Most Palestinians in West Bank Oppose Stabbing Attacks on Israelis

Odd how our pro terrorists are arguing about white phosphorous when its been used by the terrorists right and left.

So whats your point anyway, That we've lost all semblance of the topic ?

Speaking of which I still think the method of questioning the Arab Muslims was flawed as a face to face interview isn't exactly conducive to a full disclosure of ones views; particularly in an atmosphere of so much distrust.

Who here is supporting ANY white phosporous use?

Apparently the ICRC which seems to be saying tis fine in flairs and smoke markers.

But not in dense urban areas.
Odd how our pro terrorists are arguing about white phosphorous when its been used by the terrorists right and left.

So whats your point anyway, That we've lost all semblance of the topic ?

Speaking of which I still think the method of questioning the Arab Muslims was flawed as a face to face interview isn't exactly conducive to a full disclosure of ones views; particularly in an atmosphere of so much distrust.

Who here is supporting ANY white phosporous use?

Apparently the ICRC which seems to be saying tis fine in flairs and smoke markers.

But not in dense urban areas.

Dense and urban are both subjective terms.

Also the typical Arab Muslim approach to war is to shove the woman and children forward or set up missile sites in schools and on hospital grounds. So yeah. The definition of a legitimate target gets blurred by the cowardly antics of the Arab Muslim game plan

Which is why I strongly advocate for a quick and decisive victory with as little loss of life as possible. Simply throw the UNRWA out and only allow aid to be distributed at determination centers such that the UNs own regulations are adhered to. Segregate combatants from non combatants
Odd how our pro terrorists are arguing about white phosphorous when its been used by the terrorists right and left.

So whats your point anyway, That we've lost all semblance of the topic ?

Speaking of which I still think the method of questioning the Arab Muslims was flawed as a face to face interview isn't exactly conducive to a full disclosure of ones views; particularly in an atmosphere of so much distrust.

Who here is supporting ANY white phosporous use?

Apparently the ICRC which seems to be saying tis fine in flairs and smoke markers.

But not in dense urban areas.

Dense and urban are both subjective terms.

Yes, they are but Gaza has been repeatedly cited as the most densly populated bit of land on earth.

Also the typical Arab Muslim approach to war is to shove the woman and children forward or set up missile sites in schools and on hospital grounds. So yeah. The definition of a legitimate target gets blurred by the cowardly antics of the Arab Muslim game plan isn't.
Odd how our pro terrorists are arguing about white phosphorous when its been used by the terrorists right and left.

So whats your point anyway, That we've lost all semblance of the topic ?

Speaking of which I still think the method of questioning the Arab Muslims was flawed as a face to face interview isn't exactly conducive to a full disclosure of ones views; particularly in an atmosphere of so much distrust.

Who here is supporting ANY white phosporous use?

Apparently the ICRC which seems to be saying tis fine in flairs and smoke markers.

But not in dense urban areas.

Dense and urban are both subjective terms.

Yes, they are but Gaza has been repeatedly cited as the most densly populated bit of land on earth.

Also the typical Arab Muslim approach to war is to shove the woman and children forward or set up missile sites in schools and on hospital grounds. So yeah. The definition of a legitimate target gets blurred by the cowardly antics of the Arab Muslim game plan isn't.

And where in the Geneva Conventions does it say thats Israel's problem ?
Who here is supporting ANY white phosporous use?

Apparently the ICRC which seems to be saying tis fine in flairs and smoke markers.

But not in dense urban areas.

Dense and urban are both subjective terms.

Yes, they are but Gaza has been repeatedly cited as the most densly populated bit of land on earth.

Also the typical Arab Muslim approach to war is to shove the woman and children forward or set up missile sites in schools and on hospital grounds. So yeah. The definition of a legitimate target gets blurred by the cowardly antics of the Arab Muslim game plan isn't.

And where in the Geneva Conventions does it say thats Israel's problem ?

warning...warning....we have a non-sequiter here.

