Most murderous states for 2021 are Blood Red

Dipshit.....I went through this in another thread.....the cities in those Red States driving the crime and murder are completely under democrat party control.......

New party control since 1872

Baton Rouge, except for 2 Republican terms, democrat control since 1872

Jackson, party control since 1901

St. Louis, party control since 1949

Kansas City, Missouri, one republican 1979-1991 the rest total democrat party control since 1930

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Thread fail.
You have failed to prove that it is Republicans who are committing these murders.
Prove it.
They are Louisianans, Alabamians, Mississippians, Missourians, and Alaskans. Fucking turd red State capital of the murder world on the US. Conservatives need to control their crime in their own states.
Red States are VERY dangerous.

Lefties should STAY THE FUCK OUT.

I know I stay away from SHITHOLE BLUE STATES.
You’re in luck. No one goes to those shithole murdering states.

It’s called diversity. It brings great things like sky high murder rates.

If you want to see low murder rates, go look at all white places in remote areas of the US or Central European countries.
NY has high diversity and low murder rates. Try again. Leave it to you guys to make it about skin color in conservative states.
They are Louisianans, Alabamians, Mississippians, Missourians, and Alaskans. Fucking turd red State capital of the murder world on the US. Conservatives need to control their crime in their own states. got owned in your thread because you are an idiot.....and think that if a state is Red, that was all you needed......when, in fact, anyone can show the Blue Cities under democrat party control for decades that are actually the cause of Red State crime stats....

You are a should go away and hope we forget about this thread....
NY has high diversity and low murder rates. Try again. Leave it to you guys to make it about skin color in conservative states.

Moron....under deblasio, all the gains made by Rudio Guilliani are gone.....crime is sky rocketing...

2020, New York’s murder rate shot up by 47 percent, to 468, from 319 the year before. That was the biggest one-year increase the city has ever seen, by far. The closest it ever got before was in 1968, when murders rose 32 percent from the previous year, and in 1971, when they rose 31 percent.

You really don't understand math at all. Per 100,000 is a bogus standard given population disparities by state. The only real measure is actual murders. Why not look at those numbers? The liberal shithole of Chicago has more murder victims than some of those states combined. Just more disingenuous liberal bullshit.
I’m not debating this. If Chicago has 2 murders and Two Egg, FL has 1 murder which place is more dangerous? You are not being smart.

Cecilie1200 and Tipsycatlover should be embarrassed to have liked your stupidity.
Current Chicago murder rate is 18.2%. That would put it #2 on your 4 year old list of states, Dumbass.
Ha ha ha ha ha. The current Chicago murder rate is NOT 18.2% dickweed. Jesus math escapes you guys. It’s 0.0186%.

Second comparing a city to a state? Really? Fucking really? Illinois is behind 9 other conservative states. So, they are in 9th. Your poster child for murder in democrat states is in 9th place behind 8 other red state cesspools. Next!
Who would think that all white rural areas with high rates of gun ownership would have high murder rates?

Can't be.....

Moron....under deblasio, all the gains made by Rudio Guilliani are gone.....crime is sky rocketing...

2020, New York’s murder rate shot up by 47 percent, to 468, from 319 the year before. That was the biggest one-year increase the city has ever seen, by far. The closest it ever got before was in 1968, when murders rose 32 percent from the previous year, and in 1971, when they rose 31 percent.

NYC is one of the safest cities in America. It was lower last year due to how locked down NYC was for the pandemic. Look at any other year and any other city and it is remarkable how close to Nirvana NYC is.
NYC is one of the safest cities in America. It was lower last year due to how locked down NYC was for the pandemic. Look at any other year and any other city and it is remarkable how close to Nirvana NYC is.
It’s the Center of the Universe. got owned in your thread because you are an idiot.....and think that if a state is Red, that was all you needed......when, in fact, anyone can show the Blue Cities under democrat party control for decades that are actually the cause of Red State crime stats....

You are a should go away and hope we forget about this thread....
Then explain why blue cities in blue states don’t bring down the state dipshit. By the way. The rural murder rate in the south exceeds the rate anywhere else. It’s a war zone. Look at the state rankings. Here is the Alabama war zone. Murder everywhere! It’s Afghanistan.
Ha ha ha ha ha. The current Chicago murder rate is NOT 18.2% dickweed. Jesus math escapes you guys. It’s 0.0186%.

Second comparing a city to a state? Really? Fucking really? Illinois is behind 9 other conservative states. So, they are in 9th. Your poster child for murder in democrat states is in 9th place behind 8 other red state cesspools. Next!
Chicago would be #2 on your 4 year old list.
NY has high diversity and low murder rates. Try again. Leave it to you guys to make it about skin color in conservative states.
How can you even say this shit with a straight face?

NYC has sky high crime and murder:

Then explain why blue cities in blue states don’t bring down the state dipshit. By the way. The rural murder rate in the south exceeds the rate anywhere else. It’s a war zone. Look at the state rankings. Here is the Alabama war zone. Murder everywhere! It’s Afghanistan.
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Because even rural areas, especially in the South, have lots of blacks.

Keep trying.
Chicago would be #2 on your 4 year old list.
Illinois is 9th after 8 blue states. List is for this year, 2021. It’s right in the title of the link. It references data from 2017 for a background commentary on localities for which detailed by city information was fully reviewed.
Even within Chicago, there is a huge disparity in murder rates in different neighborhoods and precincts.

Let’s see if citygator is able to clue in on what it could be:


Recapping the 5 most murdering states:
  1. Louisiana
  2. Alabama
  3. Mississippi
  4. Missouri
  5. Alaska
Where are the conservative threads on these places? Perhaps conservatives don’t really want to solve problems and just want to politicize fear?

BTW California is trending lower than Texas and Florida.

States with the Highest Murder Rates​

Louisiana has the highest murder rate in the U.S. of 14.4 murders per 100,000 residents. Murders were more than twice as common in Louisiana as they were nationwide. Murders are disproportionately concentrated in urban areas, especially New Orleans. New Orleans has a murder rate of about 37 per 100,000 residents, one of the highest of any U.S. city, followed by Baton Rouge with a murder rate of 35.1.

Alabama has the second-highest murder rate of 12.9 murders per 100,000 residents. This is also more than twice the rate nationwide. In Alabama, Birmingham has the most gun violence and, therefore, the highest murder rate of 37.1. Fairfield, Anniston, Pritchard, and Troy are other cities with the highest murder rates in Alabama.

Mississippi has the third-highest murder rate in the United States. Mississippi’s murder rate is 12.7 murders per 100,000 residents. According to the latest FBI data, Jackson had the most murders in 2018 of 78, which is a murder rate of 47 murders per 100,000 residents. Brookhaven has the highest murder rate in the state of 57.7 murders per 100,000 people.

Missouri has the fourth-highest murder rate of 11.3 murders per 100,000 residents. Murders in Missouri are disproportionately concentrated in metropolitan areas – about 90% of murders committed in 2017 in Missouri were committed in metropolitan areas. St. Louis and Kansas City are two of the most dangerous cities in the United States. In 2017, St. Louis had 205 murders and Kansas City had 150.

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