Motorcycle Diaries

Working Man

Aug 22, 2004
I thought the movie was great. Had a good mix of humor and substance. Kind of the South American version of the wedding crashers, with a few more ethics thrown in. I guess it is based on a true story. Subtitled, that were shown a bit quickly for this old blind guy. BUT DON'T LET THIS KEEP YOU FROM WATCHING IT!!! If you speak Spanish you might like it even more..:clap1:

This movie may give some insight to those who don't understand why South Americans risk death in trying to jump the borders and get into the US any way they can. I don't approve of illegal aliens,,, but I can see why they do it.
Working Man said:
I thought the movie was great. Had a good mix of humor and substance. Kind of the South American version of the wedding crashers, with a few more ethics thrown in. I guess it is based on a true story. Subtitled, that were shown a bit quickly for this old blind guy. BUT DON'T LET THIS KEEP YOU FROM WATCHING IT!!! If you speak Spanish you might like it even more..:clap1:

This movie may give some insight to those who don't understand why South Americans risk death in trying to jump the borders and get into the US any way they can. I don't approve of illegal aliens,,, but I can see why they do it.

Great movie all right. Gives an interesting insight into Guevara. People who give him a bad rap should see it just to see what kinda guy he was...
Dr Grump said:
Great movie all right. Gives an interesting insight into Guevara. People who give him a bad rap should see it just to see what kinda guy he was...

Are you really trying to say that this is a factual representation of Castro's right hand man's life? People who give him a bad rap?????????:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
sitarro said:
Are you really trying to say that this is a factual representation of Castro's right hand man's life? People who give him a bad rap?????????:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

He is a refreshing character. He fought not for power or wealth, he battled simply for an ideal that he believed was far greater than any single man. He was born to an upper class family, graduated from college, and was a physician. It was through his own personal experiences (motor cycle diaries) that he came to believe Marxism was the only cure for poverty in South America.
sitarro said:
Are you really trying to say that this is a factual representation of Castro's right hand man's life? People who give him a bad rap?????????:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Yep, on his early life. It is based on his diaries...they were real. He certainly changed later in life.
1549 said:
He is a refreshing character. He fought not for power or wealth, he battled simply for an ideal that he believed was far greater than any single man. He was born to an upper class family, graduated from college, and was a physician. It was through his own personal experiences (motor cycle diaries) that he came to believe Marxism was the only cure for poverty in South America.

Most of what you say is true. ALthough, I'm pretty sure he didn't graduate from med school. Left in his last semester (I think) or something similar...still, if the diaries are correct, you can see why his thinking changed....
Dr Grump said:
Yep, on his early life. It is based on his diaries...they were real. He certainly changed later in life.


Based on his diaries....and everyone knows that Hollywood being completely neutral would definitely follow his very real writings to the proverbial t and certainly not choose the best looking, sweetest boy and wonderful motorcycle to portay this saintly hero of the people. Hell, of course Marxism is the best solution, no need to teach these people to help themselves, take from those that do and give to those that don't......seems reasonable, we should change our country to such a great idea. Oh shit, I forgot, there isn't a single place on the planet that that idiot idea actually has worked. In fact, in a mere 200 years, the United States and their Capitalistic system has achieved a greatness unlike any other. You can worship this clown, you can wear the t-shirt, but don't pretend he had any brains what so ever. He was an idiot along the same lines as Marx,Lenin, Castro, Mao, Kim Jong Ill and now that asshole Chavez.
sitarro said:

Based on his diaries....and everyone knows that Hollywood being completely neutral would definitely follow his very real writings to the proverbial t and certainly not choose the best looking, sweetest boy and wonderful motorcycle to portay this saintly hero of the people. Hell, of course Marxism is the best solution, no need to teach these people to help themselves, take from those that do and give to those that don't......seems reasonable, we should change our country to such a great idea. Oh shit, I forgot, there isn't a single place on the planet that that idiot idea actually has worked. In fact, in a mere 200 years, the United States and their Capitalistic system has achieved a greatness unlike any other. You can worship this clown, you can wear the t-shirt, but don't pretend he had any brains what so ever. He was an idiot along the same lines as Marx,Lenin, Castro, Mao, Kim Jong Ill and now that asshole Chavez.

