Moving forward

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  • #62
I remember this line oh so well from 2008...I heard it almost nonstop..."elections have consequences" it's karma time

So we continue in this vein? Gottit.

Here's to a Democrat fillibuster then (to use your playbook).

Here's to reconcillation used to pass Obamacare. Remember Harry Reid's nuclear option...tick tock biatches.

Let's not forget EOs. Oh the karma

Bush's EO's? Obama's EO's?......
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

The left hated W and did nothing but mock him and root for his failure from the word go. He consistently turned the other cheek with dignity and pushed forward trying to lead the country. Obama entered office with a smug attitude, and I didn't feel that he cared about my interests. However, I was hopeful that he would bring us closer as a people. I never saw it coming how much he would divide us racially. That was the one thing I felt confident in his ability to succeed at something. He has been a colossal failure as a leader, and Hillary was a horrible choice because unlike Obama, she has zero personal likeability. I expect the left to treat Trump the same way they did W, and that is their choice.
It was pretty obvious Obama was a fraud from the very beginning the fact he hung around Bush in the white house and gave him a hug.If he was really all about hope and change he never would have gone anywhere near that bastard and would have given him the middle finger.

Its irresponsible when people blame the republican congress for Obama lying about everything he said he would do. the republican congress was not the ones holding a gun to his head and forcing him to sign executive orders that not only continued Bushs policys he said he would reverse,but he expanded upon. Nor can the republican congress be blamed for him invading a country without consulting with congress.

MUST true.
The mainstream media focuses on this dysfunction, repeatedly highlighting the fact that the Republicans will do everything in their power to control the current President until they regain control of the Oval Office, possibly in 2016. Despite the fact that President Obama appears to be hamstrung, he still holds great power including:

1.) the ability to conduct massive surveillance on American citizens without judicial warrant. This includes the building of a $1.7 billion facility in Utah that will allow the National Security Agency to store a yottabyte's worth of data, equivalent to 500 quintillion pages of text.

"Snowden thought things would be better under Bush but he found out there is no difference in the two parties,that they are one in the same."

2.) detain prisoners without charge on an indefinite basis.

3.) kill certain American citizens without due process.

4.) launch a basically unfettered drone program against "terrorists" (and anyone else who happens to fall within the range of the drone's munitions).

5.) wage war (or what passes for war today) in Syria, Iraq and Libya.
I remember this line oh so well from 2008...I heard it almost nonstop..."elections have consequences" it's karma time

So we continue in this vein? Gottit.

Here's to a Democrat fillibuster then (to use your playbook).

Here's to reconcillation used to pass Obamacare. Remember Harry Reid's nuclear option...tick tock biatches.

Let's not forget EOs. Oh the karma

Bush's EO's? Obama's EO's?......

I've said all along Trump may not be the answer....but deep down I feel our children's future became a little brighter last night and that is what I care about. THAT is why I voted for Donald Trump
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

Your nation, the American nation was saved last night, you should rejoice, America would not have survived Hillary, last night the Movement that mobilised said no to Globalisation and no to allowing America to be turned into a Third World nation.

Americans said yes to America First, for the American people.
You're another worthless fucking idiot.


HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the fuck do you care? You don't even live here, asshole.

I already explained this on two other threads, we are part of this Movement, a Movement designed from the beginning to stamp and crush little insects like you.

Your type should get some laughs in, whilst you still can.

Good Night Left Side, the first thing is that Leftism needs destroying, Leftists need dealing with and there is going to be no mercy for you Leftist Extremists, you have brought much of this Western World to the point of total disaster socially, with your Faggot Agenda, Transgender Agenda, Political Correctness Agenda and support of Islamists being brought to Western nations as "poor refugees", so no mercy for you.

You should heed this Leftist Extremists, you didn't think last night was going to happen remember and then it did, so keep that in your diseased little minds.
This is you.....

Despite the Safe Zoner tears, I have to say that Miley has shown more grace, courage and empathy in her congratulations to Trump than Hillary has shown.

