Mr. Bergdahl Is Neither A Criminal or A Hero!

I love how when a left winger thinks someone should be left LONE IT IS "INNOCENT TILL PROVEN GUILTY" NO MATTER THE EVIDENCE OR FACTS, But let a target of their wrath be accused of something and not only are they guilty as sun but they should be strung up from the nearest tree.

As I recall Zimmerman comes to mind.

The man deserted and got others killed trying to find him. This is a fact as evidenced by the letter he left and his repeated announcements he was going to take off for India. And then we traded 5 known terrorists for his sorry ass.

Endangering EVERY single Military person and US civilian in Afghanistan and around the world. We just proved under this President we WILL in fact deal with terrorists all they need do is have a live American as a hostage and we will cave.

We don't know any facts yet.....

"Overall, Bergdahl's critics have attributed about eight fatalities to operations directly related to him but, the Times notes, "Pentagon officials say those charges are unsubstantiated and are not supported by a review of a database of casualties in the Afghan war." At the very least, the situation seems to have been more complicated than the troops' emotionally charged accounts suggest:"

What's the big hurry to hang this guy. Rightwingers get all weepy about the second amendment but when it comes to due process-fuck it. Hear say evidence in the court of public opinion is leading to a lynch mob mentality. Emotion is killing reason in the right wing ditto chorus.

Indeed, what is the big hurry? A full investigation needs to take place. It goes against the very standards of justice in America to definitively conclude this man is a traitor, a deserter, and is responsible for the deaths of other soldiers before there has been an investigation, which leads to a trial, and he is convicted.

None of those things have happened. It is interesting that those who are so steadfast in clinging to the flag and to intrinsic American values are the first to hang this guy without any investigation or trial. Lynch mob mentality.

Again, the big hurry is to get the conservative lie machine up and running in a timely manner to turn this into a ‘negative’ for Obama; the partisan right is determined to not let this become a foreign policy victory for the administration as was the case with OBL.
This was just released - Video of the transfer:

[ame=]Taliban releases video of US soldier Bergdahl prisoner exchange - YouTube[/ame]
The allegation is that soldiers were killed in the search for this deserter.

He has to answer for those deaths.

If a drunk driver loses a leg in an accident where someone else is killed, you wouldn't say "oh well...he's suffered enough for his poor need to investigate the criminality...would you?

add eight more dead to that list

plus 22 wounded

The Battle of Kamdesh, one of the most deadly military engagements during the U.S. war in Afghanistan, turned especially bloody – leaving eight Americans dead and 22 wounded – because troops and aircraft normally tasked to support U.S. fighting men and woman were diverted to search for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

Hunt for Bowe Bergdahl left 8 US troops dead and 22 wounded | Mail Online

Who the fuck cares? He didn't make them sign up for war. No. They did that shit willingly. Now their fucking dead. It ain't his fault.

Yep. Saw it a few minutes ago on another site. I'm at work and want to get home to see it on the TV screen and hear any new news, that'll be in about 3 hours. It's an interesting situation. In 2009 I was living in Austria and did not have any TV for 4 years, so this is actually the first time I've heard about this guy.

I do think it is odd that the right blames everything to do with Afghanistan on Obama. It was Bush who got us into this mess in Afghanistan. It is very difficult for a new administration to then get us out of the mess a previous administration got us into; mess = a war/military action we cannot win. Obama got us out of Iran and in a year we'll be out of Afghanistan. It isn't any less than any other administration has ever done.

And this kid, Bergdahl, who knows what happened? No one, and that is the problem with trying and convicting someone via media: it is not justice, and certainly not what we expect of and value in American justice.
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I have not followed this closely. I do remember 5 years ago when it happened and it was reported he walked away of his own volition. Other than that I read an AP articled that said a Pentagon report in 2011 determined he walked away on his own and his platoon leader said he had deserted. I did see an interview with 2 of his platoon mates who said he deserted. I'm just going to wait and let the UCMJ run it's course.
About the only thing I agree with the OP on, is that Bergdahl is NOT a hero.

And I will as a matter of fact, condemn Obama for this out of balance swap, and Obama deserves to be condemned.
I have not followed this closely. I do remember 5 years ago when it happened and it was reported he walked away of his own volition. Other than that I read an AP articled that said a Pentagon report in 2011 determined he walked away on his own and his platoon leader said he had deserted. I did see an interview with 2 of his platoon mates who said he deserted. I'm just going to wait and let the UCMJ run it's course.

You're a better man than me, and you are going about this in the right way.

I just cannot get past the almost certain fact that he deserted his post and fellow soldiers. Just angers me too much not to speak out now.
We don't know any facts yet.....

