Most murderous states for 2021 are Blood Red

Exactly! You can lead a water to horse. That’s why Chicago looks more dangerous. It’s got a lot of people but it’s less dangerous than Memphis, Birmingham and a whole bunch of other red state cities. It’s safer in Illinois than 9 other red states.
Memphis-Dimwinger Mayor
Birmingham-Dimwinger Mayor
It’s like discussing quantum mechanics with a stuffed Raggedy Anne doll. I give up. You win. You can’t comprehend that large population size means small fractions add up to larger numbers than small populations and large fractions. Let’s call this a push where neither one of us could get you to talk in sound logic.
Of course you give up. You only like irrelevant things like rates if they tell the story you want. How sad. Just using the actual number of real murders is sufficient information, yet you run from that like a child. Typical of you liberal fools.
Moron....under deblasio, all the gains made by Rudio Guilliani are gone.....crime is sky rocketing...

2020, New York’s murder rate shot up by 47 percent, to 468, from 319 the year before. That was the biggest one-year increase the city has ever seen, by far. The closest it ever got before was in 1968, when murders rose 32 percent from the previous year, and in 1971, when they rose 31 percent.

Yes, but they have a lot of people there, so fools like city can ignore the ACTUAL number of murders and prattle mindlessly about "murder rates" to convince themselves that they're living in paradise instead of in Hell's asshole.
I’m not debating this. If Chicago has 2 murders and Two Egg, FL has 1 murder which place is more dangerous? You are not being smart.

Cecilie1200 and Tipsycatlover should be embarrassed to have liked your stupidity.

I'm not debating this = I want to just make assertions, not have to actually provide proof.

I'll get right on worrying about what a shameless drone like you thinks I should be embarrassed about. Any moment now, your opinion is SURE to matter to me. Hold your breath waiting.
Never miss a second to show the true colors of conservative America. Red states are statistical shitholes of murder. There are many more minorities and liberals in blue states. That’s not the difference. It the murder culture of the south.

"Never miss a second to tell myself that the Dem shit I wade in is really flower petals. Fuck that truth shit, THIS is what I'm going to believe!" *yawn*

Hey, whatever keeps us from having to tolerate your toxic presence in real life. Far be it from me to convince you to pollute our home states by visiting. Carry on.
Dimwinger city after Dimwinger city.......

Yes, but they have a lot of people there, so fools like city can ignore the ACTUAL number of murders and prattle mindlessly about "murder rates" to convince themselves that they're living in paradise instead of in Hell's asshole.
That’s hilarious. I can’t tell if you’re punking me by pretending that makes sense or if you really are this ignorant. I’ll hope for the former but suspect the latter.
That’s hilarious. I can’t tell if you’re punking me by pretending that makes sense or if you really are this ignorant. I’ll hope for the former but suspect the latter.
Just stop already, Mr Two MBAs.
You just love making a jackass out of yourself when we already know you're a jackass.
Recapping the 5 most murdering states:
  1. Louisiana
  2. Alabama
  3. Mississippi
  4. Missouri
  5. Alaska
Where are the conservative threads on these places? Perhaps conservatives don’t really want to solve problems and just want to politicize fear?

BTW California is trending lower than Texas and Florida.

States with the Highest Murder Rates​

Louisiana has the highest murder rate in the U.S. of 14.4 murders per 100,000 residents. Murders were more than twice as common in Louisiana as they were nationwide. Murders are disproportionately concentrated in urban areas, especially New Orleans. New Orleans has a murder rate of about 37 per 100,000 residents, one of the highest of any U.S. city, followed by Baton Rouge with a murder rate of 35.1.

Alabama has the second-highest murder rate of 12.9 murders per 100,000 residents. This is also more than twice the rate nationwide. In Alabama, Birmingham has the most gun violence and, therefore, the highest murder rate of 37.1. Fairfield, Anniston, Pritchard, and Troy are other cities with the highest murder rates in Alabama.

Mississippi has the third-highest murder rate in the United States. Mississippi’s murder rate is 12.7 murders per 100,000 residents. According to the latest FBI data, Jackson had the most murders in 2018 of 78, which is a murder rate of 47 murders per 100,000 residents. Brookhaven has the highest murder rate in the state of 57.7 murders per 100,000 people.

Missouri has the fourth-highest murder rate of 11.3 murders per 100,000 residents. Murders in Missouri are disproportionately concentrated in metropolitan areas – about 90% of murders committed in 2017 in Missouri were committed in metropolitan areas. St. Louis and Kansas City are two of the most dangerous cities in the United States. In 2017, St. Louis had 205 murders and Kansas City had 150.