That video impressed me, and I have much more respect for her now, though my first reaction was "Fuck you Miley, it isnt about YOU." But that is wrong of me. She is being graceful and we should return that courtesy and be graceful in return.
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

Your nation, the American nation was saved last night, you should rejoice, America would not have survived Hillary, last night the Movement that mobilised said no to Globalisation and no to allowing America to be turned into a Third World nation.

Americans said yes to America First, for the American people.

I hope you are right,that Trump is not double speak like Obama,saying he will do things but lies about everyone of them,did you get my PM by chance?
We "deplorables" lost

Clinton won the national popular vote. The American people spoke, but the electoral college vote needs to change.

Many states have been trying to pass a national popular vote bill. I'd expect a huge increase in discussion about this topic over the next year.

National Popular Vote
So cultures like cali and NY could run the countries policies? Yikes lol
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  • #70
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

The left hated W and did nothing but mock him and root for his failure from the word go. He consistently turned the other cheek with dignity and pushed forward trying to lead the country. Obama entered office with a smug attitude, and I didn't feel that he cared about my interests. However, I was hopeful that he would bring us closer as a people. I never saw it coming how much he would divide us racially. That was the one thing I felt confident in his ability to succeed at something. He has been a colossal failure as a leader, and Hillary was a horrible choice because unlike Obama, she has zero personal likeability. I expect the left to treat Trump the same way they did W, and that is their choice.

The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?
We "deplorables" lost

Clinton won the national popular vote. The American people spoke, but the electoral college vote needs to change.

Many states have been trying to pass a national popular vote bill. I'd expect a huge increase in discussion about this topic over the next year.

National Popular Vote

It takes a constitutional amendment you fucking retard.
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  • #73
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

Your nation, the American nation was saved last night, you should rejoice, America would not have survived Hillary, last night the Movement that mobilised said no to Globalisation and no to allowing America to be turned into a Third World nation.

Americans said yes to America First, for the American people.
You're another worthless fucking idiot.


HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the fuck do you care? You don't even live here, asshole.

I already explained this on two other threads, we are part of this Movement, a Movement designed from the beginning to stamp and crush little insects like you.

Your type should get some laughs in, whilst you still can.

Good Night Left Side, the first thing is that Leftism needs destroying, Leftists need dealing with and there is going to be no mercy for you Leftist Extremists, you have brought much of this Western World to the point of total disaster socially, with your Faggot Agenda, Transgender Agenda, Political Correctness Agenda and support of Islamists being brought to Western nations as "poor refugees", so no mercy for you.

You should heed this Leftist Extremists, you didn't think last night was going to happen remember and then it did, so keep that in your diseased little minds.

I'm a leftist and I support equal rights for gays and transgender people, I oppose discrimination, and I support the rights of Muslim Americans the same as any other American citizens. I support our aiding refugees and I likewise support a strong vetting process. PC is over rated, but some of what is now cast away in the name of "PC" is what I was taught to be good manners. So...if I'm a leftist extremist, then so be it :)
The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

What exactly do you want from us? Your boy lost us two WON wars, ruined our healthcare, doubled our debt, gave Iran the bomb, and embarrassed us by bowing to tyrants and acting like he was a superior intellect. He couldn't sell money at half price so he avoided the Congress and acted like a king. His word means and meant nothing and he tried to foist Hellary on us us to protect his hideous "legacy". No, we've had enough of that show forever.
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

Your nation, the American nation was saved last night, you should rejoice, America would not have survived Hillary, last night the Movement that mobilised said no to Globalisation and no to allowing America to be turned into a Third World nation.

Americans said yes to America First, for the American people.

Hardly -- it's one meglomaniac down --- one to go. Trump is known for his army of lawyers and strong-arming and bullying. There is a REAL THREAT that all these so called "conservatives" will be APPALLED at the substance of his deals and how he uses the IRS, SEC, EPA, DOJ, DHSecurity, etc to ENFORCE and coerce his "deals". He's proposed new entitlements that would make Bernie giddy and he's said that America "should take on MORE debt".

There's gonna be great buyers remorse about 8 months in..

