Most Palestinians in West Bank Oppose Stabbing Attacks on Israelis

Why do people keep babbling on about 'a two state solution', as if that never happened???

There already is a 'two state solution', and it turns out nobody wants anything to do with the squatters in Gaza or the West Bank, not even their own countries Egypt and Syria. None of which imposes any obligation on Israel to pander to them or allow them to over-run them.

A 'third state solution' run by terrorists and gangsters is a ridiculous idea.

There are already 3 states--in Israel, Jordan and Gaza. A fourth one would be a disaster.

If the Arab Muslims need another state all that bad let them carve it out of one of the 58 or so Muslim stated already in existence.

Why the insistence on carving another piece out of Israel ?

Because the goal isn't another state. Its less Israel. The Arabs want a little more and a little more until there's no Israel left.

Well screw that

Not one more inch.
Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza





They look like they're having a good time to me.

You know your second picture down, what would you say if I told you it was a fake. You see the young man in the white shirt and black trousers, well he is a member of the British monarchy. Next to him as a British actor and lastly is another British celebrity. The lines for that part of the picture are blurred and out of focus, as if they have been altered at the pixel level.

On top of this you are adding 2 and 2 and being told the answer is 5 because this is what you want to see. The dialogue does not match the action

Prove it.


Prince William


Leonard Rossiter.

Third man 's name eludes me

That's quite a stretch to claim they are in the picture. Do you have a photo identifying them as those people? If not, no cigar.

That is what you have done by claiming pictures of people gathered on a hillside are celebrating the bombing of gaza. All you have to go on is the captions from islamonazi sources.

What Islamonazi sources? It was reported in a mainstream newspaper, which some of the pictures came from.

Sources - the Guardian, NYT, this site: Popcorn and cheering as bombs hit Gaza causes Twitter storm, are these all Islamonazi sources?

Perhaps the pictures of Palestinians handing out candy are fraudulant too. hmmmm....maybe it's really Prince Harry :lol:

I believe that some of our Jewish posters stated that the people were actually celebrating a festival or holiday taking place. Much like the alleged Jews dancing on 9/11 which was nothing of the sort was it ?

Funny - there were bombs in the background.
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You know your second picture down, what would you say if I told you it was a fake. You see the young man in the white shirt and black trousers, well he is a member of the British monarchy. Next to him as a British actor and lastly is another British celebrity. The lines for that part of the picture are blurred and out of focus, as if they have been altered at the pixel level.

On top of this you are adding 2 and 2 and being told the answer is 5 because this is what you want to see. The dialogue does not match the action

Prove it.


Prince William


Leonard Rossiter.

Third man 's name eludes me

That's quite a stretch to claim they are in the picture. Do you have a photo identifying them as those people? If not, no cigar.

That is what you have done by claiming pictures of people gathered on a hillside are celebrating the bombing of gaza. All you have to go on is the captions from islamonazi sources.

What Islamonazi sources? It was reported in a mainstream newspaper, which some of the pictures came from.

Sources - the Guardian, NYT, this site: Popcorn and cheering as bombs hit Gaza causes Twitter storm, are these all Islamonazi sources?

Perhaps the pictures of Palestinians handing out candy are fraudulant too. hmmmm....maybe it's really Prince Harry :lol:

I believe that some of our Jewish posters stated that the people were actually celebrating a festival or holiday taking place. Much like the alleged Jews dancing on 9/11 which was nothing of the sort was it ?

Funny - there were bombs in the background.

So now a South African rag is mainstream is it, and the report came from twitter if you read your link.

Twitter has caused another social media uproar as pictures of young Israelis watching bombs falling on Gaza are posted.

So maybe you are scraping the bottom of the barrel again in your attempts at demonising the Jews
Why do people keep babbling on about 'a two state solution', as if that never happened???

There already is a 'two state solution', and it turns out nobody wants anything to do with the squatters in Gaza or the West Bank, not even their own countries Egypt and Syria. None of which imposes any obligation on Israel to pander to them or allow them to over-run them.

A 'third state solution' run by terrorists and gangsters is a ridiculous idea.

There are already 3 states--in Israel, Jordan and Gaza. A fourth one would be a disaster.

Ah, yes. I forgot about Gaza. That's certainly a model Arab state we should all strive to expand and support .... not.
Maybe if those peace loving Palestinians would start stabbing Palestinians firing thousands of missiles at civilians in direct violation of every civilized law concerning acts of war maybe the OP would have a point.
But in no case do Palestinians ever attempt to stop terrorism of civilians, so the OP is full of crap.
Maybe if those peace loving Palestinians would start stabbing Palestinians firing thousands of missiles at civilians in direct violation of every civilized law concerning acts of war maybe the OP would have a point.
But in no case do Palestinians ever attempt to stop terrorism of civilians, so the OP is full of crap.

They get paid for terrorism, so that's their main industry. Other ME countries , the UN, most of Europe keep them motivated with tons n tons of goodies. If they stop all the aid would, too.
What Muslim supremacists? The Zionist calling Palestinians rats is the supremacist that mimics the Nazis who called the Jews rats. Both wrong headed.
What Muslim supremacists? The Zionist calling Palestinians rats is the supremacist that mimics the Nazis who called the Jews rats. Both wrong headed.

Coming from the most racist and bigoted person on here thats pretty funny.

Reality is that Arab Muslims in Israel seem to fully support terrorist leaders which leads me to suspect they also support terrorism.

Its kinda a no brainer ;--)

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