Motion to dismiss proud boys trial

Has any of the allegations against Trump been ruled on by a judge?

Guess you won't be commenting on any of that in the future...until it's been ruled on.

Have you seen me doing so in the past?

The only case of his I have commented on is the one in Ga since we all have read the actual transcript from the call.
Read the articles.

Not even CNN can't polish up this turd.

FBI messages​

One of the messages revealed in court discussed communications between one of the Proud Boys now on trial and his attorney at the time, according to Smith. It’s unclear how the FBI had access to the communications and whether the communications are protected by attorney-client privilege.

“This one definitely indicates they want to go to trial,” FBI agent T. Wang wrote, referring to the attorney-client correspondence.

Other messages discussed taking the name of an agent, who was present for a meeting with an informant, out of a report as well as an FBI “boss” telling an agent to destroy “338 items of evidence.” Ballantine said the discussion of destroying items was unrelated to the Proud Boys case.

They still have to prove that the the message to destroy 338 items of evidence was related to the trial or refers to something else that was a poor mistake by the FBI by mixing unrelated data. The FBI say that this information was related to another agent who was not working on the proud boy case. A simple mix-up of information. It does not say that information related to the proud boys trial was destroyed. Still it is up to the defense to prove otherwise.

Still evidence was presented that Tarrio received a document from a girlfriend titled “1776 Returns” that sketched out a plan to occupy federal buildings in order to derail and delay Congress’ proceedings to certify the 2020 election.

The relationship between Trump and the proud boys is well documented. Trump publically encouraged PB which increased their numbers. There are text messages between Trump and the proud boys of them coordinating the Jan 6 event to stop the steal by attacking the capitol bldg.

Other members of PB have already plead guilty.

Proud boy named Jake Phillips responds “What would they do if 1 million patriots stormed and took the capital (sic) building. Shoot into the crowd? I think not.” Making plans on how they were going to invade the congress bldg.

Sounds like they planned it and now are just looking for a way out. FBI informants infiltrated the organization well duh, The leadership of PB made the plans.

Still if the FBI knew all this why was the government so unprepared for it?

Judge rejects alleged Proud Boys leaders’ request to dismiss Jan. 6 charges​

All that shows is what many already know--the courts are as rotten to the core as the executive and legislative branches.
That's Dec 2021, before the Tucker Tapes.
The Tucker Tapes are a giant nothingburger.
Just hide and watch as one motion after another based upon so called "new evidence" from Tucker's revisionist history gets rejected.
And we'll get to watch you snowflakes piss and moan incessantly each time about how it all only further confirms your "deep state" conspiracy.

Rinse and repeat.
Just hide and watch as one motion after another based upon so called "new evidence" from Tucker's revisionist history gets rejected.
Dunno about hide and watch, Chewbaca already has a new atty.
And we'll get to watch you snowflakes piss and moan incessantly each time about how it all only further confirms your "deep state" conspiracy.
Meh.....................clownman attempts to operate as a shill for the DNC.....without any supporting evidence.

No matter what regulations you quote, it doesn't change the facts, he was totally responsible and could have stopped it in a second.
You have difficulties understanding constitutional responsibility ?????
The Tucker Tapes are a giant nothingburger.

Yes, the biggest nothing was when they edited the video trying to claim some republican is seen fleeing for his life abandoning all behind him like some coward until Tucker produced the whole video showing the truth, that about 50-60 congress people were all being ushered out of the building at the same time! Many of them democramps. And the GOP guy was actually the last or one of the last to go.

Whenever a group has to flagrantly MAKE SHIT UP, you know they got nothing and are perpetrating a complete FRAUD. Idiots actually thought they'd get away with this!

The Far Left uniparty of lying crooks, a complete criminal FRAUD organization, just like the stolen 2020 fiasco that caused the J6 protest to happen. And now, STEP BY STEP, just as with the Wuhan Virus, the republicans (at least the good MAGA people of the party) are getting at and revealing the truth to the world.

