Most Americans reject Trump's protest response.

In Seattle, ANTIFA is extorting the businesses to allow them to stay open.
It used to be illegal, but the businesses have no one that supports them. Not the police,
not the mayor, and not the governor. We should just get used to the new norm.
BETTER IDEA: Get those blue governors and mayors the hell out of there, put republicans in, bring back the police better than ever, and start kicking royal ass until law and order are restored.

How much could it cost to coat 6 blocks with agent orange?
That should get some attention.
Now I will not reject the argument that few can really trust the polls today but I still believe this trend has to be legit.

Trump was caught absolutely flat footed here. How you could miss the countries reaction to the evil stare of the pnolice officer as he knelt on the neck of someone as their life slipped away is incomprehensible to me.

As a way to back this is Mona Charens piece. She is about as middle of the road as you can get.

Some things do matter after all | Charen
Remember where he gets his "news" and "information": The alternate universe. Everything else is "fake news".

Imagine how much he is therefore choosing to miss, how much of what he's getting is distorted.
I think he monitors all of the mainstream fake news sources, to have situational awareness of the psychological warfare techniques they are using against the USA, so he can counter them expeditiously. That's an important part of his job as the Commander in Chief.

Have you been brainwashed into thinking DJT is a dummy?

Deserves Repeating -

I think he monitors all of the mainstream fake news sources, to have situational awareness of the psychological warfare techniques they are using against the USA, so he can counter them expeditiously. That's an important part of his job as the Commander in Chief.
Please tell me you guys are kidding around.

Hopefully you are not raising kids.
View attachment 348870

Because I asked you to describe what you saw?
Now I will not reject the argument that few can really trust the polls today but I still believe this trend has to be legit.

Trump was caught absolutely flat footed here. How you could miss the countries reaction to the evil stare of the pnolice officer as he knelt on the neck of someone as their life slipped away is incomprehensible to me.

As a way to back this is Mona Charens piece. She is about as middle of the road as you can get.

Some things do matter after all | Charen
Remember where he gets his "news" and "information": The alternate universe. Everything else is "fake news".

Imagine how much he is therefore choosing to miss, how much of what he's getting is distorted.
I think he monitors all of the mainstream fake news sources, to have situational awareness of the psychological warfare techniques they are using against the USA, so he can counter them expeditiously. That's an important part of his job as the Commander in Chief.

Have you been brainwashed into thinking DJT is a dummy?

Deserves Repeating -

I think he monitors all of the mainstream fake news sources, to have situational awareness of the psychological warfare techniques they are using against the USA, so he can counter them expeditiously. That's an important part of his job as the Commander in Chief.
Please tell me you guys are kidding around.

Hopefully you are not raising kids.
View attachment 348870
Did you remember the part where we do for the nation not what the nation does for you?
In Seattle, ANTIFA is extorting the businesses to allow them to stay open.
It used to be illegal, but the businesses have no one that supports them. Not the police,
not the mayor, and not the governor. We should just get used to the new norm.
BETTER IDEA: Get those blue governors and mayors the hell out of there, put republicans in, bring back the police better than ever, and start kicking royal ass until law and order are restored.

How much could it cost to coat 6 blocks with agent orange?
That should get some attention.
But, orange man bad!!! Haven't you heard the news?:wink:
Now I will not reject the argument that few can really trust the polls today but I still believe this trend has to be legit.

Trump was caught absolutely flat footed here. How you could miss the countries reaction to the evil stare of the pnolice officer as he knelt on the neck of someone as their life slipped away is incomprehensible to me.

As a way to back this is Mona Charens piece. She is about as middle of the road as you can get.

Some things do matter after all | Charen

In Seattle, ANTIFA is extorting the businesses to allow them to stay open.
It used to be illegal, but the businesses have no one that supports them. Not the police,
not the mayor, and not the governor. We should just get used to the new norm.
BETTER IDEA: Get those blue governors and mayors the hell out of there, put republicans in, bring back the police better than ever, and start kicking royal ass until law and order are restored.

How much could it cost to coat 6 blocks with agent orange?
That should get some attention.
But, orange man bad!!!:wink:
I am saddened that you have been fooled into believing that that statement is true.
President Kennedy said, "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."

