"Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In"

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Does that include the financial support for agencies like the BLM and their theft of the land from the residences of the Western US?

If it does, I wouldn't necessarily count that as a benefit.
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Are you really trying this shit again? Geeze louise.

One more time. In freaking crayon. There are too many variables involved to reduce this issue to Red State/Blue State.

Such as how do you define the state? Based on Presidential elections? Based on Federal Senate and Congress elections?

Governors? Legislative Assembles? And most importantly on the state level, who has been the ruling party for __________fill in the blank years?

The variables are endless. Your OP is bullshit.
Lets look at that list.
1. New Mexico: $2.63- Blue state
2. West Virginia: $2.57-Red State
3. Mississippi: $2.47-Red state
4. District of Colombia: $2.41-Blue State
5. Hawaii: $2.38-Blue State
6. Alabama: $2.03-Red State
7. Alaska: $1.93-Red State
8. Montana: $1.92-Red state
9. South Carolina: $1.92-Red State
10. Maine: $1.78-Blue state.

So out of the ten states listed 6 are red four are blue three of the top five are blue four of the bottom five are red after we cut through all the partisan B.S. what did we find out that the ten states are split pretty evenly between blue and red.

9.2 vs 12.84

No where near equal.

Yes they are.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.


That is the most perfect example of the rights position on their own mooching ever typed. :badgrin:
CaféAuLait;8916172 said:
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

( emphasis added)

I'm a little confused. Kentucky received defense spending? For the military bases there right, owned by the Feds? Fort Campbell and Fort Knox, home of ARMY and Marines and Army Human Resource Command Center.

Fort Knox has 13,000 soldiers and Marines

Fort Campbell has 29,000 soldiers and Marines.

Fort Dix is in New Jersey with only 7,600 soldiers/marines.

In fact given your numbers, and the total number of military in Kentucky as opposed to New Jersey, it seems as KY is getting too little money compared to NJ.

That does not even include the guard which has been activated by the feds because of 9-11.

Wouldn't the larger military bases get more money from the feds? Why would the state have to support the federal government land and military?

The top ten states (with the exception of DC) you list are nearly even between red and blue. W. Virginia is red but has had Democratic governors since 2001, so that may be a wash...

Oh no! You're not getting the narrative here.
As long as the federal money crossed the state line into the targeted state, the libs only concern is that the money crossed the state line. They have no concern for the intended use of said funding.
Bullshit troll thread. I'm out.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Remind us again how you hate both parties yet ONLY attack the Conservatives. Defending the liberals.

I question all parties. Where is your answer. Perhaps if you can give an answer, I can respect your party. I lean towards political knowledge. Not towards people stating, "remind us how you hate both parties"

I don't hate any party! (Tea-Party is rocky because they want profit over humanity) Anti-Party isn't hating parties kid! Anti-Party is not conforming to a platform and repeating what I'm told! Holy crap, is this why you have been trolling me for so long? You think "Anti_party" is the hatred of parties? I love parties, I love the debate, I love the discussion! What is wrong with your brain?

No you don't.
You pretend to sit on the fence. Invariably, you come down on the lib side on nearly every issue.
Cut the bullshit and show your voter registration card. Registered democrat.
Spoon when he has nothing else he can alwasy question someones motives because....well, read the avatar
Are you really trying this shit again? Geeze louise.

One more time. In freaking crayon. There are too many variables involved to reduce this issue to Red State/Blue State.

Such as how do you define the state? Based on Presidential elections? Based on Federal Senate and Congress elections?

Governors? Legislative Assembles? And most importantly on the state level, who has been the ruling party for __________fill in the blank years?

The variables are endless. Your OP is bullshit.

"How do you define a Country? Obama is blue. Are we all blue? Or just the majority that voted him into place?"

Your perspective is flawed based on the voting system. Darn you Constitution!
This topic, from my perspective, was brought up by Rand Paul and Chris Christie.

Rand Paul was a taker state and Christie noted that he was a giver state. Note other threads stating the Blue states tax more.

I see a lot of scrambling in this thread and nearly no facts to support that Red States aren't buying votes based on less taxation.

I planned to vote for Paul ever since the day after Corporate Romney got turned down. Then I saw Christie actually paid what his area spent, a strong point for America. Paul did not. I was strong paul, then I was strong Christie, now I'm just open minded. The right is full of drama and lies.
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Spoon when he has nothing else he can alwasy question someones motives because....well, read the avatar

Your avatar states that "Weak minds discuss people"

That's true on a day to day sense. It's drama prevention.

