Moving forward

People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

The left hated W and did nothing but mock him and root for his failure from the word go. He consistently turned the other cheek with dignity and pushed forward trying to lead the country. Obama entered office with a smug attitude, and I didn't feel that he cared about my interests. However, I was hopeful that he would bring us closer as a people. I never saw it coming how much he would divide us racially. That was the one thing I felt confident in his ability to succeed at something. He has been a colossal failure as a leader, and Hillary was a horrible choice because unlike Obama, she has zero personal likeability. I expect the left to treat Trump the same way they did W, and that is their choice.

The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

Actually, there WAS some noise about opposing his VIEWS, not so much about the person. And if you remember, ObamaCare was rammed into being without all it's details intact by a FULLY PARTISAN House and Senate controlled by the Dems for a very short time at the BEGINNING of his term.

The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

The Dems didn't really take the initiative to correct all their OTHER issues while they HAD a lock on the WH and the Congress.

Losing side SHOULD regroup, rethink, AND LEARN from their mistakes. And prepare to be the OPPOSITION.
Organizing that opposition is MORE important than trying to toss banana peels at a mandate election like this one was. Buck up.. Sharpen the pencils.. Figure out how to be heard..

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..

It'll be repealed before it's ever fully disclosed, they may as well it's imploding anyway
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.
I said give him a chance when first elected, within the first year I was praying for snipers having a bad day.
However, lets talk about the Unite us thing. You are right, he wont be able to unite us, but it has little to do with his character, it has to do with our characters. for example, why if you and I met in person would we have to be argumentative and hostile? what difference would Trump make by being there? none. us getting along has to do with our desire. Trump can not dictate either way how our interaction goes. its up to us.
If you want to see a united country, then you are going to have to do just like everyone else, go out, swallow a little pride and extend your hand. (preferably without a weapon in it)
has nothing to do with his character, it is and always has been our character as citizens that has been in question.
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

The left hated W and did nothing but mock him and root for his failure from the word go. He consistently turned the other cheek with dignity and pushed forward trying to lead the country. Obama entered office with a smug attitude, and I didn't feel that he cared about my interests. However, I was hopeful that he would bring us closer as a people. I never saw it coming how much he would divide us racially. That was the one thing I felt confident in his ability to succeed at something. He has been a colossal failure as a leader, and Hillary was a horrible choice because unlike Obama, she has zero personal likeability. I expect the left to treat Trump the same way they did W, and that is their choice.

The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

Actually, there WAS some noise about opposing his VIEWS, not so much about the person. And if you remember, ObamaCare was rammed into being without all it's details intact by a FULLY PARTISAN House and Senate controlled by the Dems for a very short time at the BEGINNING of his term.

The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

The Dems didn't really take the initiative to correct all their OTHER issues while they HAD a lock on the WH and the Congress.

Losing side SHOULD regroup, rethink, AND LEARN from their mistakes. And prepare to be the OPPOSITION.
Organizing that opposition is MORE important than trying to toss banana peels at a mandate election like this one was. Buck up.. Sharpen the pencils.. Figure out how to be heard..

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..

I didn't say it was a "Republican Bill" - but that it incorporated elements they supported. And they refused to work with it - they could have but they wouldn't - flat out refusal. Why? That doen't excuse the sloppiness of it, but that is another problem.
Disclaimer: any violence on my part towards chocolate entities is purely partisan lies!


It was rigged!
By stealing and filling out early voting ballots in Florida???

Sorry the Democrats' efforts failed...

OK, I lied...

I'm NOT sorry, and I'm laughing my ass off!!!

The ass in the above diagram is already "off" so to speak. Try to keep up.

Other than that, there was no evidence of any rigging or widespread irregularities.

Then you admit Trump won fairly and squarely. Now drop to your knees, subject, and kiss The Donald's ring.

In the meantime, looks like the global warming hoax is hopefully going to be laid to rest.
We did give him a chance, though unwillingly because he's a Socialist whackjob, but I must say that he exceeded our expectations... he has done significantly more damage to this nation, significantly faster than we expected.

