Most trusted professions: Where do politicians rank? Cops? Bankers? (Douger)


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
A member here, Douger, made a very disturbing statement on another thread, hinting towards his desire to see more cops killed. Mentioning 2010 as the deadliest year for cops in many years, he stated "2010 was a good start". Very disturbing. But that opinion is the minority: Nurses Shine While Bankers Slump in Ethics Ratings

Police are the 5th Most-Trusted profession, with less than 9% showing little trust. Firemen and Nurses ranked the highest usually on this study. Teachers also. Clergy, ranked below cops at 6th. Politicians, bankers, salesmen ranked very very low.

Anyway, this has been a horrible week for law enforcement, with as many as 20 cops shot in the last 3 days nationwide.

Just wanted to point out that while it seems everyone hates cops lately, that opinion is the minority view, as most citizens trust cops.....even if they do hate the occassional traffic ticket.

So in many ways the cop haters are much like the corrupt cops............both are in the less than 9% minority in their field of peers.
A member here, Douger, made a very disturbing statement on another thread, hinting towards his desire to see more cops killed. Mentioning 2010 as the deadliest year for cops in many years, he stated "2010 was a good start". Very disturbing. But that opinion is the minority: Nurses Shine While Bankers Slump in Ethics Ratings

Police are the 5th Most-Trusted profession, with less than 9% showing little trust. Firemen and Nurses ranked the highest usually on this study. Teachers also. Clergy, ranked below cops at 6th. Politicians, bankers, salesmen ranked very very low.

Anyway, this has been a horrible week for law enforcement, with as many as 20 cops shot in the last 3 days nationwide.

Just wanted to point out that while it seems everyone hates cops lately, that opinion is the minority view, as most citizens trust cops.....even if they do hate the occassional traffic ticket.

So in many ways the cop haters are much like the corrupt cops............both are in the less than 9% minority in their field of peers.

Don't pay any attention to him. He's pond scum. I have noticed the 11 dead cops in one 24 hour period. It is shocking.
Most trusted profession?

1. Hookers
2. Drug Dealers
3. Fuel King at the truck stop.
4. School Crossing Guards
5. Banjo player at Chuckie Cheese
6. Lotto machine operator
7. Bag boy at the grocery store
8. Vacuum operator at the car wash.
9. Jocky
10. Priest
A member here, Douger, made a very disturbing statement on another thread, hinting towards his desire to see more cops killed. Mentioning 2010 as the deadliest year for cops in many years, he stated "2010 was a good start". Very disturbing. But that opinion is the minority: Nurses Shine While Bankers Slump in Ethics Ratings

Police are the 5th Most-Trusted profession, with less than 9% showing little trust. Firemen and Nurses ranked the highest usually on this study. Teachers also. Clergy, ranked below cops at 6th. Politicians, bankers, salesmen ranked very very low.

Anyway, this has been a horrible week for law enforcement, with as many as 20 cops shot in the last 3 days nationwide.

Just wanted to point out that while it seems everyone hates cops lately, that opinion is the minority view, as most citizens trust cops.....even if they do hate the occassional traffic ticket.

So in many ways the cop haters are much like the corrupt cops............both are in the less than 9% minority in their field of peers.

Where are engineers and scientists ranked?

I know, high on the left, low on the right.
A member here, Douger, made a very disturbing statement on another thread, hinting towards his desire to see more cops killed. Mentioning 2010 as the deadliest year for cops in many years, he stated "2010 was a good start". Very disturbing. But that opinion is the minority: Nurses Shine While Bankers Slump in Ethics Ratings

Police are the 5th Most-Trusted profession, with less than 9% showing little trust. Firemen and Nurses ranked the highest usually on this study. Teachers also. Clergy, ranked below cops at 6th. Politicians, bankers, salesmen ranked very very low.

Anyway, this has been a horrible week for law enforcement, with as many as 20 cops shot in the last 3 days nationwide.

Just wanted to point out that while it seems everyone hates cops lately, that opinion is the minority view, as most citizens trust cops.....even if they do hate the occassional traffic ticket.

So in many ways the cop haters are much like the corrupt cops............both are in the less than 9% minority in their field of peers.

Don't pay any attention to him. He's pond scum. I have noticed the 11 dead cops in one 24 hour period. It is shocking.

It is shocking. It seems cops are literally under attack lately, and it's only gonna get worse I fear. Many, many things contribute to this attitude a few people have that leads them to kill cops. One thread isn't nearly enough to discuss them all. But it's important for cops to remember that a large majority of the American people DO support, respect and admire them and their job: Police Chief Magazine - View Article

It's easy when you see your brothers and sisters in blue being murdered in cold blood to get angry and develop a bitter, "Us vs Them" or revenge attitude. PD's offer counseling for that stuff. But it's very important for cops to remember that 91% of Americans do support them and trust them. Unfortunately, the cops most often interact with the other 9% who hate them.

The best line from any police movie I've ever heard was Righteous Kill, by Al Pacino: "We protect 99% of the people from the other 1%. Problem is, the better job we do, the less the 99% think they need us."