But when discussing politics, PEOPLE are the only thing that matter.
This topic, from my perspective, was brought up by Rand Paul and Chris Christie.

Rand Paul was a taker state and Christie noted that he was a giver state. Note other threads stating the Blue states tax more.

I see a lot of scrambling in this thread and nearly no facts to support that Red States aren't buying votes based on less taxation.

I planned to vote for Paul ever since the day after Corporate Romney got turned down. Then I saw Christie actually paid what his area spent, a strong point for America. Paul did not. I was strong paul, then I was strong Christie, now I'm just open minded. The right is full of drama and lies.

Actually, if you look at at the issue honestly, a concept that is surely beyond you, you will see that it has nothing to do with red/blue at all, it is all about votes. The states that get the most money are the ones that make the biggest difference in presidential elections.

New York electoral college: state joins National Popular Vote interstate compact.

Why a Plan to Circumvent the Electoral College Is Probably Doomed | FiveThirtyEight

If you were half as well informed as you pretend you are you would see the issue isn't taxes at all.

Feel free to prove me wrong about you never actually learning anything.
CaféAuLait;8916172 said:
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

( emphasis added)

I'm a little confused. Kentucky received defense spending? For the military bases there right, owned by the Feds? Fort Campbell and Fort Knox, home of ARMY and Marines and Army Human Resource Command Center.

Fort Knox has 13,000 soldiers and Marines

Fort Campbell has 29,000 soldiers and Marines.

Fort Dix is in New Jersey with only 7,600 soldiers/marines.

In fact given your numbers, and the total number of military in Kentucky as opposed to New Jersey, it seems as KY is getting too little money compared to NJ.

That does not even include the guard which has been activated by the feds because of 9-11.

Wouldn't the larger military bases get more money from the feds? Why would the state have to support the federal government land and military?

The top ten states (with the exception of DC) you list are nearly even between red and blue. W. Virginia is red but has had Democratic governors since 2001, so that may be a wash...

I love information. I love your input.

It still doesn't excuse the fact that most red states spend more than what they pay in taxes.

This was 3 links, you have beef with one (not one of the top ten)

If you can use knowledge to debate the others then I'll be flattered with information. I'm waiting.

I addressed both of your links and what you highlighted from the article, I am unsure what you are looking for?

I read your second article, it says KY is receiving federal disability at a higher rate than NJ. Okay, could it be all the military that retire there? Since there are two large military bases there?

I'm unsure what you want, links to what I claimed about military bases? I said it would be reasonable that KY get more military spending than NJ because of the military and bases In KY vs. NJ. Because your article says this:

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defense spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

That is BS^ KY has a lot more military personnel and larger bases than NJ. Did the writer forget there are 2 military bases in KY? One of which is the 2nd largest in the military?

Here you go:

Fort Campbell KY (population: 234,914, area: 105,000 acres)

The total base population includes 30,438 military, 53,116 family members and 151,360 personnel including army retired personnel, retiree family members and reserve component.

The world's biggest military bases - Army Technology

Fort Knox, KY

Location: Located just 35 miles from Louisville, Fort Knox encompasses 109,000 acres in three Kentucky counties. Fort Knox has a population of over 40,000 Soldiers, family members and civilian employees

MilitaryINSTALLATIONS - U.S. Department of Defense

Fort Dix, the common name for the Dix unit of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst,

More than 44,000 airmen, soldiers, sailors, marines, coast guardsmen, civilians, and their family members live and work on and around JB MDL, which has an economic impact on the state of New Jersey

Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is why KY gets more defense spending than NJ.
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CaféAuLait;8953401 said:
CaféAuLait;8916172 said:
( emphasis added)

I'm a little confused. Kentucky received defense spending? For the military bases there right, owned by the Feds? Fort Campbell and Fort Knox, home of ARMY and Marines and Army Human Resource Command Center.

Fort Knox has 13,000 soldiers and Marines

Fort Campbell has 29,000 soldiers and Marines.

Fort Dix is in New Jersey with only 7,600 soldiers/marines.

In fact given your numbers, and the total number of military in Kentucky as opposed to New Jersey, it seems as KY is getting too little money compared to NJ.

That does not even include the guard which has been activated by the feds because of 9-11.

