Movements of the Revolutionary Retribution says: Foreigners, Get out of Egypt by Feb 11th


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2014
This video was published three days ago. Description states created on January 29, 2015. Somehow I would think this would be news. The Movements of the Revolutionary Retribution seem to be just about every group that disagrees with the current government, and there are several of them.
PressTV is own by Iran but this not a propaganda video. This is cold reporting its about to hit the fan.
Video dated yesterday. Plays happy music while showing text of Turkey's responded to Egyptian Foreign Ministry statement.
You've got to see this. I nearly fell off my seat. You just have to watch the thing from the beginning but hold to something right before you get to the three minute mark. OMG that was funny. The look on the face of the woman in blue is priceless.
A couple of updates to this thread:

Turkey accused of escalating violence in Egypt - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East
Rabia TV reported that a group calling itself the Revolutionary Youth Leadership has warned foreigners in Egypt to leave the country by Feb. 11. The group reportedly asked foreign companies and diplomatic missions to end their operations in the country. Rabia TV defended itself, saying, "As part of the coup regime media's defaming campaign, false news about our channel was produced. We had said, while introducing that warning report, that we will seek to uncover reality with our guests. This means we don't assume the truth in that so-called warning declaration.”​

The way this is presented would seem to be one of those 'its OK to lie for the cause' statements. Also in the Al-Monitor article it stated that an unconfirmed source, actually the source of the source, claimed $10 billion in assistance was forthcoming from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE. According to a certain YouTube video that money is going to the military. (I will not directly link the video but search for 'sisi embezzlement military egypt' and that should get it.) Coincidently the Al-Jazeera reporters' retrial has been scheduled for February 12th.


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