Mpls police chief correctly describes Mpls police, gets canned anyway

The chief of police in Minneapolis--some dame--has come out firmly on the question of whether the unarmed woman who had called police to report what sounded like a sexual assault occurring nearby and then was shot by the cop in the passenger seat of the cruiser that responded as she leaned through the window talking to the police officer in the driver's seat should have been shot. She answered "no", which is, in fact, the right answer.

Not only that, but she correctly stated that the actions of the black cop who shot the unarmed white woman in her bathrobe went "against who (they) are as a department". Her answer gets a triple word score because not only was it correct, she correctly answered the fundamental question at the core of all our matriarchy's most vexatious issues: Who are we not? In Minneapolis, the black cops action's are not who they are as a police department. Her ability to marry the gritty realities of policing with the philosophical underpinnings of our civilization is being credited tonight with being the reason enraged local youths aren't at the mall right now looting Target, breaking windows, and chanting no justice, no peace.

State investigators continue to probe Ms. Damond’s death. Both Ms. (Mayor) Hodges and (Police) Chief Harteau have said (that woman from Australia) should not have been shot. “Justine didn’t have to die,” Chief Harteau said on Thursday, citing information released by state officials investigating the case. “I believe the actions in question go against who we are as a department, how we train and the expectations we have for our officers.”
Despite demonstrating her mastery of police science, the mayor of once-beautiful Minneapolis--another dame--canned her.

What I'm curious about is what race the policeman was who was in the driver's seat.
With photos of the Minneapolis mayor wearing a hijab, thus showing where her allegiance lies, I expect she'll appoint a Muslim to the position of Chief-of-Police and find some way to exonerate her precious Muslim cop.

I'm not a fan of Betsy Hodges, she has been the worse mayor Minneapolis has had since I moved here in 1999. But, I have never seen her wearing a
Cop who killed Ms Damond is a Muslim, but his race had nothing to do with his actions. It pisses me off that Officer Mohamed Noor has refused to be questioned by inspectors, however. He will probably be forced to be questioned.
Anyway, take your hate for Muslims and stick it up your ass! I just hate bigots.
I'm just sitting back and enjoying all this white rage. Where was this rage for when black men and women were being killed by white Christian cops? Those liberals you speak so ill about have been saying police departments need reforms and better training for officers.

But you continued to show support for those reckless cops and set up go fund me pages for them. You were complicit as long as they were killing minority men and women.

What this officer did was no doubt reckless and he should have some charges against him or at the very least fired.

But you blue lives matter folks aren't fooling anyone. Its no mystery why you are outraged by this woman being killed and not about the hundreds of black men and women killed by cops.
Ths woman was not resisting like the 99 percent of the black thugs do, on video.
The afro American protestors have actually inverted this situation. A black, muslim from Somalia killed a white for no reason while, meanwhile cops arrest blacks because they commit violent crime constantly. The blacks protesters are equating being peaceful law abiding with violent criminals, all for their benefit and fake scenario that blacks are oppressed by Whitey civilization.
I'm just sitting back and enjoying all this white rage. Where was this rage for when black men and women were being killed by white Christian cops? Those liberals you speak so ill about have been saying police departments need reforms and better training for officers.

But you continued to show support for those reckless cops and set up go fund me pages for them. You were complicit as long as they were killing minority men and women.

What this officer did was no doubt reckless and he should have some charges against him or at the very least fired.

But you blue lives matter folks aren't fooling anyone. Its no mystery why you are outraged by this woman being killed and not about the hundreds of black men and women killed by cops.
Ths woman was not resisting like the 99 percent of the black thugs do, on video.

Philando Castile wasn't resisting.
I'm just sitting back and enjoying all this white rage. Where was this rage for when black men and women were being killed by white Christian cops? Those liberals you speak so ill about have been saying police departments need reforms and better training for officers.

But you continued to show support for those reckless cops and set up go fund me pages for them. You were complicit as long as they were killing minority men and women.

What this officer did was no doubt reckless and he should have some charges against him or at the very least fired.

But you blue lives matter folks aren't fooling anyone. Its no mystery why you are outraged by this woman being killed and not about the hundreds of black men and women killed by cops.
Fuck off with your stupidity.

I'm just sitting back and enjoying all this white rage. Where was this rage for when black men and women were being killed by white Christian cops? Those liberals you speak so ill about have been saying police departments need reforms and better training for officers.

But you continued to show support for those reckless cops and set up go fund me pages for them. You were complicit as long as they were killing minority men and women.

