Motion to dismiss proud boys trial

The judge's motion.

Did you mean “ruling?”
OK, unlike the OP I did some real digging. Turns out the attorney's for Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola is alleging that the cherry picked footage use by Fucker Carlson saying, "This footage is plainly exculpatory; as it establishes that the Senate chamber was never violently breached, and—in fact—was treated respectfully by January 6 protestors,"

These shyter's are alleging (nothing proven....just alleging) that federal prosecutor's "Withheld" the security footage of their traitorous client. The two-bit dime store lawyer's making this allegation have no evidence to support their claim.

Never mind there is ample footage of violent Insurrectionists attacking U.S.CH.P Officers. Fucker Carlson did his own "Cherry Picking" of very select footage to create his own narrative.

Let's remember that a gallows was erected outside of the United States Capitol Building. Crowds were shouting, "Hang Mike Pence.....Hang Mike Pence". Insurrectionist's were prowling the Hall's of United States Capitol Building calling out, "Nancy....Oh Nancy....Where Are Your Nancy"....they would hung then Speaker Nancy Pelosi if they had the chance.

U.S.C.H.P. were attacked with metal polls, fire extinguishers and bear spray. Over 140 members of Law Enforcement were hospitalized after the attack on 01-06. The Insurrection of 01-06 was very violent.

The O.P. did her cherry picking and tried to pass it off as truth.

As another forum member said, let's wait for the judges ruling on this. I doubt the ruling will go the way the O.P. thinks or hopes it will.
OK, unlike the OP I did some real digging. Turns out the attorney's for Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola is alleging that the cherry picked footage use by Fucker Carlson saying, "This footage is plainly exculpatory; as it establishes that the Senate chamber was never violently breached, and—in fact—was treated respectfully by January 6 protestors,"

These shyter's are alleging (nothing proven....just alleging) that federal prosecutor's "Withheld" the security footage of their traitorous client. The two-bit dime store lawyer's making this allegation have no evidence to support their claim.

Never mind there is ample footage of violent Insurrectionists attacking U.S.CH.P Officers. Fucker Carlson did his own "Cherry Picking" of very select footage to create his own narrative.

Let's remember that a gallows was erected outside of the United States Capitol Building. Crowds were shouting, "Hang Mike Pence.....Hang Mike Pence". Insurrectionist's were prowling the Hall's of United States Capitol Building calling out, "Nancy....Oh Nancy....Where Are Your Nancy"....they would hung then Speaker Nancy Pelosi if they had the chance.

U.S.C.H.P. were attacked with metal polls, fire extinguishers and bear spray. Over 140 members of Law Enforcement were hospitalized after the attack on 01-06. The Insurrection of 01-06 was very violent.

The O.P. did her cherry picking and tried to pass it off as truth.

As another forum member said, let's wait for the judges ruling on this. I doubt the ruling will go the way the O.P. thinks or hopes it will.
So…did you read the court documents?
Obviously you didn’t watch the video.

The video is heavily edited for content. over 41,000 Hours of tape, and is what Fucked aired. I watched 01-06 on the day it happened. I saw violent Insurrectionists storming the U.S. Capitol Building. I saw U.S.C.H.P. attacked with metal polls and fire extinguishers. I saw U.S.C.H.P. attacked with bear spray. I heard the Insurrectionist shouting, "Hang Mike Pence.....Hang Mike" I saw the gallows erected to do exactly that.

The tape in and of itself proves nothing except edited tape only tells the story that person who edited that wants to tell.
Did you folks just wake up or something ... did you know that all the Bundys were acquitted of all charged crimes in both Oregon and Nevada? ... that's right, armed insurrectionists all acquitted of all charged crimes ...

Prosecutorial misconduct ... just stupid lawyers working for the government ... they'd be disbarred if they tried private practice ... what a system eh? ...
That's why no one cowers from the asswipe legal types like Catsnmeters
McConnell Slams Fox and Tucker Carlson For Jan. 6. Portrayal.

Lawmakers, Chief of Capitol Hill Police Blast Tucker Carlson Over Jan. 6 Footage.

Tucker Carlson Jan. 6 Footage Sparkes Bipartisan Outrage.

Capitol Hill Police Chief Thomas Manger Blasts Fox News' Tucker Carlson Over Jan. 6 Tape.

The OP failed in her duty to properly research what she thought was a big story. Fucker Carlson used heavily edited video tape to distort the events of 01-06, Her post does the same.

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