"Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In"

CaféAuLait;8953461 said:
Thanks man. I'm going to go over that soon.

I planned to vote for Rand Paul until Christie noted that Paul is a taker state. Perhaps that is why. Christie has exposed himself as a dirtbag since then. I hope that you are correct here.

I told everyone the day after Obama was elected that Rand Paul was going to win 2016, and I voted Obama over Corporate Romney.

I'm curious why STATES use STATE funding for Federal projects instead of Federal funding. The STATE should know how much the military base needs. Taxing less than it will need puts them in the negative.

I don't know what state funding is used for federal bases to be honest. I do know that military bases generate a ton of money and jobs for the surrounding areas. I fear the plans to downsize so much. Those bases affected, like JBLM ( speaking about cutting 20k soldiers there) will impact local economy a lot.

In the case of schools where the military uses public schools, the Feds pump in millions to cover the military population using those schools too. So that probably figures into military spending as well. Those schools will lose students and many teachers, these cuts to the military will affect the surrounding populations just as hard if not harder.

We are discussing what states spend vs what states tax. Nothing more.

We clearly tax for military federally (through states), it's our biggest tax. But it doesn't go to the people, it goes to Lockheed Martin. Soldiers have no voice in the matter because they are people, not Corporations or Weapons Manufacturers.
Military tax is waste of our money.
Yea, Factual numbers are so stupid right? Why do we even debate them when Fox news teaches us everything we need to know. Hail, FOX NEWS!

P.S. You should research the term idiot and it's definition

OK, what do you think this proves?

it proves the old adage: "figures don't lie, but liars figure". It proves absolutely nothing, except that there are more military installations in red states than in blue states.

Rest assured, that will be a good thing if we ever have a revolution.

Federal aid has nothing to do with military bases. Federal aid is used for states that have been affected by some form of distress. I read the entire article from the given link and found this list of states with most
Poor people and are sucking up the most federal aid funding.

Here’s another example: an analysis of fiscal year 2009 funds using the census records, it was found that 31 percent of federal assistance , which totaled up about $446.7 billion, was distributed across the United States. Medicaid funding, for example, was distributed to the states based on the size of their poor populations. Here’s a handy list of the poorest states in 2010 with their median income:

Mississippi – $35,693
Arkansas – $37,987
West Virginia – $39,170
Tennessee – $40,034
South Carolina - $41,548
Montana - $41,587
Kentucky - $41,828Alabama - $42,144
North Carolina - $42,337
Louisiana – $42,423

Surprise! Red States Actually Take in More Federal Aid Than Blue States! | Occupy Democrats
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Remind us again how you hate both parties yet ONLY attack the Conservatives. Defending the liberals.

I question all parties. Where is your answer. Perhaps if you can give an answer, I can respect your party. I lean towards political knowledge. Not towards people stating, "remind us how you hate both parties"

I don't hate any party! (Tea-Party is rocky because they want profit over humanity) Anti-Party isn't hating parties kid! Anti-Party is not conforming to a platform and repeating what I'm told! Holy crap, is this why you have been trolling me for so long? You think "Anti_party" is the hatred of parties? I love parties, I love the debate, I love the discussion! What is wrong with your brain?

:lmao: Now that bullshit is funny! :lmao:

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
OK, what do you think this proves?

it proves the old adage: "figures don't lie, but liars figure". It proves absolutely nothing, except that there are more military installations in red states than in blue states.

Rest assured, that will be a good thing if we ever have a revolution.

Federal aid has nothing to do with military bases. Federal aid is used for states that have been affected by some form of distress. I read the entire article from the given link and found this list of states with most
Poor people and are sucking up the most federal aid funding.

Here’s another example: an analysis of fiscal year 2009 funds using the census records, it was found that 31 percent of federal assistance , which totaled up about $446.7 billion, was distributed across the United States. Medicaid funding, for example, was distributed to the states based on the size of their poor populations. Here’s a handy list of the poorest states in 2010 with their median income:

Mississippi – $35,693
Arkansas – $37,987
West Virginia – $39,170
Tennessee – $40,034
South Carolina - $41,548
Montana - $41,587
Kentucky - $41,828Alabama - $42,144
North Carolina - $42,337
Louisiana – $42,423

Surprise! Red States Actually Take in More Federal Aid Than Blue States! | Occupy Democrats

It seems to me they are stumped. You must have facts in your post, otherwise, they could counter it. Seems the popular counter to facts these days is "Nuh uh" or "you are stupid" which are directly oxymoron come backs.
CaféAuLait;8953561 said:
CaféAuLait;8953461 said:
I don't know what state funding is used for federal bases to be honest. I do know that military bases generate a ton of money and jobs for the surrounding areas. I fear the plans to downsize so much. Those bases affected, like JBLM ( speaking about cutting 20k soldiers there) will impact local economy a lot.

