Most female rapes are not reported to this day, why they are not,

I know a number of women who claimed they were raped and certainly weren't. One was my very best friend who claimed a bartender raped her in the bar's restroom. I was right there and saw her dragging the guy off.

Brian Banks spent 5 years in prison for a rape that never happened. The Duke LaCrosse team lost an entire year of competition. The UVA team wrongfully accused by Rolling Stone magazine. Lena Dunham day dreaming her rape. Recently a girl from Sacred Heart was just sentenced to a year in prison for falsely claiming two Sacred Heart football players raped her.

Thousands of women a year are raped. You've cited 5 instances going all the way back more than a decade.

As I said, false rape allegations are exceedingly rare. Which is why you had to go all the way back to 2006 for your examples. Whereas the rapes of women in any given year dwarf by orders of magnitude all the instances of false allegations you've managed to cite over a decade

If a woman alleges rape, its overwhelmingly likely she's being truthful. Believe her.
Prove it fascist.

Yeah, I don't think you have the slightest clue what a fascist is either.

As for the evidence, does it matter to you? We both know you're going to ignore any study I cite. Hell, you've already admitted you'll call your own mother, wife or daughter a liar unless she can 'prove' her rape was non-consentual.

For those who do respond to evidence:

That 2014 study, one of the largest of its kind, analyzed LAPD police data and estimated that “the rate of false [rape] reports among cases reported to the LAPD [in 2008] was 4.5 percent.” A 2017 studyutilized FBI data over the five-year period from 2006 to 2010 to conclude that “approximately 5% of the allegations of rape were deemed false or baseless” during that time period. A 2016 meta-analysis of seven studies addressing the same question estimated that 5.2% of rape allegations were false.

Between 4.5 and 5.2% are false allegations per a series of studies on rape allegations.

As for the number of rapes, an estimated 99,856 cases occurred nationwide in just 2017

U.S.: reported forcible rape cases 1990-2017 | Timeline

With Tipsy managing to find 5 examples of false allegations, having to go back to 2006 to do it.
Once again assuming the studies are correct between 4.5 and 5.2% are KNOWN to be false.

Since most official accusations go unresolved we on fact do not know if most are true or false.
I know a number of women who claimed they were raped and certainly weren't. One was my very best friend who claimed a bartender raped her in the bar's restroom. I was right there and saw her dragging the guy off.

Brian Banks spent 5 years in prison for a rape that never happened. The Duke LaCrosse team lost an entire year of competition. The UVA team wrongfully accused by Rolling Stone magazine. Lena Dunham day dreaming her rape. Recently a girl from Sacred Heart was just sentenced to a year in prison for falsely claiming two Sacred Heart football players raped her.

Thousands of women a year are raped. You've cited 5 instances going all the way back more than a decade.

As I said, false rape allegations are exceedingly rare. Which is why you had to go all the way back to 2006 for your examples. Whereas the rapes of women in any given year dwarf by orders of magnitude all the instances of false allegations you've managed to cite over a decade

If a woman alleges rape, its overwhelmingly likely she's being truthful. Believe her.
Prove it fascist.

Yeah, I don't think you have the slightest clue what a fascist is either.

As for the evidence, does it matter to you? We both know you're going to ignore any study I cite. Hell, you've already admitted you'll call your own mother, wife or daughter a liar unless she can 'prove' her rape was non-consentual.

For those who do respond to evidence:

That 2014 study, one of the largest of its kind, analyzed LAPD police data and estimated that “the rate of false [rape] reports among cases reported to the LAPD [in 2008] was 4.5 percent.” A 2017 studyutilized FBI data over the five-year period from 2006 to 2010 to conclude that “approximately 5% of the allegations of rape were deemed false or baseless” during that time period. A 2016 meta-analysis of seven studies addressing the same question estimated that 5.2% of rape allegations were false.

Between 4.5 and 5.2% are false allegations per a series of studies on rape allegations.

As for the number of rapes, an estimated 99,856 cases occurred nationwide in just 2017

U.S.: reported forcible rape cases 1990-2017 | Timeline

With Tipsy managing to find 5 examples of false allegations, having to go back to 2006 to do it.
I admitted no such thing you goddam liar! I admitted they would go to.police and get PROOF! You can't understand that can You? Having to prove your claim is alien to libstains.
Another admission proving libstains care nothing for proof, only the accusation. They have to PROVE they were raped! If they had any spine they would go to the police right then and report it. Then the police will order a rape kit and take DNA swabs from her Vagina. Then, if she knows who did it, he will be asked for a DNA sample. Then they will have to prove it was non consensual. If it can be proven then, Bingo! Simple as that. So stop crying over having to prove your goddam claims and do it!

