Mosts Americans are Moderates Study Says.

The only indication you need that a majority of Americans are moderates is to look at voter turnout. Every election cycle you hear about how low voter turnout in America is, but nobody ever seems to address the issue of why that is. Moderates have been told for years that if they don't choose the "lesser of two evils" they are unpatriotic. A majority of Americans aren't stupid. Some may hold their noses and vote for the lesser of two evils. Some may vote third party. But many will just sit at home on election day.

Moderate voters made up 45% of the electorate in the 2012 election. Conservatives were 35% and liberals were 20%. So moderates had no problem voting in the last election.

FTR, Obama won moderates 56-41, or 8 million more votes than Romney. Romney lost by 3+ million. Romney wasn't even competitive amongst moderates. Had he been, he might have won.

I believe MODERATES want Infrastructure, tech, science and education. They want a strong economy with good paying jobs. ;) This is what drives a moderate.


The republicans going extreme anti-infrastructure, tech and science = bad for moderate votes.
Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, G. H. W. Bush, and G. W. Bush were elected because they pulled the moderates.

Nixon, Bush the Elder, Dole, McCain, and Romney lost because they alienated the moderates.
I whole heartedly believe that MOST people that label themselves as moderate do so because they are largely ignorant of the issues and as a result have no opinions left or right.

We are in this mess because of moderates (swing voters). No core values that drive their votes and as a result the representation we get in DC swings just as wildly.
the "study" is useless- if one takes time to get to the actual survey ( which is the weakest possible design for a study), one can easily find the sample bias and a lot of confounding biases involved.

In lay words - you can program the answers by wording the questiona and the answers depend on the sampling of respondents. And if you tell me that NBC by itself is not a biased sampling, you are dreaming.

so no, this survey is not proving that most Americans are moderates.

I'm guessing that you would trust a Fox News exit poll from 2012. According to their exit poll, 25% fo the voters were liberals, 35% conservatives and 41% moderates. Washington Post had the exact same numbers.
2012 Fox News Exit Poll | Politics | Fox News
Exit polls 2012: How the vote has shifted - The Washington Post
Do you trust those numbers?

No, I do not.

In order to "trust" anything so fluid as exit poll one has to at least be able to verify the very definitions of the liberals vs conservatives vs moderates.
What one considers moderate, the other might perceive as liberal yet the other as conservative.
Unless the people were given the definitions of those categories and they had to choose in between them ( which is not the case) the self-identification is useless to say the least.
From the point of view of a scientific research, not from a point of view of entertainment industry ( which news-making is).
Moderates generally are fiscal conservatives and social liberals.

not necessarily. I have seen different combinations.

there are not "one size fits all" description of a moderate.
Because one can compromise on on subject at some particular instance and not compromise on the very same subject while the constellation of circumstances is different.
It is not being moderate. It is being flexible. Which usually coincides with being principle less.

as it is in the polls or surveys - everybody is talking about their own perception of the category.

Until it is CLEARLY defined the discussion is useless. As are the results of any survey of this type.
This country is center right - or it use to be. Now it is a free for all!
if you unskew it, it actually shows that most americans are loud mouth right wing nutcases just like you, eh?


piss off and learn how to evaluate the studies.

oh, wait, you are a brainless leftard, so the ability of learning is beyond you :lol:

Yeah! [MENTION=19535]L.K.Eder[/MENTION] What does the "L" stand for? "Libtard?"

You know how right conservatives were in 2012 questioning all the LSM polls! President Romney kicks ass!

Let's turn that "L" from "Libtard" to "Learning!"

are you a sock? or just had too much vodka for a night?
This country is center right - or it use to be. Now it is a free for all!

the country is mostly ignorant. and has a brainwashing machine called LSM.

this skews the impressions of the viewers to the needed direction. Upon exact examination of the viewer's beliefs quite the opposite can be discovered and a defense sentence would be "but I heard on the news that..."

that is why propaganda is so effective. If you repeat lies ( as LSM do) enough times, most people will think "there has to be something to it" "I am not sure why, but I feel suspicious about ( issue/candidate/perspective)". Do I need to remind how the leftard machine lied about Herman Cain? THAT was classic.

Therefore Americans can still be right-center if one would conduct a REAL scientific study.
Which does not mean they would vote wisely.

And wisely means being informed, not brainwashed.

But being informed requires WORK.
And most people are LAZY.
With no connection to political affiliation.

piss off and learn how to evaluate the studies.

oh, wait, you are a brainless leftard, so the ability of learning is beyond you :lol:

Yeah! [MENTION=19535]L.K.Eder[/MENTION] What does the "L" stand for? "Libtard?"

