Mr. "I'm self funding" is now bragging about the campaign donations he's raised...Really?

Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Trump has to brag.

That's his thing.
Hitlery has to lie.

That's her thing.
Trump did claim to be "self funding."

For the Primary. Not the General. And he did that. Stop ignoring the facts, please.

Show me where before the primaries concluded he clearly qualified his "self funding" assertion as pertaining only to the primaries. Frankly, I wouldn't lambaste him over not being self funding had he just been clear about what his thoughts were, but that's not what he was. Trump's lack of clarity and precision in pretty much everything that matters is the real problem. That lack of clarity and precision is what makes him just like every other politician, and that he is just like every other one of them is supposedly what he's most supposed to be not.

All I know is what I SAW (and heard) him say. And he was clear he was going to finance the Primary himself. Did not say that for the General.
I am not going to go look for something I saw him say on TV......many times. Sorry.
You can believe what you want, but you would be wrong.
And what difference would it make anyhow. You are making something out of nothing. Mountain out of molehill.
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Trump's funding all comes from small donations collected on the internet. I've donated to his campaign myself.

You didn't really expect him to spend $2 billion of his own money, did you?

No but I did expect him to spend $1 Billion of his own. After all..that IS what he said. Your messiah isn't a he?

Des Moines, Iowa (CNN)Donald Trump said Saturday that he's prepared to spend $1 billion on his campaign if necessary.

"It's irrelevant," he said when asked by CNN's Jeremy Diamond outside the Iowa State Fair on how much he has spent so far on his campaign. "I make $400 million a year, so what difference does it make? What I want to do is make the country great."

Pressed again later in the afternoon if he would spend up to $1 billion, Trump was more definitive: "If necessary, I will spend it, yes."

Down in the polls, electoral vote disadvantage, and a disastrous first's obviously necessary. Is he going to spend it? Of course not.
Like commercials have been helping the Hill-Beast soooo much this election.............:boobies:.........

RWNJ traitors always rush to change the subject and really, who can blame them?


Thank you. I was just about to, of Kidd's post, write, "You win the 'First Post That Has Nothing to Do With the Topic' award." But you effectively beat me to it. TY.
Who appointed you the topic police?

It's my thread, so I am self appointed.
In other words, we're free to ignore your idiotic demands.
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Trump's funding all comes from small donations collected on the internet. I've donated to his campaign myself.

You didn't really expect him to spend $2 billion of his own money, did you?

No but I did expect him to spend $1 Billion of his own. After all..that IS what he said. Your messiah isn't a he?

Des Moines, Iowa (CNN)Donald Trump said Saturday that he's prepared to spend $1 billion on his campaign if necessary.

"It's irrelevant," he said when asked by CNN's Jeremy Diamond outside the Iowa State Fair on how much he has spent so far on his campaign. "I make $400 million a year, so what difference does it make? What I want to do is make the country great."

Pressed again later in the afternoon if he would spend up to $1 billion, Trump was more definitive: "If necessary, I will spend it, yes."

Down in the polls, electoral vote disadvantage, and a disastrous first's obviously necessary. Is he going to spend it? Of course not.

What part of "if necessary" didn't you understand?
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!

it doesn't matter to trumpsters. as long as he's classless, bigoted, misogynist and vile they'll vote for him.

smart offends them
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!

Of course people donate to him like they do everyone who runs for office.

If he didn't use those donations he'd be one dumb fuck which is exactly what you are.

Catch a clue dumbass. LMAO at an idiot like you.
While they all ignore the fact that Trump has spent his donations more wisely and effencetly than Hillary or any other politician has in the past.
Oh how the butt hurt is mighty. :biggrin:
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Trump's funding all comes from small donations collected on the internet. I've donated to his campaign myself.

You didn't really expect him to spend $2 billion of his own money, did you?

No but I did expect him to spend $1 Billion of his own. After all..that IS what he said. Your messiah isn't a he?

Des Moines, Iowa (CNN)Donald Trump said Saturday that he's prepared to spend $1 billion on his campaign if necessary.

