Motion to expel Adam Schiff from the House is filed.

I Never heard him say it in that interview.

SCHIFF: The campaign already on notice that they have e-mails.

You then have the message going back from the campaign to the Russians, basically, we would love to have your help, we would love to play ball, but we are really disappointed in what you gave us.

And only days later, Julian Assange announces he's received stolen e- mails, which we know now came from the Russians. And the Russians themselves start publishing the e-mails through these cut-outs.

You then have Trump Jr. in private, secret communication with WikiLeaks.

So, we have all these facts in chronology. You would have to be believe that these were all isolated incidents, not connected to each other. It just doesn't make rational sense.

Now, can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt will be Mueller's question to answer that the Russians communicated to the campaign that the way they were going to deliver the help they offered and that the campaign accepted was not by handing the e-mails directly over to the campaign, but by publishing them?

That will be up to Mueller, and we continue to try to fill in all of the missing pieces. But we do know this. The Russians offered help. The campaign accepted help. The Russians gave help. And the president made full use of that help.

And that's pretty damming, whether it is proof beyond a reasonable doubt of conspiracy or not.
Evil man. Thinks he is owed and superior.
Name one conviction for collusion.

Plea bargain
In the agreement, Flynn pleaded guilty to one felony count of "willfully and knowingly making materially false statements and omissions to the Federal Bureau of Investigation" about conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, "in violation of 18 U.S.C.
Figures you'd miss the comment I remarked on. Deliberate?

"They tried to get rid of a sitting president with lies. That's treason, he should spend the rest of his life in jail.
don't see any mention of Schiff in your post.



( Or have y0u forgotten what the thread is about?)
Plea bargain
In the agreement, Flynn pleaded guilty to one felony count of "willfully and knowingly making materially false statements and omissions to the Federal Bureau of Investigation" about conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, "in violation of 18 U.S.C.
LOL no collusion and you admit it while claiming 7 people were charged with it.
you all claim it happened and people were convicted for it Rightwinger keeps saying it and you seem to agree.
There is no criminal statute for “Collusion”
They were convicted for their contacts with Russia

Plea bargain for Mike Flynn
In the agreement, Flynn pleaded guilty to one felony count of "willfully and knowingly making materially false statements and omissions to the Federal Bureau of Investigation" about conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, "in violation of 18 U.S.C.
There is no criminal statute for “Collusion”
They were convicted for their contacts with Russia

Plea bargain for Mike Flynn
In the agreement, Flynn pleaded guilty to one felony count of "willfully and knowingly making materially false statements and omissions to the Federal Bureau of Investigation" about conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, "in violation of 18 U.S.C.
you made the claim and cant back it up and as to Flynn he was railroaded by threatening his son and has since denied it happened.
Plea bargain
In the agreement, Flynn pleaded guilty to one felony count of "willfully and knowingly making materially false statements and omissions to the Federal Bureau of Investigation" about conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, "in violation of 18 U.S.C.
That isn’t collusion, Troll.
That isn’t collusion, Troll.

“about conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak,”

What is Flynn discussing with the Russian ambassador before Trump takes office?
you all claim it happened and people were convicted for it Rightwinger keeps saying it and you seem to agree.
You all huh? Collusion is not a crime. Mueller didn't investigated any crime of collusion. He investigated criminal conspiracy which can include collusion. However not all collusion is evidence of a criminal conspiracy. He didn't find enough evidence to support a charge of criminal conspiracy between the Russian Government and Trumps campaign, but other crimes that he uncovered were prosecuted.
poor fella gets all Triggers and is limited to memes.


Summer 2016. Russian outreach to the Trump Campaign continued into the summer of 2016, as candidate Trump was becoming the presumptive Republican nominee for President. On June 9, 2016, for example, a Russian lawyer met with senior Trump Campaign officials Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and campaign chairman Paul Manafort to deliver what the email proposing the meeting had described as “official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary.” The materials were offered to Trump Jr. as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.” The written communications setting up the meeting showed that the Campaign anticipated receiving information from Russia that could assist candidate Trump’s electoral prospects, but the Russian lawyer’s presentation did not provide such information. Days after the June 9 meeting, on June 14, 2016, a cybersecurity firm and the DNC announced that Russian government hackers had infiltrated the DNC and obtained access to opposition research on candidate Trump, among other documents.

Starts on page 5.
"Russian outreach".....?
That is some strange wording. Almost like 'collusion'........highly suspect for accuracy.
Could be just a driveby from our government. Not like Trump was the darling of the republican
good ol' boys. :smoke:

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