Anyway, on the topic of Trump, are you blind enough to think Clinton can bring us together better than he can? I mean, if you think so, we could just have Trump lie even more often, sell policies and pardons, and start allowing people to die. Democrats seem to embrace that sort of thing, given the amount of votes Hillary got.

Also, hi Coyote~<3

I didn't say Clinton could have. In fact, had she won, I would be asking the same question of her - what will she and her supporters do to help heal this country? In fact, a while back I started a thread on that - for both candidates, but it got pretty much derailed with the usual partisan fighting.
Aww no "hi" for me? That makes me sad.

To be fair, you really don't have to ask what either one will do to help the Nation, as both just want to help themselves. Trump is there to keep Clinton out, no more, no less. He's just less evil.

Sorry sweetie - I'm being rude, hiya back at you :)

I don't think either one is evil - many Clinton voters voted to keep Trump out, many Trump voters voted to keep Clinton out.

Typically elections at the end of a two-term presidency favor the opposing party, in that this aspect, the results were totally predictable. What obscured many things were the dynamics of the individual characters.
Given the leaked emails and the results of her holding public offices, it's pretty clear Clinton is evil, Trump is just self-serving. Things Trump has done in the past just amount to being a jerk. Things Hillary has done have resulted in destroyed lives, deaths, criminal activity in general.

I'm a little proud of myself, I managed to accurately predict this election, and a few of the states Trump would get~
I told a friend a month ago that Trump would get Florida~
The left hated W and did nothing but mock him and root for his failure from the word go. He consistently turned the other cheek with dignity and pushed forward trying to lead the country. Obama entered office with a smug attitude, and I didn't feel that he cared about my interests. However, I was hopeful that he would bring us closer as a people. I never saw it coming how much he would divide us racially. That was the one thing I felt confident in his ability to succeed at something. He has been a colossal failure as a leader, and Hillary was a horrible choice because unlike Obama, she has zero personal likeability. I expect the left to treat Trump the same way they did W, and that is their choice.

The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

Actually, there WAS some noise about opposing his VIEWS, not so much about the person. And if you remember, ObamaCare was rammed into being without all it's details intact by a FULLY PARTISAN House and Senate controlled by the Dems for a very short time at the BEGINNING of his term.

The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

The Dems didn't really take the initiative to correct all their OTHER issues while they HAD a lock on the WH and the Congress.

Losing side SHOULD regroup, rethink, AND LEARN from their mistakes. And prepare to be the OPPOSITION.
Organizing that opposition is MORE important than trying to toss banana peels at a mandate election like this one was. Buck up.. Sharpen the pencils.. Figure out how to be heard..

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..

I didn't say it was a "Republican Bill" - but that it incorporated elements they supported. And they refused to work with it - they could have but they wouldn't - flat out refusal. Why? That doen't excuse the sloppiness of it, but that is another problem.

Revisionist at best...

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don't break it. Don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country's about."

President Obama to Republicans: I Won. Deal With It.
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We "deplorables" lost

Clinton won the national popular vote. The American people spoke, but the electoral college vote needs to change.

Many states have been trying to pass a national popular vote bill. I'd expect a huge increase in discussion about this topic over the next year.

National Popular Vote

Count me out.

The EV is the only thing that allows the Democratic Party whatever legitimacy it has left.

If anything, we need to add the NPV plurality to the EV majority to become President.
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

The left hated W and did nothing but mock him and root for his failure from the word go. He consistently turned the other cheek with dignity and pushed forward trying to lead the country. Obama entered office with a smug attitude, and I didn't feel that he cared about my interests. However, I was hopeful that he would bring us closer as a people. I never saw it coming how much he would divide us racially. That was the one thing I felt confident in his ability to succeed at something. He has been a colossal failure as a leader, and Hillary was a horrible choice because unlike Obama, she has zero personal likeability. I expect the left to treat Trump the same way they did W, and that is their choice.

The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

Actually, there WAS some noise about opposing his VIEWS, not so much about the person. And if you remember, ObamaCare was rammed into being without all it's details intact by a FULLY PARTISAN House and Senate controlled by the Dems for a very short time at the BEGINNING of his term.

The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

The Dems didn't really take the initiative to correct all their OTHER issues while they HAD a lock on the WH and the Congress.