What does the above statement have to do with Geneva Conventions....?
Apparently the ICRC which seems to be saying tis fine in flairs and smoke markers.

But not in dense urban areas.

Dense and urban are both subjective terms.

Yes, they are but Gaza has been repeatedly cited as the most densly populated bit of land on earth.

Also the typical Arab Muslim approach to war is to shove the woman and children forward or set up missile sites in schools and on hospital grounds. So yeah. The definition of a legitimate target gets blurred by the cowardly antics of the Arab Muslim game plan isn't.

And where in the Geneva Conventions does it say thats Israel's problem ?

warning...warning....we have a non-sequiter here.

What does the above statement have to do with Geneva Conventions....?

You said Gaza was already over crowded, I said "not my problem"

The expulsion of combatants is spelled out in the Geneva conventions which Israel would be obligated to adhere to too the letter.

Nowhere in those conventions does it make Israel responsible for where combatants are repatriated too. Only that they be delivered in good condition to the embarkation point.
But not in dense urban areas.

Dense and urban are both subjective terms.

Yes, they are but Gaza has been repeatedly cited as the most densly populated bit of land on earth.

Also the typical Arab Muslim approach to war is to shove the woman and children forward or set up missile sites in schools and on hospital grounds. So yeah. The definition of a legitimate target gets blurred by the cowardly antics of the Arab Muslim game plan isn't.

And where in the Geneva Conventions does it say thats Israel's problem ?

warning...warning....we have a non-sequiter here.

What does the above statement have to do with Geneva Conventions....?

You said Gaza was already over crowded, I said "not my problem"

That was in relation to the use of white phosphorous.

The expulsion of combatants is spelled out in the Geneva conventions which Israel would be obligated to adhere to too the letter.

Nowhere in those conventions does it make Israel responsible for where combatants are repatriated too. Only that they be delivered in good condition to the embarkation point.

Again...where will they be embarked to?
Dense and urban are both subjective terms.

Yes, they are but Gaza has been repeatedly cited as the most densly populated bit of land on earth.

Also the typical Arab Muslim approach to war is to shove the woman and children forward or set up missile sites in schools and on hospital grounds. So yeah. The definition of a legitimate target gets blurred by the cowardly antics of the Arab Muslim game plan isn't.

And where in the Geneva Conventions does it say thats Israel's problem ?

warning...warning....we have a non-sequiter here.

What does the above statement have to do with Geneva Conventions....?

You said Gaza was already over crowded, I said "not my problem"

That was in relation to the use of white phosphorous.

The expulsion of combatants is spelled out in the Geneva conventions which Israel would be obligated to adhere to too the letter.

Nowhere in those conventions does it make Israel responsible for where combatants are repatriated too. Only that they be delivered in good condition to the embarkation point.

Again...where will they be embarked to?

Not Israel's problem
Yes, they are but Gaza has been repeatedly cited as the most densly populated bit of land on earth.


If you measure countries, it comes up as about 5th -- after Macau, Monaco, Singapore and Hong Kong. If you measure cities it way down -- way, way down. The population density of Gaza is about 5000 per km2. The most populated place on earth is a slum in Mumbai which has a population density of 300,000 per km2. Not even close.

Just another bit of urban legend that is tossed around as fact in order to give the Gazans an excuse to behave badly.
Why is it that on nearly every thread about Palestine or Palestinians we end up discussing the "evils" of Israel instead?
What surprises me is that people think its perfectly OK to expect Israel to make all the concessions and take all the responsibilities. If the Arabs want to invent a people and pretend they have to have a homeland, no problem, drop them in the middle of Saudi somewhere.

The Arab Muslim world is a mess. Those people are killing each other off right and left. Not Israel's problem.

The combatants regardless of what generation in Israel, Israel has a right to detain and repatriate. There are no requirements that Israel determine what their final destination is. Israel is only responsible for delivering them to an exit in good condition. Beyond that. Don't care.

Israel is at war with Syria and Lebanon anyway. Might as well parachute the Arab Muslim combatants just over the border. Or catapult them in one of those giant inflated balls that look like so much fun.


