Most Americans like Socialism

Socialism has never worked....and never will

Answer honestly:

Do you understand the difference in governance between an Authoritarian and a democratic republic?

Do you understand the difference between Regulated Capitalism and Lassiez Faire Capitalism?

Do you understand the difference between an economic system and a political system of governance?

Edgetho should answer the same questions.

Star Trek episode 22 is a good example of socialist idiots, they want to be ruled by Landru and engage in festival at the red hour.

Star Trek.


Gee, why not Spiderman or X-Men?
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child

Go look out your window.

See that long straight thing where you drive your car?

Or, let's say you find a fire burning in the middle of your living room floor.

Who you gonna call?

Knee jerk dummy.
the road, and the fire department are values to me.
can you explain to me the value in paying some welfare queen to sit on her backside all day eating taxpayer funded food while watching Springer on the welfare funded big screen while talking to her other welfare queen friends on the free obama phone?
I am curious how this helps me. Or if that's too tough,
tell me how it helps me to pay so much for my insurance now that I cant afford to go to a doctor, so that some unproductive individual can go for free at my expense.
Now, what happens when every one in the country decides to kick back, not work and just collect the free stuff,, who is going to pay for that?

AFDC no longer exists; TANF replaced it. Thus the Welfare Queens of yesteryear no longer exist.

Millions of people used the emergency room (ER) for routine health problems at an enormous cost to local taxpayers and a heavy burden for local governments. The PPACA, Medicare and Medicaid reforms, have ameliorated the burden on taxpayers and provided health care for many who didn't have it or could not purchase it because of on going health problems.

Why can't you afford health insurance? it could be you governor choose to opt out of the new health care law, or you simply didn't apply for the subsidy. In any event take the advice you would give to the apocryphal welfare queen and get off the internet and work harder to improve your life. It is all about you taking personal responsibility.
Actually, I still have insurance through my employer. However, should that be removed and force me to go to the inferior ACA, My coverage would be less, and instead of 360 a month right now (4320 a year premium) and my 10 dollar copay with nothing out of pocket before it kicks in, I would go to 10,800 a year in premiums with a 12,400 out of pocket, so I would basically spend 23,200 a year for my coverage, while some bottom feeder pays 60 a month for better coverage than I can get.
This is nothing more than another redistribution of wealth.
And in Maryland even the illegals are able to get medical care, they should not. or at the very least their home country should pay the bill for their upkeep.

That's funny cuz I live in a very backward red state and ours got cheaper and we got better benefits, cheaper scrips and last year, got two refunds.
Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child

Go look out your window.

See that long straight thing where you drive your car?

Or, let's say you find a fire burning in the middle of your living room floor.

Who you gonna call?

Knee jerk dummy.
the road, and the fire department are values to me.
can you explain to me the value in paying some welfare queen to sit on her backside all day eating taxpayer funded food while watching Springer on the welfare funded big screen while talking to her other welfare queen friends on the free obama phone?
I am curious how this helps me. Or if that's too tough,
tell me how it helps me to pay so much for my insurance now that I cant afford to go to a doctor, so that some unproductive individual can go for free at my expense.
Now, what happens when every one in the country decides to kick back, not work and just collect the free stuff,, who is going to pay for that?

AFDC no longer exists; TANF replaced it. Thus the Welfare Queens of yesteryear no longer exist.

Millions of people used the emergency room (ER) for routine health problems at an enormous cost to local taxpayers and a heavy burden for local governments. The PPACA, Medicare and Medicaid reforms, have ameliorated the burden on taxpayers and provided health care for many who didn't have it or could not purchase it because of on going health problems.

Why can't you afford health insurance? it could be you governor choose to opt out of the new health care law, or you simply didn't apply for the subsidy. In any event take the advice you would give to the apocryphal welfare queen and get off the internet and work harder to improve your life. It is all about you taking personal responsibility.
Actually, I still have insurance through my employer. However, should that be removed and force me to go to the inferior ACA, My coverage would be less, and instead of 360 a month right now (4320 a year premium) and my 10 dollar copay with nothing out of pocket before it kicks in, I would go to 10,800 a year in premiums with a 12,400 out of pocket, so I would basically spend 23,200 a year for my coverage, while some bottom feeder pays 60 a month for better coverage than I can get.
This is nothing more than another redistribution of wealth.
And in Maryland even the illegals are able to get medical care, they should not. or at the very least their home country should pay the bill for their upkeep.

