in!

I don't know any Democrats (capital "D" is proper grammar, BTW) who advocate mass murder or appeared with firearms to challenge the Federal Government in their effort to protect a scofflaw such as Cliven Bundy.

Of course not even those clowns could be characterized as Khmer Rouge, only an ignorant partisan hack would suggest such an absurdity.
Regardless of one's opinion on socialism or any other form of governance/economic controls....there is one immutable fact. A fact that is recorded in history on every single civilization/country since the dawn of civilization:

And there is no argument that can be legitimately made against how this man put it...PERIOD.


I don't know any Democrats (capital "D" is proper grammar, BTW) who advocate mass murder or appeared with firearms to challenge the Federal Government in their effort to protect a scofflaw such as Cliven Bundy.

Of course not even those clowns could be characterized as Khmer Rouge, only an ignorant partisan hack would suggest such an absurdity.

Khmer Rouge democrats (lower case "d" for gutter scum of this level,) have yet to advocate mass murder, but have exceeded the demagoguery of Josef Goebbels and are in Pol Pot territory with the defamation that defines their interaction with others. Only Pot and his scum ever reached the depths of defamation that defines the American democrat party.

You've well earned your place.
Socialist will ask for your wallet, your ATM bank card, and your retirement account information to fund their utopia socialist dream. Poll that and see what kind of results you get.
Well, they like socialist ideas, but have been made to think that socialism is evil by connecting it with USSR and nazi socialists.

Democratic Socialism is different and Bernie Sander's success points to this. Link below. Will he win? Probably not since the corporate controlled media only allows coverage for a corporate democrat or a corporate republican. Notice lately how much boner and mcconnel are in love with obama since he's pushing a TPP agenda that favors the ruling class?

According To Polls Most Americans Are Socialists Like Bernie Sanders

Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child
Childish replies are often a result of "playing to ones audience" is definitely the case here..
Why should I waste anything even remotely articulate on a fool like you...??....

Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.
Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child
Childish replies are often a result of "playing to ones audience" is definitely the case here..
Why should I waste anything even remotely articulate on a fool like you...??....

Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.

Actually, Iceland is a socialist country that HAS succeeded (for the most part). They are a small country that allows little to no immigration and nearly everything they make stays within the borders of their country. Wonder how THAT would go over with the communist left in this country?

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