So apparently we are going to start seeing these now. Based on prosecutors,FBI etc hiding evidence.

Wrong. The defense attorneys have had the video from the beginning. This is just more fluff that means nothing, except to the minions. The attorneys haven't used any of the video, in any of the cases so far, so it much not be much help.

If they present any video that has been edited in any way, they're going to need their own attorneys.

Examine that evidence real close boys.
The defense attorneys have had the video from the beginning.
And only used clips that would ensure them a conviction.......not any that would provide reasonable doubt. DOJ atty's are famous for this.
The attorneys haven't used any of the video, in any of the cases so far, so it much not be much help.
Withholding exculpatory evidence.....ask Mike Flynn about that.
nd only used clips that would ensure them a conviction.......not any that would provide reasonable doubt. DOJ atty's are famous for this.

Withholding exculpatory evidence.....ask Mike Flynn about that.

The prosecution hasn't presented any evidence that hasn't been verified.

It isn't the prosecution that has to worry about anything.

The defense on the otherhand better be real careful of any versions of the video with help from Fox.

The judge isn't going to be impressed at all.
Pence Says Trump 'Endangered My Family'

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday harshly criticized former President Donald Trump for his role in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, widening the rift between the two men as they prepare to battle over the Republican nomination in next year’s election.

President Trump was wrong,” Pence said during remarks at the annual white-tie Gridiron Dinner attended by politicians and journalists. “I had no right to overturn the election. And his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know history will hold Donald Trump accountable.

Pence’s remarks were the sharpest condemnation yet from the once-loyal lieutenant who has often shied away from confronting his former boss. Trump has already declared his candidacy. Pence has not, but he’s been laying the groundwork to run.

Insurrectionists were chanting, "Hang Mike Pence.....Hang Mike Pence", after Pence discharged is Constitutional Duties to certify the 2020 Election.
The prosecution hasn't presented any evidence that hasn't been verified.
That's a real cool observation, if you have been privy to what prosecution has released. Can you effectively say prosecution has given defense all the video footage to give their clients a reasonable defense to the charges?
It isn't the prosecution that has to worry about anything.
Unless defense atty's have been denied exculpatory video evidence...............which is a standard DOJ ploy for a conviction.
The defense on the otherhand better be real careful of any versions of the video with help from Fox. need to worry more about the Fox released video's that the J6 committee could have released more than a year ago..................why was that?
The judge isn't going to be impressed at all.
You better hope he doesn't come to the conclusion that prosecution fed him a story line excluding exculpatory evidence.

Ask Mike Flynn about that.....

Judge rejects alleged Proud Boys leaders’ request to dismiss Jan. 6 charges​

Did you see the recent Texas shooter was a Proud Boy? This shooting may be payback because a Proud Boy leader was just recently convicted.

He wore a patch reading “RWDS” — or “Right Wing Death Squad” — a longtime catchphrase of the right’s fascist wing.

The phrase is a favorite of members of the Proud Boys, the right-wing street gang whose leadership was convicted last week of seditious conspiracy for their actions during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack.
No .....

However, NPR has not seen any evidence linking Garcia to the Proud Boys.

Here's what we know.

Pentagon confirmed that the gunman had been discharged from the Army for mental health reasons.

Many insurrectionists were former military/cops. Many

Evidence suggests the shooter held far-right extremist beliefs​

At the time of his death, officials say Garcia was wearing a patch with the acronym "RWDS" — which stands for "Right Wing Death Squad." The same patch was worn by a Proud Boys member who pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

However, NPR has not seen any evidence linking Garcia to the Proud Boys. YET!!!

Social media accounts that appear to belong to Garcia showcase neo-Nazi and white supremacist views. His victims were mostly people of Korean and Indian descent.

ABC added: A profile appearing to belong to Garcia also contained numerous references to Nazi ideology, hatred of women, racism and antisemitism.

Sounds like a Republican to me. And we want gun reform. This guy clearly was a gun nut Republican. A Trump Republican. Let's get that straight.

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