What this officer did was no doubt reckless and he should have some charges against him or at the very least fired.

But you blue lives matter folks aren't fooling anyone. Its no mystery why you are outraged by this woman being killed and not about the hundreds of black men and women killed by cops.
Ths woman was not resisting like the 99 percent of the black thugs do, on video.

Philando Castile wasn't resisting.
Perhaps you cannot comprehend the concept of 99 percent.....add to that, you were not there and are simply another media fed tool.
I'm just sitting back and enjoying all this white rage. Where was this rage for when black men and women were being killed by white Christian cops? Those liberals you speak so ill about have been saying police departments need reforms and better training for officers.

But you continued to show support for those reckless cops and set up go fund me pages for them. You were complicit as long as they were killing minority men and women.

What this officer did was no doubt reckless and he should have some charges against him or at the very least fired.

But you blue lives matter folks aren't fooling anyone. Its no mystery why you are outraged by this woman being killed and not about the hundreds of black men and women killed by cops.

I am not outraged at all.

Why the fuck was this stupid bitch sticking her head into a squad car?

She sounds like one of those nonstop ranting SJWs who gets offended at everything she sees or hears.

It is amazing though how so many white people will reverse position on this because the races are reversed from the typical controversy, I have to agree with that.
I'm just sitting back and enjoying all this white rage. Where was this rage for when black men and women were being killed by white Christian cops? Those liberals you speak so ill about have been saying police departments need reforms and better training for officers.

But you continued to show support for those reckless cops and set up go fund me pages for them. You were complicit as long as they were killing minority men and women.

What this officer did was no doubt reckless and he should have some charges against him or at the very least fired.

But you blue lives matter folks aren't fooling anyone. Its no mystery why you are outraged by this woman being killed and not about the hundreds of black men and women killed by cops.
Ths woman was not resisting like the 99 percent of the black thugs do, on video.

Philando Castile wasn't resisting.
Perhaps you cannot comprehend the concept of 99 percent.....add to that, you were not there and are simply another media fed tool.

What you don't comprehend is that you are ignorant. 99 percentage isn't based on any fact but your assumption.

Even if 100% of black people resist, it still doesn't mean they deserve to be murdered. You can't kill someone because they resisted arrest.
I'm just sitting back and enjoying all this white rage. Where was this rage for when black men and women were being killed by white Christian cops? Those liberals you speak so ill about have been saying police departments need reforms and better training for officers.

But you continued to show support for those reckless cops and set up go fund me pages for them. You were complicit as long as they were killing minority men and women.

What this officer did was no doubt reckless and he should have some charges against him or at the very least fired.

But you blue lives matter folks aren't fooling anyone. Its no mystery why you are outraged by this woman being killed and not about the hundreds of black men and women killed by cops.
Ths woman was not resisting like the 99 percent of the black thugs do, on video.

Philando Castile wasn't resisting.
Perhaps you cannot comprehend the concept of 99 percent.....add to that, you were not there and are simply another media fed tool.

What you don't comprehend is that you are ignorant. 99 percentage isn't based on any fact but your assumption.

Even if 100% of black people resist, it still doesn't mean they deserve to be murdered. You can't kill someone because they resisted arrest.
They didn't get killed for resisting, besides no amount of video proof will make you drop your racist criminal protecting agenda, That's why we have so much crime.
Of course nothing will happen to the cop. He's a PC appointment and they cannot admit it was a mistake. The lefts agenda is far more important than the life of some white woman.

Right...just like the right's agenda is far more important than the life of some black man (Philando).

Still waiting for you to tell me what the right's agenda is that led to that guys death.
I'm just sitting back and enjoying all this white rage. Where was this rage for when black men and women were being killed by white Christian cops? Those liberals you speak so ill about have been saying police departments need reforms and better training for officers.

But you continued to show support for those reckless cops and set up go fund me pages for them. You were complicit as long as they were killing minority men and women.

What this officer did was no doubt reckless and he should have some charges against him or at the very least fired.

But you blue lives matter folks aren't fooling anyone. Its no mystery why you are outraged by this woman being killed and not about the hundreds of black men and women killed by cops.
Ths woman was not resisting like the 99 percent of the black thugs do, on video.

Philando Castile wasn't resisting.
Perhaps you cannot comprehend the concept of 99 percent.....add to that, you were not there and are simply another media fed tool.
I fully comprehend 99 percent. You do not.
I'm just sitting back and enjoying all this white rage. Where was this rage for when black men and women were being killed by white Christian cops? Those liberals you speak so ill about have been saying police departments need reforms and better training for officers.