View attachment 577061
If you were to break down the racial demographics of who’s murdering who in these states I bet it would no longer fit your leftist narrative.
Are both totally screwed by the ridiculous never ending GOP war on drugs.
No place is worse than El Salvador and Chicago. Now we have more people in prison than the rest of the world combined lol. At like $70,000 per prisoner. Absolute idiocy. Maybe we could try a mental health system for a change. Of course no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega Rich from paying their fair share. Freedom my ass. You people are brainwashed functional morons lol.
If you were to break down the racial demographics of who’s murdering who in these states I bet it would no longer fit your leftist narrative.
Poverty causes crime and blacks are poorer than anyone else. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere in the modern world after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and 30 years of brainwash. 40 really. Great job!
Red State cesspool after another. You realize those cities are in states and even with those murder rates they don’t add up to the death and destruction of red states? Those places are blood red murder magnets. So much death that it eclipses all the blue states.

View attachment 577963

Dance you silly leftist…. Your thread is over. Democrat controlled cities and their anti-police policies and their pro- release policies for the most violent criminals are responsible for our crime rates… can lie all you want but the truth has been shown.
Poverty causes crime and blacks are poorer than anyone else. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere in the modern world after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and 30 years of brainwash. 40 really. Great job!

No….. fatherless homes create poverty and crime……..crime creates poverty……. Without fathers actually in the home raising their children, thise children are left to the criminals and drugs…..and then they and their children are stuck in generational poverty…..exactly where the democrats want them to be….
Dance you silly leftist…. Your thread is over. Democrat controlled cities and their anti-police policies and their pro- release policies for the most violent criminals are responsible for our crime rates… can lie all you want but the truth has been shown.
No lies. I’ve posted many lists and ALL of them have Red States with the highest murder rates in the country even though they have the lowest urban rates. That’s right all the urban states have low murder rates and voted against Trump. The least urban states voted Trump and all have higher murder rates as I’ve shown many many times.

No lies. I’ve posted many lists and ALL of them have Red States with the highest murder rates in the country even though they have the lowest urban rates. That’s right all the urban states have low murder rates and voted against Trump. The least urban states voted Trump and all have higher murder rates as I’ve shown many many times.

View attachment 578065 have to lie....the Red states have democrat party controlled cities.....where almost all of our violent crime is after city, democrat party control for decades, if not longer....

Tap dance all you didn't expect people to actually know the truth, you didn't expect them to post the thread is dumb, and has been taken apart in the seconds it took to find out the party that controlled the violent cities in those Red States..

The democrat party creates violent crime with their policies...

1) They attack and cripple the police in the cities they control...

2) They create laws and policies that allow the most violent monsters out of jail and prison over and over is these monsters, released by the democrats, doing almost all of the violence in the cities the democrats control....

We don't have a gun problem in the U.S......we have a democrat party problem....... have to lie....the Red states have democrat party controlled cities.....where almost all of our violent crime is after city, democrat party control for decades, if not longer....

Tap dance all you didn't expect people to actually know the truth, you didn't expect them to post the thread is dumb, and has been taken apart in the seconds it took to find out the party that controlled the violent cities in those Red States..

The democrat party creates violent crime with their policies...

1) They attack and cripple the police in the cities they control...

2) They create laws and policies that allow the most violent monsters out of jail and prison over and over is these monsters, released by the democrats, doing almost all of the violence in the cities the democrats control....

We don't have a gun problem in the U.S......we have a democrat party problem.......
All states have urban areas. All states have democratic enclaves. Only Red States are death traps with murder rates rivaling 3rd world countries. The country folk kill at will out there. I posted Alabama’s map of murder. It’s all over the state. Might as well wear a bullet proof vest on your way to Florida from Ohio.
Every state red or blue has urban cities. Only red states run statistical shitholes. Why is that? Why can’t red states protect their citizens? This crime wave of deep red states has been going on for decades without attention. Instead conservatives ignore the math and focus on sensation. Fox and their ilk have you fucked up and stupid. It only takes changing your mindset one person at a time.
They also have the highest minority count. It's cute when you try to cherry pick one demographic and ignore the others. However I'm watching and it doesn't work with me.
They also have the highest minority count. It's cute when you try to cherry pick one demographic and ignore the others. However I'm watching and it doesn't work with me.
No they don’t. They are below average in diversity. Only Nevada and Alaska from the top 10 shows up as above average diversity.

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