Most importantly we need to create jobs, increasing taxes helps attain that how?

Liberals are nothing more than lazy, greedy freeloaders. They call the rich greedy despite the fact that the rich took risks to get where they are. Libs want to take their money and give it to someone that didn't earn it.

I'm far from rich but I've slaved at my business for 22 years to get where I am. I literally destroyed my body and have had 2 major surgeries in the process of making a name for myself along with providing jobs within my community. It's nice to know that my pain and suffering enables some stupid crack head to have another baby that I pay for. You cry that we can't say what teachers or unions do with their money yet your quick to tell me who I should be supporting. You want independence for your money then give it to me too. I earned it through hard work, did you?
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Ever since Dems took over unemployment has gone up.
Dems took over house and Senate 2006 - 2010
Notice that in 2008 it started to rise. This was during the Dems in the House and Senate


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Please explain to me how raising taxes is going to help create jobs.

Easing taxes and regulations can help to create jobs which in turn will broaden the tax base which will increase revenue.

So again explain the path from raising taxes to jobs for me please.
So....When are those.....

....gonna start creating alllllllllllllllll o' those jobs (Republicans keep promising)????




You did not answer my question.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, the roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, the our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, the our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, OR THAT THE KOCH BROTHERS GET A NEW YACHT???
The children get more money thrown at them every year and its had 0 results. Want education fixed get the unions out. I already addressed your roads illusion. R&d is a good thing if you can afford it, can we?

Now address my situation

What's wrong with education, that you feel a need to attack unions?:cuckoo:

Teachers unions rarely have anything to do with education... they are to protect poor teachers and increase their already good benefits at the economic destruction of states. Look at how the governor of Wisconsin is fiscally saving the school systems with his law!
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Three Little Pigs: How Entitlements Will Destroy Us

Our national debt recently topped the $13 trillion mark. That amounts to nearly 90% of this country's GDP; $72,000 in debt for every household in America
Now add Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, and Obama's 2011 budget has a $1.27 trillion deficit. It's the entitlements, stupid.

Nor can you tax your way out of debt. Eliminate all of the Bush tax cuts, including the tax cuts for low- and middle-income Americans, and you would reduce the debt by perhaps 10% — assuming you didn't cripple the economy in the process. Tax the rich? That won't get you there either. In fact, according to the Congressional Budget Office, in order to pay for all currently scheduled federal spending would require raising both the corporate tax rate and top income tax rate from their current 35% to 88%, the current 25% tax rate for middle-income workers to 63%, and the 10% tax bracket for low-income workers to 25%

There is simply no way to control our debt without getting serious about reforming entitlements.

Truth is hard for the Left; in fact, it is their worst enemy
As far as corporations sitting on money your right. But why? Could it be the fear of the massive regulations? Could it be fear that obamas policies are going to have negative impacts on the economy as a whole?'s because they're "managed" by too-many gutless, "conservative"-pussies, who (actually) expect a 110% guarantee they'll realize maximum-profit$ (within 6 months), before they take such a "risk".

If George W. Bush proved anything at all, he proved reduced taxes do no create jobs.

"In terms of promoting economic growth, the Bush tax cuts have been a miserable failure. Under George W. Bush, U.S. GDP growth averaged 2.1 percent a year. Since the end of World War II, the country has never experienced such low economic growth during an eight-year period. And if you exclude the war demobilization of 1946, when U.S. government spending fell by two-thirds and GDP fell by 10.9 percent, Bush had the worst economic record since Herbert Hoover."

Read more: The Bush Tax Cuts: Failure Analysis by David Fiderer ? Failure magazine |

Reagan and Clinton raised taxes, Reagan many times.

"There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent. During this period, the general tax rate climbed as well, but it reached a plateau in 1969, and growth slowed down five years later. Almost all rich nations have higher general taxes than the U.S., and they are growing faster as well." Tax cuts spur economic growth

"But the record shows just the opposite. The national rate of job growth during George W. Bush’s tenure was the worst since the government starting counting in 1939....The tax changes didn’t do much for Vermont, either. Job growth so far this decade is worse than any decade since the 1940s. We have fewer jobs today than we had in 2000." Hoffman: Did tax cuts create jobs?

"I’m fully aware that I risk excommunication from the Church of Economic Science when I argue exactly the opposite: Tax cuts actually hurt the economy. It isn’t just that they don’t help, or that they’re ineffective—THEY REALLY HURT!" Spending Cuts Vs. Tax Increases at the State Level, 10/30/01
There is simply no way to control our debt without getting serious about reforming entitlements.

Truth is hard for the Left; in fact, it is their worst enemy

And you have missed the major item of debt for the nation? Any guesses, no one seems to face reality.
There is simply no way to control our debt without getting serious about reforming entitlements.

Truth is hard for the Left; in fact, it is their worst enemy

And you have missed the major item of debt for the nation? Any guesses, no one seems to face reality.

Sorry your are right

Vote Papa Obama out of office and the rest of the Democrats
The guys who can't stop spending

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Please explain to me how raising taxes is going to help create jobs.

Easing taxes and regulations can help to create jobs which in turn will broaden the tax base which will increase revenue.

So again explain the path from raising taxes to jobs for me please.

400 people are sitting on HALF THE WEALTH in this country.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, the roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, the our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, the our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, OR THAT THE KOCH BROTHERS GET A NEW YACHT??? writing that looks obvious.
No one is denying that.

However, redistribution of wealth is NOT an American ideal...taking from someone becuase we decided they dont need that much is just not what we are made of. were taxpayers expected to continue....
....after Lil' Dumbya decided redistribution (to the yacht-industry; via 1%er tax-cuts), WAS an American-ideal?