I don't think so -
He said go forth and riot, there are people out there that's got more stuff than you do.
Now I will not reject the argument that few can really trust the polls today but I still believe this trend has to be legit.

Trump was caught absolutely flat footed here. How you could miss the countries reaction to the evil stare of the pnolice officer as he knelt on the neck of someone as their life slipped away is incomprehensible to me.

As a way to back this is Mona Charens piece. She is about as middle of the road as you can get.

Some things do matter after all | Charen
What is more interesting to me is the majority don't trust The media, Police, Universities,Corporations etc. Fascinating. Its amazing you don't trust someone or something but you still buy their bs lies.
Now I will not reject the argument that few can really trust the polls today but I still believe this trend has to be legit.

Trump was caught absolutely flat footed here. How you could miss the countries reaction to the evil stare of the pnolice officer as he knelt on the neck of someone as their life slipped away is incomprehensible to me.

As a way to back this is Mona Charens piece. She is about as middle of the road as you can get.

Some things do matter after all | Charen
What is more interesting to me is the majority don't trust The media, Police, Universities,Corporations etc. Fascinating. Its amazing you don't trust someone or something but you still buy their bs lies.

I backed up the idea with something else. Did you read Charen's piece?
Well it is obvious that Trump ignored the Rodney King incident as what not to do but instead follow his business intuitions. What is in it for me and how can I turn the riot into a win for me. Blame antifa is always a good strategy as it caters to his constituents . Support Police as its good for the law and order constituents. Obviously he clearly misses the issue. I do not believe he has condemned the police action as brutality.

We all know his comments on the rioters who are a mixture of many people and races.

“When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

I have seen some videos where numerous people of all races just walking into looted stores taking what they want. Video was probably like 30 minutes. I do not condone it. Yet shooting at looters is not the answer. A sane person would say just arrest them.

A clear test here for Trump but he has failed again. Time to put the nails in this coffin.
I think you're in for a nasty little surprise, most Americans, and that includes most black Americans, wanted shooting as they were looting, rioting is not protest, and claiming that two blocks of protesters to be peaceful whilst one block over they ain't, is no defense of the 1st amendment, its demanding the absolute impossible. In other words, once any segment of protest descends into rioting, all are rioters, and you will I think discover in November just what America thinks of rioting democrats!
Now I will not reject the argument that few can really trust the polls today but I still believe this trend has to be legit.

Trump was caught absolutely flat footed here. How you could miss the countries reaction to the evil stare of the pnolice officer as he knelt on the neck of someone as their life slipped away is incomprehensible to me.

As a way to back this is Mona Charens piece. She is about as middle of the road as you can get.

Some things do matter after all | Charen
Remember where he gets his "news" and "information": The alternate universe. Everything else is "fake news".

Imagine how much he is therefore choosing to miss, how much of what he's getting is distorted.
I think he monitors all of the mainstream fake news sources, to have situational awareness of the psychological warfare techniques they are using against the USA, so he can counter them expeditiously. That's an important part of his job as the Commander in Chief.

Have you been brainwashed into thinking DJT is a dummy?

Deserves Repeating -

I think he monitors all of the mainstream fake news sources, to have situational awareness of the psychological warfare techniques they are using against the USA, so he can counter them expeditiously. That's an important part of his job as the Commander in Chief.
Please tell me you guys are kidding around.

Hopefully you are not raising kids.
View attachment 348870
Did you remember the part where we do for the nation not what the nation does for you?
Yep. Twenty plus years of it.
In Seattle, ANTIFA is extorting the businesses to allow them to stay open.
It used to be illegal, but the businesses have no one that supports them. Not the police,
not the mayor, and not the governor. We should just get used to the new norm.
BETTER IDEA: Get those blue governors and mayors the hell out of there, put republicans in, bring back the police better than ever, and start kicking royal ass until law and order are restored.

How much could it cost to coat 6 blocks with agent orange?
That should get some attention.
But, orange man bad!!!:wink:
I am saddened that you have been fooled into believing that that statement is true.
I believe you've misjudged my sarcastic comment.
Now I will not reject the argument that few can really trust the polls today but I still believe this trend has to be legit.

