Motion to expel Adam Schiff from the House is filed.

So you don't believe collusion is a crime?

Did you find a federal or a state statute that defines collusion as a crime? Of course you didn't. It can be. That is if you collude with someone to rob a bank, that collusion is a criminal conspiracy.

"In evaluating whether evidence about collective action of multiple individuals constituted a crime, we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of “collusion.” In so doing, the Office recognized that the word “collud[e]” was used in communications with the Acting Attorney General confirming certain aspects of the investigation’s scope and that the term has frequently been invoked in public reporting about the investigation. But collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law. For those reasons, the Office’s focus in analyzing questions of joint criminal liability was on conspiracy as defined in federal law. In connection with that analysis, we addressed the factual question whether members of the Trump Campaign “coordinat[ed]”—a term that appears in the appointment order—with Russian election interference activities."

Interesting indeed that the Neo-GOP knows so much that isn't true.
Of course, you don't. You won't either, no matter what.

I realize I wont

Because nobody on this thread has been able to provide a quote from Schiff that is a lie.

Looks like you failed
Congresswoman files resolution to expel Rep. Adam Schiff for pushing 'false narratives' in Durham report

So, it seems Republicans will expel Representatives for pushing false narratives but will not expel George Santos for pushing false narratives about his credentials
Way overdue.

The Durham report further confirms he lied for years about Russia collusion.

He needs to be thrown out.

Congresswoman files resolution to expel Rep. Adam Schiff for pushing 'false narratives' in Durham report​

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna says Rep. Adam Schiff's lie 'cost American taxpayers millions of dollars'​

Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna filed a resolution on Wednesday evening to expel Rep. Adam Schiff, formerly the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, from Congress alleging that he pushed a false narrative to the American people in the Trump-Russia investigation.

"Adam Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intelligence to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and abused the trust placed in him as Chairman. He is a dishonor to the House of Representatives," Luna said in a press release Wednesday, May 17.

Republicans, like Luna, have been vocal that lawmakers should face the consequences for the report after the Durham report found significant FBI failures and no evidence that Donald Trump's campaign was coordinated with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The full report was released by the Justice Department on Monday, May 15 after a year-long investigation in a report that spans more than 300 pages.

"The Durham report makes clear that the Russian collusion was a lie from day one and Schiff knowingly used his position in an attempt to divide our country," Luna added.

It's difficult to expel a member of Congress.
A few bad ones have resigned and a few have been sanctioned. Senator Joseph McCarthy was sanctioned for lying about Communists in government in the 50s.
don't see any mention of Schiff in your post.



( Or have y0u forgotten what the thread is about?)
That Congressman is not the only Congressman to be accused of besmirching a president to harm him politically. In fact it is such a common occurrence that if such action were taken against every member of congress who did, soon Congress would lack a quorum to do any business at all.

The thread starts out with a lie "The Durham report further confirms he lied for years about Russia collusion."

The post I responded to expounded on the lie lie.

Not a deflection. On topic.
The level of brainwashing you've been a victim of is stunning:

Are you incapable of knowing the difference between the “Trump Campaign” and Trump himself?

Members of the Trump campaign who had contact with the Russians include Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Hope Hicks and Lil Donnie

Mueller stated in his report that he was able to identify contacts between Trump campaign members and Russia but could not prove any contact with Trump

He did not clear Trump but just stated he couldn’t prove anything
I Never heard him say it in that interview.

SCHIFF: The campaign already on notice that they have e-mails.
You then have the message going back from the campaign to the Russians, basically, we would love to have your help, we would love to play ball, but we are really disappointed in what you gave us.
And only days later, Julian Assange announces he's received stolen e- mails, which we know now came from the Russians. And the Russians themselves start publishing the e-mails through these cut-outs.
You then have Trump Jr. in private, secret communication with WikiLeaks.
So, we have all these facts in chronology. You would have to be believe that these were all isolated incidents, not connected to each other. It just doesn't make rational sense.
Now, can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt will be Mueller's question to answer that the Russians communicated to the campaign that the way they were going to deliver the help they offered and that the campaign accepted was not by handing the e-mails directly over to the campaign, but by publishing them?
That will be up to Mueller, and we continue to try to fill in all of the missing pieces. But we do know this. The Russians offered help. The campaign accepted help. The Russians gave help. And the president made full use of that help.
And that's pretty damming, whether it is proof beyond a reasonable doubt of conspiracy or not.
He certainly did say there is plenty of evidence.....

watch the videos at the top of the page. Schiff lied a lot.
Still looking for a lie from Schiff
Russia DID contact Hope Hicks
Russia DID contact Mike Flynn
Russia DID contact Paul Manafort
So what?
Russia can contact anyone at any time.
Hillary paid Russians for fictitious dirt on Trump.
The FBI started the investigation based on total bullshit, and they knew it was bullshit.
How much uranium did Hillary sell to the Russians?

The lie from Schiff was that he saw the evidence of Russian Collusion when there was none.
The lie from Schiff was that he saw the evidence of Russian Collusion when there was none.

Not true
Several members of the Trump Campaign staff had contact with Russia. It is in the Mueller report

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