Wouldn't the larger military bases get more money from the feds? Why would the state have to support the federal government land and military?

The top ten states (with the exception of DC) you list are nearly even between red and blue. W. Virginia is red but has had Democratic governors since 2001, so that may be a wash...

I love information. I love your input.

It still doesn't excuse the fact that most red states spend more than what they pay in taxes.

This was 3 links, you have beef with one (not one of the top ten)

If you can use knowledge to debate the others then I'll be flattered with information. I'm waiting.

I addressed both of your links and what you highlighted from the article, I am unsure what you are looking for?

I read your second article, it says KY is receiving federal disability at a higher rate than NJ. Okay, could it be all the military that retire there? Since there are two large military bases there?

I'm unsure what you want, links to what I claimed about military bases? I said it would be reasonable that KY get more military spending than NJ because of the military and bases In KY vs. NJ. Because your article says this:

That is BS^ KY has a lot more military personnel and larger bases than NJ. Did the writer forget there are 2 military bases in KY? One of which is the 2nd largest in the military?

Here you go:

Fort Campbell KY (population: 234,914, area: 105,000 acres)

The world's biggest military bases - Army Technology

Fort Knox, KY

Location: Located just 35 miles from Louisville, Fort Knox encompasses 109,000 acres in three Kentucky counties. Fort Knox has a population of over 40,000 Soldiers, family members and civilian employees

MilitaryINSTALLATIONS - U.S. Department of Defense

Fort Dix, the common name for the Dix unit of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst,

More than 44,000 airmen, soldiers, sailors, marines, coast guardsmen, civilians, and their family members live and work on and around JB MDL, which has an economic impact on the state of New Jersey

Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is why KY gets more defense spending than NJ.

Thanks man. I'm going to go over that soon.

I planned to vote for Rand Paul until Christie noted that Paul is a taker state. Perhaps that is why. Christie has exposed himself as a dirtbag since then. I hope that you are correct here.

I told everyone the day after Obama was elected that Rand Paul was going to win 2016, and I voted Obama over Corporate Romney.

I'm curious why STATES use STATE funding for Federal projects instead of Federal funding. The STATE should know how much the military base needs. Taxing less than it will need puts them in the negative.
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I forgot Picatinny Arsenal in NJ is has 3500 military personnel there.

McGuire AFB in NJ combined with Fort Dix sometime back as well as Fort Monmouth in NJ due to BRAC. Their numbers are reflected in my post above though.
CaféAuLait;8953401 said:
I love information. I love your input.

It still doesn't excuse the fact that most red states spend more than what they pay in taxes.

This was 3 links, you have beef with one (not one of the top ten)

If you can use knowledge to debate the others then I'll be flattered with information. I'm waiting.

I addressed both of your links and what you highlighted from the article, I am unsure what you are looking for?

I read your second article, it says KY is receiving federal disability at a higher rate than NJ. Okay, could it be all the military that retire there? Since there are two large military bases there?

I'm unsure what you want, links to what I claimed about military bases? I said it would be reasonable that KY get more military spending than NJ because of the military and bases In KY vs. NJ. Because your article says this:

That is BS^ KY has a lot more military personnel and larger bases than NJ. Did the writer forget there are 2 military bases in KY? One of which is the 2nd largest in the military?

Here you go:

Fort Campbell KY (population: 234,914, area: 105,000 acres)

The world's biggest military bases - Army Technology

Fort Knox, KY

MilitaryINSTALLATIONS - U.S. Department of Defense

Fort Dix, the common name for the Dix unit of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst,

More than 44,000 airmen, soldiers, sailors, marines, coast guardsmen, civilians, and their family members live and work on and around JB MDL, which has an economic impact on the state of New Jersey

Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is why KY gets more defense spending than NJ.

Thanks man. I'm going to go over that soon.

I planned to vote for Rand Paul until Christie noted that Paul is a taker state. Perhaps that is why. Christie has exposed himself as a dirtbag since then. I hope that you are correct here.

I told everyone the day after Obama was elected that Rand Paul was going to win 2016, and I voted Obama over Corporate Romney.

I'm curious why STATES use STATE funding for Federal projects instead of Federal funding. The STATE should know how much the military base needs. Taxing less than it will need puts them in the negative.

I don't know what state funding is used for federal bases to be honest. I do know that military bases generate a ton of money and jobs for the surrounding areas. I fear the plans to downsize so much. Those bases affected, like JBLM ( speaking about cutting 20k soldiers there) will impact local economy a lot.