"Overall, Bergdahl's critics have attributed about eight fatalities to operations directly related to him but, the Times notes, "Pentagon officials say those charges are unsubstantiated and are not supported by a review of a database of casualties in the Afghan war." At the very least, the situation seems to have been more complicated than the troops' emotionally charged accounts suggest:"

What's the big hurry to hang this guy. Rightwingers get all weepy about the second amendment but when it comes to due process-fuck it. Hear say evidence in the court of public opinion is leading to a lynch mob mentality. Emotion is killing reason in the right wing ditto chorus.

Indeed, what is the big hurry? A full investigation needs to take place. It goes against the very standards of justice in America to definitively conclude this man is a traitor, a deserter, and is responsible for the deaths of other soldiers before there has been an investigation, which leads to a trial, and he is convicted.

None of those things have happened. It is interesting that those who are so steadfast in clinging to the flag and to intrinsic American values are the first to hang this guy without any investigation or trial. Lynch mob mentality.

Again, the big hurry is to get the conservative lie machine up and running in a timely manner to turn this into a ‘negative’ for Obama; the partisan right is determined to not let this become a foreign policy victory for the administration as was the case with OBL.

Oh I love it, it's always the fault of the right. I guess the right was able to fabricate all those reports years ago when this guy first disappeared. They fabricated his letter saying he was against the war. They got soldiers to lie about what he said before he disappeared. All so later on it could be used against Obama, because the right can see into the future and knew he would be returned alive and not end up beheaded.

Seriously, you lefties need to pull your heads out of your asses and come up for some air once in a while. Your brains sure could use the oxygen.
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the compassion and humanity of these far right Americans are appalling

we can wait for the military investigation to conclude and move on to the next step

That is the normal course of action, butthe mere mention of "Obama" incites a fury from certain Americans. Oliver North sold arms to a radical Islamic nation for hostages, he is revered by some. Strange priorities.
I have not followed this closely. I do remember 5 years ago when it happened and it was reported he walked away of his own volition. Other than that I read an AP articled that said a Pentagon report in 2011 determined he walked away on his own and his platoon leader said he had deserted. I did see an interview with 2 of his platoon mates who said he deserted. I'm just going to wait and let the UCMJ run it's course.

This is the right way to handle it. Wait for the facts to come out before deciding if someone is guilty of a crime.

You're watching Russia Today ? Is that lunatic Abby Martin still on there ? :cuckoo:

Anyway, seen the video several times. The thing that jumps out to me, is the rag tag Taliban soldiers and knowing they are soon going to be declaring victory when we completely pull out with our tails tucked in.
This is of course what happens when you fight a war with politically correct means.

And this is why outside of an attack on our homeland, I'll never support a war we get involved with ever again.
I think some of you are missing an important aspect to what happened to the 'never to be be seen in public for the rest of his life' deserter who KNOWINGLY, yes KNOWINGLY put his fellow soldiers in harms way because he KNEW and had been TRAINED to know that if he or any other soldier goes missing he would never be left behind. And that his fellow soldiers would risk their lives trying to find him And they did and six were killed and many more were injured.
But that isn't the most important point and I'm sure all the LIB men here who pee sitting down will understand and feel deeply moved by: HE MISSED OUT ON FIVE FUCKING YEARS OF BALLET LESSONS!!!
Yes our deserter took ballet lessons.
Just when you think it's impossible to find a more sickening waste of a human being along comes good old faggot 'Birdshit'.
I hear the LIBs are asking him to run for office in SF.
It is pretty shameful the behavior of a lot of the public on the matter of the release of the American POW Bowe Bergdahl. Where is the compassion and humanity of these Americans it is really missing in their calls for an investigation on whether Mr. Bergdahl was a deserter in Afghanistan and their calls for criminal prosecution of him. Even if he did desert in Afghanistan in what he went through as a POW he paid for this wrongdoing multiple times over. He was held by an as bad as they come Islamist extremist group, the taliban haqqani network he was a sole POW for five years with no other American soldier to help provide spiritual support for him to get through the ordeal and the guy probably had a nervous breakdown because apparently he forgot how to speak english; Mr. Bergdahl will certainly carry significant mental if not psychological damage for the balance of his life because of his POW experience. It is sickening to talk about prosecuting this guy for desertion.