Losing side SHOULD regroup, rethink, AND LEARN from their mistakes. And prepare to be the OPPOSITION.
Organizing that opposition is MORE important than trying to toss banana peels at a mandate election like this one was. Buck up.. Sharpen the pencils.. Figure out how to be heard..

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..
The left hated W and did nothing but mock him and root for his failure from the word go. He consistently turned the other cheek with dignity and pushed forward trying to lead the country. Obama entered office with a smug attitude, and I didn't feel that he cared about my interests. However, I was hopeful that he would bring us closer as a people. I never saw it coming how much he would divide us racially. That was the one thing I felt confident in his ability to succeed at something. He has been a colossal failure as a leader, and Hillary was a horrible choice because unlike Obama, she has zero personal likeability. I expect the left to treat Trump the same way they did W, and that is their choice.

The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

Actually, there WAS some noise about opposing his VIEWS, not so much about the person. And if you remember, ObamaCare was rammed into being without all it's details intact by a FULLY PARTISAN House and Senate controlled by the Dems for a very short time at the BEGINNING of his term.

The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

The Dems didn't really take the initiative to correct all their OTHER issues while they HAD a lock on the WH and the Congress.

Losing side SHOULD regroup, rethink, AND LEARN from their mistakes. And prepare to be the OPPOSITION.
Organizing that opposition is MORE important than trying to toss banana peels at a mandate election like this one was. Buck up.. Sharpen the pencils.. Figure out how to be heard..

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..

I didn't say it was a "Republican Bill" - but that it incorporated elements they supported. And they refused to work with it - they could have but they wouldn't - flat out refusal. Why? That doen't excuse the sloppiness of it, but that is another problem.

ANY bill like that -- where Congress is derelict in filling in the details, and leaves it up to "agency interpretation" for its most important details --- Should NEVER pass thru a President's desk. It's an excuse to wield Exec power on legislation, rather than Congress doing the hard work up front. And it's an accountability nightmare when actions are delayed, the public gets confused and screwed, and NOBODY can hold their elected people responsible.. SHOULD have been opposed on that basis alone -- regardless of what some talking heads "SAID" it resembled.
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

I can tell you this, I was as excited and happy that America elected the first black president even though I did not like him or his wife because of THEIR words and actions not because of the color of his skin. Then I watched the democrat shenanigans at the obama inauguration and the very public display of disrespect toward President Bush. Only one Republican stated that, it was Mitch McConnell NOT ALL Republicans. I have spent the last eight years watching the democrats call the opposing racists, traitors, homophobes, xenophobe. And yes, you democrats did use the power of the government to go after opponents i.e. The IRS. So, yes I believe Trump may try to unite the country but I also know he will fail because the democrat policy is and always has been diviciveness.
We "deplorables" lost

Clinton won the national popular vote. The American people spoke, but the electoral college vote needs to change.

Many states have been trying to pass a national popular vote bill. I'd expect a huge increase in discussion about this topic over the next year.

National Popular Vote

Count me out.

The EV is the only thing that allows the Democratic Party whatever legitimacy it has left.

If anything, we need to add the NPV plurality to the EV majority to become President.

Eh, I go back and forth on the EV. Seems really fucked up right about now. More Americans voted for Hillary than Trump -- and she lost. That's actually astonishing.
The left hated W and did nothing but mock him and root for his failure from the word go. He consistently turned the other cheek with dignity and pushed forward trying to lead the country. Obama entered office with a smug attitude, and I didn't feel that he cared about my interests. However, I was hopeful that he would bring us closer as a people. I never saw it coming how much he would divide us racially. That was the one thing I felt confident in his ability to succeed at something. He has been a colossal failure as a leader, and Hillary was a horrible choice because unlike Obama, she has zero personal likeability. I expect the left to treat Trump the same way they did W, and that is their choice.

The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

Actually, there WAS some noise about opposing his VIEWS, not so much about the person. And if you remember, ObamaCare was rammed into being without all it's details intact by a FULLY PARTISAN House and Senate controlled by the Dems for a very short time at the BEGINNING of his term.

The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

The Dems didn't really take the initiative to correct all their OTHER issues while they HAD a lock on the WH and the Congress.