If your wife, mother, sister or daughter were raped.....I pray she is believed. And that she is treated with far more care and compassion than you are demonstrating now.
You're a better man than me. I'd want his mother, wife and/or daughter to be treated EXACTLY the same way he's expressed in his sentiments thus far.
Another admission proving libstains care nothing for proof, only the accusation. They have to PROVE they were raped! If they had any spine they would go to the police right then and report it. Then the police will order a rape kit and take DNA swabs from her Vagina. Then, if she knows who did it, he will be asked for a DNA sample. Then they will have to prove it was non consensual. If it can be proven then, Bingo! Simple as that. So stop crying over having to prove your goddam claims and do it!

If your wife, mother, sister or daughter were raped.....I pray she is believed. And that she is treated with far more care and compassion than you are demonstrating now.
You're a better man than me. I'd want his mother, wife and/or daughter to be treated EXACTLY the same way he's expressed in his sentiments thus far.
Yeah scumbag they report it to police like they should. PROOOOOOF!
I know a number of women who claimed they were raped and certainly weren't. One was my very best friend who claimed a bartender raped her in the bar's restroom. I was right there and saw her dragging the guy off.

Brian Banks spent 5 years in prison for a rape that never happened. The Duke LaCrosse team lost an entire year of competition. The UVA team wrongfully accused by Rolling Stone magazine. Lena Dunham day dreaming her rape. Recently a girl from Sacred Heart was just sentenced to a year in prison for falsely claiming two Sacred Heart football players raped her.

Thousands of women a year are raped. You've managed to cite 5 instances of false allegations going all the way back more than a decade.

As I said, false rape allegations are exceedingly rare. Which is why you had to go all the way back to 2006 for your examples. Whereas the rapes of women in any given year dwarf by orders of magnitude all the instances of false allegations you've managed to cite over a decade

If a woman alleges rape, its overwhelmingly likely she's being truthful. Believe her.
I only picked the most high profile and easily recognized cases. There are thousands. Even more than these are claims of rape where the man wasn't interested or ended the relationship. Chris Hartwick found that out when an ex girlfriend decided she was raped after Hartwick married someone else.

The accounts are endless. Women need to start going to jail for this kind of lying.

Christine Ford had every indication of a girl rejected by an unrequited crush and has been nursing her hurt for 36 years.
I know a number of women who claimed they were raped and certainly weren't. One was my very best friend who claimed a bartender raped her in the bar's restroom. I was right there and saw her dragging the guy off.

Brian Banks spent 5 years in prison for a rape that never happened. The Duke LaCrosse team lost an entire year of competition. The UVA team wrongfully accused by Rolling Stone magazine. Lena Dunham day dreaming her rape. Recently a girl from Sacred Heart was just sentenced to a year in prison for falsely claiming two Sacred Heart football players raped her.

Thousands of women a year are raped. You've cited 5 instances going all the way back more than a decade.

As I said, false rape allegations are exceedingly rare. Which is why you had to go all the way back to 2006 for your examples. Whereas the rapes of women in any given year dwarf by orders of magnitude all the instances of false allegations you've managed to cite over a decade

If a woman alleges rape, its overwhelmingly likely she's being truthful. Believe her.
Prove it fascist.

Yeah, I don't think you have the slightest clue what a fascist is either.

As for the evidence, does it matter to you? We both know you're going to ignore any study I cite. Hell, you've already admitted you'll call your own mother, wife or daughter a liar unless she can 'prove' her rape was non-consentual.

For those who do respond to evidence:

That 2014 study, one of the largest of its kind, analyzed LAPD police data and estimated that “the rate of false [rape] reports among cases reported to the LAPD [in 2008] was 4.5 percent.” A 2017 studyutilized FBI data over the five-year period from 2006 to 2010 to conclude that “approximately 5% of the allegations of rape were deemed false or baseless” during that time period. A 2016 meta-analysis of seven studies addressing the same question estimated that 5.2% of rape allegations were false.

Between 4.5 and 5.2% are false allegations per a series of studies on rape allegations.

As for the number of rapes, an estimated 99,856 cases occurred nationwide in just 2017

U.S.: reported forcible rape cases 1990-2017 | Timeline

With Tipsy managing to find 5 examples of false allegations, having to go as far back as 2006 to do it.

Why do you think so many rape kits go untested?
I know a number of women who claimed they were raped and certainly weren't. One was my very best friend who claimed a bartender raped her in the bar's restroom. I was right there and saw her dragging the guy off.

Brian Banks spent 5 years in prison for a rape that never happened. The Duke LaCrosse team lost an entire year of competition. The UVA team wrongfully accused by Rolling Stone magazine. Lena Dunham day dreaming her rape. Recently a girl from Sacred Heart was just sentenced to a year in prison for falsely claiming two Sacred Heart football players raped her.

Thousands of women a year are raped. You've cited 5 instances going all the way back more than a decade.