"It's irrelevant," he said when asked by CNN's Jeremy Diamond outside the Iowa State Fair on how much he has spent so far on his campaign. "I make $400 million a year, so what difference does it make? What I want to do is make the country great."

Pressed again later in the afternoon if he would spend up to $1 billion, Trump was more definitive: "If necessary, I will spend it, yes."

Down in the polls, electoral vote disadvantage, and a disastrous first's obviously necessary. Is he going to spend it? Of course not.

What part of "if necessary" didn't you understand?

What part of "if necessary" don't you understand. He's behind in every poll, has a massive EV disadvantage, and a disastrous first debate. Face it, he doesn't have a billion to spend.
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Trump's funding all comes from small donations collected on the internet. I've donated to his campaign myself.

You didn't really expect him to spend $2 billion of his own money, did you?

No but I did expect him to spend $1 Billion of his own. After all..that IS what he said. Your messiah isn't a he?

Des Moines, Iowa (CNN)Donald Trump said Saturday that he's prepared to spend $1 billion on his campaign if necessary.

"It's irrelevant," he said when asked by CNN's Jeremy Diamond outside the Iowa State Fair on how much he has spent so far on his campaign. "I make $400 million a year, so what difference does it make? What I want to do is make the country great."

Pressed again later in the afternoon if he would spend up to $1 billion, Trump was more definitive: "If necessary, I will spend it, yes."

Down in the polls, electoral vote disadvantage, and a disastrous first's obviously necessary. Is he going to spend it? Of course not.

What part of "if necessary" didn't you understand?

What part of "if necessary" don't you understand. He's behind in every poll, has a massive EV disadvantage, and a disastrous first debate. Face it, he doesn't have a billion to spend.
He's not behind in every poll. What's the point of discussing anyone who has zero grasp of the actual facts?
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Trump's funding all comes from small donations collected on the internet. I've donated to his campaign myself.

You didn't really expect him to spend $2 billion of his own money, did you?

No but I did expect him to spend $1 Billion of his own. After all..that IS what he said. Your messiah isn't a he?

Des Moines, Iowa (CNN)Donald Trump said Saturday that he's prepared to spend $1 billion on his campaign if necessary.

"It's irrelevant," he said when asked by CNN's Jeremy Diamond outside the Iowa State Fair on how much he has spent so far on his campaign. "I make $400 million a year, so what difference does it make? What I want to do is make the country great."

Pressed again later in the afternoon if he would spend up to $1 billion, Trump was more definitive: "If necessary, I will spend it, yes."

Down in the polls, electoral vote disadvantage, and a disastrous first's obviously necessary. Is he going to spend it? Of course not.

What part of "if necessary" didn't you understand?

What part of "if necessary" don't you understand. He's behind in every poll, has a massive EV disadvantage, and a disastrous first debate. Face it, he doesn't have a billion to spend.
He's not behind in every poll. What's the point of discussing anyone who has zero grasp of the actual facts?

Okay, the overwhelming majority of the polls has him behind and those that have him ahead are either dubious online polls, from slanted source material or are inside the margin of error. You're the one kidding yourself. But hell, if not a billion...spend 500M of your own money. Its pretty obvious he doesn't have anywhere near the amount of cash on hand he brags about.

Hence the hiding of the tax returns.

Read it and weep. About a month to election day. If you're not going to spend it now...when?
Oh, that's right, he likely doesn't have it.


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You're the one kidding yourself. But hell, if not a billion...spend 500M of your own money. Its pretty obvious he doesn't have anywhere near the amount of cash on hand he brags about.

Hence the hiding of the tax returns.

He is probably buried under an incredible amount of debt.

I have full confidence that this election is being used as a desperate payday to save his ass.
Trump did claim to be "self funding."

For the Primary. Not the General. And he did that. Stop ignoring the facts, please.