What America NEEDS is humility and folks who are IN IT for public service. Not enriching themselves or creating dynasties and tyrannies. And folks who will ROLL BACK the ability of politicians to use the massive power of the "too large" bureaucracy to protect themselves and their party from accountibility. Or USE those powers to SUSTAIN political dynasties.
  • Thread starter
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  • #76
The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

What exactly do you want from us? Your boy lost us two WON wars, ruined our healthcare, doubled our debt, gave Iran the bomb, and embarrassed us by bowing to tyrants and acting like he was a superior intellect. He couldn't sell money at half price so he avoided the Congress and acted like a king. His word means and meant nothing and he tried to foist Hellary on us us to protect his hideous "legacy". No, we've had enough of that show forever.

I don't *want* anything from you.

But this country is very divided - even a moron can see that. What can you accomplish with out uniting this country? What can you, now that you've won, do to bring people together and actually accomplish things? Or does that matter? Again - the same questions would be asked of Clinton if she had won, because the same issues would at her feet.
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  • #77
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

Your nation, the American nation was saved last night, you should rejoice, America would not have survived Hillary, last night the Movement that mobilised said no to Globalisation and no to allowing America to be turned into a Third World nation.

Americans said yes to America First, for the American people.

Hardly -- it's one meglomaniac down --- one to go. Trump is known for his army of lawyers and strong-arming and bullying. There is a REAL THREAT that all these so called "conservatives" will be APPALLED at the substance of his deals and how he uses the IRS, SEC, EPA, DOJ, DHSecurity, etc to ENFORCE and coerce his "deals". He's proposed new entitlements that would make Bernie giddy and he's said that America "should take on MORE debt".

There's gonna be great buyers remorse about 8 months in..

What America NEEDS is humility and folks who are IN IT for public service. Not enriching themselves or creating dynasties and tyrannies. And folks who will ROLL BACK the ability of politicians to use the massive power of the "too large" bureaucracy to protect themselves and their party from accountibility. Or USE those powers to SUSTAIN political dynasties.

People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

The left hated W and did nothing but mock him and root for his failure from the word go. He consistently turned the other cheek with dignity and pushed forward trying to lead the country. Obama entered office with a smug attitude, and I didn't feel that he cared about my interests. However, I was hopeful that he would bring us closer as a people. I never saw it coming how much he would divide us racially. That was the one thing I felt confident in his ability to succeed at something. He has been a colossal failure as a leader, and Hillary was a horrible choice because unlike Obama, she has zero personal likeability. I expect the left to treat Trump the same way they did W, and that is their choice.

The left - Congress - worked with Bush, particularly after 9/11. Obama had just as much dignity and put up with a lot of crap from the opposition. Unlike Bush, the right decided to obstruct everything before Obama even entered office. This was clearly stated. Has that happened before? I honestly don't think so. Each of these things sets precedents for future excesses. So when does someone step up and say enough is enough?

I admit - there's a side to me that would relish it if the Dems did to the Pubs just what the Pubs have been doing to Obama. But that wouldn't good for the country. I'm just not sure what ability exists to overcome this on either side?

Bush graciously reached out to the other side. Obama made it clear from day one that he was not going to put that effort forward, and even stated to Republican leadership that he'd won and they had to deal with...yeah, super classy and reconcilable. They knew his policies would not be good for American interests, and now the electorate has made it clear that they don't want to continue down the progressive path.
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  • #79
I'm going to say this once. This thread is in Zone 2. That means posts must have content relating to the topic. If you're just going to fling flames against other members - the FZ is open 24/7.

The Right has it all now, WH, Senate and House, to preserve and protect the American nation for your OWN people, it would be good if the first thing to be destroyed is Hart-Celler, which is something that Donald Trump has commented on.

It was the below nightmare that has put a once great nation onto the slow but speeding up road of becoming a majority Third World nation, which if it continues by 2035 you will have achieved that and be a mixture of some Central American Hellhole, Middle Eastern Hellhole and Somalia which is the World's Toilet.

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

The normal situation would be to trash Hart-Celler and return to the Immigration Restriction Act of 1921, this would give America the best and more educated immigrants from Western Civilised Nations and not the human garbage with the IQ's of paper cups from the worlds crapheaps that you continue to get, you now have the chance to stop the human garbage.

Emergency Quota Act - Wikipedia

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