In the case of schools where the military uses public schools, the Feds pump in millions to cover the military population using those schools too. So that probably figures into military spending as well. Those schools will lose students and many teachers, these cuts to the military will affect the surrounding populations just as hard if not harder.

We are discussing what states spend vs what states tax. Nothing more.

We clearly tax for military federally (through states), it's our biggest tax. But it doesn't go to the people, it goes to Lockheed Martin. Soldiers have no voice in the matter because they are people, not Corporations or Weapons Manufacturers.

Well I answered that way since you said:

I'm curious why STATES use STATE funding for Federal projects instead of Federal funding

So I guess I was a bit confused.

Do you think that States with the biggest Federal Facilities rely on state taxation only? Do you think they have a huge military base and "It's up to you Idaho to pay for that huge military base!"

Or do you suppose that that military base is paid for by Federal taxation?
The Red State rant again.


Riddle me this..............Are the taxes paid uniform for all citizens.................Does every citizen pay taxes every time they buy something like gas.

Mr. Anti Party, why do you again act like a leftist tool..............
The Red State rant again.


Riddle me this..............Are the taxes paid uniform for all citizens.................Does every citizen pay taxes every time they buy something like gas.

Mr. Anti Party, why do you again act like a leftist tool..............

What in the hell are you talking about!? Are you drunk or something?

States spend and tax. Red states spend above their taxation by the majority.

Why are you talking about gas pumps?.....crack head.

It's not bias, it's math...........Are you calling me a Leftist because I read reports about states that tax lower than their expenses? yep.
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The Red State rant again.


Riddle me this..............Are the taxes paid uniform for all citizens.................Does every citizen pay taxes every time they buy something like gas.

Mr. Anti Party, why do you again act like a leftist tool..............

What in the hell are you talking about!? Are you drunk or something?

States spend and tax. Red states spend above their taxation by the majority.

Why are you talking about gas pumps?.....crack head.

It's not bias, it's math...........Are you calling me a Leftist because I read reports about states that tax lower than their expenses? yep.

I'm calling you out because this is a standard leftist op, and I asked you some simple questions.

I asked if the taxes are uniform across the country and I asked do citizens get taxed when they buy products like gasoline....................

But please continue your leftist PRAVDA fake independent.
The Red State rant again.


Riddle me this..............Are the taxes paid uniform for all citizens.................Does every citizen pay taxes every time they buy something like gas.

Mr. Anti Party, why do you again act like a leftist tool..............

What in the hell are you talking about!? Are you drunk or something?

States spend and tax. Red states spend above their taxation by the majority.

Why are you talking about gas pumps?.....crack head.

It's not bias, it's math...........Are you calling me a Leftist because I read reports about states that tax lower than their expenses? yep.

I'm calling you out because this is a standard leftist op, and I asked you some simple questions.

I asked if the taxes are uniform across the country and I asked do citizens get taxed when they buy products like gasoline....................

But please continue your leftist PRAVDA fake independent.

You clearly don't know about State budgets vs Federal budgets. Do you really think that all taxation is one taxation? You are talking like someone in junior high.

Some taxation comes from the Federal Government, some of it comes from the State. Guess what, cities have their own taxation too! CRAZY HUH!

This might be a surprise to you, if the Federal Government creates an organization in a small town that costs Billions it's not in the small towns taxation budge, it's in the Federal Government's budget!

Noticing that the Right Wing states drive up more debt isn't "Leftist". IT'S MATH!

You are stating that I need to ignore this fact if I'm NOT a Leftist. It's basic ignorance!
CaféAuLait;8953561 said:
We are discussing what states spend vs what states tax. Nothing more.

We clearly tax for military federally (through states), it's our biggest tax. But it doesn't go to the people, it goes to Lockheed Martin. Soldiers have no voice in the matter because they are people, not Corporations or Weapons Manufacturers.