Losing side SHOULD regroup, rethink, AND LEARN from their mistakes. And prepare to be the OPPOSITION.
Organizing that opposition is MORE important than trying to toss banana peels at a mandate election like this one was. Buck up.. Sharpen the pencils.. Figure out how to be heard..

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..
The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

Actually, there WAS some noise about opposing his VIEWS, not so much about the person. And if you remember, ObamaCare was rammed into being without all it's details intact by a FULLY PARTISAN House and Senate controlled by the Dems for a very short time at the BEGINNING of his term.

The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

The Dems didn't really take the initiative to correct all their OTHER issues while they HAD a lock on the WH and the Congress.

Losing side SHOULD regroup, rethink, AND LEARN from their mistakes. And prepare to be the OPPOSITION.
Organizing that opposition is MORE important than trying to toss banana peels at a mandate election like this one was. Buck up.. Sharpen the pencils.. Figure out how to be heard..

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..

I didn't say it was a "Republican Bill" - but that it incorporated elements they supported. And they refused to work with it - they could have but they wouldn't - flat out refusal. Why? That doen't excuse the sloppiness of it, but that is another problem.

ANY bill like that -- where Congress is derelict in filling in the details, and leaves it up to "agency interpretation" for its most important details --- Should NEVER pass thru a President's desk. It's an excuse to wield Exec power on legislation, rather than Congress doing the hard work up front. And it's an accountability nightmare when actions are delayed, the public gets confused and screwed, and NOBODY can hold their elected people responsible.. SHOULD have been opposed on that basis alone -- regardless of what some talking heads "SAID" it resembled.
On the upside, that sad piece of trash, pitiful excuse for legislation, will be easy to repeal~
Disclaimer: any violence on my part towards chocolate entities is purely partisan lies!


It was rigged!
By stealing and filling out early voting ballots in Florida???

Sorry the Democrats' efforts failed...

OK, I lied...

I'm NOT sorry, and I'm laughing my ass off!!!

The ass in the above diagram is already "off" so to speak. Try to keep up.

Other than that, there was no evidence of any rigging or widespread irregularities.

Then you admit Trump won fairly and squarely. Now drop to your knees, subject, and kiss The Donald's ring.


The Left ignored and rejected tens of millions of white Blue Collar men and women who had lost their jobs, were in danger of losing their jobs to Off Shoring of jobs under very destructive trade deals such as NAFTA, instead obsessing about and pampering those who haven't help build and sustain the American nation for generations.

Look at Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, the tens of millions of what Donald Trump called the Forgotten Men and Women knew they had a champion in him, that he reached out to them and spoke directly to them and in the tens of millions they voted for him.

Today Donald Trump stated that the Forgotten Men and Women will not be forgotten anymore.

The Left abandoned these people more than ever during Obama's eight years, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania have been bedrocks of support for the Democratic Party but no longer, the term Reagan Democrats now becomes Trump Democrats.
The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

Actually, there WAS some noise about opposing his VIEWS, not so much about the person. And if you remember, ObamaCare was rammed into being without all it's details intact by a FULLY PARTISAN House and Senate controlled by the Dems for a very short time at the BEGINNING of his term.

The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

The Dems didn't really take the initiative to correct all their OTHER issues while they HAD a lock on the WH and the Congress.

Losing side SHOULD regroup, rethink, AND LEARN from their mistakes. And prepare to be the OPPOSITION.
Organizing that opposition is MORE important than trying to toss banana peels at a mandate election like this one was. Buck up.. Sharpen the pencils.. Figure out how to be heard..

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..
Actually, there WAS some noise about opposing his VIEWS, not so much about the person. And if you remember, ObamaCare was rammed into being without all it's details intact by a FULLY PARTISAN House and Senate controlled by the Dems for a very short time at the BEGINNING of his term.

The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

The Dems didn't really take the initiative to correct all their OTHER issues while they HAD a lock on the WH and the Congress.

Losing side SHOULD regroup, rethink, AND LEARN from their mistakes. And prepare to be the OPPOSITION.
Organizing that opposition is MORE important than trying to toss banana peels at a mandate election like this one was. Buck up.. Sharpen the pencils.. Figure out how to be heard..

