Most Hispanics vote Democrat, so why are so many Hispanic politicians Republican?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
What a great question! Never really thought about it before this Guardian piece. And, while Mexicans make up the majority of the Hispanic community, it is Cubans who seem to be taking the forefront in the GOP. I wonder why that is.

Then, the story points out something I've known as part of my research on my historical novels but never paid attention to – land grants stolen by the Yankees when the US took over former Spanish/Mexican territories. Something that happened 150 years ago still plays a major role in the Mexican/American community? And, so far, there's only one Democrat Senator who's Latino and he's just about to lose his seat due to corruption charges.

Of course this article is clearly biased against the GOP when it ends with this:

For today, Hispanics have a choice between voting for a party that openly hates them and one that takes them for granted, because who else are they going to vote for? How long can Democrats hold on to Hispanics with this tactic? If the Republicans keep recruiting conservative Cubans, sooner or later they will grab a larger share of the rest of the Hispanic vote, too.

Read the full story @ Most Hispanics vote Democrat so why are so many Hispanic politicians Republican? | Cindy Casares

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