Well I answered that way since you said:

I'm curious why STATES use STATE funding for Federal projects instead of Federal funding

So I guess I was a bit confused.

Do you think that States with the biggest Federal Facilities rely on state taxation only? Do you think they have a huge military base and "It's up to you Idaho to pay for that huge military base!"

Or do you suppose that that military base is paid for by Federal taxation?

Of course military funding should be paid by the Feds, not to mention those bases sit on federal land, I believe for all bases in the US.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Hear that sound? It's the sucking sound of our tax dollars going to yet another Red State with their hands out.

West Virginians Turn To Federal Government For Help After Devastating Floods

And look at Republican governor of Michigan after he poisoned citizens of Flint with lead poisoning.

Snyder asks for more Medicaid support for Flint
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Hear that sound? It's the sucking sound of our tax dollars going to yet another Red State with their hands out.

West Virginians Turn To Federal Government For Help After Devastating Floods

And look at Republican governor of Michigan after he poisoned citizens of Flint with lead poisoning.

Snyder asks for more Medicaid support for Flint
Are solidly blue

Don't be ignorant!
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Hear that sound? It's the sucking sound of our tax dollars going to yet another Red State with their hands out.

West Virginians Turn To Federal Government For Help After Devastating Floods

And look at Republican governor of Michigan after he poisoned citizens of Flint with lead poisoning.

Snyder asks for more Medicaid support for Flint

According to liberals it isn't our money it is the government's money and the officials we elect into office get to decide how we spend it. So it is Obama and his administration. Put blame where it belongs.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Hear that sound? It's the sucking sound of our tax dollars going to yet another Red State with their hands out.

West Virginians Turn To Federal Government For Help After Devastating Floods

And look at Republican governor of Michigan after he poisoned citizens of Flint with lead poisoning.

Snyder asks for more Medicaid support for Flint
Are solidly blue

Don't be ignorant!

W. Virginia would be okay had the government not decided to shut down the coal mines.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

So? The so called blue states made these laws. There's a reason in Arizona we have so many indian reservations. Your blue states shipped them out here form the east and promised them all the government assistance they would need. Pay up asshole.

You won't do anything about the illegals but sure as hell want them left alone and getting their fair share of education and welfare dollars, soon to be adding obiecare to the list. And most of them are right here. Not in your state, in mine.

And then you have all of the government handouts the blue states love. So if only you could get the red states to give away more free shit and turn blue I'm kinda wondering where you think that money is going to come from?

You bitch about how much the red states get supporting your own stupid fucking rules and I tend to wonder. How is it Cali, Illinois, Jersey, Michigan, New York and the other strong holds of democratic rule think they can keep paying for all of this when their own states are going bankrupt?

You wouldn't be bankrupt if it wasn't for us red states right? Yet you keep making laws that demand we take care of the people you want us too. We keep telling you that we can't afford to keep this up. You don't care.

You want relief for your fucking state? Stop demanding we do stupid and fiscally irresponsible bullshit. Until then I don't really care how much it costs you. You want it you pay for it. If you go bankrupt so be it.

Blue states pay more because they demand we all pay more for their stupid programs. That seems fair. When it hits your pocket book maybe you will become less stupid.

Loved your post. Seldom has such a wealth of nonsense been so concisely presented as you did just there. All at once, you were profane, incorrect, arrogant, and rude with a tinge of self-defeat that one doesn’t see everyday.

The Native Americans were mostly in the plains which are all “red” states as of the last few general elections.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Hear that sound? It's the sucking sound of our tax dollars going to yet another Red State with their hands out.

West Virginians Turn To Federal Government For Help After Devastating Floods

And look at Republican governor of Michigan after he poisoned citizens of Flint with lead poisoning.

Snyder asks for more Medicaid support for Flint
How old is this stupid fucking thread. Idiot.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Hear that sound? It's the sucking sound of our tax dollars going to yet another Red State with their hands out.

West Virginians Turn To Federal Government For Help After Devastating Floods

And look at Republican governor of Michigan after he poisoned citizens of Flint with lead poisoning.

Snyder asks for more Medicaid support for Flint
How old is this stupid fucking thread. Idiot.
Afraid the archives will prove what a flip flopped you guys are. Now that trumps for tariffs you guys are for them. Now that he doesn't say jobs Americans won't do you don't say it any more.

Do you see what's going on in England? That's what happens when you listen to an idiot

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