In the case of schools where the military uses public schools, the Feds pump in millions to cover the military population using those schools too. So that probably figures into military spending as well. Those schools will lose students and many teachers, these cuts to the military will affect the surrounding populations just as hard if not harder.
CaféAuLait;8953461 said:
CaféAuLait;8953401 said:
I addressed both of your links and what you highlighted from the article, I am unsure what you are looking for?

I read your second article, it says KY is receiving federal disability at a higher rate than NJ. Okay, could it be all the military that retire there? Since there are two large military bases there?

I'm unsure what you want, links to what I claimed about military bases? I said it would be reasonable that KY get more military spending than NJ because of the military and bases In KY vs. NJ. Because your article says this:

That is BS^ KY has a lot more military personnel and larger bases than NJ. Did the writer forget there are 2 military bases in KY? One of which is the 2nd largest in the military?

Here you go:

Fort Campbell KY (population: 234,914, area: 105,000 acres)

The world's biggest military bases - Army Technology

Fort Knox, KY

MilitaryINSTALLATIONS - U.S. Department of Defense

Fort Dix, the common name for the Dix unit of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst,

Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is why KY gets more defense spending than NJ.

Thanks man. I'm going to go over that soon.

I planned to vote for Rand Paul until Christie noted that Paul is a taker state. Perhaps that is why. Christie has exposed himself as a dirtbag since then. I hope that you are correct here.

I told everyone the day after Obama was elected that Rand Paul was going to win 2016, and I voted Obama over Corporate Romney.

I'm curious why STATES use STATE funding for Federal projects instead of Federal funding. The STATE should know how much the military base needs. Taxing less than it will need puts them in the negative.

I don't know what state funding is used for federal bases to be honest. I do know that military bases generate a ton of money and jobs for the surrounding areas. I fear the plans to downsize so much. Those bases affected, like JBLM ( speaking about cutting 20k soldiers there) will impact local economy a lot.

In the case of schools where the military uses public schools, the Feds pump in millions to cover the military population using those schools too. So that probably figures into military spending as well. Those schools will lose students and many teachers, these cuts to the military will affect the surrounding populations just as hard if not harder.

We are discussing what states spend vs what states tax. Nothing more.

We clearly tax for military federally (through states), it's our biggest tax. But it doesn't go to the people, it goes to Lockheed Martin. Soldiers have no voice in the matter because they are people, not Corporations or Weapons Manufacturers.
I'm curious at this point if Christie used temporary numbers before federal backup to solidify his attack.

The Right Wing is so full of lies today it's hard to determine what is fact and what is fiction.

But this makes them "Job creators" because "Fact Finders" have a place now.
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Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Why do idiots think this proves anything?

Yea, Factual numbers are so stupid right? Why do we even debate them when Fox news teaches us everything we need to know. Hail, FOX NEWS!

P.S. You should research the term idiot and it's definition

You first. Take out the defense spending and get back to us.
CaféAuLait;8953461 said:
Thanks man. I'm going to go over that soon.

I planned to vote for Rand Paul until Christie noted that Paul is a taker state. Perhaps that is why. Christie has exposed himself as a dirtbag since then. I hope that you are correct here.

I told everyone the day after Obama was elected that Rand Paul was going to win 2016, and I voted Obama over Corporate Romney.

I'm curious why STATES use STATE funding for Federal projects instead of Federal funding. The STATE should know how much the military base needs. Taxing less than it will need puts them in the negative.

I don't know what state funding is used for federal bases to be honest. I do know that military bases generate a ton of money and jobs for the surrounding areas. I fear the plans to downsize so much. Those bases affected, like JBLM ( speaking about cutting 20k soldiers there) will impact local economy a lot.

In the case of schools where the military uses public schools, the Feds pump in millions to cover the military population using those schools too. So that probably figures into military spending as well. Those schools will lose students and many teachers, these cuts to the military will affect the surrounding populations just as hard if not harder.

We are discussing what states spend vs what states tax. Nothing more.

We clearly tax for military federally (through states), it's our biggest tax. But it doesn't go to the people, it goes to Lockheed Martin. Soldiers have no voice in the matter because they are people, not Corporations or Weapons Manufacturers.

Well I answered that way since you said:

I'm curious why STATES use STATE funding for Federal projects instead of Federal funding

So I guess I was a bit confused.

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