Mr. 57 States does it again... calls Hawaii 'Asia'

Why is it so difficult for some people to admit that Obama said something stupid here? Instead we get nonsensical "He can't say stupid things; Everything He says is brilliant because he went to Harvard" arguments.

I honestly don't know why a thread like this is even allowed to be posted in politics... It's a Trolling thread IMO.
What did Obama do? He was the president of the Harvard Law Review.

He also saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 19 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

wow... delusional...

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Ask yourself, "why shouldn't I?" At least TM is fun to make an ass out of.

Pretty pathetic.
Let's hear it for this Bozo President who doesn't know jack shit about world geography. LOL
Obama Mistakenly Refers To Hawaii As 'Asia' During Summit | Fox News
It's hard to mistake that Hawaiian scenery.

But President Obama apparently forgot where he was during his press conference Sunday on the outskirts of Honolulu -- despite being born there.

The president mistakenly described his location as "Asia" while answering a question about budget cuts.

"When I meet with world leaders, what's striking -- whether it's in Europe or here in Asia -- the kinds of fundamental reforms and changes, both on the revenue side and the public pension side, that other countries are having to make are so much more significant than what we need to do in order to get our books in order," Obama said.

The president appears to have forgotten where he was born.

So what? What Cain and Perry say on a daily basis is positively stupid. The president is so much smarter than any of your candidates or recent presidents, you must know this.

There you fascist fucks go again defending Obama...

I support neither one over Paul, but using them as examples would be wrong..
[ame=]Andrew Wilkow - Individual Rights vs. Collective Responsibility - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Andrew Wilkow tells 47 million uninsured to drop dead - YouTube[/ame]
Flashback: Obama lies about his uncle liberating Auschwitz
"I had an uncle who was one of the, part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps," Obama said in speech in New Mexico. "And the story in our family was, is that when he came home, he just went up into the attic, and he didn't leave the house for six months."

Read more: Obama commits Holocaust gaffe Obama commits Holocaust gaffe
The President made a mistake.

The President knows where Hawaii is and he knows where Asia is. He knows that Hawaii is not in Asia.

The attempt to brand this man as anything but highly intelligent will fall flat. The truth has a way of prevailing.
The Media turned Cain and Perry into caricatures, but the truth is, their gaffes are mild compared to Obama, and that was the same with Palin too.
The Media turned Cain and Perry into caricatures, but the truth is, their gaffes are mild compared to Obama, and that was the same with Palin too.

This is rather mild. Hawaii is Polynesian and has a population that is mainly Asian. But as an American state it should have been identified as such.
The Media turned Cain and Perry into caricatures, but the truth is, their gaffes are mild compared to Obama, and that was the same with Palin too.

This is rather mild. Hawaii is Polynesian and has a population that is mainly Asian. But as an American state it should have been identified as such.

Has Cain said it, the press would've had a field-day.

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