But there's solutions to every problem. Israel just needs to get them across a boarder and not let them back in.

hey now there's an idea

A tunnel ;--) Israel could tunnel into Gaza and shove them on through.
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I thought I heard a whine.

Did anyone hear a whine ?

It wasn't a strong whine, more like an annoying little buzzzzz like a fly in the background somewhere
Why is it that on nearly every thread about Palestine or Palestinians we end up discussing the "evils" of Israel instead?

I would also ask, why is it, on every thread on Israel, we discuss the evils of Palistinians?

Why is it, when I post a positive thread on a Palestinian teacher winning an international award folks have to rush to tear her down? Because she's Palistinian?

It's a two way street Shusha.
Yes, they are but Gaza has been repeatedly cited as the most densly populated bit of land on earth.


If you measure countries, it comes up as about 5th -- after Macau, Monaco, Singapore and Hong Kong. If you measure cities it way down -- way, way down. The population density of Gaza is about 5000 per km2. The most populated place on earth is a slum in Mumbai which has a population density of 300,000 per km2. Not even close.

Just another bit of urban legend that is tossed around as fact in order to give the Gazans an excuse to behave badly.

You know...5th, out of how many countries? That is still very very densely populated.

Is it really an excuse? And...frankly...if it is indeed an "urban legend"...then why so many civilian casualties?
I thought I heard a whine.

Did anyone hear a whine ?

It wasn't a strong whine, more like an annoying little buzzzzz like a fly in the background somewhere

I spilled some merlot.
Yes, they are but Gaza has been repeatedly cited as the most densly populated bit of land on earth.


If you measure countries, it comes up as about 5th -- after Macau, Monaco, Singapore and Hong Kong. If you measure cities it way down -- way, way down. The population density of Gaza is about 5000 per km2. The most populated place on earth is a slum in Mumbai which has a population density of 300,000 per km2. Not even close.

Just another bit of urban legend that is tossed around as fact in order to give the Gazans an excuse to behave badly.

You know...5th, out of how many countries? That is still very very densely populated.

Is it really an excuse? And...frankly...if it is indeed an "urban legend"...then why so many civilian casualties?

Because the Arab Muslims really do use human shields as often as possible.

Its a whole otehr mind set. On the one hand we have the Israeli's who try and preserve life. On the other we have the Arab Muslims who glorify death.
Is it really an excuse? And...frankly...if it is indeed an "urban legend"...then why so many civilian casualties?

So many civilian casualties? Israel achieved a 1:1 civilian to combatant ratio. That is better than any army has done in any conflict ever. Even if you take the bogus Gazan numbers its still 2:1 and still better than any army has done in any conflict ever. AND this in a "densely populated area" where the other party to the conflict uses human shields. Israel has done a remarkable job in limiting civilian casualties and still getting the job done.

Now, can we get off Israel and start talking about the topic of this thread -- which is the ideology of the Gazans and the Palestinians?
Are we going back to this again after it was proven to have been used legally and within the guides available at the time. How about you balance it with the reports on hamas sending people out to collect W.P. that was on the ground and to use it as part of the warheads in qassams aimed at Israeli children.

Remember you said google is your friend, well it is there on google that hamas used W.P. illegally after it was taken of the list of legal substances.

It's not my job to prove YOUR claims.

Hamas launches first phosphorus rocket at Negev; no injuries reported

They should be absolutely condemned for it.

Do you condemn Israel's use of white phospherous?

White phosphorous shells are not even close to what a phosphorous rocket is.
A phosphorous rocket is designed to melt hardened targets.
A white phosphorus shell is a non lethal smoke bomb designed to mark a location or create a smoke screen.

Even the Red Cross says no problem.

Red Cross: Israel's use of white phosphorus not illegal - Democratic Underground

Now tell us what Palestinians have been arrested for direct violations of the Geneva Conventions for intentionally targeting civilians.

You have decades of history, tell us just one name. Just one. Uno.