Huh? Dunno how you have gone from me saying I thought it gave an interesting portrayal of his early life and why he thought like he did, to worshipping him? I have never worshipped him or owned a T-shirt with his image on it. He certainly leaved a lot to be desired later in life as did the Cuban govt pre Castro. Communism has to be one of the dumbest economic systems ever invented and has proved a dismal failure over and over again. As for Hollywood portrayal, I'll think you'll find had little if anything to do with the movie (outsida distribution Stateside).
Dr Grump said:
Huh? Dunno how you have gone from me saying I thought it gave an interesting portrayal of his early life and why he thought like he did, to worshipping him? I have never worshipped him or owned a T-shirt with his image on it. He certainly leaved a lot to be desired later in life as did the Cuban govt pre Castro. Communism has to be one of the dumbest economic systems ever invented and has proved a dismal failure over and over again. As for Hollywood portrayal, I'll think you'll find had little if anything to do with the movie (outsida distribution Stateside).

Oh, sorry, I have jumped to a conclusion again, probaably from your other posts(you know like the way you call anyone right of your beliefs a neocon). I thought you were maybe part of the lemmings that wear his tshirt(Carlos Santana) without knowing what he really did with his life. I'm impressed to see that you understand so much about Communism, I would bet young Dylan might argue against you on that.
sitarro said:
Oh, sorry, I have jumped to a conclusion again, probaably from your other posts(you know like the way you call anyone right of your beliefs a neocon). I thought you were maybe part of the lemmings that wear his tshirt(Carlos Santana) without knowing what he really did with his life. I'm impressed to see that you understand so much about Communism, I would bet young Dylan might argue against you on that.

I know what he did in his real life. And not all conservatives on these boards are neocons...plenty aren't...:blues:
Motorcycle Diaries is a Great movie. PERIOD..

Poor WO- men wanna be rich, rich WO- men wanna be king (Queen ain't powerful enough), but a kqwing (hybrid) ain't satisfied 'til hesh (hybrid omnisex) rules everything.
manu1959 said:
where you there? please tell us mr. ____________

Do you know what Bill Clinton has done in his life? George Bush? Ronald Reagun? Nikita Kruschev? Josef Stalin? Do you know anything about them? And if you do, were you there? Please tell us mr. ____________
Dr Grump said:
Do you know what Bill Clinton has done in his life? George Bush? Ronald Reagun? Nikita Kruschev? Josef Stalin? Do you know anything about them? And if you do, were you there? Please tell us mr. ____________

Well, they are no Jimmy Carters that's for sure.

If Bill and Al were so keyed up on energy conservation/global warming, then how come they didn't spend more money on alternate energy research like Jimmy Carter? Jr. Bush cut the program so badly it is pretty much dead. Now, here we go again with F'n nuclear power crap.

Like I said, it didn't dawn on me till the end of the movie,, about ten minutes after, as to who "Che" was. But then, I saw the show Lion King and it didn't dawn on me till somebody told me that the Monkey is the one who lives in the tree and helped the kid understand his place in life. Part of getting old... hee hee hee!!

But either way, the movie was great. :banana:
Dr Grump said:
Do you know what Bill Clinton has done in his life? George Bush? Ronald Reagun? Nikita Kruschev? Josef Stalin? Do you know anything about them? And if you do, were you there? Please tell us mr. ____________

nope....and you don't know what he did in his real life as you were not only know what you have read.....oh wait......
manu1959 said:
nope....and you don't know what he did in his real life as you were not only know what you have read.....oh wait...... now unless we were there we know nothing of anybody's real life...Oookkkk..So Ronnie Reagan might not have been married to Nancy? George Bush Snr was never in charge of the CIA? Hell, Richard Nixon might not have even been president in his REAL life, after all, I was never there...Oh, wait....

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