But you continued to show support for those reckless cops and set up go fund me pages for them. You were complicit as long as they were killing minority men and women.

What this officer did was no doubt reckless and he should have some charges against him or at the very least fired.

But you blue lives matter folks aren't fooling anyone. Its no mystery why you are outraged by this woman being killed and not about the hundreds of black men and women killed by cops.
Ths woman was not resisting like the 99 percent of the black thugs do, on video.

Philando Castile wasn't resisting.
Perhaps you cannot comprehend the concept of 99 percent.....add to that, you were not there and are simply another media fed tool.
I fully comprehend 99 percent. You do not.
Right. Of course you do, You libs are not capable of seeing anything but race. It's been proven a 1000 times and yet here we are, listening to more half truths and deflections.
The chief of police in Minneapolis--some dame--has come out firmly on the question of whether the unarmed woman who had called police to report what sounded like a sexual assault occurring nearby and then was shot by the cop in the passenger seat of the cruiser that responded as she leaned through the window talking to the police officer in the driver's seat should have been shot. She answered "no", which is, in fact, the right answer.

Not only that, but she correctly stated that the actions of the black cop who shot the unarmed white woman in her bathrobe went "against who (they) are as a department". Her answer gets a triple word score because not only was it correct, she correctly answered the fundamental question at the core of all our matriarchy's most vexatious issues: Who are we not? In Minneapolis, the black cops action's are not who they are as a police department. Her ability to marry the gritty realities of policing with the philosophical underpinnings of our civilization is being credited tonight with being the reason enraged local youths aren't at the mall right now looting Target, breaking windows, and chanting no justice, no peace.

State investigators continue to probe Ms. Damond’s death. Both Ms. (Mayor) Hodges and (Police) Chief Harteau have said (that woman from Australia) should not have been shot. “Justine didn’t have to die,” Chief Harteau said on Thursday, citing information released by state officials investigating the case. “I believe the actions in question go against who we are as a department, how we train and the expectations we have for our officers.”
Despite demonstrating her mastery of police science, the mayor of once-beautiful Minneapolis--another dame--canned her.

What I'm curious about is what race the policeman was who was in the driver's seat.
It's a slang term for women from old movies.
There is nothing like a dame, nothing in the world. There is nothing you can name that is anything like a dame.
I'm just sitting back and enjoying all this white rage. Where was this rage for when black men and women were being killed by white Christian cops? Those liberals you speak so ill about have been saying police departments need reforms and better training for officers.

But you continued to show support for those reckless cops and set up go fund me pages for them. You were complicit as long as they were killing minority men and women.

What this officer did was no doubt reckless and he should have some charges against him or at the very least fired.

But you blue lives matter folks aren't fooling anyone. Its no mystery why you are outraged by this woman being killed and not about the hundreds of black men and women killed by cops.
Ths woman was not resisting like the 99 percent of the black thugs do, on video.

Philando Castile wasn't resisting.
Perhaps you cannot comprehend the concept of 99 percent.....add to that, you were not there and are simply another media fed tool.
I fully comprehend 99 percent. You do not.
Right. Of course you do, You libs are not capable of seeing anything but race. It's been proven a 1000 times and yet here we are, listening to more half truths and deflections.

They see it. What liberals are trying to tell you is that this white woman had it coming because she's white and therefore a little payback for the killings of outright thugs like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin, who are both innocent by virtue of being black.
I'm just sitting back and enjoying all this white rage. Where was this rage for when black men and women were being killed by white Christian cops? Those liberals you speak so ill about have been saying police departments need reforms and better training for officers.

But you continued to show support for those reckless cops and set up go fund me pages for them. You were complicit as long as they were killing minority men and women.

What this officer did was no doubt reckless and he should have some charges against him or at the very least fired.

But you blue lives matter folks aren't fooling anyone. Its no mystery why you are outraged by this woman being killed and not about the hundreds of black men and women killed by cops.
Ths woman was not resisting like the 99 percent of the black thugs do, on video.

Philando Castile wasn't resisting.
Perhaps you cannot comprehend the concept of 99 percent.....add to that, you were not there and are simply another media fed tool.
I fully comprehend 99 percent. You do not.
Right. Of course you do, You libs are not capable of seeing anything but race. It's been proven a 1000 times and yet here we are, listening to more half truths and deflections.
Actually, I think that claim can apply to you cons as well. I don't see this as a racial issue but one of bad policing and to quick a readiness to use lethal force. It reflects on their training and recruiting since by many indications this individual was not fit for the job.

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