But you can't, because Palestinians are all vermin. Red Cross did NOT say it was no problem. Only not illegal.

ICRC service

Does the use of weapons containing white phosphorous, in particular incendiary weapons, in a populated area give rise to any specific humanitarian concerns?

Yes. White phosphorous weapons spread burning phosphorous, which burns at over 800 degrees centi grade (about 1,500 degrees fahrenheit), over a wide area, up to several hundred square metres. The burning will continue until the phosphorous has been completely depleted or until it no longer is exposed to oxygen. The weapon has a potential to cause particularly horrific and painful injuries or slow painful death. Medical personnel must be specially trained to treat such injuries and may themselves be exposed to phosphorous burns. If used against military targets in or near populated areas, weapons containing this substance must be used with extreme caution to prevent civilian casualties.

It is contraindicated in urban areas, particularly when other materials that could do the job more safely, were available.

Israel: White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes

When used properly in open areas, white phosphorus munitions are not illegal, but the Human Rights Watch report concludes that the IDF repeatedly exploded it unlawfully over populated neighborhoods, killing and wounding civilians and damaging civilian structures, including a school, a market, a humanitarian aid warehouse, and a hospital.

Israel at first denied it was using white phosphorus in Gaza but, facing mounting evidence to the contrary, said that it was using all weapons in compliance with international law. Later it announced an internal investigation into possible improper white phosphorus use.

Have any Israeli's been arrested for violating the Geneva Conventions? International law? No.
Israel does not violate the Geneva convention, unlike the Palestinians who fire thousands of missiles at Israeli citizens, much like Hitler did at England.

And no one is interested in your lies and propaganda photos.

We all know Palestinians are just a bunch of Islamic vermin.

They should be absolutely condemned for it.

Do you condemn Israel's use of white phospherous?

White phosphorous shells are not even close to what a phosphorous rocket is.
A phosphorous rocket is designed to melt hardened targets.
A white phosphorus shell is a non lethal smoke bomb designed to mark a location or create a smoke screen.

Even the Red Cross says no problem.

Red Cross: Israel's use of white phosphorus not illegal - Democratic Underground

Now tell us what Palestinians have been arrested for direct violations of the Geneva Conventions for intentionally targeting civilians.

You have decades of history, tell us just one name. Just one. Uno.

But you can't, because Palestinians are all vermin. Red Cross did NOT say it was no problem. Only not illegal.

ICRC service

Does the use of weapons containing white phosphorous, in particular incendiary weapons, in a populated area give rise to any specific humanitarian concerns?

Yes. White phosphorous weapons spread burning phosphorous, which burns at over 800 degrees centi grade (about 1,500 degrees fahrenheit), over a wide area, up to several hundred square metres. The burning will continue until the phosphorous has been completely depleted or until it no longer is exposed to oxygen. The weapon has a potential to cause particularly horrific and painful injuries or slow painful death. Medical personnel must be specially trained to treat such injuries and may themselves be exposed to phosphorous burns. If used against military targets in or near populated areas, weapons containing this substance must be used with extreme caution to prevent civilian casualties.

It is contraindicated in urban areas, particularly when other materials that could do the job more safely, were available.

Israel: White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes

When used properly in open areas, white phosphorus munitions are not illegal, but the Human Rights Watch report concludes that the IDF repeatedly exploded it unlawfully over populated neighborhoods, killing and wounding civilians and damaging civilian structures, including a school, a market, a humanitarian aid warehouse, and a hospital.

Israel at first denied it was using white phosphorus in Gaza but, facing mounting evidence to the contrary, said that it was using all weapons in compliance with international law. Later it announced an internal investigation into possible improper white phosphorus use.

Have any Israeli's been arrested for violating the Geneva Conventions? International law? No.
Israel does not violate the Geneva convention, unlike the Palestinians who fire thousands of missiles at Israeli citizens, much like Hitler did at England.

And no one is interested in your lies and propaganda photos.

We all know Palestinians are just a bunch of Islamic vermin.

Palestinians are also Christian.

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