Moving forward

We "deplorables" lost

We'll see. There's what is referred to as a honeymoon period after a candidate wins. Since Trump won't be able to make it through his first press conference without losing it, I suspect there will be NO honeymoon period.

You've elected a person who cannot and will not stand up to personal scrutiny. He's good a giving speeches to large crowds where they listened enraptured with his celebrity status. And then he's good at losing it when even ONE SINGLE PROTESTOR holds up a sign. So let's see how he does with a whole fucking room full of reporters. hahahahahhaa.....Enjoy the next few days. Trump's national meltdown is about to begin.
We "deplorables" lost

We'll see. There's what is referred to as a honeymoon period after a candidate wins. Since Trump won't be able to make it through his first press conference without losing it, I suspect there will be NO honeymoon period.

You've elected a person who cannot and will not stand up to personal scrutiny. He's good a giving speeches to large crowds where they listened enraptured with his celebrity status. And then he's good at losing it when even ONE SINGLE PROTESTOR holds up a sign. So let's see how he does with a whole fucking room full of reporters. hahahahahhaa.....Enjoy the next few days. Trump's national meltdown is about to begin. lost. :banana:
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

I can tell you this, I was as excited and happy that America elected the first black president even though I did not like him or his wife because of THEIR words and actions not because of the color of his skin. Then I watched the democrat shenanigans at the obama inauguration and the very public display of disrespect toward President Bush. Only one Republican stated that, it was Mitch McConnell NOT ALL Republicans. I have spent the last eight years watching the democrats call the opposing racists, traitors, homophobes, xenophobe. And yes, you democrats did use the power of the government to go after opponents i.e. The IRS. So, yes I believe Trump may try to unite the country but I also know he will fail because the democrat policy is and always has been diviciveness.
That will not change. The Left will continue to call their opposition all kinds of awful names. It is what they do, while demanding their opponents be inclusive.

When Trump enters the WH, in short order, the Ds will be ruthlessly criticizing him...and the MSM will gladly carry their water.

Remember when Tip O'Neil came out to meet the press after his first meeting with Reagan? He said Reagan might be the dumbest man ever to be president. Now...imagine the shit storm if an R had done that to Big Ears.
We "deplorables" lost

We'll see. There's what is referred to as a honeymoon period after a candidate wins. Since Trump won't be able to make it through his first press conference without losing it, I suspect there will be NO honeymoon period.

You've elected a person who cannot and will not stand up to personal scrutiny. He's good a giving speeches to large crowds where they listened enraptured with his celebrity status. And then he's good at losing it when even ONE SINGLE PROTESTOR holds up a sign. So let's see how he does with a whole fucking room full of reporters. hahahahahhaa.....Enjoy the next few days. Trump's national meltdown is about to begin.
Do you think he will stoop as low as to ban reporters from his press conferences if they say mean things about him or are critical of him afterwards?
I believe another president did something like that, the exact one escapes me right at the moment.
We "deplorables" lost

We'll see. There's what is referred to as a honeymoon period after a candidate wins. Since Trump won't be able to make it through his first press conference without losing it, I suspect there will be NO honeymoon period.

You've elected a person who cannot and will not stand up to personal scrutiny. He's good a giving speeches to large crowds where they listened enraptured with his celebrity status. And then he's good at losing it when even ONE SINGLE PROTESTOR holds up a sign. So let's see how he does with a whole fucking room full of reporters. hahahahahhaa.....Enjoy the next few days. Trump's national meltdown is about to begin. lost. :banana:

You lost, too. You're just too stupid to see it. But you will.
We "deplorables" lost

We'll see. There's what is referred to as a honeymoon period after a candidate wins. Since Trump won't be able to make it through his first press conference without losing it, I suspect there will be NO honeymoon period.

You've elected a person who cannot and will not stand up to personal scrutiny. He's good a giving speeches to large crowds where they listened enraptured with his celebrity status. And then he's good at losing it when even ONE SINGLE PROTESTOR holds up a sign. So let's see how he does with a whole fucking room full of reporters. hahahahahhaa.....Enjoy the next few days. Trump's national meltdown is about to begin.
Do you think he will stoop as low as to ban reporters from his press conferences if they say mean things about him or are critical of him afterwards?
I believe another president did something like that, the exact one escapes me right at the moment.

That's da' beauty of it. The White House press corp cannot be banned. Hahahahahahaa.....
And you are referring to Obama when he was running for office, not after he obtained it.
And if Trump can reach across the line and actually bring positive results to the poor minorities, we will see a shift in their loyalty too. Once they see results, they will understand that they have been used by the democrats and they will switch.

I watched my city be destroyed in 1967 by blacks who's only outlet was rage against a corrupt city government. Those 2,200 buildings they burned were never repaired....imagine their surprise! Now, thanks to Mike Ilitch and Dan Gilbert, downtown is thriving again and whole neighborhoods abandoned by fleeing whites have been bulldozed, rezoned, and are ready for new construction. Mr. Trump couldn't believe what he saw there both negative and positive and promised he'd fix it. BIG JOB, but through low interest government loans, GOP city government, and continued private sector investment, my city can rise from the ashes.
If a Trump company gets the contract to build the wall some people will get suspicious and complain.
We "deplorables" lost

We'll see. There's what is referred to as a honeymoon period after a candidate wins. Since Trump won't be able to make it through his first press conference without losing it, I suspect there will be NO honeymoon period.

