Most murderous states for 2021 are Blood Red

No they don’t. They are below average in diversity. Only Nevada and Alaska from the top 10 shows up as above average diversity.
The mayor of Chicago now asks for Federal Government help for crime. Trump had to wait for those requests which never happened with all of the riots. To see the cities burn to the ground will be a pleasure.
What a retarded thread.
The murder rate is no doubt all liberal ran cities. Might be in a red state, but the governor doesn't control local police or policies within every city.
So only dem cities in red states are dangerous? Get a grip. Facts are fact. There are more dem cities in blue states and they are way safer. You can’t outrun facts.
So only dem cities in red states are dangerous? Get a grip. Facts are fact. There are more dem cities in blue states and they are way safer. You can’t outrun facts.
You're missing the point it's the Democratic cities that top the list of the most dangerous ones having the highest murder rates and crime rates...stop trying to twist the numbers into your political memoir. Trying to paint everything with a broad Bush by using an aggregate area as big as a state area is a cute little tactic that only works with simpletons and one that only simpletons try.

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Not the high crime areas
There are urban cities in every state. There is only a nasty crime problem in these conservative states that rival South American countries. It’s the concentration of conservatives not the few Dems there. Get a grip.
You're missing the point it's the Democratic cities that top the list of the most dangerous ones having the highest murder rates and crime rates...stop trying to twist the numbers into your political memoir. Trying to paint everything with a broad Bush by using an aggregate area as big as a state area is a cute little tactic that only works with simpletons and one that only simpletons try.

Look. You can select a dangerous part of any place. That’s selective. The aggregated state information is impartial. It weighs the rural and urban areas. It’s unbiased. Selecting a city in a giant state to benchmark safety is stupid and agenda driven. Look at state data. You wouldn’t select a city with good schools in West Virginia and say the education is great when the state education level is the worst in the country. That’s what you’re trying to do but I’m too smart for that.
Look. You can select a dangerous part of any place. That’s selective. The aggregated state information is impartial. It weighs the rural and urban areas. It’s unbiased. Selecting a city in a giant state to benchmark safety is stupid and agenda driven. Look at state data. You wouldn’t select a city with good schools in West Virginia and say the education is great when the state education level is the worst in the country. That’s what you’re trying to do but I’m too smart for that.

Dimtard Oasis after Dimtard Oasis....

No….. fatherless homes create poverty and crime……..crime creates poverty……. Without fathers actually in the home raising their children, thise children are left to the criminals and drugs…..and then they and their children are stuck in generational poverty…..exactly where the democrats want them to be….
No we want cheap or free college and the training so they can get the good jobs these new markets provide, which Germany France scandinavia etc are taking advantage of because they have cheap collagen training. Free even or even you can get paid to go to college in these places. Here everything goes to the rich and the brainwashed idiots like you make it possible.... And no not taxes from regular Joe's like you who are already over taxed.... More GOP brainwash.....
I agree that the war on drugs is the cause of lots of crime, but it's the Duopoly's war, not just the GOP.

Authoritarians of all stripes LOVE the war on drugs. The power it gives them is irreplaceable.
Republicans are the party of law and orders so that regular people pay another tax in all the DUI's etc etc there are now. Democrats would love to end the war on drugs and that has been the story for decades, brainwashed functional moron. They would also love to have an actual mental health system for change. Of course no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share...
Republicans are the party of law and orders so that regular people pay another tax in all the DUI's etc etc there are now. Democrats would love to end the war on drugs and that has been the story for decades, brainwashed functional moron. They would also love to have an actual mental health system for change. Of course no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share...

They've been in total charge of our federal government for 11 months now. What drugs became legal during that time? Where are these new mental health systems? Who in the Communist party even suggested to take a look at it?

You use the word "dupe" all the time and you are the quint essential dupe.
The mayor of Chicago now asks for Federal Government help for crime. Trump had to wait for those requests which never happened with all of the riots. To see the cities burn to the ground will be a pleasure.

At this point even their own are turning on them so they have to act like they care.
No….. fatherless homes create poverty and crime……..crime creates poverty……. Without fathers actually in the home raising their children, thise children are left to the criminals and drugs…..and then they and their children are stuck in generational poverty…..exactly where the democrats want them to be….

I listen to our police scanner all the time. Most of the calls are for the kids, and in many cases, it's the mother summoning the police on her own kids.

They have children from several different baby daddies, raise them on their own, and lose control of them around puberty. The mother can no longer control a kid that's going to do what they want anyway, and this is particularly true with males.

After their win at home, they take their "I'll do what I want" attitude to school with them. Eventually they take it to the streets and end up in jail or getting killed by police because they feel like home, like school, there is no authoritative figure for them to obey.

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