Motion to expel Adam Schiff from the House is filed.

Not true
Several members of the Trump Campaign staff had contact with Russia. It is in the Mueller report
Having contact with Russia is not collusion. General Flynn talked to Russians, it was his job.
There is a difference between talking with Russians and colluding with them to win an election, like when Hillary paid Russians for dirt on Trump.
Having contact with Russia is not collusion. General Flynn talked to Russians, it was his job.
There is a difference between talking with Russians and colluding with them to win an election, like when Hillary paid Russians for dirt on Trump.
Gen Flynn had no “job” that involved international relations.
Trump was not President at the time

Trump family members and campaign staff met with Russian agents on the promise they had dirt on Hillary.
Gen Flynn had no “job” that involved international relations.
Trump was not President at the time
Trump family members and campaign staff met with Russian agents on the promise they had dirt on Hillary.
General Flynn was going to be Trump's national security advisor. Flynn was allowed to talk to Russians. Hillary hired Russians for dirt on Trump.

We all knew he was lying. I mean, the dude said he had evidence trump directly colluded with Russia. Stirred everyone up and kept the lie alive.
But it doesnt matter. Nothing will happen to him and Ds have no standards or morals so he will win his senate campaign.
Yeah everbody knew it....everyone, yet the wingnuts on this board still stood behind and parroted him.

My Representative is a MAGANUT.

Schiff said: “When Republicans lacked the courage to stand up to the most unethical president in history, they consoled themselves by attacking those who did. I’m not backing down.”

Speaking to MSNBC, he added: “The Durham investigation was an investigation Donald Trump demanded, investigating the investigators.”

Durham, he said, spent “four years trying to prove this deep state conspiracy theory that Trump kept telling his base was going to be proven … The whole thing of course, was a big bust.

“… And so their response … is, ‘Let’s go after Adam Schiff.’ Let’s go back to the person they most view as standing up for the rule of law, standing up against Trump, leading the first impeachment, participating in the January 6 committee. That’s what this is about.”
All he has to do is produce the evidence he claimed to have. That’s traitorous to the people, not Trump
I wonder if rightwinger can explain where all this evidence Schifferbrains claimed to have for years is at.

Why didn’t he share it with Mueller?

Why didn’t he share it with Horowitz?

Why didn’t he share it with Durham?

Why didn’t he share it with the American people?

Is he hiding it in his dresser drawer with his butt plug collection?
rightwinger wants us all to believe Schifferbrains didn’t lie the dozens of time ps he told America he had evidence Trump colluded with Russia.

So why didn‘t he let anyone else see it?

Only two possibilities:

1. He is covering up traitorous actions, and is therefore a traitor.


2. He is a Pie Faced lying sack of shit.

So which is it, Trollwinger?
“about conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak,”

What is Flynn discussing with the Russian ambassador before Trump takes office?
You tell us, Simp.
We know what he talked about, he wasn't allowed to talk about. Otherwise there would have been no reason to lie to Mike Pence and to the FBI about who he talked to, and what they talked about.

We know what he talked about, he wasn't allowed to talk about. Otherwise there would have been no reason to lie to Mike Pence and to the FBI about who he talked to, and what they talked about.

Trump was trying to back door negotiations with Russia while he was not President

rightwinger wants us all to believe Schifferbrains didn’t lie the dozens of time ps he told America he had evidence Trump colluded with Russia.

So why didn‘t he let anyone else see it?

Only two possibilities:

1. He is covering up traitorous actions, and is therefore a traitor.


2. He is a Pie Faced lying sack of shit.

So which is it, Trollwinger?
Who the fuk do you think Adam Schiff is?
One of 435 members of the House

He has no evidence that Republican members of his committee have access to

Schiff identified those members of Trumps election committee that had access to Russia
Who the fuk do you think Adam Schiff is?
One of 435 members of the House

He has no evidence that Republican members of his committee have access to

Schiff identified those members of Trumps election committee that had access to Russia
Pie Face was chairman of the intel committee, so he had access some other members did not.

Explain why none of the other DIMWINGERS on the committee were in TV spewing the same lies, Troll.
Way overdue.

The Durham report further confirms he lied for years about Russia collusion.

He needs to be thrown out.

Congresswoman files resolution to expel Rep. Adam Schiff for pushing 'false narratives' in Durham report​

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna says Rep. Adam Schiff's lie 'cost American taxpayers millions of dollars'​

Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna filed a resolution on Wednesday evening to expel Rep. Adam Schiff, formerly the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, from Congress alleging that he pushed a false narrative to the American people in the Trump-Russia investigation.

"Adam Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intelligence to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and abused the trust placed in him as Chairman. He is a dishonor to the House of Representatives," Luna said in a press release Wednesday, May 17.

Republicans, like Luna, have been vocal that lawmakers should face the consequences for the report after the Durham report found significant FBI failures and no evidence that Donald Trump's campaign was coordinated with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The full report was released by the Justice Department on Monday, May 15 after a year-long investigation in a report that spans more than 300 pages.

"The Durham report makes clear that the Russian collusion was a lie from day one and Schiff knowingly used his position in an attempt to divide our country," Luna added.

The Durham reposrt is one big lie. It is contradicted by the IG report and by the Mueller report. Durham is the one who wasted millions of dollars and found nothing. Jim Jordan and these other right wing kooks are wasting millions and have nothing to show for it except hot air.

Florida Nazi Anna Paulina LUNATIC should go back to communist Cuba. She would feel right at home. Schiff will simply run in a special election and win easily.

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