Now, of course, that movie was yet another Hollywood film showing the only true bad guy was a corrupt cop, and their target was a lovable drug dealer. But the quote is still a good one, despite the movie being another portraying a huge falsehood regarding the reality of police work.
A member here, Douger, made a very disturbing statement on another thread, hinting towards his desire to see more cops killed. Mentioning 2010 as the deadliest year for cops in many years, he stated "2010 was a good start". Very disturbing. But that opinion is the minority: Nurses Shine While Bankers Slump in Ethics Ratings

Police are the 5th Most-Trusted profession, with less than 9% showing little trust. Firemen and Nurses ranked the highest usually on this study. Teachers also. Clergy, ranked below cops at 6th. Politicians, bankers, salesmen ranked very very low.

Anyway, this has been a horrible week for law enforcement, with as many as 20 cops shot in the last 3 days nationwide.

Just wanted to point out that while it seems everyone hates cops lately, that opinion is the minority view, as most citizens trust cops.....even if they do hate the occassional traffic ticket.

So in many ways the cop haters are much like the corrupt cops............both are in the less than 9% minority in their field of peers.

Where are engineers and scientists ranked?

I know, high on the left, low on the right.

Haha, that was a pretty funny one, caught me off guard.

Hey, us on the right rank Carpenters VERY high....if you know what I mean:eusa_angel:
Actually as professions go Preachers have a very high crime /corruption rate.

I think that survey was overall pretty spot on though.
A member here, Douger, made a very disturbing statement on another thread, hinting towards his desire to see more cops killed. Mentioning 2010 as the deadliest year for cops in many years, he stated "2010 was a good start". Very disturbing. But that opinion is the minority: Nurses Shine While Bankers Slump in Ethics Ratings
Douger is an X-American who is running from the law and ran to the Third you have a tendency to not like cops to much...i would not pay to much attention to his views on Cops....the other theory is he could not handle life in a First World Country so he ran to the Third World hoping to feel superior....either way the guy is a fucking asshole and his post should tell everyone that......


But what disturbs me is, NOT him personally, but other people who share that type of mental outlook are usually the types we read about in the paper who tried to attack cops.

Normal, stable folks don't attack cops. They may not like them when they get a ticket....who does? But 90%+ at least respect their job and place in society.

Its the crazy whackos that do dumb shit. Thats what is disturbing.

And the more times they're told by someone else how corrupt police are, the more delusional their thoughts become.
A member here, Douger, made a very disturbing statement on another thread, hinting towards his desire to see more cops killed. Mentioning 2010 as the deadliest year for cops in many years, he stated "2010 was a good start". Very disturbing. But that opinion is the minority: Nurses Shine While Bankers Slump in Ethics Ratings

Douger is an X-American who is running from the law and ran to the Third you have a tendency to not like cops to much...i would not pay to much attention to his views on Cops....the other theory is he could not handle life in a First World Country so he ran to the Third World hoping to feel superior....either way the guy is a fucking asshole and his post should tell everyone that......
A member here, Douger, made a very disturbing statement on another thread, hinting towards his desire to see more cops killed. Mentioning 2010 as the deadliest year for cops in many years, he stated "2010 was a good start". Very disturbing. But that opinion is the minority: Nurses Shine While Bankers Slump in Ethics Ratings

Police are the 5th Most-Trusted profession, with less than 9% showing little trust. Firemen and Nurses ranked the highest usually on this study. Teachers also. Clergy, ranked below cops at 6th. Politicians, bankers, salesmen ranked very very low.

Anyway, this has been a horrible week for law enforcement, with as many as 20 cops shot in the last 3 days nationwide.

Just wanted to point out that while it seems everyone hates cops lately, that opinion is the minority view, as most citizens trust cops.....even if they do hate the occassional traffic ticket.

So in many ways the cop haters are much like the corrupt cops............both are in the less than 9% minority in their field of peers.

Where are engineers and scientists ranked?

I know, high on the left, low on the right.

your ranked down at the bottom too.....on both lists.....#500....Dishonest Assholes...
Sorry bout that,

1. I think its terrible cops are being killed so much.
2. But I think that cops would do the whole image of being cops a service if they would simply stop lying in court rooms.
3. I have been in court rooms with cops, over traffic tickets, and over a drug bust when I was a kid, and each and every time they *lied* about some aspect of what happened.
4. Why do they lie is the question?:evil:
5. Its a court of law, and they swear to tell the whole true, yet they always lie.

Sorry bout that,

1. I think its terrible cops are being killed so much.
2. But I think that cops would do the whole image of being cops a service if they would simply stop lying in court rooms.
3. I have been in court rooms with cops, over traffic tickets, and over a drug bust when I was a kid, and each and every time they *lied* about some aspect of what happened.
4. Why do they lie is the question?:evil:
5. Its a court of law, and they swear to tell the whole true, yet they always lie.