Trump was caught absolutely flat footed here. How you could miss the countries reaction to the evil stare of the pnolice officer as he knelt on the neck of someone as their life slipped away is incomprehensible to me.

As a way to back this is Mona Charens piece. She is about as middle of the road as you can get.

Some things do matter after all | Charen
Remember where he gets his "news" and "information": The alternate universe. Everything else is "fake news".

Imagine how much he is therefore choosing to miss, how much of what he's getting is distorted.
I think he monitors all of the mainstream fake news sources, to have situational awareness of the psychological warfare techniques they are using against the USA, so he can counter them expeditiously. That's an important part of his job as the Commander in Chief.

Have you been brainwashed into thinking DJT is a dummy?

Deserves Repeating -

I think he monitors all of the mainstream fake news sources, to have situational awareness of the psychological warfare techniques they are using against the USA, so he can counter them expeditiously. That's an important part of his job as the Commander in Chief.
Sometimes it seems like the moonbat wing at USMB actually believes the fake news propagandous narrative that DJT is some orange fat bumbling idiot who randomly stumbles around winning by miraculously and blindly sticking his feet up leftist assholes like they are disposable slippers, every step of the way, leaving a trail of leftist butthurt snowflakes in his wake everywhere he treads.
Last edited:
Now I will not reject the argument that few can really trust the polls today but I still believe this trend has to be legit.

Trump was caught absolutely flat footed here. How you could miss the countries reaction to the evil stare of the pnolice officer as he knelt on the neck of someone as their life slipped away is incomprehensible to me.

As a way to back this is Mona Charens piece. She is about as middle of the road as you can get.

Some things do matter after all | Charen

Thats a yougov poll so you know its accurate. Thats why Hillary is president.

Now I will not reject the argument that few can really trust the polls today but I still believe this trend has to be legit.

Trump was caught absolutely flat footed here. How you could miss the countries reaction to the evil stare of the pnolice officer as he knelt on the neck of someone as their life slipped away is incomprehensible to me.

As a way to back this is Mona Charens piece. She is about as middle of the road as you can get.

Some things do matter after all | Charen
Remember where he gets his "news" and "information": The alternate universe. Everything else is "fake news".

Imagine how much he is therefore choosing to miss, how much of what he's getting is distorted.
I think he monitors all of the mainstream fake news sources, to have situational awareness of the psychological warfare techniques they are using against the USA, so he can counter them expeditiously. That's an important part of his job as the Commander in Chief.

Have you been brainwashed into thinking DJT is a dummy?

Deserves Repeating -

I think he monitors all of the mainstream fake news sources, to have situational awareness of the psychological warfare techniques they are using against the USA, so he can counter them expeditiously. That's an important part of his job as the Commander in Chief.
Sometimes it seems like the moonbat wing at USMB actually believes the fake news propagandous narrative that DJT is some orange fat idiot who randomly stumbles around winning by miraculously and blindly sticking his feet up leftist assholes like they are disposable slippers, every step of the way, leaving a trail of leftist butthurt snowflakes in his wake everywhere he treads.

Yep -
Nobody else would have survived the multiple sabotage attempts committed against Trump.
More information being Declassified today -
The Moonbats will ignore it.
Now I will not reject the argument that few can really trust the polls today but I still believe this trend has to be legit.

Trump was caught absolutely flat footed here. How you could miss the countries reaction to the evil stare of the pnolice officer as he knelt on the neck of someone as their life slipped away is incomprehensible to me.

As a way to back this is Mona Charens piece. She is about as middle of the road as you can get.

Some things do matter after all | Charen

Thats a yougov poll so you know its accurate. Thats why Hillary is president.

View attachment 348933

Did you bother to read Charen's piece saying the same thing?
Charen's piece isn't a poll.
It sure isn't. Are some people confused over who stuck his knee in the middle of George Floyd's chest or neck?
Blaming Trump for the riots is like blaming him for the Corona virus. It's just a vicious evil way to dump all over someone you just don't like anyway.
There is no attempt at fairness here. None at all.

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