That's funny cuz I live in a very backward red state and ours got cheaper and we got better benefits, cheaper scrips and last year, got two refunds.
perhaps you are one of those with a low enough income that you get the subsidies paid for by those that make more. I am not eligible for any subsidies or lower prices, have to pay full amount so that the lazy can have for free.
I guess the good side of it all is that most of the welfare class live in Baltimore and they are killing themselves at an alarming rate. Those drive by shootings over Heroin really star to add up.
Most Americans have no idea what socialism is. Any poll that actually asked Americans specifics about the entirety of the socialist program would reveal just how repulsed by that philosophy most Americans are.

A poll that shows most Americans want the rich to pay more in taxes is not evidence in any way that Americans support socialism.

It's the same stupid wishful thinking we see in Libertarians who think their polls prove most Americans support libertarianism. Neither ask probing questions based on policies which separate their philosophy from all others.

If you want to find out how Americans really feel about socialism, ask them how they feel about Castro or North Korea, for starters. The kind of weak-minded socialists who support Bernie Sanders looooove Castro and North Korea.
You're showing the same ignorance you condemn.
Any society has elements of all types of philosophy.
A state doesn't have to be (and never is) only "Socialist" or "Capitalist".
Citing extreme examples doesn't strengthen your argument.
Well, they like socialist ideas, but have been made to think that socialism is evil by connecting it with USSR and nazi socialists.

Democratic Socialism is different and Bernie Sander's success points to this. Link below. Will he win? Probably not since the corporate controlled media only allows coverage for a corporate democrat or a corporate republican. Notice lately how much boner and mcconnel are in love with obama since he's pushing a TPP agenda that favors the ruling class?

According To Polls Most Americans Are Socialists Like Bernie Sanders

People are attracted to the moral high ground that socialusm offers but reject the negative consequences of such a sytem. It is just a matter of time before people quit this silly obsession with it.
Depends on the country. Germany is 'quasi socialist'. And they're doing reasonably well.


Germany is a market system with significant social welfare features.

What and astoundingly ignorant claim you made.
Germany is a market system with significant social welfare features.
Exactly, they, like the US and most other states, are neither wholly Socialist nor wholly Capitalist.
What a great idea.
Well, they like socialist ideas, but have been made to think that socialism is evil by connecting it with USSR and nazi socialists.

Democratic Socialism is different and Bernie Sander's success points to this. Link below. Will he win? Probably not since the corporate controlled media only allows coverage for a corporate democrat or a corporate republican. Notice lately how much boner and mcconnel are in love with obama since he's pushing a TPP agenda that favors the ruling class?

According To Polls Most Americans Are Socialists Like Bernie Sanders

People are attracted to the moral high ground that socialusm offers but reject the negative consequences of such a sytem. It is just a matter of time before people quit this silly obsession with it.
Elements of Socialism allow a country to use its collective strengths and resources for the benefit of everyone.
Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child
Childish replies are often a result of "playing to ones audience" is definitely the case here..
Why should I waste anything even remotely articulate on a fool like you...??....

Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.
Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.
Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child
Childish replies are often a result of "playing to ones audience" is definitely the case here..
Why should I waste anything even remotely articulate on a fool like you...??....

Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.
Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.

Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child

Go look out your window.

See that long straight thing where you drive your car?

Or, let's say you find a fire burning in the middle of your living room floor.

Who you gonna call?

Knee jerk dummy.
the road, and the fire department are values to me.
can you explain to me the value in paying some welfare queen to sit on her backside all day eating taxpayer funded food while watching Springer on the welfare funded big screen while talking to her other welfare queen friends on the free obama phone?
I am curious how this helps me. Or if that's too tough,
tell me how it helps me to pay so much for my insurance now that I cant afford to go to a doctor, so that some unproductive individual can go for free at my expense.
Now, what happens when every one in the country decides to kick back, not work and just collect the free stuff,, who is going to pay for that?

AFDC no longer exists; TANF replaced it. Thus the Welfare Queens of yesteryear no longer exist.

Millions of people used the emergency room (ER) for routine health problems at an enormous cost to local taxpayers and a heavy burden for local governments. The PPACA, Medicare and Medicaid reforms, have ameliorated the burden on taxpayers and provided health care for many who didn't have it or could not purchase it because of on going health problems.