In every courtroom in the land, every day and on almost every matter lies are told. by omission as well as commission and sometimes confusion.
The defendant and witnesses (as well as the vicitm if one is testifying) each have a different perspective. The cops too and his perspective is usually after the fact, or at least mostly after the event commenced, and includes comments from everyone involved.
Lying is stupid, it is a felony and even if not prosecuted a LEO must have credibility. Once credibility is gone, so is a career. If caught, lying is cause for termination, it is inexcusable and when proven in an IA investigation always (in my experience) results in termination.
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I think its terrible cops are being killed so much.
2. But I think that cops would do the whole image of being cops a service if they would simply stop lying in court rooms.
3. I have been in court rooms with cops, over traffic tickets, and over a drug bust when I was a kid, and each and every time they *lied* about some aspect of what happened.
4. Why do they lie is the question?:evil:
5. Its a court of law, and they swear to tell the whole true, yet they always lie.


In every courtroom in the land, every day and on almost every matter lies are told. by omission as well as commission and sometimes confusion.
The defendant and witnesses (as well as the vicitm if one is testifying) each have a different perspective. The cops too and his perspective is usually after the fact, or at least mostly after the event commenced, and includes comments from everyone involved.
Lying is stupid, it is a felony and even if not prosecuted a LEO must have credibility. Once credibility is gone, so is a career. If caught, lying is cause for termination, it is inexcusable and when proven in an IA investigation always (in my experience) results in termination.

1. I think some cops use bold faced lies as routine.
2. And I think some judges expect it and over look it when the cops are caught doing it.
3. Reminds me of the last time I have a moving violation in a school zone.
4. In court he descibed that he was behind me at a four way stop, when in fact he was in a parking lot at a gas station, kattie corner from where I was, he was reading from his notes, and when I explained he wasn't behind me, my lawyer redirected to him, and he admited to lying, saying I was correct, but that carried no weight with the judge, and the judge still sided with the cop, I appealed, and it went from that court to a downtown court, and its was thrown out because the cop didn't show.:evil:
5. The *sub-courthouse* was nothing but a *kangaroo court*.

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A member here, Douger, made a very disturbing statement on another thread, hinting towards his desire to see more cops killed. Mentioning 2010 as the deadliest year for cops in many years, he stated "2010 was a good start". Very disturbing. But that opinion is the minority: Nurses Shine While Bankers Slump in Ethics Ratings

Police are the 5th Most-Trusted profession, with less than 9% showing little trust. Firemen and Nurses ranked the highest usually on this study. Teachers also. Clergy, ranked below cops at 6th. Politicians, bankers, salesmen ranked very very low.

Anyway, this has been a horrible week for law enforcement, with as many as 20 cops shot in the last 3 days nationwide.

Just wanted to point out that while it seems everyone hates cops lately, that opinion is the minority view, as most citizens trust cops.....even if they do hate the occassional traffic ticket.

So in many ways the cop haters are much like the corrupt cops............both are in the less than 9% minority in their field of peers.

Public perception ≠ reality.

saying that only 9% of cops are unethical is a ludicrous joke. If 91 percent of cops had proper ethics they would root out the bad within their own. But this hasn't happened. Instead they protect their own. The whole institution of policing is corrupt.

I wouldn't advocate killing police officers, because surely there are a couple of Serpico-types out there who are undeserving, but there ought to be a serious reforms made to force the police to comply with the Rule of Law

We are all equal before the law. In theory this is true. But is their any law at all, when the anarchists wear blue
A member here, Douger, made a very disturbing statement on another thread, hinting towards his desire to see more cops killed. Mentioning 2010 as the deadliest year for cops in many years, he stated "2010 was a good start". Very disturbing. But that opinion is the minority: Nurses Shine While Bankers Slump in Ethics Ratings

Police are the 5th Most-Trusted profession, with less than 9% showing little trust. Firemen and Nurses ranked the highest usually on this study. Teachers also. Clergy, ranked below cops at 6th. Politicians, bankers, salesmen ranked very very low.

Anyway, this has been a horrible week for law enforcement, with as many as 20 cops shot in the last 3 days nationwide.

Just wanted to point out that while it seems everyone hates cops lately, that opinion is the minority view, as most citizens trust cops.....even if they do hate the occassional traffic ticket.

So in many ways the cop haters are much like the corrupt cops............both are in the less than 9% minority in their field of peers.

Where are engineers and scientists ranked?

I know, high on the left, low on the right.

your ranked down at the bottom too.....on both lists.....#500....Dishonest Assholes...

90% of conservatives on USMB call me names for putting engineers and scientists near the bottom for those on the right, yet they agree with the placement. Odd that.
Where are engineers and scientists ranked?

I know, high on the left, low on the right.

your ranked down at the bottom too.....on both lists.....#500....Dishonest Assholes...

90% of conservatives on USMB call me names for putting engineers and scientists near the bottom for those on the right, yet they agree with the placement. Odd that.

you know why people here call you names Dean.....dont act like you dont.....
Ah well, it's nice to see nurses land in at No. 1 like they always do.

Most trusted, but not to be confused with respected.

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