As I said, false rape allegations are exceedingly rare. Which is why you had to go all the way back to 2006 for your examples. Whereas the rapes of women in any given year dwarf by orders of magnitude all the instances of false allegations you've managed to cite over a decade

If a woman alleges rape, its overwhelmingly likely she's being truthful. Believe her.
Prove it fascist.

Yeah, I don't think you have the slightest clue what a fascist is either.

As for the evidence, does it matter to you? We both know you're going to ignore any study I cite. Hell, you've already admitted you'll call your own mother, wife or daughter a liar unless she can 'prove' her rape was non-consentual.

For those who do respond to evidence:

That 2014 study, one of the largest of its kind, analyzed LAPD police data and estimated that “the rate of false [rape] reports among cases reported to the LAPD [in 2008] was 4.5 percent.” A 2017 studyutilized FBI data over the five-year period from 2006 to 2010 to conclude that “approximately 5% of the allegations of rape were deemed false or baseless” during that time period. A 2016 meta-analysis of seven studies addressing the same question estimated that 5.2% of rape allegations were false.

Between 4.5 and 5.2% are false allegations per a series of studies on rape allegations.

As for the number of rapes, an estimated 99,856 cases occurred nationwide in just 2017

U.S.: reported forcible rape cases 1990-2017 | Timeline

With Tipsy managing to find 5 examples of false allegations, having to go back to 2006 to do it.
I admitted no such thing you goddam liar! I admitted they would go to.police and get PROOF! You can't understand that can You? Having to prove your claim is alien to libstains.

And how, pray tell, would your mother, wife, sister or daughter 'prove' it was non-consentual?

As you've clearly demonstrated that them coming to you and telling you they were raped isn't any kind of evidence to you.

And exactly as predicted, you ignored all the evidence I provided you. Shocker.
Christine Ford had every indication of a girl rejected by an unrequited crush and has been nursing her hurt for 36 years.
That was my thought too. Women, proven to be lying, should face the same penalty the man would get if it is proven she lied.

Women need to start being held accountable for lying.
I know a number of women who claimed they were raped and certainly weren't. One was my very best friend who claimed a bartender raped her in the bar's restroom. I was right there and saw her dragging the guy off.

Brian Banks spent 5 years in prison for a rape that never happened. The Duke LaCrosse team lost an entire year of competition. The UVA team wrongfully accused by Rolling Stone magazine. Lena Dunham day dreaming her rape. Recently a girl from Sacred Heart was just sentenced to a year in prison for falsely claiming two Sacred Heart football players raped her.

Thousands of women a year are raped. You've cited 5 instances going all the way back more than a decade.

As I said, false rape allegations are exceedingly rare. Which is why you had to go all the way back to 2006 for your examples. Whereas the rapes of women in any given year dwarf by orders of magnitude all the instances of false allegations you've managed to cite over a decade

If a woman alleges rape, its overwhelmingly likely she's being truthful. Believe her.
Prove it fascist.

Yeah, I don't think you have the slightest clue what a fascist is either.

As for the evidence, does it matter to you? We both know you're going to ignore any study I cite. Hell, you've already admitted you'll call your own mother, wife or daughter a liar unless she can 'prove' her rape was non-consentual.

For those who do respond to evidence:

That 2014 study, one of the largest of its kind, analyzed LAPD police data and estimated that “the rate of false [rape] reports among cases reported to the LAPD [in 2008] was 4.5 percent.” A 2017 studyutilized FBI data over the five-year period from 2006 to 2010 to conclude that “approximately 5% of the allegations of rape were deemed false or baseless” during that time period. A 2016 meta-analysis of seven studies addressing the same question estimated that 5.2% of rape allegations were false.

Between 4.5 and 5.2% are false allegations per a series of studies on rape allegations.

As for the number of rapes, an estimated 99,856 cases occurred nationwide in just 2017

U.S.: reported forcible rape cases 1990-2017 | Timeline

With Tipsy managing to find 5 examples of false allegations, having to go back to 2006 to do it.
Once again assuming the studies are correct between 4.5 and 5.2% are KNOWN to be false.

Since most official accusations go unresolved we on fact do not know if most are true or false.

Since most sexual assaults are unreported, the number of actual rapes is at least double what are reported to police. Further skewing the ratio of false allegations to real ones by orders of magnitude.
According to man basher/haters a man has raped them when looking at them for ten seconds to long.

Metoo has destroyed anything having to do with rape. They get off on taking innocent men and destroying their families little girls included.

Most rapes ARE reported not long after it's been done.

Let's just hope they start coming after your sons, grandsons, fathers, and uncles so we shall see what happens when you get what you asked for.

Real rape victims can't stand democrats any longer because you have totally destroyed the cases for REAL RAPES.....