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..

I didn't say it was a "Republican Bill" - but that it incorporated elements they supported. And they refused to work with it - they could have but they wouldn't - flat out refusal. Why? That doen't excuse the sloppiness of it, but that is another problem.

ANY bill like that -- where Congress is derelict in filling in the details, and leaves it up to "agency interpretation" for its most important details --- Should NEVER pass thru a President's desk. It's an excuse to wield Exec power on legislation, rather than Congress doing the hard work up front. And it's an accountability nightmare when actions are delayed, the public gets confused and screwed, and NOBODY can hold their elected people responsible.. SHOULD have been opposed on that basis alone -- regardless of what some talking heads "SAID" it resembled.
On the upside, that sad piece of trash, pitiful excuse for legislation, will be easy to repeal~

Only if you have faith in the GOP clowns who have CONTINUALLY blown "their mandates". Perhaps you have too much blind faith in the Congress Critters and their sausage factory.. REPLACING IT is the more difficult thing to do. Which means addressing the ENTIRETY of MedicAid expansion and taking care of "pre-existing" conditions and cherry picking that the insurance companies were doing previously...
The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..

Exactly.....and everybody knew it was a farce when their $2B website didn't work and was repeatedly hacked because it had no virus protection. It's been a cash cow for those who invested in it (Pelosi was in on the ground floor same as she made million$ off the Visa IPO) and to date has cost the taxpayers $73B.
We "deplorables" lost

Clinton won the national popular vote. The American people spoke, but the electoral college vote needs to change.

Many states have been trying to pass a national popular vote bill. I'd expect a huge increase in discussion about this topic over the next year.

National Popular Vote

Count me out.

The EV is the only thing that allows the Democratic Party whatever legitimacy it has left.

If anything, we need to add the NPV plurality to the EV majority to become President.

Eh, I go back and forth on the EV. Seems really fucked up right about now. More Americans voted for Hillary than Trump -- and she lost. That's actually astonishing.

Elections have consequences.
By stealing and filling out early voting ballots in Florida???

Sorry the Democrats' efforts failed...

OK, I lied...

I'm NOT sorry, and I'm laughing my ass off!!!

The ass in the above diagram is already "off" so to speak. Try to keep up.

Other than that, there was no evidence of any rigging or widespread irregularities.

Then you admit Trump won fairly and squarely. Now drop to your knees, subject, and kiss The Donald's ring.


The Left ignored and rejected tens of millions of white Blue Collar men and women who had lost their jobs, were in danger of losing their jobs to Off Shoring of jobs under very destructive trade deals such as NAFTA, instead obsessing about and pampering those who haven't help build and sustain the American nation for generations.

Look at Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, the tens of millions of what Donald Trump called the Forgotten Men and Women knew they had a champion in him, that he reached out to them and spoke directly to them and in the tens of millions they voted for him.

Today Donald Trump stated that the Forgotten Men and Women will not be forgotten anymore.

The Left abandoned these people more than ever during Obama's eight years, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania have been bedrocks of support for the Democratic Party but no longer, the term Reagan Democrats now becomes Trump Democrats.
And if Trump can reach across the line and actually bring positive results to the poor minorities, we will see a shift in their loyalty too. Once they see results, they will understand that they have been used by the democrats and they will switch.
Actually, there WAS some noise about opposing his VIEWS, not so much about the person. And if you remember, ObamaCare was rammed into being without all it's details intact by a FULLY PARTISAN House and Senate controlled by the Dems for a very short time at the BEGINNING of his term.

The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

The Dems didn't really take the initiative to correct all their OTHER issues while they HAD a lock on the WH and the Congress.

Losing side SHOULD regroup, rethink, AND LEARN from their mistakes. And prepare to be the OPPOSITION.
Organizing that opposition is MORE important than trying to toss banana peels at a mandate election like this one was. Buck up.. Sharpen the pencils.. Figure out how to be heard..

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..
The thing is...what I remember about Obamacare is less that it was "rammed" in that they had every opportunity to be involved in it, but they refused because it was "Obamacare". The total irony of it was that Obamacare used many components that the Republicans had previously supported or even proposed - until it was Obama. That is hard to understand in any other way than that it was because it was Obama proposing it.