You know how right conservatives were in 2012 questioning all the LSM polls! President Romney kicks ass!

Let's turn that "L" from "Libtard" to "Learning!"

are you a sock? or just had too much vodka for a night?

you are very, very clever.

you cannot be fooled.

except I drink single-malt scotch, at least 12 years old, not that potato shit swill.
Moderates generally are fiscal conservatives and social liberals.

not necessarily. I have seen different combinations.

there are not "one size fits all" description of a moderate.
Because one can compromise on on subject at some particular instance and not compromise on the very same subject while the constellation of circumstances is different.
It is not being moderate. It is being flexible. Which usually coincides with being principle less.

as it is in the polls or surveys - everybody is talking about their own perception of the category.

Until it is CLEARLY defined the discussion is useless. As are the results of any survey of this type.

Pollsters ask voters, how do they describe themselves, conservatives, moderates, liberals or other. And people answer.

Then they ask moderates what they believe in. And generally, they say they are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Not all self-described moderates are like that. But not all conservatives and liberals say they are the same.
Moderates generally are fiscal conservatives and social liberals.

not necessarily. I have seen different combinations.

there are not "one size fits all" description of a moderate.
Because one can compromise on on subject at some particular instance and not compromise on the very same subject while the constellation of circumstances is different.
It is not being moderate. It is being flexible. Which usually coincides with being principle less.

as it is in the polls or surveys - everybody is talking about their own perception of the category.

Until it is CLEARLY defined the discussion is useless. As are the results of any survey of this type.

Pollsters ask voters, how do they describe themselves, conservatives, moderates, liberals or other. And people answer.

Then they ask moderates what they believe in. And generally, they say they are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Not all self-described moderates are like that. But not all conservatives and liberals say they are the same.

finish your whiskey.
You might be good at finances but you are absolutely useless in discussing a real study and what matters in a study to be considered as such.

exit polls are not worth the paper they are printed at.
not necessarily. I have seen different combinations.

there are not "one size fits all" description of a moderate.
Because one can compromise on on subject at some particular instance and not compromise on the very same subject while the constellation of circumstances is different.
It is not being moderate. It is being flexible. Which usually coincides with being principle less.

as it is in the polls or surveys - everybody is talking about their own perception of the category.

Until it is CLEARLY defined the discussion is useless. As are the results of any survey of this type.

Pollsters ask voters, how do they describe themselves, conservatives, moderates, liberals or other. And people answer.

Then they ask moderates what they believe in. And generally, they say they are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Not all self-described moderates are like that. But not all conservatives and liberals say they are the same.

finish your whiskey.
You might be good at finances but you are absolutely useless in discussing a real study and what matters in a study to be considered as such.

exit polls are not worth the paper they are printed at.

And did you think the "LSM" media polls weren't worth the paper they were printed on too?


Maybe you aren't so clever after all.
Pollsters ask voters, how do they describe themselves, conservatives, moderates, liberals or other. And people answer.

Then they ask moderates what they believe in. And generally, they say they are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Not all self-described moderates are like that. But not all conservatives and liberals say they are the same.

finish your whiskey.
You might be good at finances but you are absolutely useless in discussing a real study and what matters in a study to be considered as such.

exit polls are not worth the paper they are printed at.

And did you think the "LSM" media polls weren't worth the paper they were printed on too?


Maybe you aren't so clever after all.


a sock? most probably :lol:
finish your whiskey.
You might be good at finances but you are absolutely useless in discussing a real study and what matters in a study to be considered as such.

exit polls are not worth the paper they are printed at.

And did you think the "LSM" media polls weren't worth the paper they were printed on too?


Maybe you aren't so clever after all.


a sock? most probably :lol:

your logic is too strong for me.

I surrender.
if you unskew it, it actually shows that most americans are loud mouth right wing nutcases just like you, eh?


piss off and learn how to evaluate the studies.

oh, wait, you are a brainless leftard, so the ability of learning is beyond you :lol:

Yeah! [MENTION=19535]L.K.Eder[/MENTION] What does the "L" stand for? "Libtard?"

You know how right conservatives were in 2012 questioning all the LSM polls! President Romney kicks ass!

Let's turn that "L" from "Libtard" to "Learning!"

president romney is so dreamy.

he strangled assad with one hand while kicking harry reid in the nuts for three months.
Your average "moderate" is a person too ignorant to even label themselves anything. Most Americans are pathetic, apathetic morons.

You see them as ignorant and that is probably one reality.

I see them as spineless.....unable or unwilling, to "take a stand." They feel comfortable in mediocrity. And some of them, are just outright lying, because they are too lazy to educate themselves.

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