mother of 6 year old boy who is shot teacher on drugs

I'm confused.
  1. State law supersedes federal law. Federal law was designed to only fill those gaps not claimed by the states.
  2. Many/most states are decriminalizing marijuana.
  3. What does smoking pot have to do with owning a gun? What is the concern, that the reefer might give you bad aim? Or that it just might make you mellow and peaceful?
I would think of greater concern would be:
  1. How did the 6 year old gain access to the gun?
  2. WHY did the six year old take it to school?
  3. HOW did the child get into school carrying a gun?
  4. How does a 6 year old pull out a gun, aim and hit an adult moving target? Ever think of taking it off of him or just ducking?
  5. Has the school considered giving teachers kevlar vests or putting bulletproof shields in front of the desks?
  6. Had the school remained locked down in virtual classroom mode, this could not have happened.
  7. Finally: WHY did he shoot the teach and whose idea was it, the kid's or the MOTHER'S?!
Curious minds want to know. :smoke:
she had the gun im her purse and got it and went to school with it.
If only your parents had a longer coat hanger the world would be a slightly better place. Their mistake means we all suffer

I'm sure your parents can provide all the coat-hangers ever needed from their business working the cloak room at the Biltmore.

a drug addict who legally got gun buy lying about it and left it laying around so her crazy son could shoot a teacher. she cant even keep on probation rule., no respect for laws. disgusting.

Using pot is not addictive in any way.
And she had it secured in her purse on the dresser.

Taylor's son told police after the shooting that he'd climbed up onto a dresser to take his mother's gun out of her purse, according to court records. "My mom had that gun," the boy told officers. "I stole it because I needed to shoot my teacher."
Pot is not a drug.
Pot is addictive and is a dangerous drug. I’ve suffered the consequences for fifty years.
It can cause depersonalization disorder, anxiety disorders, depression and psychosis.
Ignorance like yours exacerbates the problem.

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