Why can't you afford health insurance? it could be you governor choose to opt out of the new health care law, or you simply didn't apply for the subsidy. In any event take the advice you would give to the apocryphal welfare queen and get off the internet and work harder to improve your life. It is all about you taking personal responsibility.
Actually, I still have insurance through my employer. However, should that be removed and force me to go to the inferior ACA, My coverage would be less, and instead of 360 a month right now (4320 a year premium) and my 10 dollar copay with nothing out of pocket before it kicks in, I would go to 10,800 a year in premiums with a 12,400 out of pocket, so I would basically spend 23,200 a year for my coverage, while some bottom feeder pays 60 a month for better coverage than I can get.
This is nothing more than another redistribution of wealth.
And in Maryland even the illegals are able to get medical care, they should not. or at the very least their home country should pay the bill for their upkeep.

Good for you, I too have lifetime health insurance paid mostly by my former employer (I'm retired); not everyone is so lucky. if the current crop of conservative pols have their way, future generations will spend their retirement years without defined benefits and without health insurance. Too many today have decided, "I've got mine, screw the rest of you".
Why can't you afford health insurance? it could be you governor choose to opt out of the new health care law

This pisses me off. How can you be so ignorant? Seriously. How?

How would you like it if we were all sitting at the Bar and I sent you my tab (I drink Woodford reserve, BTW and my wife likes Dom...... A lot).

You wouldn't like that very much, would you?

Don't you think I should have cleared it with you first? Even if we're supposed to be buddies? Wouldn't it be nice if I talked to you about paying my $250 Bar Bill before I split out the door and stuck you with the tab?

Like this has never happened to you before? Maybe not the circumstances I'm playfully describing, but doesn't it kinda piss you off when you get committed to something you had no part in?

Like when the OL decides you have to drive her to her Mother's for no apparent good reason on Sunday in the middle of the Football Game?

Don't you think the Lying Cocksucker in Chief and the SCUMBAGS in the dimocrap party that forced this bill on America should have checked with the States they were forcing to participate first?

If not, you are one dishonest piece of shit.

But -- You're a dimocrap. What else can we expect.

And an OBTW..... I am ALL FOR the ACA. I'm just pissed that dimocraps fucked it up........ Like you do everything you touch.

Everything. Every.Fucking.Thing you touch turns to shit.

I 'touched' you with my post. You might be correct.

Okay, that's a little wry humor, the facts are state and local government were overwhelmed by the cost of health care, for their employees and for those dependent on social services.

The PPACA isn't perfect, but what law passed by The Congress and signed by POTUS has ever been?
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child
Childish replies are often a result of "playing to ones audience" is definitely the case here..
Why should I waste anything even remotely articulate on a fool like you...??....

Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.
Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.

Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?
Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child
Childish replies are often a result of "playing to ones audience" is definitely the case here..
Why should I waste anything even remotely articulate on a fool like you...??....

Name where socialism has ever succeeded, I'm not interested in your other BS. If you can't then cease responding to me, loser. Tick tock tick tock....fool.
Name a country that doesn't have some elements of Socialism.

Any country has elements of it, no country that has adopted it wholesale has evew succeed under it
You're right.
Neither has any country that has adopted wholesale laissez-faire capitalism.
So why is it only socialist elements that are so strongly condemned?

Look up, the thread is about...socialism?
no country has ever HAD laesseze-faire capitalism. There's always been too many pos's who can't resist using govt power for their own private ends.
There were about fifteen types of socialism, and Marx hated most types except his own, Scientific Socialism. Marx's Scientific Socialism didn't work so the USSR dropped it a couple of years after the revolution and introduced NEP. It still pretended to practice Marx however. Now a question, who decides what label to give to a nation's political and economic system, the nation itself, political scientists, economists, the media, US message board posters, or who? Are most nations economic mixtures as is the US?
Exactly, they, like the US and most other states, are neither wholly Socialist nor wholly Capitalist.
What a great idea.

Social welfare programs are not socialism.

Socialism is the ownership or control of the means of production by the state. Germany pays general pensions, but industry is privately owned and operated.
Socialism has never worked....and never will

What do you think lit up rural America after capitalism did such a great job lighting up our cities and small towns back in the 1880's

Neither system is perfect nor covers all the bases.

I repeat, no nation has ever prospered and/or succeeded under socialism. Sorry but facts are facts

And opinions are opinions and your opionons are not supported by any facts.

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