Motion to dismiss proud boys trial

Well. The FBI agent lied under oath. Admitted to doctoring/ falsifying and destroying evidence ( at the request of another FBI agent) and intercepted information between the defendant and his lawyer discussing their trial strategy.

no rights violations?
When do the perjury end destruction of evidence trials begin? I want to save the dates in the calendar.

Unless you are just making it up of course.

Tucker must be doing something right.
A judge says Tucker's footage doesn't show proof of innocence and you say he's doing something right.
The allegations are just that, allegations.

If they turn out to be true I hope the people that did it get put in the jail cells of those they cheated out of justice.
There is evidence ... not just allegation ...

"FBI messages

One of the messages revealed in court discussed communications between one of the Proud Boys now on trial and his attorney at the time, according to Smith. It’s unclear how the FBI had access to the communications and whether the communications are protected by attorney-client privilege.

“This one definitely indicates they want to go to trial,” FBI agent T. Wang wrote, referring to the attorney-client correspondence.'


Other messages discussed taking the name of an agent, who was present for a meeting with an informant, out of a report as well as an FBI “boss” telling an agent to destroy “338 items of evidence.” Ballantine said the discussion of destroying items was unrelated to the Proud Boys case.

Breaking: the first verdict on a motion to delay based on Tucker Carlson's footage is in, and it was....DENIED!
good luck, insurrectionists.
No surprise. The fix is in.
The FBI was caught deleting internal messages.

"In a court document filed Wednesday night, Nordean's attorney, Nicholas Smith, said that following a cross examination of government witness Special Agent Nicole Miller, she was required to turn over any written statements related to her testimony under the Jencks Act. Miller produced her digital messages she had in an Excel worksheet, but "a close examination of the agent's sheet revealed over one thousand hidden Excel rows of messages," the court document said.


"From the hidden rows in Miller's Lync spreadsheet it is apparent that the defense has not received all of her Jencks statements in these relevant communications," the document said. "That is because the individuals with whom Miller exchanges messages can be seen responding to the agent—but her own statements are missing."

There is more.

The FBI was caught spying on privileged attorney client conversations AND tampering with evidence by removing a person's attendance from an official report.

And this has been proven in court, or is it just an allegation?
When do the perjury end destruction of evidence trials begin? I want to save the dates in the calendar.

Unless you are just making it up of course.
See the post above yours... You'll like's from CNN.

They do their best to smooth over as much as they can with the "classified" narrative.

If I destroyed evidence, tampered with official reports, spied on privileged calls between attorneys and clients, and deleted thousands of messages that were supposed to be turned over with discovery at trial... I'd want that to be deemed "classified" as well.

I will gladly hold you to this standard from here on out.

No comment until the case is decided.

Anyone can comment all they wish, nobody every said otherwise.

I am not going to declare innocent or guilt till both sides are heard on a court of law
Use your eyes dude...that's what God gave them to you for...

...or do you need someone to tell you what to think.

Is this your way of avoiding having to admit this is all just allegations and mean nothing till both sides can be heard in court.
Is this your way of avoiding having to admit this is all just allegations and mean nothing till both sides can be heard in court.
The EVIDENCE is the messages.

It is a FACT that they were deleted.

It is a FACT that the agent TESTIFIED that ALL her messages had been turned over.

It is a FACT that a message detailed knowledge of a privilege conversation.

It is a FACT that messages detailed destroying evidence.

It is a FACT that an agent was commissioned by another agent to alter an official report.

Does NONE OF THAT raise alarm bells for you???

Or is your head so far in the sand that nothing can reach it.
The EVIDENCE is the messages.

It is a FACT that they were deleted.

It is a FACT that the agent TESTIFIED that ALL her messages had been turned over.

It is a FACT that a message detailed knowledge of a privilege conversation.

It is a FACT that messages detailed destroying evidence.

It is a FACT that an agent was commissioned by another agent to alter an official report.

If any of your facts are proven to be true, then I hope those responsible end up in the same jail cells as those emptied by those they cheated out of justice
Wow , Motion to Dismiss. Standard operating procedure especially if your the defendant. Does not mean squat in the court of public opinion. Its up to the judge to decide if the motion has merit. Prosecution will present arguments to the judge to deny. So lets not get excited about something that happens all the time. Motion is nothing more than there defense strategy which they have to have in a court of law especially if they want to win. Still just because Tucker show limited video of people marching to the court house. Hey there is a short video of me doing nothing . Therefor I did nothing later on.
If any of your facts are proven to be true, then I hope those responsible end up in the same jail cells as those emptied by those they cheated out of justice long as that's your stance in every case... that's fine by me.

Just don't want to see you commenting on any allegation or evidence that hasn't been ruled on by a judge.

Has any of the allegations against Trump been ruled on by a judge?

Guess you won't be commenting on any of that in the future...until it's been ruled on.
Wow , Motion to Dismiss. Standard operating procedure especially if your the defendant. Does not mean squat in the court of public opinion. Its up to the judge to decide if the motion has merit. Prosecution will present arguments to the judge to deny. So lets not get excited about something that happens all the time. Motion is nothing more than there defense strategy which they have to have in a court of law especially if they want to win. Still just because Tucker show limited video of people marching to the court house. Hey there is a short video of me doing nothing . Therefor I did nothing later on.
Read the articles.

Not even CNN can't polish up this turd.

FBI messages​

One of the messages revealed in court discussed communications between one of the Proud Boys now on trial and his attorney at the time, according to Smith. It’s unclear how the FBI had access to the communications and whether the communications are protected by attorney-client privilege.

“This one definitely indicates they want to go to trial,” FBI agent T. Wang wrote, referring to the attorney-client correspondence.

Other messages discussed taking the name of an agent, who was present for a meeting with an informant, out of a report as well as an FBI “boss” telling an agent to destroy “338 items of evidence.” Ballantine said the discussion of destroying items was unrelated to the Proud Boys case.
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