Most important video to watch if you have a male child!


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019

At the very end of this video you will feeing the passion of Jordan Peterson shoot through your screen and hit your soul.

It’s so important to stop democrats/ left wingers.

Encourage your boys to be who they are by nature. Not what some feminists says.

At the very end of this video you will feeing the passion of Jordan Peterson shoot through your screen and hit your soul.

It’s so important to stop democrats/ left wingers.

Encourage your boys to be who they are by nature. Not what some feminists says.

For a good many years the laws did favor men. As always we over react and the pendulum was swung to far the other way. The good news is this is slowing down. You think it is bad now you should have been around dunring the 1980's. All of a sudden every guy on tv was an idiot. All of a sudden people like Lorena Bobbitt could cut thier husbands dick off and people laughed about it. Also child support and divorce was a death sentance for a man. I had friends bringing home $325 per week get divorced and after child support had 85 per week to live on. mean while women were starting to have children with multiple men and collecting child support from all of them. I took a credit app on a lady once that had a 22k per month income with no job. $ kids by four different doctors. It has improved and in large part due to Judge Alan Travis of Columbus Ohio. He ordered a study that proved people were five times more likely to go to prison if dad was not in the home and after that shared custody started happening. We still have a ways to go to get that pendulum to swing in the middle but it is better than it was. Thank the dear lord you did not get divorced in the 1980's or if you did my condolences.

At the very end of this video you will feeing the passion of Jordan Peterson shoot through your screen and hit your soul.

It’s so important to stop democrats/ left wingers.

Encourage your boys to be who they are by nature. Not what some feminists says.

We lucked out. There was nothing feminine about our son, and we encouraged resistance to efforts to make him so during his short public school career.
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit. The histories of law and religion in most, if not all countries show that men have given themselves privileges that they denied to women. Some of these problems have been fixed, like men in the U.S. can no longer legally steal all of their wives' money. Some remain to be fixed.

Both sexes play competitive sports and participate in other areas of competition, so competitive instinct is not an issue. This guy has alluded to problems in education, without any specifics, but the best thing for parents of all children to do is to check kids' homework and encourage them to get the best education possible. Make sure that the kids devote time and effort to their education. Make sure that resources are distributed evenly.

All anyone, male or female, really has to do is be a nice, polite, respectful person.
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Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit. The histories of law and religion in most, if not all countries show that men have given themselves privileges that they denied to women. Some of these problems have been fixed, like men in the U.S. can no longer legally steal all of their wives' money. Some remain to be fixed.

Both sexes play competitive sports and participate in other areas of competition, so competitive instinct is not an issue. This guy has alluded to problems in education, without any specifics, but the best thing for parents of all children to do is to check kids' homework and encourage them to get the best education possible. Make sure that the kids devote time and effort to their education. Make sure that resources are distributed evenly.

All anyone, male or female, really has to do is be a nice, polite, respectful person.
You should rewatch it
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit. The histories of law and religion in most, if not all countries show that men have given themselves privileges that they denied to women. Some of these problems have been fixed, like men in the U.S. can no longer legally steal all of their wives' money. Some remain to be fixed.

Stop harping on the past. Men and boys are being hurt NOW.
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit. The histories of law and religion in most, if not all countries show that men have given themselves privileges that they denied to women. Some of these problems have been fixed, like men in the U.S. can no longer legally steal all of their wives' money. Some remain to be fixed.

Both sexes play competitive sports and participate in other areas of competition, so competitive instinct is not an issue. This guy has alluded to problems in education, without any specifics, but the best thing for parents of all children to do is to check kids' homework and encourage them to get the best education possible. Make sure that the kids devote time and effort to their education. Make sure that resources are distributed evenly.

All anyone, male or female, really has to do is be a nice, polite, respectful person.

Who is full of shit? Why don’t you refute what is being said then?
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit. The histories of law and religion in most, if not all countries show that men have given themselves privileges that they denied to women. Some of these problems have been fixed, like men in the U.S. can no longer legally steal all of their wives' money. Some remain to be fixed.

Stop harping on the past. Men and boys are being hurt NOW.

How so? More than women and girls?
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit. The histories of law and religion in most, if not all countries show that men have given themselves privileges that they denied to women. Some of these problems have been fixed, like men in the U.S. can no longer legally steal all of their wives' money. Some remain to be fixed.

Both sexes play competitive sports and participate in other areas of competition, so competitive instinct is not an issue. This guy has alluded to problems in education, without any specifics, but the best thing for parents of all children to do is to check kids' homework and encourage them to get the best education possible. Make sure that the kids devote time and effort to their education. Make sure that resources are distributed evenly.