Absolutely - and frankly it's a wake up call to BOTH parties, because though the Republicans "won" they didn't - Trump won. And he's going to remake the party or splinter it. Maybe not a bad thing. How the Dems approach this will be interesting. Their midlife crisis has been less public then the Republicans.

How do you see this as a mandate election with such a narrow victory - narrow in that he did not win the popular vote?

The way ObamaCare was written ACTUALLY -- is that it was NOT written at all. It's was a massive 9000 pg (?) "fill in the blank" exercise. Every other line of the text was suffixed with ".... as the Secretary shall determine"".

So when Nancy Pelosi said -- "we won't know whats in the bill til we pass it" -- Folks thought she was just a moron. Turns out -- she was confessing that they had NO IDEA what the law was gonna look like until the Massive Minions of Morons at the Agencies slowly and ackwardly penciled in the details. A process that STILL isn't done or implemented !!!!!

So just parroting that it was a "republican bill" is just the spin you consumed. We STILL don't have full disclosure or implementation of "what's in it"..

I didn't say it was a "Republican Bill" - but that it incorporated elements they supported. And they refused to work with it - they could have but they wouldn't - flat out refusal. Why? That doen't excuse the sloppiness of it, but that is another problem.

ANY bill like that -- where Congress is derelict in filling in the details, and leaves it up to "agency interpretation" for its most important details --- Should NEVER pass thru a President's desk. It's an excuse to wield Exec power on legislation, rather than Congress doing the hard work up front. And it's an accountability nightmare when actions are delayed, the public gets confused and screwed, and NOBODY can hold their elected people responsible.. SHOULD have been opposed on that basis alone -- regardless of what some talking heads "SAID" it resembled.
On the upside, that sad piece of trash, pitiful excuse for legislation, will be easy to repeal~

Only if you have faith in the GOP clowns who have CONTINUALLY blown "their mandates". Perhaps you have too much blind faith in the Congress Critters and their sausage factory.. REPLACING IT is the more difficult thing to do. Which means addressing the ENTIRETY of MedicAid expansion and taking care of "pre-existing" conditions and cherry picking that the insurance companies were doing previously...
IF they know what's good for them, they'll want to win our faith back. As of right now, I have no faith in the GOP or anyone therein. I actually laughed as they lost seats because they deserved it for working with Obama.

Personally, I don't think it should be 'replaced' at all, just repealed. State lines should be opened so that insurers can compete. The Federal government has no business in the Healthcare systems, or any form of industry whatsoever aside from breaking up monopolies.
It was rigged!
By stealing and filling out early voting ballots in Florida???

Sorry the Democrats' efforts failed...

OK, I lied...

I'm NOT sorry, and I'm laughing my ass off!!!

The ass in the above diagram is already "off" so to speak. Try to keep up.

Other than that, there was no evidence of any rigging or widespread irregularities.

Then you admit Trump won fairly and squarely. Now drop to your knees, subject, and kiss The Donald's ring.


The Left ignored and rejected tens of millions of white Blue Collar men and women who had lost their jobs, were in danger of losing their jobs to Off Shoring of jobs under very destructive trade deals such as NAFTA, instead obsessing about and pampering those who haven't help build and sustain the American nation for generations.

Look at Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, the tens of millions of what Donald Trump called the Forgotten Men and Women knew they had a champion in him, that he reached out to them and spoke directly to them and in the tens of millions they voted for him.

Today Donald Trump stated that the Forgotten Men and Women will not be forgotten anymore.

The Left abandoned these people more than ever during Obama's eight years, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania have been bedrocks of support for the Democratic Party but no longer, the term Reagan Democrats now becomes Trump Democrats.
And if Trump can reach across the line and actually bring positive results to the poor minorities, we will see a shift in their loyalty too. Once they see results, they will understand that they have been used by the democrats and they will switch.

A great many blacks and Hispanic Cubans voted for Donald Trump, well done to the black Americans who last night fled the Democratic Plantation, what has the Democratic Party done for blacks? Not a great deal, mainly kept them just above the poverty line and reliant on Government assistance, which is designed to keep them on the Plantation for their votes.

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