You've elected a person who cannot and will not stand up to personal scrutiny. He's good a giving speeches to large crowds where they listened enraptured with his celebrity status. And then he's good at losing it when even ONE SINGLE PROTESTOR holds up a sign. So let's see how he does with a whole fucking room full of reporters. hahahahahhaa.....Enjoy the next few days. Trump's national meltdown is about to begin. lost. :banana:

You lost, too. You're just too stupid to see it. But you will.

Maybe...maybe not. But it's a fact you did. I see a glimmer of hope while if Clinton had been elected I saw four more years like the last eight. I'll take that glimmer of hope
When the Senate Democrats pass the number of filibusters by the GOP in the Obama presidency,

then you'll have permission to call them obstructionist.
What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to.

There are two questions we must ask ourselves:

1 - How much are people willing to pay for a slot in the "How long before Trump gets himself impeached" pool?

2 - How do you feel about a President Pence?

You grasp that Republicans hold the house, right?

So unless you gain the house in 2018 and attack then, you have no ability to impeach Trump.

Have a good cry, then come to grips with the reality that is before you.
We "deplorables" lost

You admit to being a racist homophobe?


Grow up, just grow up for once in your miserable life. Accept the fact people think different than you...that's the main reason you lost last night. You kept shoving garbage at us and we said no more. So here we are
The left hated W and did nothing but mock him and root for his failure from the word go. He consistently turned the other cheek with dignity and pushed forward trying to lead the country. Obama entered office with a smug attitude, and I didn't feel that he cared about my interests. However, I was hopeful that he would bring us closer as a people. I never saw it coming how much he would divide us racially. That was the one thing I felt confident in his ability to succeed at something. He has been a colossal failure as a leader, and Hillary was a horrible choice because unlike Obama, she has zero personal likeability. I expect the left to treat Trump the same way they did W, and that is their choice.

The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

Actually, there WAS some noise about opposing his VIEWS, not so much about the person. And if you remember, ObamaCare was rammed into being without all it's details intact by a FULLY PARTISAN House and Senate controlled by the Dems for a very short time at the BEGINNING of his term.

The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

The Dems didn't really take the initiative to correct all their OTHER issues while they HAD a lock on the WH and the Congress.

Losing side SHOULD regroup, rethink, AND LEARN from their mistakes. And prepare to be the OPPOSITION.
Organizing that opposition is MORE important than trying to toss banana peels at a mandate election like this one was. Buck up.. Sharpen the pencils.. Figure out how to be heard..

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..

It'll be repealed before it's ever fully disclosed, they may as well it's imploding anyway

Do you really think that is good? Forget the partisan stuff for a moment. A lot of people have insurance that didn't before but needed it. People with pre-existing conditions can now get insurance and that is HUGE for many people. Medicaid expansion has helped another huge group of people - people who aren't poor enough to qualify for programs that help the poor, but aren't wealthy enough to afford insurance, or can't afford the high cost of prescription co pays and other things that might not be covered. I totally agree there are problems, but I don't agree with repealing (no surprise right?).

What's going to happen to all those people who are suddenly stripped of insurance?

What's going to happen to people with pre-existing conditions who lose their insurance and can't get new insurance or can't afford the suddenly exhorberant cost?

If you FORCE insurance companies to take people with pre-existing conditions without simultaneiously providing a large pool of compartively healthy people to offset the cost for them (which can only be done through a mandate) - then rates are going to skyrocket for everyone in order to cover the cost. That's sort of happening anyway because there aren't yet enough healthy people enrolled.

I've heard claims that they'll replace it with tax credits and allowing people to cross state lines and buy cheaper insurance but that ignores to huge realities.

Tax credits are only workable if you earn enough to begin with so you can pay up front for all your costs right?

The idea of crossing state lines is also not well thought out. Insurance companies compute their rates based actuarials, on the characteristics of each state. They look at demographics that can effect health like jobs, obesity, smoking, cancer rates, population age etc etc - and those are what create the rates for each state. So a state like mine, WV, has a pretty high insurance cost. Main industries are mining, timber, farming - all with high rates injury and chronic health problems. Obesity is also high (thankgodformississippiwearentthehighest), smoking is high, rates of preventative healthcare low and the overall population is aging. Another state with different demographics and risk factors may have a lower rate BECAUSE of those risks. So if people start being allowed to buy insurance across state lines in order to take advantage of states with lower risk factors and lower costs then what are the insurance companies going to do to offset that? My guess is increase it everywhere, in order to accomodate the changes or - adjust the rate to the individual based on where they live, in which case it won't be any cheaper.

Just from a personal perspective - it's made a difference to my family. Prescription drug costs - even with what my insurance covered was over $400 a month (for my husband). Now it's more like $50. That is a lot of money and repealing Obamacare would bring those costs back.

So while Obamacare itself has some problems - are they so insurmountable the entire thing must be scrapped...and where does that leave millions of people?
Disclaimer: any violence on my part towards chocolate entities is purely partisan lies!


It was rigged!
By stealing and filling out early voting ballots in Florida???

Sorry the Democrats' efforts failed...

OK, I lied...

I'm NOT sorry, and I'm laughing my ass off!!!

The ass in the above diagram is already "off" so to speak. Try to keep up.

Other than that, there was no evidence of any rigging or widespread irregularities.

Then you admit Trump won fairly and squarely. Now drop to your knees, subject, and kiss The Donald's ring.


I'm trying to remember, did you drop to your knees to kiss Obama's ring?
What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to.

I remember my grandmother teaching me to have the utmost faith and trust in our president, no matter what party he represented. Respect was key. When he spoke on television we dropped what we were doing to listen. His "character" was irrelevant. Trump is the new leader of this country. It is now time for YOU to move forward.

You biases preclude you from the thought that he might actually have the capability to unite this country.
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