All anyone, male or female, really has to do is be a nice, polite, respectful person.
You should rewatch it

Waste of time. There wasn't anything to it the first time. He was all over the map, but no details of any kind.
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit. The histories of law and religion in most, if not all countries show that men have given themselves privileges that they denied to women. Some of these problems have been fixed, like men in the U.S. can no longer legally steal all of their wives' money. Some remain to be fixed.

Stop harping on the past. Men and boys are being hurt NOW.

How so? More than women and girls?
How so? You obviously didn’t watch the videos.
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit. The histories of law and religion in most, if not all countries show that men have given themselves privileges that they denied to women. Some of these problems have been fixed, like men in the U.S. can no longer legally steal all of their wives' money. Some remain to be fixed.

Stop harping on the past. Men and boys are being hurt NOW.

How so? More than women and girls?

What do you mean, "more than"? How does that matter?

It is not like there is a certain about of harm that has to be shared out between the two groups.

The OP makes a point about harm to young males. That is valid or not, regardless of what is being done or NOT done to young females.

Unless you believe the only way to raise up women, is by putting men down.
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit.

Maybe they are; maybe they aren't. Why don't you provide some evidence to the countrary instead of throwing out a bunch generalizations based on your own bias.
Because we're talking about something that doesn't exist.
It creates victims, if a boy acts naturally, and a feminist is his teacher she could recommend him see a counselor, already that kid thinks he has issues now the counselor says he has ADHD. Now the kid is taken out of regular classes and has put in special classes with kids and have really difficult learning disabilities. You just destroyed that child.
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit. The histories of law and religion in most, if not all countries show that men have given themselves privileges that they denied to women. Some of these problems have been fixed, like men in the U.S. can no longer legally steal all of their wives' money. Some remain to be fixed.

Stop harping on the past. Men and boys are being hurt NOW.

How so? More than women and girls?

What do you mean, "more than"? How does that matter?

It is not like there is a certain about of harm that has to be shared out between the two groups.

The OP makes a point about harm to young males. That is valid or not, regardless of what is being done or NOT done to young females.

Unless you believe the only way to raise up women, is by putting men down.

I am saying the opposite. If both sexes are being treated in the same harmful manner and no one is being singled out by sex, all we have is a general social problem. This guy never stated any specific harm for which boys are being singled out because of their sex.
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit.

Maybe they are; maybe they aren't. Why don't you provide some evidence to the countrary instead of throwing out a bunch generalizations based on your own bias.
Because we're talking about something that doesn't exist.
It creates victims, if a boy acts naturally, and a feminist is his teacher she could recommend him see a counselor, already that kid thinks he has issues now the counselor says he has ADHD. Now the kid is taken out of regular classes and has put in special classes with kids and have really difficult learning disabilities. You just destroyed that child.

I don't know what you mean by a boy acting "naturally." I don't think that all boys are being dragged to counseling and treated as having ADHD.

There is lots out there about ADHD.

ADHD Symptoms Checklist: Specific Symptoms of ADHD Subtype
NIMH » Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Millions of kids have been diagnosed with ADHD, but many more millions have not. The indicators all seem to involve behavior that is out of the ordinary and makes the kid stand out from his or her peers of both sexes.
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit.

Maybe they are; maybe they aren't. Why don't you provide some evidence to the countrary instead of throwing out a bunch generalizations based on your own bias.
Because we're talking about something that doesn't exist.

And who appointed you the Wizard of Life? If it doesn't exist then you should be able to support that statement with evidence flatly disproving their claims. You simply claiming it doesn't exist because you don't want to believe it might doesn't make it not exist. We were taught this in elementary school.
Both of these clowns are full of ideological shit. The histories of law and religion in most, if not all countries show that men have given themselves privileges that they denied to women. Some of these problems have been fixed, like men in the U.S. can no longer legally steal all of their wives' money. Some remain to be fixed.

Both sexes play competitive sports and participate in other areas of competition, so competitive instinct is not an issue. This guy has alluded to problems in education, without any specifics, but the best thing for parents of all children to do is to check kids' homework and encourage them to get the best education possible. Make sure that the kids devote time and effort to their education. Make sure that resources are distributed evenly.

All anyone, male or female, really has to do is be a nice, polite, respectful person.
Any younger generation male today that has a clear mind using sense and is street wise will do well compared to others if this virus continues. We won't worry about male and female jobs anymore. Guaranteed. You Progs better help to get this economy jump started and stop worrying about defeating Trump in November. During times that are not nice with a more primal outlook on things, what was goes into the dustbin of history. The last time in the 1930's with all of the faults and even ugliness of people, there was a better part of character then we have today. And you will see how bad it is if things get bad. We institutionalized it for crying out loud. There are jobs where men and women get the same salary but men end up the ones damaged, maimed, and dead more.

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