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Please explain to me how raising taxes is going to help create jobs.

Easing taxes and regulations can help to create jobs which in turn will broaden the tax base which will increase revenue.

So again explain the path from raising taxes to jobs for me please.

We have the lowest taxes in 60 years at least and it's not creating jobs.

Now explain how cutting government spending will help create jobs. Explain how cutting, for example, the number of defense contracts the Pentagon spends billions on,

to private businesses in the US,

will create more, instead of fewer, jobs at those businesses.

There is NO job creating path to fiscal responsibility, getting rid of the deficit, balancing the budget, paying down the debt.

None. Period. Austerity hurts. Period. Stop pretending it doesn't.

thats the whole point.
One issue has nothig to do with another.

The debt is one problem

Unemployment is another.
Lemme guess.....that's one o' those new.....

400 people are sitting on HALF THE WEALTH in this country.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, the roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, the our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, the our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, OR THAT THE KOCH BROTHERS GET A NEW YACHT??? writing that looks obvious.
No one is denying that.

However, redistribution of wealth is NOT an American ideal...taking from someone becuase we decided they dont need that much is just not what we are made of.

Look...I would love it if they were to give it to me.....I certainly can use it a lot more than they can....seeing as they have more than they can handle for sure.

But to forcibly take it from them? It is just not what America is supposed to be all about.

So please...stop with the "obvious"...and instead debate the reality....are we ready, as a nation, to start choosing "who we take from to solve our problems" without their consent?


Paying taxes is patriotic, but the right has become anti American. They hate America. Why? Because America is about helping others, and the right is all about selfishness.

Because George Bush cut taxes and increased spending, we have a trillion dollar deficit. We need to repeal the Bush tax cut and cut spending. It's simple mathematics, and it is for the good of America.

"....But, but, but....the President is BLACK!!!

We CAN'T let him succeed!!!"
Well your idea about roads and bridges creating jobs is a myth imo. I live in KC. It has a large population with high unemployment. We have major road and bridge projects going on every year including before the downturn. Those projects have had 0 impact on our unemployed.

As far as corporations sitting on money your right. But why? Could it be the fear of the massive regulations? Could it be fear that obamas policies are going to have negative impacts on the economy as a whole?

I'll give you one example of jobs lost because of fear.... I am willing and able to buy another company truck. It's about a 50k investment. I have the money but am scared to death to spend it because I don't feel confident that I will have enough work through the next year to justify the investment.

Now do you consider me one of those evil and greedy business men?

You did not answer my question.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, the roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, the our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, the our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, OR THAT THE KOCH BROTHERS GET A NEW YACHT???
Want education fixed get the unions out.

Oh.....I can't WAIT to hear your logic, behind that suggestion!!!


Increasing taxes doesn't create jobs other than government jobs which do nothing for the economy, lowering taxes allows businesses to create jobs. we need to cut spending not raise taxes.

That mistake is a consequence of believing the propaganda put forth by Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, et al. The fact is raising taxes on the rich is precisely how FDR was able to lift America out of the Great Depression and put it on the road to prosperity.

More specifically it was done by implementing a number of public works projects which put millions of Americans to work and gave rise to many productive new manufacturing and service industries. The effect was referred to as "priming the pump." It led to the most prosperous three decades in our history. And increasing taxes on the rich didn't make them poor -- it simply made them less rich. They still could afford to buy the best of everything and to lead lives of opulent leisure.

So when you hear the right-wing propagandists spewing their deceptive nonsense, keep in mind that every one of them is a multi-millionaire who is being paid very well to lie to you.
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Please explain to me how raising taxes is going to help create jobs.

Easing taxes and regulations can help to create jobs which in turn will broaden the tax base which will increase revenue.

So again explain the path from raising taxes to jobs for me please.

I see you are not much of a capitalist and savy on economic issues.
He's not much of a....



(I'm guessin' Alzheimers; a typically Republican-affliction.)​
Please explain to me how raising taxes is going to help create jobs.

Easing taxes and regulations can help to create jobs which in turn will broaden the tax base which will increase revenue.

So again explain the path from raising taxes to jobs for me please.

I see you are not much of a capitalist and savy on economic issues. That is ok, we will teach you again for the umpteenth time.

Taxes = Money to pay the contractor bills in ME = more products of destruction are created, more body bags manufactured, more food, more clothes, more boots for soldiers, weapons, vehicleus, ammo, etc. = more workers and more jobs = workers spending to buy American made products, goods & services in their local areas, etc., = creates more jobs in local stores and more services sold.

Now tack that memo to your refrigerator door for further reference and pondering.:eusa_whistle:

The only thing you taught me with that mindless bloviating is that I need to open my ignore list and add you to it....goodbye
That'll certainly save you a lot o' ASS-WHUPPIN'S, in the future.


.....surely do make those undisclosed-locations pay-off.

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I see you are not much of a capitalist and savy on economic issues. That is ok, we will teach you again for the umpteenth time.

Taxes = Money to pay the contractor bills in ME = more products of destruction are created, more body bags manufactured, more food, more clothes, more boots for soldiers, weapons, vehicleus, ammo, etc. = more workers and more jobs = workers spending to buy American made products, goods & services in their local areas, etc., = creates more jobs in local stores and more services sold.

Now tack that memo to your refrigerator door for further reference and pondering.:eusa_whistle:

The only thing you taught me with that mindless bloviating is that I need to open my ignore list and add you to it....goodbye

See what I mean folks?? Cons are clueless and dumb fucks who chose to remain that way.


"Hell, NO!! We don't KNOW!!!!"


[ame=]YouTube - &#x202a;SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters&#x202c;&rlm;[/ame]​
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