Motion to expel Adam Schiff from the House is filed.

Innocent until proven guilty. Key word INNOCENT.
You say that but Durham didn't charge Schifft with anything. Nor did he bring charges to any of the folks the Trumpybearfans wanted jailed for the "Crime of the Century"
About time, this guy knowingly and repeatedly lied to the american people, engaged directly with spreading russian propaganda and he can’t be trusted and is a threat to our democracy
You say that but Durham didn't charge Schifft with anything. Nor did he bring charges to any of the folks the Trumpybearfans wanted jailed for the "Crime of the Century"
I keep wondering if Trump can sue Schiff and the democrats or the FBI for their continuous lies that affected his 1st term and the 2020 election?
I keep wondering if Trump can sue Schiff and the democrats or the FBI for their continuous lies that affected his 1st term and the 2020 election?
i feel a good defamation suit should be filed. He made a lot of these comments on MSDNC, and the Clinton News Network , he does not have the protection of congressional immunity he would get from being in congress there
Google all you want

I Never heard him say it in that interview.

SCHIFF: The campaign already on notice that they have e-mails.

You then have the message going back from the campaign to the Russians, basically, we would love to have your help, we would love to play ball, but we are really disappointed in what you gave us.

And only days later, Julian Assange announces he's received stolen e- mails, which we know now came from the Russians. And the Russians themselves start publishing the e-mails through these cut-outs.

You then have Trump Jr. in private, secret communication with WikiLeaks.

So, we have all these facts in chronology. You would have to be believe that these were all isolated incidents, not connected to each other. It just doesn't make rational sense.

Now, can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt will be Mueller's question to answer that the Russians communicated to the campaign that the way they were going to deliver the help they offered and that the campaign accepted was not by handing the e-mails directly over to the campaign, but by publishing them?

That will be up to Mueller, and we continue to try to fill in all of the missing pieces. But we do know this. The Russians offered help. The campaign accepted help. The Russians gave help. And the president made full use of that help.

And that's pretty damming, whether it is proof beyond a reasonable doubt of conspiracy or not.
Already did, Troll. Several videos of the Pie Faced imbecile lying his ass off.

But you are here to troll, so you will continue.
You didn’t even watch your videos did you?
They don’t show what you say they do
About time, this guy knowingly and repeatedly lied to the american people, engaged directly with spreading russian propaganda and he can’t be trusted and is a threat to our democracy
Meet the next Senator from California.
Shiff wasted millions of taxpayers' dollars. Why do Democrats endorse this?

Actually, he didn’t
The fact that Republicans will cover for Trump regardless of how egregious his actions is a waste of taxpayer dollars
Meet the next Senator from California.
I am not surprised if the people of Cali elect him, even knowing he is a threat to our Republic. The uber rich will want a demafacsit to protect their interest, and they will take advantage of the homeless on Skid Row to make sure they get enough votes to help him over the edge.

The demafascist in Cali do that often

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