I don't doubt that at least six U.S. soldiers died trying to rescue Mr. Bergdahl because Taliban militants were able to prepare deadly traps for U.S troops and U.S. troops had to forego caution to try to find Mr. Bergdahl in a timely manner and this was all because of Mr. Bergdahly own wrongdoing of at minimum deliberately and of his own free will leaving his base camp in violation of orders. But how many U.S. soldiers have died because of the wrongdoing of other U.S. soldiers often U.S. officers through America's history. The great General Patton sent a group of U.S troops to rescue his son-in-law who was held as a POW in World War II and they never succeeded incurring a great many causalities and it is commonly believed that was a a completely wrong thing to do it was not justified militarily. During the Korean War when the Chinese troops suddenly came into the War US commanders in that theater new this was a threat and wrongfully did not prepare even in some cases when the chinese troops were advancing on U.S. positions U.S. officers did not react resulting in the death and capture of many U.S. soldiers.

It is also out of line to condemn the White House for a prisoner swap to bring about the release of Mr. Bergdahl. President Obama is right on this issue prisoner swaps are commonly done at the end of wars, pursuant to our agreements with the Afghanistan government this year is Americans last year as a party in the Afghanistan war. Although the official record might not state this but back in the 1990's when the U.S. pilot Michael Durant was taken as a POW in Somalia around the time of his release many of the Warlord Aidid's allies taken prisoners by U.S. troops were release which in all fairness was a prisoner swap. The critics here have raised an important tangential issue which the country should address and make official policy stances on for future U.S. military engagements. The U.S. policy should be that when U.S. soldiers are deployed in a combat zone if a soldier or soldiers disobey orders and as a result is taken prisoner or is lost or unaccounted for such soldiers will receive less of a standard of care for search and rescue missions for such a soldier normal and standard military precautions will not be set aside fairness to the other soldiers necessitates this policy.

Bowe Bergdahl is neither a criminal or a hero. America should move on and take the spot light off this young man let Mr. Bergdahl try to put his life back together. The Philadelphia Inquirer recently had a quote which sums up how all good Americans should think on this issue. it was quote by Ralph Kramer, the director of the Boise Valley POW MIA support organization and it was said in response to a question about what he thought about all the controversy swirling about in regards to Mr. Bergdahl. Mr. Kramer said "We're happy he's home" and I think a fully complete response would add: We wish Bowe Bergdahl all the best with the rest of your life, end of story!

I see fat red splats in your reputation future.
Let the court figure this mess out. I understand the anger. However, he deserves a fair trial.
the compassion and humanity of these far right Americans are appalling

we can wait for the military investigation to conclude and move on to the next step

Not mention how some already know all the facts before am investigation.

Oh yeah, it's Obama so they don't need facts.

Once this has been investigated 10 or 12 times, the facts won't matter. Millions will be spent to blame the president for every aspect of the case.

Sent from my iPhone using

You're watching Russia Today ? Is that lunatic Abby Martin still on there ? :cuckoo:

Anyway, seen the video several times. The thing that jumps out to me, is the rag tag Taliban soldiers and knowing they are soon going to be declaring victory when we completely pull out with our tails tucked in.
This is of course what happens when you fight a war with politically correct means.

And this is why outside of an attack on our homeland, I'll never support a war we get involved with ever again.

And you completely miss the boat on this one because it is Bush who started this mess and left it behind for someone else to try to clean up. Blaming Afghanistan on Obama is essentially all wrong. He didn't start it. It isn't his mess. It's completely down to Bush dragging us into this horrific situation.
I have not followed this closely. I do remember 5 years ago when it happened and it was reported he walked away of his own volition. Other than that I read an AP articled that said a Pentagon report in 2011 determined he walked away on his own and his platoon leader said he had deserted. I did see an interview with 2 of his platoon mates who said he deserted. I'm just going to wait and let the UCMJ run it's course.

This is the right way to handle it. Wait for the facts to come out before deciding if someone is guilty of a crime.

That's what I said in the post just above the one you quote.
the compassion and humanity of these far right Americans are appalling

we can wait for the military investigation to conclude and move on to the next step

We've learned that there are "conditions" to the "bring all Americans back home" meme...for RWrs.

I joined the Militia
The allegation is that soldiers were killed in the search for this deserter.

He has to answer for those deaths.

If a drunk driver loses a leg in an accident where someone else is killed, you wouldn't say "oh well...he's suffered enough for his poor need to investigate the criminality...would you?

add eight more dead to that list

plus 22 wounded

The Battle of Kamdesh, one of the most deadly military engagements during the U.S. war in Afghanistan, turned especially bloody – leaving eight Americans dead and 22 wounded – because troops and aircraft normally tasked to support U.S. fighting men and woman were diverted to search for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

Hunt for Bowe Bergdahl left 8 US troops dead and 22 wounded | Mail Online

Who the fuck cares? He didn't make them sign up for war. No. They did that shit willingly. Now their fucking dead. It ain't his fault.

Hillary, is that you?

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