Most Of Us Have Seen Kavanaugh Now,Does He Really Seem Evil,Cruel&Sinister?

Put him and the current Supreme Court justices in a room with 191 other people and no way I'd be able to pick out the judges unless they were the only ones wearing robes.
Now that the world has seen Brett Kavanaugh and his family, does he really come off as someone that will cause millions to die of a slow agonizing death?The left sure thinks so.
Now come on, millions have seen him for the first time last night or today, he certainly doesn't look anything like Hitler or Saddam Hussein.
And the left sees him and the 3rd or 4th Reich? :puhleeze:

Yeah... I think the give away to his awesome evilness was the part where he works in soup kitchens and coaches his daughters soccer team.......
based on how the left is reacting to Kava, apparently they must believe that adolf hitler is a very nice and lovable human being
Most Of Us Have Seen Kavanaugh Now,Does He Really Seem Evil,Cruel&Sinister?

Yes, he seems evil, cruel and sinister if you read the shit he has said and written - including when he worked for Ken Starr during the Clinton investigations. He is a scary NaziCon!

Let's just hope he doesn't come over and write his name on your sidewalk.
Now that the world has seen Brett Kavanaugh and his family, does he really come off as someone that will cause millions to die of a slow agonizing death?The left sure thinks so.
Now come on, millions have seen him for the first time last night or today, he certainly doesn't look anything like Hitler or Saddam Hussein.
And the left sees him and the 3rd or 4th Reich? :puhleeze:

Yeah... I think the give away to his awesome evilness was the part where he works in soup kitchens and coaches his daughters soccer team.......
Marks of the Devil
Now that the world has seen Brett Kavanaugh and his family, does he really come off as someone that will cause millions to die of a slow agonizing death?The left sure thinks so.
Now come on, millions have seen him for the first time last night or today, he certainly doesn't look anything like Hitler or Saddam Hussein.
And the left sees him and the 3rd or 4th Reich? :puhleeze:

Yeah... I think the give away to his awesome evilness was the part where he works in soup kitchens and coaches his daughters soccer team.......
Now that the world has seen Brett Kavanaugh and his family, does he really come off as someone that will cause millions to die of a slow agonizing death?The left sure thinks so.
Now come on, millions have seen him for the first time last night or today, he certainly doesn't look anything like Hitler or Saddam Hussein.
And the left sees him and the 3rd or 4th Reich? :puhleeze:
Handpicked by Kennedy....
You picked the wrong talking point from your handlers. Idiot.
Now that the world has seen Brett Kavanaugh and his family, does he really come off as someone that will cause millions to die of a slow agonizing death?The left sure thinks so.
Now come on, millions have seen him for the first time last night or today, he certainly doesn't look anything like Hitler or Saddam Hussein.
And the left sees him and the 3rd or 4th Reich? :puhleeze:

I guess lying through his ASS to congress about having nothing to do with BUSH'S enhanced interrogation programs is A-okay with those on this board. HE WAS!!! And lied in person about the same in front of the Senate and apparently in writing to the same judiciary committee.

That's called PERJURY in other legal circles.
Now that the world has seen Brett Kavanaugh and his family, does he really come off as someone that will cause millions to die of a slow agonizing death?The left sure thinks so.
Now come on, millions have seen him for the first time last night or today, he certainly doesn't look anything like Hitler or Saddam Hussein.
And the left sees him and the 3rd or 4th Reich? :puhleeze:

I guess lying through his ASS to congress about having nothing to do with BUSH'S enhanced interrogation programs is A-okay with those on this board. HE WAS!!!

That's called PERJURY in other judicial circles.
And when Hillary destroys evidence it is also a crime. Get over it. The game is rigged. Hope Trump goes down fighting. More likely he will be purchased, just like Obama.
“Most Of Us Have Seen Kavanaugh Now,Does He Really Seem Evil,Cruel&Sinister?”

This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

How a jurist ‘seems’ has no bearing on his position on the issues.

Since Kennedy, and because of Kennedy, no Republican president would dare nominate a jurist to the Supreme Court without first ensuring he’s hostile to privacy rights, due process rights for immigrants, equal protection rights for gay Americans, and voting rights for minorities.

Few Republican Supreme Court appointments have been as vilified by Republicans and the social right as Kennedy.
everyone the left/blacks/Dems do not agree with is EVIL/hitler/Jim Jones/Pol Pot
Justice Thomas is a good guy but he isn't much of a speaker. Ms. Ruth might as well be in a coma but Judge Kavanaugh is a terrific speaker and it will probably work well for him. It was a slick pick by President Trump and as usual it caught the angry incoherent left flatfooted.
Yes indeed! He is very well spoken. The first thing I noticed about his acceptance speech is that he opened with simpering obeisance to Trump. Other than that and his record of past written judicial decisions, I see no reason why anyone should be skeptical of his intent. For sure, if we pay attention, we will learn more about this man's aim for America's future. It's Trump's intent for America's future that worries me, along with his habit of rejecting guidance and surrounding himself with "YES!" persons. What he and his followers call strength, I see as tantrums...ugly tantrums.
Now that the world has seen Brett Kavanaugh and his family, does he really come off as someone that will cause millions to die of a slow agonizing death?The left sure thinks so.
Now come on, millions have seen him for the first time last night or today, he certainly doesn't look anything like Hitler or Saddam Hussein.
And the left sees him and the 3rd or 4th Reich? :puhleeze:

Standing between a welfare check and a Democrat is like standing between a steak and a pit bull
Now that the world has seen Brett Kavanaugh and his family, does he really come off as someone that will cause millions to die of a slow agonizing death?The left sure thinks so.
Now come on, millions have seen him for the first time last night or today, he certainly doesn't look anything like Hitler or Saddam Hussein.
And the left sees him and the 3rd or 4th Reich? :puhleeze:

Standing between a welfare check and a Democrat is like standing between a steak and a pit bull
Kee-rist! You really want to keep that old stereotype going? How pompous! How righteous! Do flowers pop up every time you step across a field?
Now that the world has seen Brett Kavanaugh and his family, does he really come off as someone that will cause millions to die of a slow agonizing death?The left sure thinks so.
Now come on, millions have seen him for the first time last night or today, he certainly doesn't look anything like Hitler or Saddam Hussein.
And the left sees him and the 3rd or 4th Reich? :puhleeze:
Meh, the dude is just another Bushie, enamored of executive power. As for the left, if they had any sense they wouldn’t be leftists
Now that the world has seen Brett Kavanaugh and his family, does he really come off as someone that will cause millions to die of a slow agonizing death?The left sure thinks so.
Now come on, millions have seen him for the first time last night or today, he certainly doesn't look anything like Hitler or Saddam Hussein.
And the left sees him and the 3rd or 4th Reich? :puhleeze:

Standing between a welfare check and a Democrat is like standing between a steak and a pit bull
Kee-rist! You really want to keep that old stereotype going? How pompous! How righteous! Do flowers pop up every time you step across a field?
That made no sense

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