Anbody who has half a brain left realizes this Kavanaugh ordeal is being stalled so the Demotrash eaters can dig up more women who can accuse Kavanaugh.

So be ready.
they are not believed. Chance are you know someone who was raped, or was sexually assaulted, you might even know of a few women that were. They will not talk about it, why , because most people still think a woman puts herself in the place to be raped or assaulted, or asked for it. Imagine what they were in days gone by.

The recent CDC report, based on surveys conducted in 2011, found that almost one in five women (and 1.7 percent of men) have been raped in their lifetimes. In a single year, 1.6 percent of women reported experiences that are considered rape—almost two million cases. But the NCVS report recorded just 243,800 cases of rape or sexual assault in that year, 12 percent of the CDC findings. Meanwhile, a report compiled by the FBI, which only documents cases that were brought to police, shows only 83,425 rapes that year.

Why Is it So Hard to Determine Exactly How Many Women Are Raped Each Year?
Because women don't want to be Required to join a Convent or become a black belt in the martial art of their choice.
According to man basher/haters a man has raped them when looking at them for ten seconds to long.

Ford described being pulled into a room against her will, held down on a bed while her attackers tried to take off her clothes and swimsuit, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she was afraid she might be killed inadvertantly.

That's hardly 'look at her for 10 seconds'.
they are not believed. Chance are you know someone who was raped, or was sexually assaulted, you might even know of a few women that were. They will not talk about it, why , because most people still think a woman puts herself in the place to be raped or assaulted, or asked for it. Imagine what they were in days gone by.

The recent CDC report, based on surveys conducted in 2011, found that almost one in five women (and 1.7 percent of men) have been raped in their lifetimes. In a single year, 1.6 percent of women reported experiences that are considered rape—almost two million cases. But the NCVS report recorded just 243,800 cases of rape or sexual assault in that year, 12 percent of the CDC findings. Meanwhile, a report compiled by the FBI, which only documents cases that were brought to police, shows only 83,425 rapes that year.

Why Is it So Hard to Determine Exactly How Many Women Are Raped Each Year?
Because women don't want to be Required to join a Convent or become a black belt in the martial art of their choice.
Right, like most liberals they are too stupid to carry a gun. My wife carries one. With all the crime we have because liberals do not want to punish criminals it's insane not to carry. Now watch, some butt turd lib will say people who carry guns are cowards and scared of their shadows, but the vast vast vast majority of women who carry guns are not raped and they can defend themselves. The little petunias who will not step up and who buy into the fake liberal narratives are putting themselves in danger.
I can say you pulled me into a
According to man basher/haters a man has raped them when looking at them for ten seconds to long.

Ford described being pulled into a room against her will, held down on a bed while her attackers tried to take off her clothes and swimsuit, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she was afraid she might be killed inadvertantly.

That's hardly 'look at her for 10 seconds'.

I can say you pulled me into a room and raped me 36 yrs ago too. Is that true too? Because some msm bull crap outlet has lead you to believe that is so. Oh but of course. USA Today told me so. Half of their writes are just as dumb as those who believe all this rape bs.
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According to man basher/haters a man has raped them when looking at them for ten seconds to long.

Ford described being pulled into a room against her will, held down on a bed while her attackers tried to take off her clothes and swimsuit, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she was afraid she might be killed inadvertantly.

That's hardly 'look at her for 10 seconds'.
The only thing she can't prove is who did it and if it really happened because all of her witnesses have said they don't recall it ever happening. PROOF PROOF PROOF.
they are not believed. Chance are you know someone who was raped, or was sexually assaulted, you might even know of a few women that were. They will not talk about it, why , because most people still think a woman puts herself in the place to be raped or assaulted, or asked for it. Imagine what they were in days gone by.

The recent CDC report, based on surveys conducted in 2011, found that almost one in five women (and 1.7 percent of men) have been raped in their lifetimes. In a single year, 1.6 percent of women reported experiences that are considered rape—almost two million cases. But the NCVS report recorded just 243,800 cases of rape or sexual assault in that year, 12 percent of the CDC findings. Meanwhile, a report compiled by the FBI, which only documents cases that were brought to police, shows only 83,425 rapes that year.

Why Is it So Hard to Determine Exactly How Many Women Are Raped Each Year?
Because women don't want to be Required to join a Convent or become a black belt in the martial art of their choice.
Right, like most liberals they are too stupid to carry a gun. My wife carries one. With all the crime we have because liberals do not want to punish criminals it's insane not to carry. Now watch, some butt turd lib will say people who carry guns are cowards and scared of their shadows, but the vast vast vast majority of women who carry guns are not raped and they can defend themselves. The little petunias who will not step up and who buy into the fake liberal narratives are putting themselves in danger.
i found the video to support my contention after you replied.

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