Show me where before the primaries concluded he clearly qualified his "self funding" assertion as pertaining only to the primaries. Frankly, I wouldn't lambaste him over not being self funding had he just been clear about what his thoughts were, but that's not what he was. Trump's lack of clarity and precision in pretty much everything that matters is the real problem. That lack of clarity and precision is what makes him just like every other politician, and that he is just like every other one of them is supposedly what he's most supposed to be not.

All I know is what I SAW (and heard) him say. And he was clear he was going to finance the Primary himself. Did not say that for the General.
I am not going to go look for something I saw him say on TV......many times. Sorry.
You can believe what you want, but you would be wrong.
And what difference would it make anyhow. You are making something out of nothing. Mountain out of molehill.

The difference it makes is that of the clarity, accuracy and precision, or lack thereof, thus the extent to which listeners can rely upon the word of Donald J. Trump.

"Clear" and "reliable" are the things Donald J. Trump has least been throughout his campaign. "Ephemeral" is far better description of what Trump's word is. Clarity is not a trait for which politicians in general are known, and Trump is no different, yet he's supposed to be the "un-candidate," that is, the candidate who is different. He is no different.

(Each bullet point below is a separate link.)
The May 2016 remark is the earliest instance I can find of Trump saying anything about not being 100% self funding. Almost a whole year after he first said, "I'm using my own money....I'm not using donors." This even as he attended fundraising events and accepted money and claims to have turned down a $5M donation.

I bet he has beachfront property in Arizona he'd like to sell too. <sighs>
No sooner did I finish writing this...
There is plenty of substantive stuff, far more substantive, over which to take issue with regarding Donald Trump and his candidacy. I don't have any need or desire to "trade" in dubious and unsubstantiated conjecture about Trump or Mrs. Clinton. I'm going to stick with the hard-hitting stuff that requires dissenters to invoke immense sums of "willing suspension of disbelief," that requires one to invoke absurd and wildly dubious conjecture in order to have any ground to stand upon in refutation/denial of the verity or likelihood of my allegations, thereby letting them look like loons and buffoons grasping for straws.

Did I happen upon this...

What part of "if necessary" didn't you understand?

Which, may be the most inane remark of the thread thus far, and that.was offered in response to this....

Des Moines, Iowa (CNN)Donald Trump said Saturday that he's prepared to spend $1 billion on his campaign if necessary.

"It's irrelevant," he said when asked by CNN's Jeremy Diamond outside the Iowa State Fair on how much he has spent so far on his campaign. "I make $400 million a year, so what difference does it make? What I want to do is make the country great."

Pressed again later in the afternoon if he would spend up to $1 billion, Trump was more definitive: "If necessary, I will spend it, yes."
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Hillary takes money from Wall Street, but she owes Wall Street NOTHING.

Trump takes money from Wall Street and OWES Wall Street hundreds of millions of dollars.

But he's "self financed".

In my day, debt meant you were "Owned".

If she owes them nothing, why is she guarding her speeches to them better than if they were State secrets?
What freaks out people in the Clinton camp is that Trump hasn't started spending his money yet. He's saving it for the stretch run. Hillary has been bombarding the battleground States with non-stop anti Trump ads for months now and he's narrowed the gap between then DESPITE that! That doesn't bode well for Clinton.
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Hillary takes money from Wall Street, but she owes Wall Street NOTHING.

Trump takes money from Wall Street and OWES Wall Street hundreds of millions of dollars.

But he's "self financed".

In my day, debt meant you were "Owned".

If she owes them nothing, why is she guarding her speeches to them better than if they were State secrets?

Most likely because she signed an NDA with the organizations to whom she delivered the speechs. NDAs are incredibly typical conditions of employment/engagement with all kinds of organizations, but the financial services industry uses them pretty universally with all persons and entities they hire/engage for anything. It would not surprise me that even the cleaning company (and its employees) working at Goldman, for example, do so under an NDA.
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Trump has to brag.

That's his thing.
Hitlery has to lie.

That's her thing.
Right...because Trump always tells the truth.

It's kind of sad really.

Trump tells the truth when he should lie.

He lies when he should just shut up.

He never shuts up.

What a childish mess

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